Mini-Game Gacha Game - Storage Room

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by Kuma Desu, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Hallow Cause

    Hallow Cause Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Reading List:
    I'm just gonna organize them. I'm not yet gonna for their formation. (11 troops in total)
    • ----------------------------
    •Airivael, Commander of the Azure Heavens
    •Stonecrusher, Dan
    •Korall of he Jade scales
    •High Race Noble
    •High Race Sholar
    •Human Mage ×2
    •Orc Philosopher
    •High Race Peasent
    •Elf dancer
    Kuma Desu likes this.
  2. ICe

    ICe Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    Reading List:
    still kinda unsorted:
    ID: #172
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 1
    ID: #202
    Skill: Sword II [Medium increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1
    ID: #226
    Skill: Naginata II [Medium increase in slashing skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0
    ID: #207
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 2

    ID: #1
    Has 30% + 10% for each star of disarming an enemy.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1
    ID: #83
    Makes a random alchemy:
    Healing Potion - Heals 5x★ HP.
    Doping Potion - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin10%. Lasts 1 turn.
    Molotov Cocktail - Gives 4x★ fire damage to all enemies.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Gives a (★small, ★★, medium, ★★★great) boost to skill damage 10%. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill: Human Aura [Small 10% Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2
    ID: #85
    Takes aim for a turn. Next attack or skill will have a (★small 10%, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Snipes an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 20% for each star) you attack.
    3 turns cooldown
    Leader Skill:
    [Small 10% Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3
    ID: #84
    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Spirit Damage.
    1 turn cooldown
    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Dark Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill:
    [Small 10% Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 9
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2
    ID: #131
    Deals (80% + 10% for each start) your attack. Has increased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Snipes an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 20% for each star) you attack.
    3 turns cooldown
    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill:
    [Always attack first]
    HP: 15
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 6
    ID: #128
    Deals (80% + 10% for each start) 100% your attack. Has increased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star 120%. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill:
    [Small 10% increase in Rider-class units stat; Small 10%increase in Charge's damage]
    HP: 16
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 6
    ID: #141
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star140%. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown
    Gives a (★small, ★★ medium 20%, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 2 turns.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Gives a great 30% boost to attack and gives medium 20% damage reduction to all the team. Lasts 3 turns.
    Can only be cast once per battle.
    Leader Skill:
    [Great 30% increase in Human's stats; Medium 20% increase in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 26
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 5
    ID: #150
    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Holy Damage 120%.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star120%. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown
    Gives a (★small 10%, ★★ medium ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 2 turns.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Sacrifices half the current HP to give a twofold attack damage on a single enemy with 20% chance of critical.
    Can only be cast once per battle.
    Leader Skill:
    [Medium 20% increase in High Race's stats; Medium 20% increase in Knight-class units stat; Medium 20% increase in Holy Damage]
    HP: 26
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 5

    eh might as well do this too:
    Main Team:
    Leader - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Frontliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Frontliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Backliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Backliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];

    [Here goes whatever is not on your main team, but you can also keep the main team things, signaling them somehow
    Basic things:
    There is (I'm still compiling all the rules and things orz):
    UR are unusable for the moment, since it's really broken... I need to balance that.
    Aside from that, it's 2 SSR, 3 SR and 4 R limits, while C can be used freely.

    One character can equip one single weapon. The weapons are limited by the 'classes' of the characters
    Small = 10%
    Medium = 20%
    Great = 30%
    Epic = 40%
    Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > Water
    Holy >< Dark
    Any other > Spirit >< Spirit

    +10% damage dealt, -10% damage taken when with advantage. -10% damage dealt, +10% damage taken when with disadvantage.*
    *Holy, Dark and Spirit are exceptions.
    Demonkin><High Race

    +10% damage dealt, -10% damage taken when with advantage. -10% damage dealt, +10% damage taken when with disvantage.*
    *Demonkin, High Race and Dragons are exceptions.
    Monsters = Earth*
    Human = Water
    Elf = Wind
    Dwarf = Earth
    Beastkin = Water
    Demonkin = Dark
    High Race = Holy
    Dragonkin = Fire

    *Lizardman are Water-element.
    As simple as breathing. The one with higher speed attacks first in the turn.* The attacks are to be decided before the turn starts by choosing either a single target, like this:

    !All attack Human Peasant.

    Or by putting different units to different targets, like this:

    !Human Hunter attack Human Militia;
    !Elf Hunter attack Human Scholar;

    And can make use of skill, but with the cost of the unit’s turn, like this:

    !Human Scholar use Preach (★);
    !Elf Druid use Treatment (★) in Human Swordsman;

    *Priority attacks come sooner than normal attacks.
    A team is formed of five characters, of which one is chosen as leader. Should the leader die, the next one in the query will become the leader. A team must be made with a balance in mind, be it for damage or survivability.

    The team composition goes like this:

    #1 [High Race Noble] ←- Leader
    #2 [High Race Guard] ←- Frontline
    #3 [High Race Guard] ←- Frontline
    #4 [High Race Priest] ←- Backline
    #5 [High Race Priest] ←- Backline

    The frontline is for the vanguard. The character there will be hit by both ranged and melee attacks. The backline is for support. The character there will only be hit by ranged attacks.
    The leader is special. He’ll be always at frontline, but will also provide bonus to the rest of the team.
    Deals your attack +10% for each star.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star.
    1 turn cooldown

    Deals 60% + 10% for each star twice.
    2 turn cooldown

    Swift Slash:
    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) of your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown

    Heavy Slash:
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Waits for a turn. Deals (★twofold, ★★threefold, ★★★ fourfold) your attack.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Land Slash:
    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) of your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Reduces by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) quantitie the next damage taken.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals (80% + 10% for each start) your attack. Has increased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Deals you attack + 10% for each star. Ignores damage reductions.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Takes aim for a turn. Next attack or skill will have a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Snipes an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 20% for each star) you attack.
    3 turns cooldown.

    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Fire Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Wind Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Water Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Earth Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Spirit Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Dark Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Holy Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Summons a familiar. It’ll have 10 HP, 6 attack and 3 speed for each star. Lasts 2 turns or until killed.
    4 turn cooldown.

    High Familiar:
    Summons a High Familiar. It’ll have 20 HP, 12 attack and 6 speed for each star. Lasts 3 turns.
    5 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★, medium, ★★★great) boost to skill damage. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★ medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 2 turns.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Has 30% + 10% for each star of disarming an enemy.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Drunk Steps:
    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Dice Roll:
    Has 1 in 6 chance activate its effect. Once activated, the team will get a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance of dealing critical damage.* Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turns cooldown.
    *Critical damage deals 150% the normal damage.

    Makes a random brew:
    Ale - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 1 turn.
    Tea - Heals 5x★ HP.
    Coffee - Gives increased priority for 1x★ turns.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Makes a random craft:
    Bomb - Gives 5x★ earth damage to all enemies.
    Rope - Binds* the target for 1x★ turns.
    Bandage - Heals 4x★ HP.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Binded characters can’t attack, or use attack skills. Support skills are allowed.

    Raises the efficiency of a weapon by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 2 turns.
    4 turn cooldown.

    Makes a random alchemy:
    Healing Potion - Heals 5x★ HP.
    Doping Potion - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 1 turn.
    Molotov Cocktail - Gives 4x★ fire damage to all enemies.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Sings a random song:
    Lullaby - Makes one enemy sleep.*
    Bolero - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin.
    Serenade - Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Sleeping enemies can’t act at all.

    Dances a random dance:
    Waltz - Charms one enemy.*
    Ballet - Removes debuffs from party.
    Swing - Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Charmed enemies can’t attack the one they’re infatuated.

    Hides from the enemies.* Lasts 1 + 1x★ turns.
    2 turn cooldown.**
    *Can’t be attacked until attacks or until the effect wears off.
    **Cooldown start from when you exit the hidden state.

    If the enemy is hidden, uncovers its hidden effect. If is not hidden, gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to give a critical attack.* Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Critical damage deals 150% the normal damage.

    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) to one ally’s attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Deals (50% + 10% for each star) your attack as Holy damage. Dispels buffs when cast on enemy. Dispel debuffs when cast on ally.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Heals all allies by (30% + 10% for each star) you attack.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Raises one target attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin and gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) reduction on damage taken. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Heals a single ally by (40% + 10% for each star) your attack.
    2 turns cooldown.

    Makes a meat that heals all the allies by 4 every turn for 2 + 1x★ turns.

    Unique Skills:

    Gives a great boost to attack and gives medium damage reduction to all the team. Lasts 3 turns.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Gives a sure critical attack on the next attack or skill.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Gives an great boost to allies’ attack and raises priority.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Release Potential:
    Raises the weapon level to the max. If is a SR and it’s at max level already, raises it to SSR.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Ocean Slash:
    Waits 2 turns. After that, gives twice the attack as damage to all enemies.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Revives a team member that died in battle.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Sacrifices half the current HP to give a twofold attack damage on a single enemy with 20% chance of critical.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Knight's Tale:
    Epic boost to Knight-class allies’ attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    (C) Goblin Bandit
    (C) Goblin Swordsman
    (C) Goblin Mage
    (C) Goblin Gambler
    (R) Goblin Raider
    (R) Goblin Knight
    (SR) Goblin King
    (SR) Goblin Hero


    (C) Orc Villager
    (C) Orc Warrior
    (C) Orc Drunkard
    (C) Orc Philosopher
    (R) Orc Leader
    (R) Orc Shaman
    (SR) Orc Pacifist, An'cketh
    (SR) Orc Warlord, T'thak


    (C) Kobold Miner
    (C) Kobold Mage
    (C) Kobold Lancer
    (C) Kobold Clubman
    (R) Kobold Tamer
    (R) Kobold Brave
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (SR) Kobold Nation Hero
    (SR) Kobold Brewer


    (C) Lizardman Lancer
    (C) Lizardman Hunter
    (C) Lizardman Bard
    (C) Lizardman Dancer
    (R) Lizardman Raider
    (R) Lizardman Terror


    (C) Troll Fighter
    (C) Troll Shaman


    (R) Ogre Warrior
    (SR) Ogre Scholar
    (SR) Ogre Mauler

    (C) Human Peasant
    (C) Human Militia
    (C) Human Swordsman
    (C) Human Guard
    (C) Human Hunter
    (C) Human Cook
    (C) Human Thief
    (C) Human Scholar
    (C) Human Mage
    (C) Human Priest
    (R) Human Knight
    (R) Human Horseman
    (R) Human Alchemist
    (R) Human Occultist
    (R) Human Archer
    (SR) Argus, the Knight Brother
    (SR) Marcus, the Mage Brother
    (SR) Saintess Altina
    (SR) Princess Knight, Nona
    (SSR) Drust Aerandel, the Fifth
    (SSR) Jack of all Trades, Ninian

    (C) Elf Peasant
    (C) Elf Scholar
    (C) Elf Hunter
    (C) Elf Tamer
    (C) Elf Mage
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Elf Scout
    (C) Elf Dancer
    (C) Elf Thief
    (C) Elf Bard
    (R) Elf Archer
    (R) Elf Sword Dancer
    (R) Elf Herbalist
    (R) Elf Druid
    (R) Elf Tracker
    (SR) Eryll
    (SR) Chloe
    (SR) Esso
    (SR) Thea
    (SSR) Jyrl
    (SSR) Krail the Swift

    (C) Dwarf Peasant
    (C) Dwarf Miner
    (C) Dwarf Blacksmith
    (C) Dwarf Craftsman
    (C) Dwarf Guard
    (C) Dwarf Heavy Fighter
    (C) Dwarf Grappler
    (C) Dwarf Scout
    (C) Dwarf Drunkard
    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner
    (R) Dwarf Taskmaster
    (R) Dwarf Enginer
    (R) Dwarf Heavy Knight
    (R) Dwarf Bard
    (R) Dwarf Commander
    (SR) Stonehands, Norman
    (SR) Boar Rider, Boarror
    (SR) Toand
    (SR) Stonecrusher, Dan
    (SSR) Chad, the Wondersmith

    (C) Beastkin Villager
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Beastkin Tamer
    (C) Beastkin Priest
    (C) Beastkin Grappler
    (C) Beastkin Swordsman
    (C) Beastkin Scholar
    (C) Beastkin Tea Maker
    (C) Beastkin Cook
    (C) Beastkin Bard
    (R) Beastkin Raider
    (R) Beastkin Mage
    (R) Beastkin Exorcist
    (R) Beastkin Samurai
    (R) Beastkin Ninja
    (SR) Nekoro
    (SR) Hiroto, the Moon Gazer
    (SR) Nightingale, Aimi
    (SR) Masuyo
    (SSR) Blue Ocean Swordmaster Kaito
    (SSR) Hikari, the Light Maiden

    (C) Demonkin Peasant
    (C) Demonkin Swordsman
    (C) Demonkin Scholar
    (C) Demonkin Mage
    (C) Demonkin Thief
    (C) Demonkin Scout
    (R) Demonkin Dark Priest
    (R) Demonkin Lancer
    (R) Demonkin Raider
    (R) Demonkin Alchemist
    (SR) Black Ajumar
    (SR) Tassyer
    (SSR) Arreus

    (C) Dragonkin Squire
    (C) Dragonkin Scholar
    (C) Dragonkin Warrior
    (R) Dragonkin Raider
    (R) Dragonkin Lancer
    (R) Dragonkin Alchemist
    (SR) Rokko Fireraid
    (SR) Korall of the Jade Scales
    (SSR) Gen, the Knight of many titles

    High Race (angels):
    (C) High Race Peasant
    (C) High Race Tea Maker
    (C) High Race Guard
    (R) High Race Noble
    (R) High Race Priest
    (R) High Race Scholar
    (SR) Erymael, the Lady Justice
    (SR) Isellael, the Lady Mercy
    (SSR) Airivael Commander of the Azure Heavens

    (UR) Yggdrasil
    Name: Goblin Bandit
    ID: #1
    Skills: Steal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Goblin Swordsman
    ID: #2
    Skills: Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    Name: Goblin Mage
    ID: #3
    Skills: Fire (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 1

    Name: Goblin Gambler
    ID: #4
    Skills: Dice Roll (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Orc Villager
    ID: #5
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 1

    Name: Orc Warrior
    ID: #6
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 1

    Name: Orc Drunkard
    ID: #7
    Skills: Drunk Steps (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 13
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Orc Philosopher
    ID: #8
    Skills: Preach (★)
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: Kobold Miner
    ID: #9
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Kobold Mage
    ID: #10
    Skills: Earth (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 1

    Name: Kobold Lancer
    ID: #11
    Skills: Charge (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Kobold Clubman
    ID: #12
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1

    Name: Lizardman Lancer
    ID: #13
    Skills: Charge (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3

    Name: Lizardman Hunter
    ID: #14
    Skills: Aim (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: Lizardman Bard
    ID: #15
    Skills: Sing (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 4

    Name: Lizardman Dancer
    ID: #16
    Skills: Dance (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 4

    Name: Troll Fighter
    ID: #17
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Troll Shaman
    ID: #18
    Skills: Spirit (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 1

    Name: Human Peasant
    ID: #19
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Militia
    ID: #20
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Swordsman
    ID: #21
    Skills: Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Guard
    ID: #22
    Skills: Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 13
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Hunter
    ID: #23
    Skills: Aim (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 6
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    Name: Human Cook
    ID: #24
    Skills: Meal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 14
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Thief
    ID: #25
    Skills: Steal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Human Scholar
    ID: #26
    Skills: Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3

    Name: Human Mage
    ID: #27
    Skills: Water (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Priest
    ID: #28
    Skills: Heal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Elf Peasant
    ID: #29
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 2

    Name: Elf Scholar
    ID: #30
    Skills: Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Elf Hunter
    ID: #31
    Skills: Aim (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Tamer
    ID: #32
    Skills: Familiar (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Elf Mage
    ID: #33
    Skills: Wind (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Elf Light Warrior
    ID: #34
    Skills: Swift Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Scout
    ID: #35
    Skills: Pry (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 4

    Name: Elf Dancer
    ID: #36
    Skills: Dance (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Thief
    ID: #37
    Skills: Steal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Bard
    ID: #38
    Skills: Sing (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 3

    Name: Dwarf Peasant
    ID: #39
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Miner
    ID: #40
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Blacksmith
    ID: #41
    Skills: Temper (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Craftsman
    ID: #42
    Skills: Craft (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Guard
    ID: #43
    Skills: Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Heavy Figter
    ID: #44
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Grappler
    ID: #45
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Scout
    ID: #46
    Skills: Pry (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Dwarf Drunkard
    ID: #47
    Skills: Drunk Steps (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Bar Owner
    ID: #48
    Skills: Brew (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 13
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Beastkin Villager
    ID: #49
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Guard
    ID: #50
    Skills: Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Tamer
    ID: #51
    Skills: Familiar (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Priest
    ID: #52
    Skills: Heal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Grappler
    ID: #53
    Skills: Iron Punch (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Swordsman
    ID: #54
    Skills: Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Scholar
    ID: #55
    Skills: Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Tea Maker
    ID: #56
    Skills: Brew (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Cook
    ID: #57
    Skills: Meal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 13
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Bard
    ID: #58
    Skills: Sing (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 3

    Name: Demonkin Peasant
    ID: #59
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Demonkin Swordsman
    ID: #60
    Skills: Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Demonkin Scholar
    ID: #61
    Skills: Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Demonkin Mage
    ID: #62
    Skills: Dark (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 1

    Name: Demonkin Thief
    ID: #63
    Skills: Steal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Demonkin Scout
    ID: #64
    Skills: Pry (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 3

    Name: Dragonkin Squire
    ID: #65
    Skills: Support (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dragonkin Scholar
    ID: #66
    Skills: Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dragonkin Warrior
    ID: #67
    Skills: Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 14
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1

    Name: High Race Peasant
    ID: #68
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: High Race Tea Maker
    ID: #69
    Skills: Brew (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Name: High Race Guard
    ID: #70
    Skills: Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 14
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Goblin Raider
    ID: #71
    Skills: Charge (★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Goblin Aura [Small Increase in Goblin's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4

    Name: Goblin Knight
    ID: #72
    Skills: Protect (★); Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Goblin Aura [Small Increase in Goblin's Stats]
    HP: 15
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Orc Leader
    ID: #73
    Skills: Roar (★); Heavy Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: Goblin Aura [Small Increase in Goblin's Stats]
    HP: 16
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Orc Shaman
    ID: #74
    Skills: Spirit (★); Dark (★);
    Leader Skill: Goblin Aura [Small Increase in Goblin's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 2

    Name: Kobold Tamer
    ID: #75
    Skills: Familiar (★);
    Leader Skill: Kobold Aura [Small Increase in Kobold's Stats]
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Kobold Brave
    ID: #76
    Skills: Roar (★); Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Kobold Aura [Small Increase in Kobold's Stats]
    HP: 14
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Kobold Alchemist
    ID: #77
    Skills: Alchemy (★);
    Leader Skill: Kobold Aura [Small Increase in Kobold's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Lizardman Raider
    ID: #78
    Skills: Charge (★); Roar(★);
    Leader Skill: Lizardman Aura [Small Increase in Lizardman's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4

    Name: Lizardman Terror
    ID: #79
    Skills: Slash (★); Double Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Lizardman Aura [Small Increase in Lizardman's Stats]
    HP: 14
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Ogre Warrior
    ID: #80
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Ogre Aura [Small Increase in Ogre's Stats]
    HP: 17
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Human Knight
    ID: #81
    Skills: Protect (★); Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Human Aura [Small Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Horseman
    ID: #82
    Skills: Charge (★); Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Human Aura [Small Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 12
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 5

    Name: Human Alchemist
    ID: #83
    Skills: Alchemy (★); Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: Human Aura [Small Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Occultist
    ID: #84
    Skills: Spirit (★); Dark (★);
    Leader Skill: Human Aura [Small Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 9
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    Name: Human Archer
    ID: #85
    Skills: Aim (★); Snipe (★);
    Leader Skill: Human Aura [Small Increase in Human's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Archer
    ID: #86
    Skills: Aim (★); Snipe (★);
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 5

    Name: Elf Sword Dancer
    ID: #87
    Skills: Dance (★); Double Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4

    Name: Elf Herbalist
    ID: #88
    Skills: Treatment (★); Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Druid
    ID: #89
    Skills: Earth (★); Treatment (★);
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: Elf Tracker
    ID: #90
    Skills: Pry (★); Aim (★);
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 4

    Name: Dwarf Taskmaster
    ID: #91
    Skills: Preach (★); Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 14
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Enginer
    ID: #92
    Skills: Temper (★); Craft (★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Heavy Knight
    ID: #93
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★); Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 16
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 1

    Name: Dwarf Bard
    ID: #94
    Skills: Sing (★★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2

    Name: Dwarf Commander
    ID: #95
    Skills: Preach (★); Lead (★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 15
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    Name: Beastkin Raider
    ID: #96
    Skills: Charge (★); Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Beastkin Aura [Small Increase in Beastkin's Stats]
    HP: 12
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4

    Name: Beastkin Mage
    ID: #97
    Skills: Fire (★); Wind (★);
    Leader Skill: Beastkin Aura [Small Increase in Beastkin's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 8
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Exorcist
    ID: #98
    Skills: Heal (★); Expel (★);
    Leader Skill: Beastkin Aura [Small Increase in Beastkin's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    Name: Beastkin Samurai
    ID: #99
    Skills: Double Slash (★); Iai (★);
    Leader Skill: Beastkin Aura [Small Increase in Beastkin's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Beastkin Ninja
    ID: #100
    Skills: Pry (★); Hide (★);
    Leader Skill: Beastkin Aura [Small Increase in Beastkin's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 4

    Name: Demonkin Dark Priest
    ID: #101
    Skills: Heal (★); Dark (★);
    Leader Skill: Demonkin Aura [Small Increase in Demonkin's Stats]
    HP: 9
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 2

    Name: Demonkin Lancer
    ID: #102
    Skills: Charge (★); Pierce (★);
    Leader Skill: Demonkin Aura [Small Increase in Demonkin's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Demonkin Raider
    ID: #103
    Skills: Charge (★); Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Demonkin Aura [Small Increase in Demonkin's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4

    Name: Demonkin Alchemist
    ID: #104
    Skills: Alchemy (★); Dark (★);
    Leader Skill: Demonkin Aura [Small Increase in Demonkin's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Dragonkin Raider
    ID: #105
    Skills: Charge (★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Dragonkin Aura [Small Increase in Dragonkin's Stats]
    HP: 14
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4

    Name: Dragonkin Lancer
    ID: #106
    Skills: Charge (★); Pierce (★);
    Leader Skill: Dragonkin Aura [Small Increase in Dragonkin's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    Name: Dragonkin Alchemist
    ID: #107
    Skills: Alchemy (★); Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: Dragonkin Aura [Small Increase in Dragonkin's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: High Race Noble
    ID: #108
    Skills: Preach (★); Holy (★);
    Leader Skill: High Race Aura [Small Increase in High Race's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3

    Name: High Race Priest
    ID: #109
    Skills: Heal (★); Holy (★);
    Leader Skill: High Race Aura [Small Increase in High Race's Stats]
    HP: 12
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: High Race Scholar
    ID: #110
    Skills: Preach (★); Holy (★);
    Leader Skill: High Race Aura [Small Increase in High Race's Stats]
    HP: 10
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 3

    Name: Goblin King
    ID: #111
    Skills: Lead (★★); Heavy Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: King's Authority [Medium Increase in Goblin's Stats]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Goblin Hero
    ID: #112
    Skills: Roar (★); Heavy Blow (★★);
    Leader Skill: Hero Grace [Small reduction in damage taken]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4

    Name: Orc Pacifist, An'cketh
    ID: #113
    Skills: Preach (★★); Treatment (★);
    Leader Skill: Peacemaker [Reduces all units Attack]
    HP: 26
    Atk: 0
    Spd: 4

    Name: Orc Warlord, T'thak
    ID: #114
    Skills: Lead (★); Heavy Blow (★★);
    Leader Skill: To the War! [Medium increase in all Warrior-class units Attack]
    HP: 22
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    Name: Kobold Nation Hero
    ID: #115
    Skills: Slash (★); Double Slash (★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Hero Grace [Small reduction in damage taken]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 8
    Spd: 4

    Name: Kobold Brewer
    ID: #116
    Skills: Brew (★★); Drunk Steps (★);
    Leader Skill: Let's Haaang! [Medium increase in all Brewer-class units HP]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Name: Ogre Scholar
    ID: #117
    Skills: Preach (★★); Earth (★);
    Leader Skill: Man of Words [Medium increase in all Scholar-class units stats]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Ogre Mauler
    ID: #118
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Ogre's Might [Medium increase in all Ogre's stats]
    HP: 23
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 1

    Name: Argus, the Knight Brother
    ID: #119
    Skills: Protect (★); Support (★); Double Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Knight's Honor [Medium increase in all Knight-class and Warrior-class units stats]
    HP: 24
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4

    Name: Marcus, the Mage Brother
    ID: #120
    Skills: Fire (★); Wind (★); Earth (★);
    Leader Skill: Man of Words [Medium increase in all Scholar-class units stats]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 4

    Name: Saintess Altina
    ID: #121
    Skills: Heal (★★); Bless (★);
    Leader Skill: Saintess Saintness [Small increase in Healing; Small increase in Holy Damage]
    HP: 17
    Atk: 8
    Spd: 3

    Name: Princess Knight, Nona
    ID: #122
    Skills: Support (★); Slash (★); Holy (★);
    Leader Skill: Princess Knight [Medium increase in allies stat against Monsters; Small reduction in own stats against Monsters]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    Name: Eryll
    ID: #123
    Skills: Familiar (★★); High Familiar (★)
    Leader Skill: Grand Summoning [Small increase in Summoner-class units stats; Summonings last longer]
    HP: 23
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 4

    Name: Chloe
    ID: #124
    Skills: Lead (★★); Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: Famed Strategist [Always attack first]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 6

    Name: Esso
    ID: #125
    Skills: Aim (★★); Snipe (★);
    Leader Skill: Marksman [Small increase in Snipe's damage; Small increase in Archer-class units stats]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 5

    Name: Thea
    ID: #126
    Skills: Wind (★★); Earth (★);
    Leader Skill: High Wizardry [Small increase in Magic Damage; Small increase in Mage-class units stats]
    HP: 17
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 3

    Name: Stonehands, Norman
    ID: #127
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★★); Bulk up (★);
    Leader Skill: Hard Hands [Medium increase in melee units HP]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 2

    Name: Boar Rider, Boarror
    ID: #128
    Skills: Charge (★★); Heavy Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: Maddened Charger [Small increase in Rider-class units stat; Small increase in Charge's damage]
    HP: 16
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 6

    Name: Toand
    ID: #129
    Skills: Craft (★★); Temper (★);
    Leader Skill: Great Crafter [Medium increase in weapons stats]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2

    Name: Stonecrusher, Dan
    ID: #130
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Warrior Bravery [Medium increase in Warrior-class units stats]
    HP: 20
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    Name: Nekoro
    ID: #131
    Skills: Charge (★); Snipe (★); Quickshot (★);
    Leader Skill: Famed Stategist [Always attack first]
    HP: 15
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 6

    Name: Hiroto, the Moon Gazer
    ID: #132
    Skills: Double Slash (★); Iai (★); Land Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Will of the Sword [Small increase to sword wielding allies for each sword wielding ally in the team]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4

    Name: Nightingale, Aimi
    ID: #133
    Skills: Hide (★); Pry (★); Swift Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Surprise Attack [All allies start hidden]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 7

    Name: Masuyo
    ID: #134
    Skills: Bless (★); Expel (★★);
    Leader Skill: Spirit Bane [Small increase to Holy Damage; Small reduction to damage taken by Spirit Magic]
    HP: 17
    Atk: 8
    Spd: 3

    Name: Black Ajumar
    ID: #135
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★); Dark (★); Double Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Black Commander [Small increase in attack for each demonkin on team]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Tassyer
    ID: #136
    Skills: Familiar (★); Dark (★); High Familiar (★);
    Leader Skill: Grand Summoning [Small increase in Summoner-class units stats; Summonings last longer]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 3

    Name: Rokko Fireraid
    ID: #137
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★); Fire (★); Lead (★);
    Leader Skill: Fire Raid [Allows Knight-class allies to cast Fire (★); Small increase in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 20
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 4

    Name: Korall of the Jade Scales
    ID: #138
    Skills: Charge (★★); Wind (★);
    Leader Skill: Soar [Allows Rider-class allies to cast Wind (★); Small increase in Rider-class units stats]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 5

    Name: Erymael, the Lady Justice
    ID: #139
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★); Holy (★); Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: Lady Justice [Medium increase to Knight-class units stats; Small increase in Holy Damage; Small decrease in Priest-class units stats]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4

    Name: Isellael, the Lady Mercy
    ID: #140
    Skills: Heal (★); Bless (★); Holy (★);
    Leader Skill: Lady Mercy [Medium increase to Priest-class units stats; Small increase in Holy Damage; Small decrease in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 10
    Spd: 4

    Name: Drust Aerandel, the Fifth
    ID: #141
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★★); Lead (★★); Majesty (★);
    Leader Skill: King of the Man [Great increase in Human's stats; Medium increase in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 26
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 5

    Name: Jack of All Trades, Ninian
    ID: #142
    Skills: Water (★); Spirit (★); Holy (★); Dark (★); High Familiar (★)
    Leader Skill: Allrounder [Great increase in Scholar, Alchemist, Mage, Summoner and Priest-class units stat; Medium increase in Dark, Holy, Magic and Spirit Damage; Summoning last longer]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 12
    Spd: 5

    Name: Jyrl
    ID: #143
    Skills: Aim (★★); Snipe (★★); Pinpoint (★)
    Leader Skill: Bow Maiden [Great increase in Archer-class unts stats; Medium increase in all Archer-type skills]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 11
    Spd: 7

    Name: Krail the Swift
    ID: #144
    Skills: Lead (★★); Swift Slash (★★); Command (★);
    Leader Skill: Noble Command [Great increase in Knight-class units stats; Medium increase to Support-type skills]
    HP: 22
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 6

    Name: Chad, the Wondersmith
    ID: #145
    Skills: Craft (★★); Temper (★★); Release Potential (★);
    Leader Skill: Wondersmith [Epic increase in SSR weapons stats; Small increase in Crafter-class units stats]
    HP: 25
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    Name: Blue Ocean Swordmaster, Kaito
    ID: #146
    Skills: Land Slash (★★); Iai (★★); Ocean Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Way of the Sword Will of the Sword [Great increase in Sword-type skills; Small increase to sword wielding allies for each sword wielding ally in the team]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 14
    Spd: 5

    Name: Hikari, the Light Maiden
    ID: #147
    Skills: Bless (★★); Heal (★★); Revive (★);
    Leader Skill: Light of the World [Great increase in Priest and Knight-class units stat; Medium increase in Holy Damage]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 10
    Spd: 4

    Name: Arreus
    ID: #148
    Skills: Lead (★); Dark (★); Heavy Slash (★★); Sacrifice (★);
    Leader Skill: General of Black Iron [Medium increase in Demon's stats; Medium increase in Knight-class units stat; Medium increase in Dark Damage]
    HP: 24
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4

    Name: Gen, the Knight of many titles
    ID: #149
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★★); Protect (★★); Knight's Tale (★)
    Leader Skill: Living Legend [Epic increase to Knight-class stats]
    HP: 28
    Atk: 8
    Spd: 5

    Name: Airivael, Commander of the Azure Heavens
    ID: #150
    Skills: Holy (★★); Heavy Slash (★); Lead (★); Sacrifice (★);
    Leader Skill: Heaven's Magnificence [Medium increase in High Race's stats; Medium increase in Knight-class units stat; Medium increase in Holy Damage]
    HP: 26
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 5

    Name: The Tree Maiden, Yggdrasil
    ID: #151
    Skills: Earth (★★★); Wind (★★); High Familiar (★★);
    Leader Skill: Earth Maiden [Great increase in allies stats; Allows allies to use Earth (★★)]
    HP: 32
    Atk: 14
    Spd: 1
    Weapons -

    (C) Wooden Greatsword
    (C) Wooden Longsword
    (C) Iron Greatsword
    (C) Iron Longsword
    (R) Steel Greatsword
    (R) Steel Longsword
    (SR) Galatine
    (SSR) Excalibur
    (SSR) Durandal

    (C) Wooden Katana
    (C) Iron Katana
    (R) Steel Katana
    (SR) Nanahoshi
    (SSR) Yatagarasu

    (C) Wooden Dagger
    (C) Iron Dagger
    (R) Steel Dagger
    (SSR) Carnwennan

    (C) Wooden Axe
    (C) Iron Axe
    (R) Steel Axe
    (SR) Executioner

    (C) Wooden Short Spear
    (C) Wooden Great Spear
    (C) Wooden Halberd
    (C) Iron Short Spear
    (C) Iron Great Spear
    (C) Iron Halberd
    (R) Steel Short Spear
    (R) Steel Great Spear
    (R) Steel Halberd
    (SR) Trident
    (SSR) Grungnir

    Fighting Staff:
    (C) Wooden Staff
    (C) Iron Staff
    (R) Steel Staff
    (SR) Earth Pillar

    (C) Wooden Naginata
    (C) Iron Naginata
    (R) Steel Naginata
    (SR) Mikazuki

    Magic Staffs:
    (C) Oak Staff
    (C) Oak Cane
    (C) Birch Staff
    (C) Birch Cane
    (R) Ebony Staff
    (R) Ebony Cane
    (SR) Telesphorus

    Magic Wands:
    (C) Oak Wand
    (C) Birch Wand
    (R) Ebony Wand

    Magic Books:
    (C) Book of Seals
    (C) Book of Revelations
    (R) Book of Revelations
    (SR) Necronomicon

    Magic Orbs:
    (C) Used Orb
    (C) Magic Orb
    (R) Great Orb
    (SR) Philosopher's stone

    (C) Wooden Shortbow
    (C) Reinforced Shortbow
    (R) Recurved Shortbow
    (SR) Dawn

    (C) Wooden Longbow
    (C) Reinforced Longbow
    (R) Recurved Longbow
    (SR) Dusk
    (SSR) Fail-not

    (C) Simple Crossbow
    (C) Reinforced Crossbow
    (R) Repeating Crossbow

    (C) Leather Vambraces
    (C) Iron Knuckles
    (R) Steel Knuckles
    (SR) Mountain Roar
    (SSR) Gleipnir

    (C) Wooden Hammer
    (C) Iron Hammer
    (R) Steel Hammer
    (SR) Punisher

    (C) Wooden Club
    (C) Wooden Mace
    (C) Wooden Spoon
    (C) Iron Club
    (C) Iron Mace
    (C) Iron Spoon
    (R) Steel Club
    (R) Steel Mace
    (R) Steel Spoon
    (SR) The Spoon
    (SSR) Ascalon

    Throwing Weapons:
    (C) Darts
    (C) Kunai
    (C) Iron Throwing Spear
    (C) Shuriken
    (R) Steel Throwing Spear
    (R) Steel Shuriken
    (SR) Gekkou
    Name: Wooden Greatsword
    ID: #152
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Wooden Longsword
    ID: #153
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Wooden Dagger
    ID: #154
    Skill: Hidden Weapon [Small increase to surprise attack's damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Wooden Axe
    ID: #155
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Wooden Katana
    ID: #156
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Wooden Hammer
    ID: #157
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Wooden Club
    ID: #158
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Leather Vambraces
    ID: #159
    Skill: Gloves [Small increase in attack with brawlers]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Wooden Mace
    ID: #160
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Wooden Spoon
    ID: #161
    Skill: Spoon [Small increase to Meal and Brew skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Darts
    ID: #162
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Wooden Shortbow
    ID: #163
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Wooden Longtbow
    ID: #164
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Simple Crossbow
    ID: #165
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Kunai
    ID: #166
    Skill: Hidden Weapon [Small increase to surprise attack's damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Oak Staff
    ID: #167
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Oak Wand
    ID: #168
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Oak Cane
    ID: #169
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Book of Seals
    ID: #170
    Skill: Liturgical Tool [Small increase to Dark and Holy Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Used Orb
    ID: #171
    Skill: Spirit Tool [Small increase to Spirit Damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Wooden Short Spear
    ID: #172
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Wooden Great Spear
    ID: #173
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Wooden Halberd
    ID: #174
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Wooden Staff
    ID: #175
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Wooden Naginata
    ID: #176
    Skill: Naginata [Small increase in slashing skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Iron Greatsword
    ID: #177
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Iron Longsword
    ID: #178
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Iron Dagger
    ID: #179
    Skill: Hidden Weapon [Small increase to surprise attack's damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Iron Axe
    ID: #180
    Skill: Axe [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Iron Katana
    ID: #181
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Iron Hammer
    ID: #182
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Iron Club
    ID: #183
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Iron Knuckles
    ID: #184
    Skill: Gloves [Small increase in attack with brawlers]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Iron Mace
    ID: #185
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Iron Spoon
    ID: #186
    Skill: Spoon [Small increase to Meal and Brew skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Iron Throwing Spear
    ID: #187
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Reinforced Shortbow
    ID: #188
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Reinforced Longtbow
    ID: #189
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Reinforced Crossbow
    ID: #190
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Shuriken
    ID: #191
    Skill: Hidden Weapon [Small increase to surprise attack's damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Birch Staff
    ID: #192
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Birch Wand
    ID: #193
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Birch Cane
    ID: #194
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Book of Revelations
    ID: #195
    Skill: Liturgical Tool [Small increase to Dark and Holy Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Magic Orb
    ID: #196
    Skill: Spirit Tool [Small increase to Spirit Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Iron Short Spear
    ID: #197
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Iron Great Spear
    ID: #198
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Iron Halberd
    ID: #199
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Iron Staff
    ID: #200
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Iron Naginata
    ID: #201
    Skill: Naginata [Small increase in slashing skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Steel Greatsword
    ID: #202
    Skill: Sword II [Medium increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Longsword
    ID: #203
    Skill: Sword II [Medium increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Steel Dagger
    ID: #204
    Skill: Hidden Weapon II [Medium increase to surprise attack's damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Steel Axe
    ID: #205
    Skill: Axe II [Small increase to heavy skills; Small increase in slashing skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Katana
    ID: #206
    Skill: Sword II [Medium increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Steel Hammer
    ID: #207
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 2

    Name: Steel Club
    ID: #208
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Knuckles
    ID: #209
    Skill: Gloves II [Medium increase in attack with brawlers]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Steel Mace
    ID: #210
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Spoon
    ID: #211
    Skill: Spoon II [Medium increase to Meal and Brew skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Throwing Spear
    ID: #212
    Skill: Ranged Weapon II [Medium increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Recurved Shortbow
    ID: #213
    Skill: Ranged Weapon II [Medium increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Recurved Longtbow
    ID: #214
    Skill: Ranged Weapon II [Medium increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Repeating Crossbow
    ID: #215
    Skill: Ranged Weapon II [Medium increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Shuriken
    ID: #216
    Skill: Hidden Weapon [Small increase to surprise attack's damage]; Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Ebony Staff
    ID: #217
    Skill: Magic Tool II [Medium increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Ebony Wand
    ID: #218
    Skill: Magic Tool II [Medium increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Ebony Cane
    ID: #219
    Skill: Magic Tool II [Medium increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Book of Divinations
    ID: #220
    Skill: Liturgical Tool II [Medium increase to Dark and Holy Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Great Orb
    ID: #221
    Skill: Spirit Tool II [Medium increase to Spirit Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Steel Short Spear
    ID: #222
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Steel Great Spear
    ID: #223
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Halberd
    ID: #224
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Steel Staff
    ID: #225
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Steel Naginata
    ID: #226
    Skill: Naginata II [Medium increase in slashing skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Galatine
    ID: #227
    Skill: Galant Knight Sword [Medium Increase to sword skills; Small increase to attack when used by a knight]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Executioner
    ID: #228
    Skill: Deathseeker [Medium increase to slashing skills; Allows the use of Guillotine (★)]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 5
    Spd: - 2

    Name: Nanahoshi
    ID: #229
    Skill: Sword of Seven Constellation [Small increase in sword skills; Small chance to avoid attacks;]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 2

    Name: Punisher
    ID: #230
    Skill: Evil Crusher [Medium increase in heavy skills; Small increase in damage against demonkin]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1

    Name: Mountain Roar
    ID: #231
    Skill: Mountain's Might [Medium increase to attack and small increase to HP when used by a brawler]
    HP: + 4
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: The Spoon
    ID: #232
    Skill: The Spoon [Great increase on Meal and Brew skills]
    HP: + 4
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Dawn
    ID: #233
    Skill: Arrow of the Dawn [Gives out Fire Damage; Medium increase to ranged attacks]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 3

    Name: Dusk
    ID: #234
    Skill: Arrow of the Dusk [Gives out Water (Ice) Damage; Medium increase to Snipe skill damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 2

    Name: Gekkou
    ID: #235
    Skill: Unseen Weapon [Medium increase to surprise attack damage; Small increase to Swift Slash skill damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 3

    Name: Necronomicon
    ID: #236
    Skill: Book of Dead [Allows the use of Dark (★) and Undead (★); Medium increase in Dark Damage.]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 5
    Spd: - 2

    Name: Telesphorus
    ID: #237
    Skill: Staff of Life [Allows the use of Holy (★) and Cure (★); Medium increase to Holy Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 6
    Spd: - 2

    Name: Philosopher's stone
    ID: #238
    Skill: Jewel of Alchemy [Allows the use of Alchemy (★) and Homunculus (★); Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Earth Pillar
    ID: #239
    Skill: Earth Pillar [Allows the use of Earth (★); Medium increase to user's HP]
    HP: + 4
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: -3

    Name: Trident
    ID: #240
    Skill: Trident [Gives out Water Damage; Allows the use of Water (★); Small increase to attack when used by a lancer-class unit]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Mikazuki
    ID: #241
    Skill: Crescent Moon [Great increase to slashing skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 2

    Name: Arcadia
    ID: #242
    Skill: Living Arsenal [Great increase on skills, depending on the form; Allows the use of Change (★);]
    HP: + 4
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 2

    Name: Ascalon
    ID: #243
    Skill: Dragonkiller [Medium Increase in attack if used by a Human; Medium increase in damage against Dragonkin; Allows the use of Hearthunt (★)]
    HP: + 4
    Atk: + 5
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Excalibur
    ID: #244
    Skill: King's Sword [Medium increase to attack if used by a knight; Medium increase in Knight-type skills; Allows the use of Majesty (★)]
    HP: + 6
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 0

    Name: Durandal
    ID: #245
    Skill: Heaven's Sword [Great increase in slashing skills; Allows the use of Saint Slash (★)]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 2

    Name: Yatagarasu
    ID: #246
    Skill: Three-Legged Sword [Great increase in slashing skills; Small chance to double attack; Allows the use of Triple Slash (★)]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 3

    Name: Carnwennan
    ID: #247
    Skill: White Hilt [Medium chance of avioding an attack; Medium increase in surprise attack damage; Allows the use of Shadow (★)]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 4

    Name: Gungnir
    ID: #248
    Skill: Never Failing Spear [Great increase to piercing skills; Allows the use of Rune Pierce (★)]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Gleipnir
    ID: #249
    Skill: Beast's Cage [Great increase to attack when used by Beastkin; Small increase in attack when against High Race; Allows the use of Break Cage (★)]
    HP: + 7
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Name: Fail-not
    ID: #250
    Skill: Never Failing Bow [Great increase in ranged attacks and skills; Allows the use of Fail-not (★)]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 6
    Spd: + 4
    C - 65%
    R - 19,5%
    SR - 13,5%
    SSR - 1,9%
    UR - 0,1%
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
  3. SDrift

    SDrift Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Main Team:
    Leader - [Thea] [Telesphorus];
    Frontliner - [Demonkin Swordsman] [Steel Club];
    Frontliner - [Human Militia] [(SSR) Grungnir (Spear)];
    Backliner - [Marcus, the Mage Brother] [Ebony Cane];
    Backliner - [Beastkin Exorcist] [Birch Cane];

    Items Not in Use

    • (SR) Gekkou
    • (C) Iron Katana
    • (C) Iron Throwing Spear
    • (C) Iron Longsword
    • (C) Reinforced Long Bow

    Units Not in Use
    • (C) Elf Dancer
    • (C) Human Cook
    • (C) Human Mage
    • (C) Elf Scholar
    • (C) Dwarf Drunkard
    • (C) Dwarf Grappler
    • (C) Demonkin Peasant
    • (C) Dragonkin Scholar
    • (R) Human Alchemist

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
  4. Rimuru Tempest

    Rimuru Tempest Slime Demon Lord Fighting the Last Boss

    Feb 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    You're in the storage room not the roll room. ^^
    Omnifarious likes this.
  5. Blankdom

    Blankdom Unknown

    Mar 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Main Team:
    Leader - [ Nekoro(#131) ] [ Dusk(#234) ];
    Frontliner - [ (SR) Argus, the Knight Brother(#119) ] [ (R) Steel Naginata(#226) ];
    Frontliner - [ Korall of the Jade Scales(#138) ] [ (SR) Dawn(#233) ];
    Backliner - [ Isellael, the Lady Mercy(#140) ] [ Necronomicon(#236) ];
    Backliner - [ Esso(#125) ] [ (SR) Dawn(#233) ];

    (C) Goblin Swordsman(#2)
    (C) Goblin Gambler(#4)
    2 (C) Orc Drunkard(#7)
    (C) Orc Philosopher(#8)
    3 (C) Kobold Mage(#10)
    (C) Kobold Lancer(#11)
    (C) Kobold Clubman(#12)
    (C) Lizardman Lancer(#13)
    (C) Lizardman Dancer(#16)
    (C) Troll Fighter(#17)
    (C) Human Peasant(#19)
    3 (C) Human Swordsman(#21)
    (C) Human Guard(#22)
    (C) Human Hunter(#23)
    2 (C) Human Cook(#24)
    (C) Human Thief(#25)
    (C) Human Scholar(#26)
    (C) Elf Hunter(#31)
    2 (C) Elf Tamer(#32)
    (C) Elf Scout(#35)
    (C) Elf Dancer(#36)
    (C) Elf Bard(#38)
    (C) Dwarf Miner(#40)
    (C) Dwarf Heavy Fighter(#44)
    (C) Dwarf Grappler(#45)
    (C) Dwarf Drunkard(#47)
    2 (C) Dwarf Bar Owner(#48)
    3 (C) Beastkin Villager(#49)
    2 (C) Beastkin Tamer(#51)
    2 (C) Beastkin Cook(#57)
    (C) Beastkin Bard(#58)
    (C) Demonkin Peasant(#59)
    (C) Demonkin Swordsman(#60)
    (C) Demonkin Scholar(#61)
    (C) Demonkin Mage(#62)
    (C) Demonkin Thief(#63)
    (C) Demonkin Scout(#64)
    (R) Orc Shaman(#74)
    (R) Human Alchemist(#83)
    (R) Elf Archer(#86)
    (R) Elf Herbalist(#88)
    (R) Elf Druid(#89)
    2 (R) Dwarf Bard(#94)
    (R) Beastkin Mage(#97)
    (R) Demonkin Dark Priest(#101)
    (R) Dragonkin Lancer(#106)
    (R) Dragonkin Alchemist(#107)
    (R) High Race Priest(#109)
    2 (SR) Ogre Scholar(#117)
    2 (SR) Princess Knight, Nona(#122)
    (SR) Eryll(#123)
    (SR) Nekoro(#131)
    (SR) Korall of the Jade Scales(#138)
    (C) Wooden Greatsword(#152)
    2 (C) Wooden Longsword(#153)
    2 (C) Wooden Axe(#155)
    2 (C) Wooden Hammer(#157)
    (C) Wooden Mace(#160)
    (C) Wooden Long Bow(#164)
    (C) Simple Crossbow(#165)
    (C) Oak Staff(#167)
    2 (C) Book of Seal(#170)
    (C) Wooden Short Spear(#172)
    (C) Wooden Great Spear(#173)
    (C) Wooden Halberd(#174)
    (C) Wooden Staff(#175)
    (C) Wooden Naginata(#176)
    (C) Iron Greatsword(#177)
    (C) Iron Longsword(#178)
    2 (C) Iron Axe(#180)
    (C) Iron Hammer(#182)
    2 (C) Iron Throwing Spear(#187)
    (C) Reinforced Long Bow(#189)
    (C) Birch Cane(#194)
    (C) Magic Orb(#196)
    (C) Iron Great Spear(#198)
    (C) Iron Halberd(#199)
    3 (C) Iron Staff(#200)
    2 (C) Iron Naginata(#201)
    (R) Steel Katana(#206)
    2 (R) Steel Spoon(#211)
    (R) Recurved Long Bow(#214)
    (R) Great Orb(#221)
    (R) Steel Short Spear(#222)
    (R) Steel Staff(#225)
    1 (SR) Dawn(#233)
    (SR) Gekkou(#235)
    (SR) Philosopher's stone(#238)

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  6. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Status: Hungry for Growth』

    Sep 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    (C) Orc Villager
    (C) Kobold Mage
    (SR) Ogre Scholar
    (R) Elf Druid
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (C) Dwarf Blacksmith
    (C) Demonkin Mage
    (R) Dragonkin Lancer
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (R) Elf Tracker
    (R) Steel Naginata
    (C) Wooden Short Spear
    (R) Steel Hammer
    (C) Birch Wand
    (C) Reinforced Long Bow
    (C) Iron Halberd

    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Magic Orb
    (C) Human Swordsman
    (SSR) Arcadia
    (R) Kobold Brave
    (SR) Telesphorus
    (C) Demonkin Scholar
    (C) High Race Guard
    (R) Elf Druid
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  7. Chocol8

    Chocol8 [Chocolate Sect Founder] [Chocolate Lover]

    Jun 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Just listing them for now

    Main Team:
    Leader - [Toand] [Punisher]
    Frontline - [Dwarf Guard] [Galatine]
    Frontline - [Dwarf Grappler] [Leather Vambraces]
    Backliner - [Lizardman Dancer]
    Backliner - [Elf Druid] [Necronomicon]

    Name: Human Scholar
    Human - Scholar (Water)
    ID: #26
    Gives a (★small, ★★, medium, ★★★great) boost to skill damage. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3
    Name: Toand
    Dwarf - Craftsman (Fire)
    ID: #129
    Makes a random craft:
    Bomb - Gives 5x★ earth damage to all enemies.
    Rope - Binds* the target for 1x★ turns.
    Bandage - Heals 4x★ HP.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Binded characters can’t attack, or use attack skills. Support skills are allowed.
    Raises the efficiency of a weapon by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 2 turns.
    4 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill: Great Crafter [Medium increase in weapons stats]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2
    Name: Dwarf Grappler
    Dwarf - Brawler (Earth)
    ID: #45
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1
    Name: Dwarf Guard
    Dwarf - Knight (Earth)
    ID: #43
    Reduces by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) quantitie the next damage taken.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 1
    Name: Elf Druid
    Elf - Priest (Earth)
    ID: #89
    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Earth Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Heals a single ally by (40% + 10% for each star) your attack.
    2 turns cooldown.
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3
    Name: Beastkin Bard
    Beastkin - Artist (Wind)
    ID: #58
    Sings a random song:
    Lullaby - Makes one enemy sleep.*
    Bolero - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin.
    Serenade - Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Sleeping enemies can’t act at all.
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 3
    Name: Lizardman Dancer
    Monster - Artist (Water)
    ID: #16
    Dances a random dance:
    Waltz - Charms one enemy.*
    Ballet - Removes debuffs from party.
    Swing - Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Charmed enemies can’t attack the one they’re infatuated.
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 4
    Name: Necronomicon
    ID: #236
    Skill: Book of Dead [Allows the use of Dark (★) and Undead (★); Medium increase in Dark Damage.]
    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Dark Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Brings back one unit from death as an undead*.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Undeads take extra (+20%) damage from Holy and reduced (-10%) damage from Dark and Spirit. This effect can only be applied once per unit.
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 5
    Spd: - 2
    Name: Punisher
    ID: #230
    Skill: Evil Crusher [Medium increase in heavy skills; Small increase in damage against demonkin]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1
    Name: Galatine
    ID: #227
    Skill: Galant Knight Sword [Medium Increase to sword skills; Small increase to attack when used by a knight]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: + 1
    Name: Steel Staff
    ID: #225
    Skill: Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0
    Name: Iron Throwing Spear
    ID: #187
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1
    Name: Leather Vambraces
    ID: #159
    Skill: Gloves [Small increase in attack with brawlers]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 1
    Spd: + 0
    To be arranged:
    (C) Beastkin Cook
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (C) Kobold Clubman
    (C) Iron Halberd
    (C) Demonkin Scholar
    (C) Dwarf Guard
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Wooden Mace
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (C) Oak Wand
    Last edited: May 7, 2017
  8. scriptor

    scriptor 『Sigilmaster』 『Immortal Sage』

    May 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Just using this as... well, storage. XD

    I'll edit this post with new updates instead of reposts lel. Italics and bold = equipped.

    Main Team:
    Leader - Beastkin Mage (R) [ Magic Orb (C) ]
    Frontliner - Dwarf Taskmaster (R) [ Wooden Longsword (C) ]
    Frontliner - Dwarf Miner (C) [ Weapon ]
    Backliner - Elf Tamer (C) [ Weapon ]
    Backliner - Human Priest (C) [ Weapon ]


    (R) Beastkin Mage
    (C) Magic Orb

    (C) Kobold Clubman
    (C) Dwarf Miner
    (C) Elf Tamer
    (C) Human Priest
    (R) Dwarf Taskmaster

    (R) Goblin Raider
    (C) Troll Fighter
    (C) Wooden Longsword
    (C) Dragonkin Scholar
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  9. Allchemic

    Allchemic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Main Team:
    Leader - [ (SSR) Drust Aerandel, the Fifth ] [ Nanahoshi ];
    Frontliner - [ (R) Dwarf Taskmaster ] [ Weapon ];
    Frontliner - [ (C) Lizardman Lancer ] [ Trident ];
    Backliner - [ (SR) Thea ] [ Weapon ];
    Backliner - [ (C) Human Hunter ] [ Weapon ];

    • (C) Beastkin Cook
    • (C) Human Militia
    • (C) Iron Spoon
    • 1 - First Roll x10

    Drust Aerandel, the Fifth
    ID: #141
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★★); Lead (★★); Majesty (★);
    Leader Skill: King of the Man [Great increase in Human's stats; Medium increase in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 26
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 5
    ID: #126
    Skills: Wind (★★); Earth (★);
    Leader Skill: High Wizardry [Small increase in Magic Damage; Small increase in Mage-class units stats]
    HP: 17
    Atk: 9
    Spd: 3
    Dwarf Taskmaster
    ID: #91
    Skills: Preach (★); Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 14
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1
    Lizardman Lancer

    ID: #13
    Skills: Charge (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 12
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 3
    Human Hunter
    ID: #23
    Skills: Aim (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 6
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
  10. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Main Team:
    Leader - [ (SR) Isellael, the Lady Mercy ] [ (C) Birch Cane ]
    Frontliner - [ (SR) Hiroto, the Moon Gazer ] [ (C) Wooden Mace ]
    Frontliner - [ (R) Elf Sword Dancer ] [ (R) Steel Greatsword ]
    Backliner - [ (SR) Saintess Altina ] [ (C) Shuriken ]
    Backliner - [ (R) Demonkin Dark Priest ] [ (C) Wooden Longbow ]

    (SR) Saintess Altina
    Human - Priest (Holy)
    ID: #121
    Skills: Heal (★★); Bless (★);
    Leader Skill: Saintess Saintness [Small increase in Healing; Small increase in Holy Damage]
    HP: 17
    Atk: 8
    Spd: 3

    (C) Human Cook
    Human - Cook (Water)
    ID: #24
    Skills: Meal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 14
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 2

    (C) Human Guard
    Human - Knight (Water)
    ID: #22
    Skills: Protect (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 13
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    (C) Human Hunter
    Human - Archer (Wind)
    ID: #23
    Skills: Aim (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 6
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    (C) Human Mage
    Human - Mage (Water)
    ID: #27
    Skills: Water (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 7
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    (C) Human Priest
    Human - Priest (Holy)
    ID: #28
    Skills: Heal (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 3
    Spd: 2
    (SR) Hiroto, the Moon Gazer
    Beastkin - Samurai (Water)
    ID: #132
    Skills: Double Slash (★); Iai (★); Land Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Will of the Sword [Small increase to sword wielding allies for each sword wielding ally in the team]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4
    (R) Demonkin Lancer
    Demonkin - Lancer (Dark)
    ID: #102
    Skills: Charge (★); Pierce (★);
    Leader Skill: Demonkin Aura [Small Increase in Demonkin's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    (R) Demonkin Dark Priest
    Demonkin - Priest (Dark)
    ID: #101
    Skills: Heal (★); Dark (★);
    Leader Skill: Demonkin Aura [Small Increase in Demonkin's Stats]
    HP: 9
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 2

    (C) Demonkin Swordsman
    Demonkin - Swordsman (Dark)
    ID: #60
    Skills: Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 2
    (R) Elf Sword Dancer
    Elf - Artist (Wind)
    ID: #87
    Skills: Dance (★); Double Slash (★);
    Leader Skill: Elf Aura [Small Increase in Elf's Stats]
    HP: 13
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 4
    (SR) Stonecrusher, Dan
    Dwarf - Warrior (Fire)
    ID: #130
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Warrior Bravery [Medium increase in Warrior-class units stats]
    HP: 20
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 2

    (R) Dwarf Commander
    Dwarf - Warrior (Fire)
    ID: #95
    Skills: Preach (★); Lead (★);
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]
    HP: 15
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 1

    (C) Dwarf Scout
    Dwarf - Assassin (Wind)
    ID: #46
    Skills: Pry (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 9
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2
    (SR) Ogre Mauler
    Monster - Warrior (Earth)
    ID: #118
    Skills: Heavy Blow (★★); Roar (★);
    Leader Skill: Ogre's Might [Medium increase in all Ogre's stats]
    HP: 23
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 1

    (SR) Kobold Brewer
    Monster - Brewer (Earth)
    ID: #116
    Skills: Brew (★★); Drunk Steps (★);
    Leader Skill: Let's Haaang! [Medium increase in all Brewer-class units HP]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    (C) Orc Villager
    Monster - Civilian (Earth)
    ID: #5
    Skills: None
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 10
    Atk: 1
    Spd: 1

    (C) Lizardman Bard
    Monster - Artist (Water)
    ID: #15
    Skills: Sing (★);
    Leader Skill: None
    HP: 8
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 4
    (SR) Isellael, the Lady Mercy
    High Race - Priest (Holy)
    ID: #140
    Skills: Heal (★); Bless (★); Holy (★);
    Leader Skill: Lady Mercy [Medium increase to Priest-class units stats; Small increase in Holy Damage; Small decrease in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 18
    Atk: 10
    Spd: 4
    (R) Steel Naginata
    ID: #226
    Skill: Naginata II [Medium increase in slashing skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    (R) Steel Greatsword
    ID: #202
    Skill: Sword II [Medium increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 4
    Spd: - 1

    (R) Great Orb
    ID: #221
    Skill: Spirit Tool II [Medium increase to Spirit Damage]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    (C) Iron Katana
    ID: #181
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    (C) Reinforced Longbow
    ID: #189
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 0

    (C) Birch Cane
    ID: #194
    Skill: Magic Tool [Small increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0

    (C) Wooden Longbow
    ID: #164
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    (C) Wooden Mace
    ID: #160
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1

    (C) Shuriken
    ID: #191
    Skill: Hidden Weapon [Small increase to surprise attack's damage]
    HP: + 0
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: + 1

    (C) Wooden Greatsword
    ID: #152
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1

    (C) Wooden Greatsword
    ID: #152
    Skill: Sword [Small increase to sword skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  11. Milanin

    Milanin [Reader] [???] [Freeloader]

    May 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    == roll (pull? what's a pull?)...
    Main Team:

    (R) Dwarf Commander | (R) Steel Greatsword
    HP: 15 Atk: 4 Spd: 1 | HP: + 2 Atk: + 4 Spd: - 1
    Leader Skill: Dwarf Aura [Small Increase in Dwarf's Stats]

    (SR) Boar Rider, Boarror | (C) Iron Great Spear
    HP: 16 Atk: 9 Spd: 6 | HP: + 2 Atk: + 3 Spd: - 1​

    (SR) Boar Rider, Boarror | (R) Steel Great Spear
    HP: 16 Atk: 9 Spd: 6 | HP: + 2 Atk: + 4 Spd: - 1​

    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner | (R) Book of Divinations
    HP: 13 Atk: 2 Spd: 1 | HP: + 2 Atk: + 2 Spd: + 1​

    (R) Dwarf Enginer | (C) Iron Club
    HP: 13 Atk: 4 Spd: 1 | HP: + 2 Atk: + 2 Spd: + 0​



    (C) Beastkin Cook
    (C) Beastkin Cook
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Beastkin Priest
    (C) Beastkin Scholar
    (C) Beastkin Swordsman
    (C) Beastkin Swordsman
    (C) Beastkin Tamer
    (C) Beastkin Tea Maker
    (C) Beastkin Villager
    (C) Beastkin Villager
    (C) Demonkin Mage
    (C) Demonkin Mage
    (C) Demonkin Peasant
    (C) Demonkin Thief
    (C) Demonkin Scholar
    (C) Demonkin Scout
    (C) Dragonkin Squire
    (C) Demonkin Swordsman
    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner
    (C) Dwarf Drunk
    (C) Dwarf Grappler
    (C) Dwarf Heavy Fighter
    (C) Dwarf Miner
    (C) Dwarf Miner
    (C) Dwarf Peasant
    (C) Elf Bard
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Elf Peasant
    (C) Elf Scout
    (C) Elf Tamer
    (C) Elf Thief
    (C) Elf Thief
    (C) Goblin Gambler
    (C) Goblin Mage
    (C) High Race Guard
    (C) Human Priest
    (C) Kobold Lancer
    (C) Kobold Mage
    (C) Lizardman Dancer
    (C) Lizardman Dancer
    (R) Beastkin Samurai
    (R) Demonkin Alchemist
    (R) Demonkin Alchemist
    (R) Dwarf Commander
    (R) Dwarf Commander
    (R) Dwarf Enginer
    (R) Elf Herbalist
    (R) Elf Sword Dancer
    (R) Human Alchemist
    (R) Human Archer
    (R) Human Archer
    (R) Human Horseman
    (R) Human Horseman
    (R) Human Occultist
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (R) Kobold Tamer
    (R) Lizardman Raider
    (R) Ogre Warrior
    (R) Orc Leader
    (SR) Black Ajumar
    (SR) Boar Rider, Boarror
    (SR) Boar Rider, Boarror
    (SR) Goblin Hero
    (SR) Korall of the Jade Scales
    (SR) Masuyo
    (SR) Orc Warlord, T'thak
    (SR) Saintess Altina
    (SR) Saintess Altina
    (SR) Saintess Altina
    (SR) Stonecrusher, Dan
    (SSR) Blue Ocean Swordsman, Kaito

    (C) Birch Cane
    (C) Birch Cane
    (C) Birch Staff
    (C) Darts
    (C) Iron Axe
    (C) Iron Axe
    (C) Iron Axe
    (C) Iron Club
    (C) Iron Knuckles
    (C) Iron Great Spear
    (C) Iron Mace
    (C) Iron Mace
    (C) Iron Naginata
    (C) Iron Naginata
    (C) Iron Staff
    (C) Iron Staff
    (C) Iron Throwing Spear
    (C) Kunai
    (C) Reinforced Long Bow
    (C) Reinforced Short Bow
    (C) Reinforced Short Bow
    (C) Shuriken
    (C) Simple Crossbow
    (C) Simple Crossbow
    (C) Simple Crossbow
    (C) Used Orb
    (C) Wooden Club
    (C) Wooden Great Spear
    (C) Wooden Great Spear
    (C) Wooden Great Spear
    (C) Wooden Greatsword
    (C) Wooden Long Bow
    (C) Wooden Naginata
    (C) Wooden Short Bow
    (C) Wooden Short Bow
    (C) Wooden Short Spear
    (C) Wooden Short Spear
    (C) Wooden Short Spear
    (R) Book of Divinations
    (R) Book of Divinations
    (R) Ebony Wand
    (R) Ebony Wand
    (R) Repeating Crossbow
    (R) Steel Great Spear
    (R) Steel Greatsword
    (R) Steel Knuckles
    (R) Steel Mace
    (R) Steel Spoon
    (R) Steel Throwing Spear
    (SR) Dawn
    (SR) Dusk
    (SR) Dusk
    (SR) Earth Pillar
    (SR) Earth Pillar
    (SR) Gekkou
    (SR) Punisher
    (SR) Trident
    (SSR) Excalibur (Sword)
    Iron Hammer
    Dwarf Heavy Knight
    Wooden Mace
    Wooden Longsword
    Beastkin Swordsman
    Elf Bard
    Jack of All Trades, Ninian
    Reinforced Short Bow x 2
    Kobold Lancer
    Beastkin Bard
    Orc Pacifist, An'cketh
    Orc Philosopher
    Steel Hammer
    Human Occultist
    Elf Thief
    Beastkin Tea Maker
    Book of Revelations
    Human Knight
    (C) Human Cook, (C) Magic Orb, (R) Elf Archer, (R) Dwarf Taskmaster, (C) Elf Scout, (C) Dwarf Drunkard, (R) Dwarf Enginer, (C) Elf Bard, (C) Dwarf Drunkard, (C) Dwarf Blacksmith, (SR) Erymael, the Lady Justice
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
  12. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Name: Rokko Fireraid
    Dragonkin - Knight (Fire)
    Rank: (SR)
    ID: #137
    Skills: Heavy Slash (★); Fire (★); Lead (★);
    Leader Skill: Fire Raid [Allows Knight-class allies to cast Fire (★); Small increase in Knight-class units stats]
    HP: 20
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 4

    Name: Iron Halberd
    ID: #199
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1
    Heavy Slash:
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Fire Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★ medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 2 turns.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Name: Goblin King
    Monster - Noble (Fire)
    Rank: (SR)
    ID: #111
    Skills: Lead (★★); Heavy Blow (★);
    Leader Skill: King's Authority [Medium Increase in Goblin's Stats]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 5
    Spd: 3

    Name: Wooden Halberd
    Rank: (C)
    ID: #174
    Skill: Heavy Weapon [Small increase to heavy skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: - 1
    Gives a (★small, ★★ medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 2 turns.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Heavy Blow:
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Name: Princess Knight, Nona
    Human - Knight (Holy)
    Rank: (SR)
    ID: #122
    Leader Skill: Princess Knight [Medium increase in allies stat against Monsters; Small reduction in own stats against Monsters]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 3

    Name: Wooden Great Spear
    ID: #173
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 3
    Spd: - 1
    Deals your attack +10% for each star.
    1 turn cooldown

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Holy Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) to one ally’s attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    2 turn cooldown.
    Name: Jack of All Trades, Ninian
    Human - Mage (Water)
    Rank: (SSR)
    ID: #142
    Skills: Water (★); Spirit (★); Holy (★); Dark (★); High Familiar (★)
    Leader Skill: Allrounder [Great increase in Scholar, Alchemist, Mage, Summoner and Priest-class units stat; Medium increase in Dark, Holy, Magic and Spirit Damage; Summoning last longer]
    HP: 21
    Atk: 12
    Spd: 5

    Name: Ebony Cane
    ID: #219
    Skill: Magic Tool II [Medium increase to Magic Damage]
    HP: + 3
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 0
    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Water Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Spirit Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Holy Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Dark Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    High Familiar:
    Summons a High Familiar. It’ll have 20 HP, 12 attack and 6 speed for each star. Lasts 3 turns.
    5 turn cooldown.
    Name: Esso
    Elf - Archer (Wind)
    Rank: (SR)
    ID: #125
    Skills: Aim (★★); Snipe (★);
    Leader Skill: Marksman [Small increase in Snipe's damage; Small increase in Archer-class units stats]
    HP: 19
    Atk: 6
    Spd: 5

    Name: Reinforced Short Bow
    Rank: (C)
    ID: #188
    Skill: Ranged Weapon [Small increase in ranged attacks and skills]
    HP: + 1
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1
    Takes aim for a turn. Next attack or skill will have a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Snipes an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 20% for each star) you attack.
    3 turns cooldown.
    (C) Beastkin Cook
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Demonkin Scholar
    (C) Demonkin Swordsman
    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Elf Thief
    (C) Elf Scout x 2
    (C) Goblin Gambler
    (C) High Race Tea Maker
    (C) Human Peasant
    (C) Human Mage
    (C) Human Scholar
    (C) Human Swordsman x 2
    (C) Kobold Mage
    (C) Lizardman Dancer
    (C) Troll Fighter
    (R) Beastkin Rider
    (R) Demonkin Raider
    (R) Demonkin Dark Priest
    (R) Dwarf Bard
    (R) Elf Sword Dancer
    (SR) Chloe
    (SR) Kobold Brewer
    (SR) Nightingale, Aimi
    (SSR) Hikari, the Light Maiden

    (C) Wooden Naginata x 2
    (C) Wooden Great Spear x 2
    (C) Wooden Hammer
    (C) Iron Staff
    (C) Iron Katana x 3
    (C) Iron Greatsword x 2
    (C) Simple Crossbow
    (C) Iron Throwing Spear
    (C) Oak Cane
    (C) Birch Wand
    (C) Magic Orb x 2
    (C) Book of Seals
    (R) Ebony Wand
    (R) Steel Club
    (R) Steel Hammer
    (R) Steel Longsword
    (R) Steel Throwing Spear
    (SR) Philosopher's stone

    Orc Villager
    Orc Warrior
    Troll Shaman
    Demonkin Swordsman
    Demonkin Thief
    Orc Shaman
    Goblin King
    Ogre Scholar
    Wooden Short Spear
    Iron Hammer
    Iron Staff
    Ebony Cane
    Kobold Miner
    Human Peasant
    Elf Peasant
    Elf Bard
    Beastkin Cook
    Demonkin Scout
    Demonkin Raider
    Wooden Great Spear
    Steel Axe
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    J0HNL8 likes this.
  13. Shadowtank

    Shadowtank Member

    Jul 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Name: Dragonkin Alchemist
    Grade: Rare
    Dragonkin - Alchemist (Water)
    ID: #107
    Skills: Alchemy (★); Preach (★);
    Leader Skill: Dragonkin Aura [Small Increase in Dragonkin's Stats]
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Makes a random alchemy:
    Healing Potion - Heals 5x★ HP.
    Doping Potion - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 1 turn.
    Molotov Cocktail - Gives 4x★ fire damage to all enemies.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★, medium, ★★★great) boost to skill damage. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Name: Lizardman Raider
    Grade: Rare
    Monster - Rider (Water)
    ID: #78
    Skills: Charge (★); Roar(★);
    HP: 11
    Atk: 7
    Spd: 4

    Name: Steel Short Spear
    Grade: Rare
    ID: #222
    Skill: Charging Weapon [Small increase to charging skills]
    HP: + 2
    Atk: + 2
    Spd: + 1

    Deals (80% + 10% for each start) your attack. Has increased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    Name: Beastkin Guard
    Beastkin - Knight (Earth)
    ID: #50
    Skills: Protect (★);
    HP: 11
    Atk: 2
    Spd: 2

    Reduces by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) quantitie the next damage taken.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Name: Elf Archer
    Grade: Rare
    Elf - Archer (Wind)
    ID: #86
    Skills: Aim (★); Snipe (★);
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 5

    Takes aim for a turn. Next attack or skill will have a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Snipes an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 20% for each star) you attack.
    3 turns cooldown.
    Name: Elf Druid
    Grade: Rare
    Elf - Priest (Earth)
    ID: #89
    Skills: Earth (★); Treatment (★);
    HP: 11
    Atk: 4
    Spd: 3

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Earth Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Heals a single ally by (40% + 10% for each star) your attack.
    2 turns cooldown.

    (C) Orc Philosopher,(C) Troll Shaman,(C) Lizardman Dancer,(C) Kobold Lancer,(C) Kobold Clubman
    2 (R) Goblin Raider

    (C) Human Thief,(C)Human Scholar
    (R) Human Knight,2(R) Human Occultist

    (C) Elf Thief,(C) Elf Dancer,(C) Elf Mage,(C) Elf Thief
    (R) Elf Druid
    (SR) Thea

    (C) Dwarf Heavy Fighter,(C) Dwarf Blacksmith
    (SR) Stonehands, Norman

    (C) Beastkin Cook,(C) Beastkin Priest
    (SR) Hiroto, the Moon Gazer,(SR) Nightingale, Aimi

    (C) Demonkin Mage
    (SR) Tassyer

    (SR) Korall of the Jade Scales


    2 (C) Wooden Spoon,(C) Kunai,(R) Steel Great Spear,(C) Book of Seals,(R) Steel Throwing Spear,(C) Wooden Halberd,(SR) Mikazuki,(C)Iron Club,(C) Iron Greatsword,(C) Darts,(C) Iron Greatsword,(C) Book of Revelations,(C) Reinforced Crossbow,(C) Magic Orb,(C) Reinforced Long Bow,(C) Wooden Axe,(C) Used Orb

    Takes aim for a turn. Next attack or skill will have a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Makes a random alchemy:
    Healing Potion - Heals 5x★ HP.
    Doping Potion - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 1 turn.
    Molotov Cocktail - Gives 4x★ fire damage to all enemies.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Raises one target attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin and gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) reduction on damage taken. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Makes a random brew:
    Ale - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 1 turn.
    Tea - Heals 5x★ HP.
    Coffee - Gives increased priority for 1x★ turns.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Bulk up:
    Gives a (★medium, ★★great, ★★★epic) boost to attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    4 turn cooldown.

    Deals (80% + 10% for each start) your attack. Has increased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Makes a random craft:
    Bomb - Gives 5x★ earth damage to all enemies.
    Rope - Binds* the target for 1x★ turns.
    Bandage - Heals 4x★ HP.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Binded characters can’t attack, or use attack skills. Support skills are allowed.

    Dances a random dance:
    Waltz - Charms one enemy.*
    Ballet - Removes debuffs from party.
    Swing - Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Charmed enemies can’t attack the one they’re infatuated.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Dark Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Dice Roll:
    Has 1 in 6 chance activate its effect. Once activated, the team will get a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance of dealing critical damage.* Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turns cooldown.
    *Critical damage deals 150% the normal damage.

    Double Slash:
    Deals 60% + 10% your attack for each star twice.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Drunk Steps:
    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Earth Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals (50% + 10% for each star) your attack as Holy damage. Dispels buffs when cast on enemy. Dispel debuffs when cast on ally.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Summons a familiar. It’ll have 10 HP, 6 attack and 3 speed for each star. Lasts 2 turns or until killed.
    4 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Fire Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Heals all allies by (30% + 10% for each star) you attack.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Heavy Blow:
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Heavy Slash:
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Hides from the enemies.* Lasts 1 + 1x★ turns.
    2 turn cooldown.**
    *Can’t be attacked until attacks or until the effect wears off.
    **Cooldown start from when you exit the hidden state.

    High Familiar:
    Summons a High Familiar. It’ll have 20 HP, 12 attack and 6 speed for each star. Lasts 3 turns.
    5 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Holy Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Waits for a turn. Deals (★1,5x, ★★2x, ★★★ 2,5x) your attack.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Iron Punch:
    Deals your attack + 20% for each star. Has decreased priority.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Land Slash:
    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) of your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★ medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 2 turns.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Makes a meat that heals all the allies by 4 every turn for 2 + 1x★ turns.

    Deals you attack + 10% for each star. Ignores damage reductions.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Gives a sure critical attack on the next attack or skill.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Gives a (★small, ★★, medium, ★★★great) boost to skill damage. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Reduces by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) quantitie the next damage taken.
    1 turn cooldown.

    If the enemy is hidden, uncovers its hidden effect. If is not hidden, gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to give a critical attack.* Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Critical damage deals 150% the normal damage.

    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) boost to attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Sings a random song:
    Lullaby - Makes one enemy sleep.*
    Bolero - Increases attack by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin.
    Serenade - Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) chance to avoid attacks. Lasts 1 turn.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Sleeping enemies can’t act at all.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star.
    1 turn cooldown

    Snipes an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 20% for each star) you attack.
    3 turns cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Spirit Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Has 30% + 10% for each star of disarming an enemy.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Gives a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) to one ally’s attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Swift Slash:
    Deals (70% + 10% for each star) of your attack. Has increased priority.
    1 turn cooldown

    Raises the efficiency of a weapon by a (★small, ★★medium, ★★★great) margin. Lasts 2 turns.
    4 turn cooldown.

    Heals a single ally by (40% + 10% for each star) your attack.
    2 turns cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Water Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.

    Deals your attack +10% for each star as Wind Damage.
    1 turn cooldown.
    Gives an great boost to allies’ attack and raises priority.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Knight's Tale:
    Epic boost to Knight-class allies’ attack. Lasts 1 turn.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Gives a great boost to attack and gives medium damage reduction to all the team. Lasts 3 turns.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Ocean Slash:
    Waits 2 turns. After that, gives twice the attack as damage to all enemies.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Gives a sure critical attack on the next attack or skill.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Release Potential:
    Raises the weapon level to the max. If is a SR and it’s at max level already, raises it to SSR.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Revives a team member that died in battle.
    Can only be cast once per battle.

    Sacrifices half the current HP to give a twofold attack damage on a single enemy with 20% chance of critical.
    Can only be cast once per battle.
    Break Cage:
    Gives a great (epic against High Race) boost to attack and medium chance to deal critical damage. As price, gives a great increase to damage taken. Lasts 2 turns.
    4 turn cooldown.

    Dispels a debuff on ally or a buff on enemy. The buff or debuff dispeled are random.
    2 turn cooldown.

    Aims and shots at an target of lower speed. Deals (110 + 10% for each star) you attack. Ignores dodge chance.
    3 turns cooldown.

    Deals your attack + 30%x★. Has (★small, ★★medium) chance of deal critical.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Applies the effect of Hearthunt* to the next attack or skill used.
    4 turn cooldown.
    *Hearthunt makes the next attack or skill deal 20% more damage.

    Summons a random animal homunculus:
    Bear: 18 HP; 8 Atk; 1 Spd.
    Wolf: 14 HP; 12 Atk; 3 Spd.
    Eagle: 12 HP; 9 Atk; 6 Spd.
    Lasts 3 turns

    Rune Pierce:
    Deals you attack + 30% for each star in elemental damage, depending on the unit element*. Ignores damage reductions.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Saint Slash:
    Deals your attack + 40% for each star in Holy Damage. Has decreased priority.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Shadow Rush:
    If hidden, deals (80% + 10% for each star) of your attack in Dark Damage with great chance of critical. Has increased priority.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Triple Slash:
    Deals 50% + 10% your attack for each star twice. Has small chance of critical.
    3 turn cooldown.

    Brings back one unit from death as an undead*.
    3 turn cooldown.
    *Undeads take extra (+20%) damage from Holy and reduced (-10%) damage from Dark and Spirit. This effect can only be applied once per unit.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
    Kuma Desu likes this.
  14. a101011

    a101011 [Hero Martial Porcupine]

    Apr 9, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Leader - [(SR) Saintess Altina] [(R) Steel Dagger];
    Frontliner - [(C) Demonkin Thief] [ Weapon ];
    Frontliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Backliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Backliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    (C) Goblin Gambler
    (C) Human Hunter
    (C) Dwarf Blacksmith
    (C) Demonkin Thief
    (C) Leather Vambraces
    (C) Oak Wand
    (C) Iron Staff
  15. GonZ555

    GonZ555 What i want for christmas is you

    Nov 10, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Main team:
    Leader - [ (SR) Hiroto, The Moon Gazer ] [ (SR) Mikazuki ];
    Frontliner - [ (R) Beastkin Samurai ] [ (C) Iron Naginata ];
    Frontliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];
    Backliner - [ (R) Beastkin Ninja ] [ (C) Shuriken ];
    Backliner - [ Character ] [ Weapon ];

    (SSR) Drust Aerandel, the Fifth (human)
    (SR) Saintess Altina
    (SR) Hiroto, the Moon Gazer (beastkin) |in team|
    (R) Elf Sword Dancer
    (R) Beastkin Samurai |in team|
    (R) Beastkin Ninja |in team|
    (R) Dwarf Heavy Knight
    (C) Human Militia
    (C) Human Guard
    (C) Elf Thief (x2)
    (C) Elf Bard (x2)
    (C) Beastkin Villager (x3)
    (C) Beastkin Scholar
    (C) Beastkin Tea Maker
    (C) Dwarf Blacksmith
    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner (x2)
    (C) Dragonkin Squire
    (C) Demonkin Swordman
    (C) High Race Peasant

    (SR) Dawn
    (SR) Dusk
    (SR) Telesphorus
    (SR) Mikazuki (used)
    (R) Book of Divinations
    (R) Steel Axe
    (R) Steal Great Spear
    (C) Reinforced Short Bow
    (C) Iron Naginata (used)
    (C) Iron Halbred
    (C) Iron Staff
    (C) Wooden Katana
    (C) Wooden Great Spear
    (C) Wooden Short Spear (x2)
    (C) Wooden Club
    (C) Wooden Spoon
    (C) Kunai
    (C) Shuriken (used)
    (C) Darts
    (C) Oak Wand
    (C) Birch Cane
    (C) Book of seals

    (C) lizardman bard
    (C) kobold lancer
    (C) Orc Warrior
    (R) Goblin Knight
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  16. LysUltima

    LysUltima Riichi! Tsumo! Toitoi! Suuankou!?

    Aug 6, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:

    (SR) Toand | (R) Steel Club​

    HP 21 + 2 | Att 4 + 3 | Spd 2 - 1​

    Skills: Craft (★★); Temper (★); Heavy Weapon II [Medium increase to heavy skills]​

    Leader Skill: Great Crafter [Medium increase in weapons stats]​

    (SSR) Blue Ocean Swordsman, Kaito | (R) Steel Katana​

    (SR) Orc Warlord, T'thak | (SSR) Carnwennan​

    HP 18 + 1| Att 14 + 3| Spd 5 + 1​

    HP 22 | Att 6 + 4 | Spd 3 + 4​

    Skills: Land Slash (★★); Iai (★★); Ocean Slash (★); Blade II [Medium increase to blade skills]​

    Skills: Lead (★); Heavy Blow (★★); White Hilt [Medium chance of avioding an attack; Medium increase in surprise attack damage; Allows the use of Shadow (★)]​

    (SSR) Hikari, the Light Maiden | (R) Ebony Staff​

    (SR) Tassyer | (C) Book of Revelations​

    HP 21 + 2 | Att 10 + 4| Spd 4 - 1​

    HP 19 +1 | Att 7 + 2| Spd 3 + 1​

    Skills: Bless (★★); Heal (★★); Revive (★); Magic Tool II [Medium increase to Magic Damage]​

    Skills: Familiar (★); Dark (★); High Familiar (★); Liturgical Tool [Small increase to Dark and Holy Damage]​



    (R) Goblin Knight
    (C) Human Thief
    (C) High Race Guard
    (C) Lizardman Dancer
    (C) Dwarf Craftsman
    (C) Beastkin Villager
    (C) Dwarf Guard
    (C) Human Hunter
    (C) Goblin Gambler
    (C) Lizardman Bard
    (SR) Princess Knight, Nona
    (C) High Race Tea Maker
    (R) Human Archer
    (R) Kobold Alchemist
    (SR) Erymael, the Lady Justice
    (SR) Boar Rider, Boarror
    (C) Human Guard
    (C) Dwarf Craftsman

    (SR) Gekkou
    (C) Wooden Axe
    (C) Iron Greatsword x 2
    (C) Reinforced Crossbow
    (C) Wooden Short Spear
    (C) Wooden Halberd
    (C) Darts
    (R) Recurved Shortbow
    (SR) Executioner
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
    J0HNL8 and Deleted member 41274 like this.
  17. pr337k4m4197

    pr337k4m4197 ✪ KILLER SMILE!!!!!

    May 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    (C) Leather Vambraces
  18. Wireath

    Wireath Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:







    (C) Kobold Clubman
    (SR) Orc Warlord, T'thak
    (R) Dragonkin Lancer
    (C) High Race Peasant
    (R) Elf Herbalist
    (C) Human Cook
    (C) Elf Scholar
    (SR) Isellael, the Lady Mercy
    (C) Elf Hunter
    (C) Orc Philosopher
    (C) Lizardman Lancer
    (C) Goblin Gambler
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Human Hunter
    (C) Elf Mage
    (C) Elf Thief
    (C) Demonkin Scholar
    (C) Human Peasant
    (C) Human Guard
    (R) Demonkin Alchemist
    (R) Elf Druid
    (C) Dwarf Grappler
    (SR) Korall of the Jade Scales
    (C) Dragonkin Squire
    (C) Beastkin Scholar
    (C) Goblin Mage
    (C) Kobold Mage
    (R) Beastkin Raider
    (C) Goblin Bandit
    (C) Beastkin Guard
    (C) Beastkin Scholar
    (C) Goblin Bandit
    2 (SR) Hiroto, the Moon Gazer
    (SR) Argus, the Knight Brother
    (C) Troll Shaman
    (SR) Stonecrusher, Dan
    (C) Elf Tamer
    (C) Dwarf Miner
    (C) High Race Guard
    (C) Goblin Swordsman
    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner
    (C) Demonkin Mage
    (R) Human Occultist
    (C) Magic Orb
    2 (R) Steel Dagger
    (R) Steel Great Spear
    (C) Reinforced Short Bow
    (C) Iron Hammer
    (R) Steel Axe
    (R) Steel Halberd
    (SR) Executioner
    2 (C) Birch Cane
    (C) Book of Revelations
    (C) Wooden Great Spear
    (R) Steel Great Spear
    (C) Oak Staff
    2 (C) Darts
    (C) Wooden Hammer
    2 (C) Iron Short Spear
    (C) Wooden Greatsword
    (SR) The Spoon
    (C) Oak Cane
    3 (C) Birch Wand
    (C) Iron Great Spear
    (C) Leather Vambraces
    (C) Oak Wand
    (R) Ebony Wand
    (R) Steel Longsword
    (C) Wooden Naginata
    (SR) Executioner
    (C) Iron Longsword
    (C) Wooden Spoon
    2 (C) Iron Knuckles
    (C) Used Orb
    (C) Book of Seals
    (C) Iron Greatsword
    (C) Iron Throwing Spear
    (C) Wooden Greatsword
    (C) Iron Katana
    (C) Wooden Katana
    2 (C) Iron Staff
    (R) Ebony Cane
    (C) Reinforced Crossbow
    (C) Shuriken
    (C) Wooden Long Bow
    (C) Wooden Mace
    (R) Steel Katana
    (SR) Punisher
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  19. NerdExpress

    NerdExpress 『Shem's Kouhai』,『Nerdy』,『Saving The World』

    Nov 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Main Team: Too lazy to organize
    Leader: Elf Light Warrior (C)
    Vanguard: Lizardman Terror (R)
    Vanguard: Beastkin Tamer (C)
    Rearguard: Elf Scout (C)
    Rearguard: Human Thief (C)
    (SR) Galatine
    (C) Beastkin Tamer
    (C) Elf Light Warrior
    (C) Elf Scout
    (UR) Yggdrasil
    (C) Iron Hammer
    (C) Human Thief
    (C) Iron Katana
    (R) Steel Spoon
    (C) High Race Peasant
    (R) Lizardman Terror
    (C) Iron Knuckles
    (C) Book of Seals
    (C) Dwarf Bar Owner
    (C) Birch Wand
    (C) Dwarf Craftsman
    (C) Iron Throwing Spear
    (SSR) Arcadia (Bat)
    (C) Kobold Clubman
    (C) Iron Club
    (SR) Earth Pillar
    (C) Dwarf Miner
    (C) Wooden Katana
    (C) Iron Axe
    (R) Demonkin Raider
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
  20. Twilight Fox

    Twilight Fox 【Foxy】【Ayayayay!】

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Reading List:
    [(C)Demonkin Swordsman]+[(R)Steel Longsword]
    [(C)Elf Tamer]+[(R)Repeating Crossbow] [(R)High Race Noble]+[(C)Iron Greatsword]
    Rear Guard:
    [(C)Human Priest]+[(C)Iron Greatspear] [(C)Demonkin Mage]+[(R)Steel Staff]
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
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