Spoiler emperors domination

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by jad14661, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. jad14661

    jad14661 Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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    Recently I've been bored and have been struggling to find any good new novels so I went back to reading the stuff I had on wuxia world and all I am now is frustrated, every page of emperor domination is just a copy of the previous page, basically goes like this "WOOOO FIERCIST GOOO FIERCEST NUMBER 1 WOO" and then him looking like he gonna lose but oh its just 10% of his power, still holding back always, and then to finish its him always repeating, I FIGHT FOR MYSELF TILL THE END WOO, I'm not LIKE U NORMIES WHO WANT IMMORTALITY, oh my god I'm so frustrated just typing this and I know the same kind of bullshit happens in Invincible, what the hell is this? Are there no more decent writers? has it come to just duplicating all the same old clichés over and over? No hate on the novel itself cuz I think I enjoyed it back when i started reading light novels in general but it just makes me want to cough out blood
  2. Raven Evernight

    Raven Evernight But they never just accepted me for the way I was…

    Aug 7, 2020
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    I only like bits of the story I never even finished it sometimes I like to read the part where he goes to the graveyard and finds his ex there and then she shows up telling his girls not to trust him cause he’s the biggest liar in the world I find it amusing but the rest is rather boring they should have made him a sad former immortal that is full of sorrow and made more emotional as a story instead of fighting like a kid saying he’s the best
    jad14661 likes this.
  3. Southmonk

    Southmonk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    hmn, honestly i kinda like ED because i like op mcs i guess. I keep reading because of the mystery, who OTH is. What the final expedition is etc etc. Im currently at 3200ish and well in amd around this arc, alot of things start to make sense and i heard from others that sokner or later he will start to wrap up more stuff becore he goes to the final expedition. Some of the philosophical thoughts are very interesting in my opinion. I didnt like how the cultivation system depics that there are no immortals since many of the chinese xuanhuan i read do have immortals, but i guess later on its explained why. Sure it gets extremely tedious and boring when the cycle repeatz where he gets underestimated and roflstomps everyone. But the unraveling of the mystery is what keeps me going. The dragonslayer philospohy is very interesting too lol.
    rialm and KieranIsMyIdol like this.
  4. goofy king

    goofy king New Member

    Mar 20, 2022
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    1) In emperor domination on the chapter after 3500+ is the people li qiye brought to the 10 world alive.
    2) will he meet his son?