Chinese Female Assassin of Song Dynasty 大宋女刺客 by Xiu Tang 袖唐

Discussion in 'Novel Pickup Request' started by Vico, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. Vico

    Vico Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2018
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    Name : Female Assassin of Song Dynasty 大宋女刺客
    Raw Link:
    Why It Should Get Picked Up:

    This is from the same author than The Tan/g Dynasty’s Female Forensic Doctor/Miss Truth)
    This is super well noted on Douban (about 8/10)
    Description :
    A modern elite killer An Jiu, returned to the Song Dynasty and became the tough female killer An Jiu. She was injured in a mission and met the kind and weak Mei Jiu. Mei Jiu was found by her long lost mother and brought An Jiu with her.

    After entering the Mei family' Academy, An Jiu realized there were suspicious things one ofter another, leaving her with no choice but to hide her real strength. Not long after, she discovered the Mei family's secret : they train secret bodyguards for the royal family (and is actually one of the most ancient families of secret killers of the Song Dynasty). During this time, she and Mei Jiu gradually went from being two people not understanding each other to becoming very good friends, and she and the master who taught her martial arts developed secret feelings for each other. Just when everything was at its most beautiful time, the Mei household was suddenly exterminated, Mei Jiu was killed, and her Master also became more and more strange.

    To avenge her friends, An Jiu minutiously peeled off this cocoon, vowing to find the murderer, but step by step, fell deep in this spiral of conspiracy, hatred and revenge...
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