Spoiler (BL) Half of Sect Master 二分之一教主

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by gnessa14, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. alexfilia

    alexfilia Bromance & Fluff <3

    Jan 8, 2016
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    Ohhh i saw that one on winter's list!! <3

    Thaaank you!
  2. Pachia

    Pachia Go At My Own Pace~

    Sep 9, 2016
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    Finish MTLing this story :blobparty::blobparty:
    Feel a bit sad to end with this story, but now I can go MTL other novels.
    1. The MC university friend who asked out the MC on their last day of college but MC rejected him and ran away. Met again ten years later. Ending: Could not get the MC so invited the MC for a drink. :blobunamused:Obviously the drink was the type of drink that made people want to have sex. As he was about to go on undressing the MC, ML and the MC friend from the internet intrude into the room. ML beat up the uni friend and took the MC away. With this, the uni friend knew that it was over.
      • ML thought about getting revenge (meaning kill him) afterward, but the MC prevented him by taking him back to where the MC live which is in another city
      • I kinda feel bad for this uni friend/bastard, reasons:
        • After getting rejected in college, he thought that he would no longer feel anything for the MC but after seeing the MC again, after ten years, he still liked the MC
        • In the class reunion he was the only one that stood up for the MC when the MC was being mock for being poor (nobody knew that then MC is super wealthy)
        • Yeah, this was bad timing for both of them. After meeting again after ten years, the uni friend waited for the MC to call him, checking his phone everyday. When the MC did call, it was during the middle of the uni friend having sex with another guy :facepalm:. Because the uni friend got arose after talking with the MC while his penis is still inside the other guy and the other guy seducing him, he made it so that the other guy could not get up the next day. (I feel that the uni friend was unfaithful but guys are guys, they have to vent their sexual desire somewhere. Also, I think that he has no reason to remain faithful to the MC when it is unknown wether the MC will return his feelings or not. Especially after ten years. But the uni friend compare to the ML, obviously the ML better though another reason can also be because the ML is still too young to feel lust until lately)
        • He thought that the MC remained unmarried much less have a girlfriend for him (egotistical :blobunamused:), but the truth was because the MC was afraid that the ML would go after the girls (once again meaning kill them) that why he promptly refused all the blind dates that his mother set for him. When he asked why the MC refused all the females, he was anticipating the MC to confess to him. But instead the MC told him that he would try to be with him but his parents are old now and they want a grandchild, so he asked the uni friend to find happiness with someone else. Pretty much after he said this, in the elavator the ML forced a kiss on the MC and the uni friend saw this because he went after the MC not wanting to give up. He was probably confuse, angered, and felt betrayed because the MC just said that he had no intention of being with a male who can not give birth to grandchild, then he saw this.... (Once again bad timing!) The next day he asked why did the MC lie to reject him? And asked how is the ML better than him? MC thought to go through with the lie that he is currently dating the ML :facepalm: MC thought that the uni friend was better than the ML in personality, and other things (just not looks :blobamused:). So he said that because the ML is younger :facepalm: (just know that then MC at this time is still not going out with the ML but instead on guard with the ML because he found out about his yandere tendencies of killing all those that get close to the MC), then this is how we come to the end of the uni friend giving the MC a spring drink, then getting beat up by the ML, and ending their relationship. Now they are just strangers.
    2. MC ten year internet friend once asked the MC if he wanted them to see each other face to face once but the MC rejected and they never talk about this topic again. Ending: He got married to another woman. (Not going to go into detail that much, feel tired)
    3. MC internet friend younger brother, who was once the MC bodyguard after what happened with the theft hurting the MC, forcing him to wake up while he was still in the middle of pretending to be the ML. Ending: He also got married, but the day before that he stay outside the MC villa the whole night hoping to see the MC once or for the MC to invite him in. But yeah.. the ML prevented that (at this time the MC and ML having been together for many years now)
    4. MC/ML shadow guard that got threw off the cliff and still alive after that. Ending: Became the ML dad shadow guard. The dad kept him alive probably because he was loyal (to the MC) and he knew that the MC and ML is concern/care about him.
      • After finding out that the dangerous threat was him that the ML was referring to was, he asked him what he wanted after being captured again, after being blinded. The shadow guard honesty told him that he just wanted to serve the MC for life (this is what he sincerely wanted), but obviously the MC would not believe it. But the MC end up seeing how the shadow guard protected the ML (because they share the same body, the shadow guard only for care for the MC) even after being beat up by the ML dad, he dragged his broken body to protect the ML. So now he believes that the shadow guard words at that time was the truth.
      • Even after being locked up by the ML dad (no, he did not get torture, thankfully) he only repeated the MC name again and again that he got from the ML. Reason was because they were blind, to converse, the MC told the shadow guard a lie there where two of them, when the shadow thought he knew the truth after reading exchange letter between the MC and ML. The ML relented because he wanted to communicate with the MC even after going blind.
  3. Kailyria20

    Kailyria20 Perpetually distracted

    Nov 8, 2015
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    AH, this plot is very uh...unique i guess? It's borderline self-cest only for a while it seems, since spoiler mentions MC pulls ML to his time line which is nice....feel sorry for the people that ML goes yandere mode on tho x.x.
  4. Rinblackcat

    Rinblackcat Member

    Oct 27, 2021
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    Can anyone show me a wed site to read this I don’t really know Chinese but the 6 English translation is really good
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