Role Playing Founder of Cultivation

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by VannVann, Dec 25, 2017.


Time for Entering 2nd stage

Poll closed Dec 27, 2017.
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  1. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Alas the world is wast and unexplored. Countless races and biomes, caves and Realms. You are but one of the countless beings in this world. Magic, Cultivation and Science intertwine together. You have been raised listening to the stories of Founders and Gods, Mystical Realms and strange beasts. Life is yours to live however you wish to. To either explore the lands, remain at home or cultivate into an immortal creature. All is up to you. Only be careful of the might from above.
    This is a mythical land of Gaia. Welcome oh stray soul. There is no defined goal. You live your life however you wish, or not. You see, many other beings might effect your life. Either Players or NPC. Well, think of this as a slice of life fantasy adventure if you wish. Or adventure fantasy. It all depends on you. But first, pick a race.
    Humans are the most common of races but also the most adaptable and durable. Nicknamed as Rats by the other races for their fertilety, short life, adaptabilety, destructive capabilety, the fact that humans are easy to kill as well as the fact that for humans to go instinc first all other races will need to be killed off. Humans have plenty of weak members, but due to their numbers there are always exceptional induviduals. Humans can easily breed with other races and create hybrids. The mixed blood tends to be passed only through human families which resulted in changes to the whole Human race. For example, Humans who pesses thicker Spirit or Elf blood will be capable of becoming Mages but have waker bodies. It is so widespread that even the most unimpressive of families can produce a genius with unparaleled physical bodies or Magic capacity. It is widely accepted that humans are the most attuned to Fire as an Element. It is said that a Founder of Fire had bestowed them with these powers long ago. Humans are perhaps the most arrogant of beings. It is not strange for them to view other races with contempt, looking at mixed bloods as if they are dirty, despite the fact that all humans have a random concoction of different blood. Humans are strange creatures, they can be cruel but also kind, greedy yet generous. Many races abstain from interacting with them becouse of this.
    Elf's are considered noble creatures by many races, but they see themselves below High Elfs. They have low feritlety but long lives. They are the most suitable to be Mages but this makes the most of them weak physically. Some of them are born with stronger bodies which in turn lowers their Magic powers. They live in forests or plains and are wary of strangers. They won't chase the visitor away, but don't expect them to give a warm treatment. It is said that the Elf's which live in Gaia have been exiled from the Capital. All Elfs have two names, true name which they only tell to those whom they trust and second name which they use to introduce themselves.
    The superiors among the Elf race. High Elfs have a lower feritlety rate, longer lives and weaker physical bodies than regular Elfs. They view their regular race members with contompt, as if they are dirt. They pride themselves in their frail bodies and low fertilety, considering any other race with fast reproductory rate as dirty and savage. In the Elven language Evar is used to call High Elfes while Var is meant for normal Elfs. It is said that the High Elves which live in Gaia have been exiled from the Capital. All High elves have two names, a true name which they only tell to those whom they trust and a second name which they use to introduce themselves.
    Unlike their Gaia race members, Capital Elfs are warm and welcoming to any stranger. They consist of High Elfs and Elfs but there is no discord or wall between them. It is said that a long time ago a Founder of Eclipse brought them to the capital where they continued to live ever since. They too posses two names.
    Residents of the Grand Desert and skilled merchants, Dark Elfs have no bias against any race or religion. They have strong bodies and fertilety rivaling humans. Their way of life has always been with other races and thus they are openminded with any kind of culture and speak at minimum six languages. It is not strange to be wandering the Grand Desert only to come across their caravan. There are, however, permenant settlements in the desert which they share together with Sand Kin. Dark Elfs share close bonds with Demons and other desert races such as Water Spirits, Earth Spirits and Sand Kin. Their clothes are light, made out of material which keeps them cool during the day and warm at night. They are great guides and experts at surviving in the desert, capable of finding bouth food, water, shelter and paths. Thier aptitude in magic is not the strongest but with their close bonds with Spirits there have been many exceptional induviduals. Generally speaking, Dark Elfs are Humans but better and more trustworthy. Alas, just try not to get milked dry of your weath. It is not strange for them to pretend to be a fallower of a religion only to sell their items. They have created the city of Yahmen for the sole purpose of trade. Although they din't have a defined religion, they do have a holiday. Once a year Dark Elf's will clasp their hands together and thank the Goddess of Life who saved them long ago. This short prayer lasts at most five minutes before the induvidual continues doing their chores.
    Sand Kin are a race of reptiles which mostly look like desert snakes but sometimes resemble lizards. They have two legs and a tail, covered in scales. They are experts in surviving in the desert. The Sand Kin can either have thick or thin scales. The thin scaled Sand Kin are often weaker and thus focus on craftmenship. They would often remove the scales off their hands as the scales make it inconvenient for them to work. The Sand Kin are cold blooded and thus have difficulty surviving in cold areas. They lay eggs from which their young hatch. They have low magic capacity but are excellent with spears and desert combat. If a mage is indeed born among them they usually excell at Earth magic. Sometimes a Sand Kin is born with a lower body of a snake, but there is no descrimination against such members of the group. Ever since the begining, this races has been taken care of by the Drak Elfs and thus they share a close bond. If looked from a family perspective, then the Dark Elfs are the adoptive parent while the Sand Kin are the adopted child
    Born in the Hell Realm yet taught order and dedication. Demons are said to have been created by a Founder of Darkness in the Hell Realm. This creator constructed laws, imposed order and transformed the usually unruly race into civilized people and Hell Realm as a whole into the safest and most prosperous place. Even so, the Demons like to play pranks on people, usually their close friends. They are one of the few races which feeds on souls, but they generally eat normal food. They have expanded their influence by opening the portal into Gaia which is located at the bottom of the Volcano. There, Kazan was formed, home to Demons, Fire Spirits and any other race which can survive the burning temperature. This race is seperated into seven branches, each with different appearance and behaviour. These branches are: Pride, Wrath, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. The Demons have formed close ties with Dark Elfs as they were the first race they met upon exiting the Hell Realm. Demons have one of the strongest civilizations bouth military and financaly, but they lack in technolegy. Their base attribute is Darkness and they don't lack in strenght either. The only problem is that they are bound by laws and as such can never go on a rampage.
    This a race of creatures which lack true bodies and are composed of only mana. They can only be found in the Over World where the Realm influence keeps them from dispersing. They have a lifespan of 2500 years. These Spirits are a composition of Mana and Soul, as such they are the most afraid of Reapers as they can easily kill them. Spirits have no attributes and can only rely on pure, explosive energy genarated by Mana and Qi to fight. Despite having no bodies, this race can breed. The breeding method is kept a secret and is only told when a young Spirit becomes an adult. This race has no defined body but does have defined gender. It has been recorded that some Spirits took form of Dragons, Humans, Beasts, Light Balls and many more. This race has been living in the safety of the Over World and the Oasis, which were all created by a Founder of Souls. and as such is mostly ignorant of wars and evil.
    This is a race which has no physical body, gender or defined shape and is instead composed of pure Mana and Qi. As such, Elemental Spirits Live as long as they have Mana and Qi. They can be found in places with plenty of mana and qi of their element. Elemental Spirits are generally of single element but mixed elements aren't rare. No Elemental Spirit has a name, gender or birth parent. They are born from abundance of mana and nothing else. This race fears the Reapers the most. If an Elemental Spirit has been given a name by a person and accepts it, then then the two will form a contract. The Elemental Spirit will use the Masters stored Mana as substanence for its growth and become more powerful. The strongest Spirit of the Element is called the Emperor or Empress, depending of which shape they take. Below them are 10 Spirit Kings or Queens. The fallowing are all of the recorded Elemental Spirit types. The mixed elements have been excluded.
    Despite their race name, Fire Spirits dislike burning things. If a single leaf was to cath fire becouse of them then they will feel guilty. This type of Spirit can be found in areas with a lot of fire such as volcanoes or deep magma caves, but they can also appear around hotsprings, torches, candles, bonfires, campfires etc. Fire Spirits are friendly to everyone and have a good grasp on morals and choices. It is not strange for Fire Spirits to appear in snowy, blizzard barrated mountains if a fire is present. They do this in order to warm the travelers. They also appear in dark forests and caves to light the path. The first Fire Spirit Empress was named Sublacea. It is thought that her contractor was a Founder of Darkness, making her a mixed element. To this day, there exist many Fire Spirits which have been raised by her, making it one of the few cases of families in the Elemental Spirit race. If this logic is aplied, then Sublacea would be the daughter of the Founder of Darkness, the raised Fire Spirits her children and at the same time Founder of Darkness' grandchildren.
    Water Spirits have been created by the natural process for the sole purpose of stopping forest fires. They can be found around lakes. rivers, the whole of sea and even ponds. They are compleatly harmless and posses great healing powers. Water Spirits would always heal any injured person or creature which comes near their home. Most of these spirits have bearly any intelligence. It is only a few examples which posses high intelligence. These Water Spirits are nurtured by the water in a shape of an egg before they hatch. Once they hatch, a Water Spirit will have intelligence and mentality of an adult, but experience and curiosity of a child. Water Spirits are the most carefree and innocent of all Spirits. However, every full moon the Water Spirits will enter a state of melancholy. In their sudden onslaught of emotions they will start weeping uncontrolably. It is advised for people who travel with Water Spirits to keep away from water on full moon nights or their companion will get a sudden urge to drown them. If a Water Spirit ever drowned or attemped to drown a person who is close to them, then they will die from guilt. After every full moon night there would be bodies of drowned animals in the lakes or ponds. Their watery graves are always decorated by flowers, placed there by Water Spirits. It has been proven that a Water Spirit Emperor or Empress exist but no one has seen them. It is rumored that they have formed a contract with Founder of Eclipse.
    The gossip spreaders and rarely seen Spirits. Wind Spirits love to race each other, as well as strangers, to deepen their friendships and trust. They are theorised to mainly live in the skies of mana rich areas but they can be found anywhere in the world, with an encounter rate which might as well be a consistant zero no matter the place. It was only when the city of Yahmen was created that the Wind Spirits were sighted drifting through the streets. Up to that point, spiritualist knew of their existance but have never seen or formed a contract with them. Wind Spirits remain a mystery to many people, but a few sighted some Wind Spirits which caused destruction to an area. It is, however, proven that such exmaples had no clue that waht they were doing is wrong.
    "You have been born from the Creator and are a creature of incredible powers. Your duty is to protect and develop your Parents creation, the World". These words echo in your mind as your conciusness surfaces and you awaken.
    First thing to greet your eyes are blood tears of the sky. A deadly meteor shower has. beseached the World. If it wasn't for your Birth Dome you would have died before even waking up. The place of your birth is a random point in the world. The Ash Gray Boulder has now become the Worlds core as such you could not share the same birth place as the rest of your siblings. Perhaps you should choose an element? It would be the best action to take for now as you are unshure of what future has prepared for you. At this stage you can still fuse with all elements but in the future that will become impossible.

    The tiny cells struggle to survive in shallow waters. From these tiny creatures numerous others will be born. If you chose this element you will have control over them and creatures created by them. Your duty is to keep the World livable and stable. You could also use cells to create abominations. Be wary that your actions have heavy consequences.
    Particles of Light flutter around you. It is hard to find large amounts of Qi these days. You could count yourself lucky. You feel a sense of unity and order from them. Perhaps once you chose it you could fuse with your siblings from the same system and create one great being. Your sense of self would be lost but this light whispers into your ear that it would be for the greater purpose. You can, of course, ignore it and do things your way, however if you defy it too much you feel as it would cast you away.
    A little bit below where you are standing black shadows can be seen emerging. They are not terryfyin per se, rather small and vounarble to the Light. They radiate with chaos and disorder. Their voice is very alluring and calls for you to join them. You can feel that if you came to their side you could attain massive power, mainly from devouring your siblings. You can try and make alliance with them but you know that they would betray you at first chance. No matter how you defy the will of the Darkness it will never cast you away, for from the moment you dove into it you have been embraced for all eternity. Perhaps it is the only trustworthy companion you could ever find.
    A rare creation of bouth Eclipse and the Abyss, which are at conflict. Slumber and Dreams existed far before this authority was created but it lacked the power to become real. With Eclipse a special Realm- Dream World was constructed for it. Abyss Blue Sea Soul branch provided the necessary souls to create dream creatures. All you need to do is close your eyes and fall asleep to fuse with it. You feel only your imagination is the limit. It will take time but you feel as though you will be able to manifest your dream on the waking world.

    The world is drasticly more stable than in its infancy and fusing with elements has become harder. However there are still backdoors to exploit.

    The nearby volcano is rich in Flame elemnt. You can use this flaming mountain to fuse with Fire element. If it is not controlled properly it might consume this world. You feel empty at that thought, that is how the Flame feels as well. Such power could be put to good use with strict self control. You are afraid from the Darkness reaching this defensless child but don't trust the Light either. Which one of them can save the Flame? No matter, you have your siblings from the same system to worry about for now.
    There is a boundless existance in this World called the Ocean. It possesses large amounts of pure element and vitality which you can use to fuse with Water. You only feel drowsiness from it. It doesn't care about anything but hates being interrupted. For that reason it really hates the Flame. It is indifferent towards Light and Darkness. With so much vitality in it you feel as though it could use it to heal others ... If it could bother to move that is.
    The higher one ascends from the World surface the denser Wind power becomes. Naturally mortals would die from suffication but you have no such problems. Frolicking about without a care in the world is slightly annoying gust of wind. You feel refreshed and carefree. It is really fun being around it. Freedom is the Winds name and it loves everything and anything. It can act seriously (but ultimately failing) when it wants, still the Light is too stuck up for it. Towards the Darkness it only has absolute admiration. Perhaps if it fallows that inky mass it might find enjoyment in the suffering of others. You really don't know what to think about this Wind.
    Your body currently knows no physical bounds and you can freely reach the World Core. The Ash Gray Boulder absorbed Earth element at one point. This element can freely create continents and metals. It can also support Wild Nature in its growth. The battle power of Earth is the Strongest on the ground but can improvise in air battles by throwing mountains. Still it is not the most powerful element out there.
    Heaven, or rather sky sometimes creates a phenomenon called Lightning&Thunder, incredible amount of energy. It is basically super heated air (plasma) but somehow deviates from Fire and Wind. You can use this natura accurance to your advantage and fuse with Lightning. This element is combat orianted but depending on your actions can become much more. It can be used for research or used as Heavenly Thunder to punish evildoers.
    Deep below the Worlds crust, where Ash Gray Boulder sunk and became the core, some traces of your Parents blood still remain. The red droplets are slowly vanishing into the light. It is clear that it won't stay here for long. If you drink it you will aid your parent by becoming the worlds administrator. You will aid all of your siblings from different systems by helping them progress through their respective systems. You will help develop new creatures and from there implement new techniques with their imagination and creativety. You will be cut off from the world and exist solely to regulate it. Still, as you parent has simply gone to sleep it can always reform itself. You can try to compeate with your siblings from the same system for its affection or be content with the way you are. Or you could always try to wake it up again. What a good child you are.
    Little remains of the once powerful devouring sea. What little remained is slowly evaporating into nothingness. You soon realise that it is not water but time. It regulates Life and Death. It moves souls and reincarnates them. If you drink this liquefied time you will aid your parent by becoming a Semi Administrator. You won't be cut off from the world but you will regulate souls by either collecting them or helping them move on/exercising them. You can of course choose to devour the souls for your own power or use them as tools. However your siblings from the same system will probably disagree with you.
    You were born a bit later and as such missed a perfect cooperation between Fire and Ice, as well as legendary splitting of Abys Blue Sea. None the less time and space is still slightly unstabmle and you can use it to your advantage. You feel as though if you fuse with this entety you could rule over space and time. As this system has split away from Soul System if you fuse with it you will become a Semi Administrator.
    Ice and Snow are one thing that can be found on any high mountain. However the one you need can only be found in Purgatory by asking Motther Ice to give you some or lead you to Jack Frost's Ice Coffin, that is if you are not afraid of cathing his illness.The Ice is indifferent towards the entire world. You feel nothing but calmness from it. If let be it might ingulf the entire world, embracing it with eternal stillness. You feel satisfaction from that thought, so does Ice. You feel as though only new things and changes in the world could stirr this unchanging existance.
    You are standing on a blood stained ash gray boulder.
    Surrounding you on all sides is endless abyss like blue sea.
    You look up only to see a swirl of light and darkness.
    On the horizon you can see a mass of colours forming into some kind of shape. You know that those are the origins of elements.
    As different colours begin to separate and form distinctive shapes the swirl of light and darkness starts to tremble.
    Soon after a large inky mass falls into the sea, strangely not moving a ripple but simply sinking deeper and deeper.
    The light raises higher, the further it ascends the purer it shines.
    You suddenly understand. The world was just created. The Creator God gave all of its power away, fulfilling its purpose.
    However, the world is still unstable and it requires a foundation, a support pillar.
    That's where you come in. You were born from the ramnets of you birth parent, the Creator God.
    Currently you are but a mass of easily fusable energy.
    You could easily fuse with anything except your siblings which are yet to be born or have already left the birth place (ash gray boulder).
    There are many options to choose from, even if some are already taken you could form an alliance with your siblings or simply slaughter them.
    However even the ones from different systems might attack you or become an ally.
    You can only merge with one thing right now, union of separate systems will be left to the inhabitants of this world.
    For now you look around and inspect.

    In the sky the light continues to climb ever higher. You feel a sense of unity and order from it. Perhaps once you chose it you could fuse with your siblings from the same system and create one great being. Your sense of self would be lost but this light whispers into your ear that it would be for the greater purpose. You can, of course, ignore it and do things your way, however if you defy it too much you feel as it would cast you away.
    The inky mass sinks slowly to the very depths of the world. It radiates with chaos and disorder. It is very alluring and calls for you to jump into it. You can feel that if you dove into it you could attain massive power, mainly from devouring your siblings. You can try and make alliance with them but you know that they would betray you at first chance. No matter how you defy the will of the abyss it will never cast you away, for from the moment you dove into it you have been embraced for all eternity. Perhaps it is the only trustworthy companion you could ever find.
    Far away there is a violent eternal flame. It destroys everything in its path. If it is not controlled properly it might consume this world. You feel empty at that thought, that is how the Flame feels as well. Such power could be put to good use with strict self control. You are afraid from the Darkness reaching this defensless child but don't trust the Light either. Which one of them can save the Flame? No matter, you have your siblings from the same system to worry about for now.
    Oddly enough in the middle of the sea a vibrant blue lake peacefully floats. You only feel drowsiness from it. It doesn't care about anything but hates being interrupted. For that reason it really hates the Flame. It is indifferent towards Light and Darkness. With so much vitality in it you feel as though it could use it to heal others ... If it could bother to move that is.
    Frolicking about without a care in the world is slightly annoying gust of wind. You feel refreshed and carefree. It is really fun being around it. Freedom is the Winds name and it loves everything and anything. It can act seriously (but ultimately failing) when it wants, still the Light is too stuck up for it. Towards the Darkness it only has absolute admiration. Perhaps if it fallows that inky mass it might find enjoyment in the suffering of others. You really don't know what to think about this Wind.
    Flashing and striking the abyss blue sea are Lightning bolts. It has only been a little while since its birth but it's already training for future battles. It's thirst for power is admirable. It uses its discharge of energy to stun some shadows which crawled out of the abyss. It doesn't think much about it, simply training. You feel as though it would be great battling against many enemies.
    Your birthplace, the boulder has absorbed the earth element. From it new land will be born. You feel that its not very powerful but serene nonetheless. You feel as though a new element could be born from it. It has close connection to the Creator. There might be some hidden potential.
    Soaking into the bare stone is your parents blood. If you drink it you will aid your parent by becoming the worlds administrator. You will aid all of your siblings from different systems by helping them progress through their respective systems. You will help develop new creatures and from there implement new techniques with their imagination and creativety. You will be cut off from the world and exist solely to regulate it. Still, as you parent has simply gone to sleep it can always reform itself. You can try to compeate with your siblings from the same system for its affection or be content with the way you are. Or you could always try to wake it up again. What a good child you are.
    The gargeus sea stands before you. You soon realise that it is not water but time. It regulates Life and Death which are yet to exist. It moves souls which are yet to be formed and reincarnates them. If you drink this liquefied time you will aid your parent by becoming a Semi Administrator. You won't be cut off from the world but you will regulate souls by either collecting them or helping them move on/exercising them. You can only choose one profession. You can of course choose to devour the souls for your own power or use them as tools. However your siblings from the same system will probably disagree with you. If you violate the rules too much you feel as though this Regulation might break into two new ones.
    As Light and Darkness clash the temperature in the air drops. Soon Ice and Frost are born. This is your first time seeing the birth of an unnatural element. The Ice is indifferent towards the entire world. You feel nothing but calmness from it. If let be it might ingulf the entire world, embracing it with eternal stillness. You feel satisfaction from that thought, so does Ice. You feel as though only new things and changes in the world could stirr this unchanging existance.
    Nothing catches your eyes so you decide to wait. This way you are in danger of being attacked by your siblings but with time there might be new elements which would suit you better. If you still can't decide and somehow manage to live for many years you will absorb more of your parents essence and would gain a physical body. Then you could always take a living being as a partner and have children, your parent and siblings would probably have mixeded feelings about this child though. If you somehow come into contact with Creator God and explain yourself there could be a chance for your offspring as Creator God has a soft spot for its family. You could also go and do something else. For now you wait.
    You are young and as such you awoke to see something odd. A gaint ice ball the size of the fire ball are clashing against each other. Those things ad not fighting, its called cooperation. They cover each other, an eclipse. This phenomenon has absorbed some of the liquid time. You feel as though if you fuse with this entety you could rule over space and time. As this system has split past from Soul System if you fuse with it you will become a Semi Administrator.
    -Your job is to make a foundation for future cultivators. From the start the world us empty but will gradually be filled by player actions and passage of time. When humans or whatever you guys make come to exist you can guide them to your Cultivation.
    -For Light and Darkness to gain access to elements they need to negotiate.
    -For elements to merge into one human YOUR actions will matter.
    -New elements can be created.

    - Dont make yourself op from the get go. You all start the same and progress through time.
    - If you are attacking,talking,discussing etc with anyone use @ and type the name so it's not confusing.
    -battles can be intense you can run use tricks advanced techniques which you learned and made but no Deus Ex Machina
    - Try to make interesting characters

    I Will act as passage of time and as Creator God if you wake it up that is. BASICALLY treat me like a GM.
    Last edited: May 17, 2018
  2. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    *The creator sleeps soundly not knowing that its children are about to massacre each other*
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
    Lunali, Lurker of the dark and Naraku like this.
  3. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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    *pat pat*
    Congratulation for writing all of this~ but shouldn't you get a sort-of template so we can create a character ?
    Wouldn't it be more organized and easy ?

    Also, how do we simply create a character ? Do we write to give him/her a story ? About why would he get this element more than another ?
    VannVann likes this.
  4. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Ah that, you simply choose which ever you want. If you feel like making a backstory go for it. I have 0 experience with this and am willing to listen. For now just write your decision. I imagined this on the lines of D&D
    Naraku likes this.
  5. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Mmm... I just thought about something quickly since I soon need to sleep, or I should have gone to sleep a long time ago actually (2:30AM).

    What do you think of this :
    Name :
    Race :
    Gender :
    Element :

    Cultivation Level :

    Cultivation Technique : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Spell : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Ect. (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)

    Inventory : Limited to 100 pounds (since only average human for now)
    I just wrote it quite quickly~

    PS: Anyway good night~
    dordur and VannVann like this.
  6. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Mhh~ that's great!! ^^ Your inventory is unlimited tho (daddy/mommy creator God pamperes its kids)

    Naraku likes this.
  7. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    *World Note*

    Sea of time has entered the evaporation stage.
    It will take many years for it to completely evaporate.

    Now is your chance to influence the world!

    dordur and Naraku like this.
  8. dordur

    dordur Active Member

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Ps it's been quite a while since i rped so, yeah please help me correct any mistakes i make. kthanks
    Name : (placeholder) Frost
    Race : Undecided
    Gender : Undecided
    Element : Indifferent frost

    Cultivation Level :

    Cultivation Technique : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Spell : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Ect. (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)

    Inventory : Unlimited

    I have come into being along with my siblings, and am only one of many to come. While inspecting myself i can feel that my body is quite malleable, which is good as i can feel a particular longing for this cold energy off in the distance, a consequence of the light and dark interacting with each other. I want to move to this frost and fuse with it no matter what happens and should anyone attempt to stop me i will not just take it lying down as this is my BIRTHRIGHT!! and no being, my siblings or otherwise shall stop me from my birthright...
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
    VannVann and Naraku like this.
  9. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    *World Notice*

    Frost has begun moving. If no changes are made the new world will become an Ice zone.

    Ice and Frost have gained an emotion.

    Obsession gained.
    Pride gained.
    Determination gained.

    *Evolution possible*
    Ice and Frost of knowledge is possible.

    Realisation depends on player actions.

    Naraku and dordur like this.
  10. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    You are showing an obsession. You are stirring the indifferent frost.

    Your actions will paint the world.
    Naraku and dordur like this.
  11. dordur

    dordur Active Member

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name : (placeholder) Frost
    Race : Undecided
    Gender : Undecided
    Element : Indifferent frost
    Personality :
    - Emotions gained -
    Pride, Obsession and determination.

    Cultivation Level :

    Cultivation Technique : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Spell : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Ect. (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)

    Inventory : Unlimited

    As i wait for more of my siblings to awaken, i dawn upon the knowledge that there are feelings which have until now eluded me. While at first i feel scared that something new, unknown to the current me, is influencing my decisions i start to gradually feel an obsessive desire to learn new things and perhaps share my newfound discovery to my younger siblings(accept the evolution). After this newfound discovery has somewhat died down i start to notice that this cold feels stronger than it did upon my first fusion and while this may be good for me i feel that it is not that good a thing for my future siblings who might choose other elements and attempt to slow the frost from gradually freezing everything until motion has all but stopped.
    Naraku likes this.
  12. Haitaka

    Haitaka [Always Busy]

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Seems interesting, mind if I join?
    Naraku likes this.
  13. dordur

    dordur Active Member

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Go ahead, the more the better.
    Naraku likes this.
  14. Haitaka

    Haitaka [Always Busy]

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Name : Origin (placeholder until I think of something better)
    Race : Undecided
    Gender : Undecided
    Element : Abyssal Blue Sea

    Cultivation Level : Undecided

    Cultivation Technique : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Spell : (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)
    Cultivation Ect. (nothing for now since we are simply at the foundation of cultivation.)

    Inventory : Limited to 100 pounds (since only average human for now)

    [Born from the energy of the Creator, Origin, second born, decided to help administer and create the new world by governing ideas that had yet to be put into place; Life and Death. By controlling and helping guide souls into the creations of their siblings]
    Naraku likes this.
  15. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Reading List:
    :blob_pompom::blob_pompom: Yay ~ :blob_pompom::blob_pompom:
    I did a template just out of nothing in some minutes yet people are already using it~

    (Don't mind this post, I just wrote this because I am uselessly proud of myself~) :blobshh:
    Haitaka and VannVann like this.
  16. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    *World Notice*
    Frost and Ice system has slowed down it's advancement.

    Progress towards Ice and Frost of knowledge has increased.

    *World Advancment*
    Due to the Founders who joined Ice and Frost system gaining emotions this system has advanced in rank. Living being born from it shall be born with these emotions.

    Ice and Frost has gained an emotion.
    Compassion gained.
    Selflessness gained.

    Naraku likes this.
  17. Haitaka

    Haitaka [Always Busy]

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Reading List:
    (You should be, its a good template lol)
    VannVann and Naraku like this.
  18. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    *World Notice*
    Life and Death are now present.

    Players may kill each other.

    Dead players will be carried by Soul administrators and reincarnated from scratch.

    Soul administrators may abuse the souls if they wish.
  19. VannVann

    VannVann [Drained] 《Worn Out》 GM

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Reading List:
    (Rapid heartbeat) Its getting exciting!! Now off you go and build your systems guys!!
  20. Haitaka

    Haitaka [Always Busy]

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Reading List:
    "This space is truly empty, what should be do now Frost?"
