Recommendations BL recommendations (most sweet)MTL

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by adrynivivi, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. adrynivivi

    adrynivivi Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2019
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    I'm looking for recommendations for cute and sweet BLs, I have some weird preferences like possessive ML, getting into a book, among others, but it's rare for me to get real abuse because I don't really like it (And all MTL)

    Those are what I've read so far. in MTL
    1:跟大人物結婚後我成了星際第一網紅. After marrying a big shot, I became the number one Internet celebrity in StarCraft)
    2:嫁给前男友他爸[穿书].Marry the ex-boyfriend's father [穿书]
    3:穿成炮灰后我掰弯了反派总裁. After transmigrating into cannon fodder, I bent the villain president
    4:反派是个绒毛控[穿书].The villain is a fluff control [穿书]
    5:抱错粗腿肿么办. What should I do if my thick legs are swollen?
    6:朕怀了摄政王的崽. I am pregnant with the Prince Regent's cub
    7:我穿成了反派的哈士奇. I dressed as a villain's husky
    8:当老攻从书里穿过来后. When Lao Gong walked through the book
    9:穿成一隻小萌獸. dress up as a little cute animal
    10:反派ooc后我被表白了. I was confessed after the villain ooc
    11:嫁给豪门残疾老攻后[穿书].After Marrying a Handicapped Old Man from a Rich Family [Cross Book]
    12:攻略男神翻车日常. Raiders of male gods rollover daily
    13:抢不到男主,我决定咸鱼. I can't get the male lead, I decided to salt the fish
    14:豪门暴君的白月光. White Moonlight of the Tyrant
    15:在点家文里女装. Women's clothing in Dianjiawen
    16:金手指老攻已签收[末世重生]. Goldfinger Old Gong has signed [Rebirth]
    17:当血族穿成炮灰反派. When the blood race becomes a cannon fodder villain
    18:用爱投喂反派[穿书]. Feed the villains with love [Crossing Books]
    19:破产后我和大佬网恋了. I had an online relationship with a big guy after bankruptcy
    20:熊猫男友很难养. Panda boyfriends are hard to keep
    21:我和渣攻他叔好了. Uncle Zha Gong and I are on good terms
    22:救赎那个美强惨. Redeem that beauty
    23:穿成反派的娇气小哭包. Dressed as a villain's squeamish little crying bag
    24:我当大佬的那些年. The years when I was a boss(This one has no romance in my opinion, but I liked it)
    25:豪门逃喵. rich family escape meow
    26:他在偷偷学习啦[穿书].He is secretly studying [穿书]
    27:后来,他成了魔王大人. Later, he became the Lord Demon King
    28:穿成二哈后误入狼窝了. After being dressed as Erha, I strayed into the wolf's lair
    29:穿书后,我和路人师兄HE了. After wearing the book, I had sex with the passer-by brother
    30:穿成炮灰攻他妈以后. Dressed as cannon fodder after attacking his mother
    31:穿成大反派的雪狼后. Queen Snow Wolf dressed as the villain
    32:不演渣受就会死. If you don't play scum, you will die
    33:禁止犯规. no foul
    34:反派天生嗜甜. The villain is naturally sweet

    (maybe it's a bit buggy hehe) my english is not good

    I'm looking for that kind of easy, sweet read, transmigrating into the book.
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