Gensokyo Everlasting - Monster Reports

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by lychee, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Registration -|- Monster Reports -|- Battle Thread -|- Tea House
    Gensokyo Everlasting (PvP Magic RPG)

    Please use the Monster Report Form when posting to the thread:

    Character Name
    Character Level:
    Enemies Defeated:

    + + +​

    Every time you make a Monster Report your character's total EXP goes up by +1

    Experience points contribute to your character level, which allows your character to take on more NPC enemies in a single quest report. Here is the level table:
    • Level 1: 0 EXP - 1 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 2: 6 EXP - 2 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 3: 22 EXP - 3 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 4: 51 EXP - 4 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 5: 100 EXP - 5 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 6: 173 EXP - 6 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 7: 274 EXP - 7 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 8: 410 EXP - 8 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 9: 583 EXP - 9 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 10: 800 EXP - 10 enemy NPC Max

    + + +​

    After posting your Monster Report, use @justabot to claim your reward.

    EACH enemy that you defeat will drop ONE random Spirit Stone.

    Use @justabot to roll a 5-sided dice for N number of enemies defeated:
    !roll 1,5,N
    Map of Gensokyo
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
  2. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Roll limits: -9999999999 to 9999999999

    @lychee, an error has occured. To use the dice roller, please use the command "!roll min,max" without the quotes. Min being The lowest value to return and max being the highest value to return.

    You may also use "!roll min,max,num_of_dice" if you want to roll multiple dice at once. The maximum dice you may use is 100.
  3. villain

    villain [DCLXVI's] [cat-loving evil mastermind]

    Oct 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Sample Villain
    Character Level: Level 1 (Total EXP: 2)
    Location: Kourindou
    Enemies Defeated: 1 enemy
    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
  4. villain

    villain [DCLXVI's] [cat-loving evil mastermind]

    Oct 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,6,1

    EDIT: Note that this was a typo and should be a 1-5 roll
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
  5. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 6
    Number of Dice: 1

    @villain, you rolled: 4
  6. villain

    villain [DCLXVI's] [cat-loving evil mastermind]

    Oct 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    ^ I obtained a Metal Spirit Stone!

    The number represents a different [Spirit Stone] type:
    1. (T) Wood (Tree)
    2. (F) Fire
    3. (E) Earth
    4. (M) Metal
    5. (W) Water

    I should go update my private Inventory now!

    Now I will send a PM to the GM @lychee with the following contents:

  7. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Rose Coriette
    Character Level: Level 1 (Total EXP: 2)
    Location: Youkai Trail
    Enemies Defeated: 1 enemy

    A foggy night.

    The best kind of weather to be out hunting.

    Not that Rose was hungry, per say -- humans were bountiful in these parts, and Rose never struggled to find a lone traveler who had strayed too far from the village to fill her stomach. The night was a time when youkai roamed, and quite suitably it was a time for cats to go preying on mice.

    Some cocky humans were overconfident and felt that they could chase away weak youkai just fine, but Rose wasn't weak.

    Not anymore.

    She didn't fear their pitchforks and torches anymore.

    A long time ago, those human implements had hurt her and tortured her when she was weak and powerless. However, Rose had grown since that time. Now Rose was strong, and all that remained of those nightmarish days was a cold heart full of spite. The witch-hunts from back then were burned into her memories, and Rose didn't forget.

    She would never forget, nor would she forgive.

    Tonight, Rose was not hungry.

    No -- rather, she was bored.

    Rose Coriette spotted the dim light of a lantern in the distance on the trail.

    Ah, here was one.

    A woodcutter, it seems. Well-built, middle-aged, muscular, and confident. Most importantly, he was alone. It seemed like he had gone outside briefly to bring another cord of firewood from his warehouse to heat his family cottage. The distance was not very far, no more than 200 meters, so perhaps he thought there would be no way a youkai would audaciously attack him so close to home.

    Nonetheless, he looked prepared. He carried a crossbow on him, as well as a leather pouch of goodies around his belt. Surely he was experienced with chasing away weak youkai in the past.

    Rose licked her lips as she quietly drew her knives in the darkness.

    Tonight, she would have fun.

    Lots and lots of fun.
    Quaesitor likes this.
  8. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,5
  9. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 5

    @yuzuki, you rolled a 1
  10. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Rose Coriette
    Character Level: Level 1 (Total EXP: 4)
    Location: Scarlet Devil Mansion
    Enemies Defeated: 1 enemy

    Voile, the Haunted Library
    Listening Music: Moonlight's 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Classic 49

    Do you know the feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night in a house too large for one person?

    It's silent. Quiet. Chilling.

    Rose was not comfortable with this feeling.

    Even after spending decades wandering Gensokyo by her lonesome, one is never truly alone in the Forest. Crickets sing in the night, and fireflies light up the sky. After dark, the forest is very much vibrant and alive. Only a nightwalker would be familiar with the brilliance that nightfall brings. It is no mistake that humans from the ancient days have long likened the hours after twilight to a parading festival of monsters. It was the kind of atmosphere that always warmed Rose's heart. It smelled like home.

    But here, it was nothing like the forest.

    The ruins of abandoned Scarlet Devil Mansion had a crushing aura as heavy as a black hole.

    The silence was deafening.

    Rose Coriette shivered.

    She walked down an empty hallway.

    + + +​

    Normally, vampires do not sleep at night.

    Normally, this wouldn't have posed any sort of problem.

    Normally, that is.

    You see, long, long back when Rose was a human, she used to be afraid of the dark.

    In fact, she used to be terrified of it, always convinced that monsters might crawl out from the depths and gobble her up, regardless what soothing words her parents used to tell her. And nothing made darkness more scary than to be alone in the midst of it.

    Of course, it's preposterous to think that a vampire might be afraid of the dark.

    So Rose Coriette the vampire is not afraid of the dark.

    But this didn't mean that she liked it.

    She lit a candlestick with a match and lifted the small flicker of soft golden light.

    + + +​

    After centuries of abandonment, the bookshelves of the Library in the Scarlet Devil Mansion were mostly empty.

    However, the former library of Patchouli Knowledge was enormous.

    Even among the toppled bookshelves and mountains of debris, it was impossible to know if any ancient tomes remained, even though it had probably been scoured a million times by treasure hunters before.

    Rose waded her way through the stacks of charred plywood and ash, still determined to see if she could uncover something with her bare hands. Her objective still remained at the forefront of her determined mind.


    She wanted one of her own.

    She wanted to learn how to make one, and she wanted to know the secrets of the spells that powered the Scarlet Family to greatness.

    Curse Sign 「Curse of Vlad Tepes」

    Hell Sign 「Mountain of a Thousand Needles」

    Taboo Sign 「Lävatein」

    Such spellcards were the objects of legend for a powerless and poor excuse of a vampire like herself, who couldn't even clear the third stage of Embodiment of a Scarlet Devil on normal mode.

    Rose clenched her hands tightly into fists, the frustration clawing away at her spirit.

    Alas, how far the vampire species has fallen since those glorious days.

    Vampires these days just simply weren't as strong, Rose herself included.

    And now, she and her kind were hunted and exterminated by youkai hunters, always in fear of what day might be their last.

    Rose wanted to be stronger.

    Stronger and stronger and stronger.

    Then, one day she wouldn't have to worry anymore.

    Rose continued to dig in the library deep into the night, her arms heavy and dirty fingernails blackened with soot.

    + + +​

    When dawn broke, there was the figure of a young girl fast asleep atop a pile of burnt books.

    As the first ray of sunlight shone through a shattered glass window...

    ...for an instant, the faint glimmer of amorphous figures was visible.

    Under the glare of the day's first light, a transitioning time of day when Borders are weakest, "They" could be seen with mortal eyes.


    There were hundreds and hundreds of them.

    + + +​

    A pair of scarlet eyes instantly snapped open atop the mountain of ashes.

    Before they could even blink once, a pair of daggers whistled through the air. Material and immaterial.

    One landed in a hard oak bookshelf with thump.

    The other found its target, a poor unsuspecting ghost that immediately began to shrivel and silently gasp its last breaths.

    Still wobbling, Rose Coriette rose to her feet unsteadily atop her pedestal.

    "Oh, so this place was haunted," she remarked, her tone of voice completely emotionless while her half-sleepy eyelids still drooped.

    She drew another pair of knives.

    "Which one of you is next?"

    She said aloud, almost audaciously.

    But in stark betrayal of her claims, her hands were shaking.

    Instinctively, she knew she could not fight against this many ghosts.

    Was this finally the end?
    Quaesitor and A5G_Reaper like this.
  11. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,5
  12. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 5

    @yuzuki, you rolled a 2
  13. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Rose Coriette
    Character Level: Level 1 (Total EXP: 5)
    Location: Scarlet Devil Mansion
    Enemies Defeated: 1 enemy

    Everlasting Staircase of Memories
    Listening Music: Critical 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Classic PC-94

    "Which one of you is next?" She had said to stall for time.

    Rose drew another four pairs of knives in her hands and pointed them at the room filled to the brim with ghosts.

    Her heart was beating quickly.

    This matchup was not advantageous to her, as Rose did not possess many abilities that were well suited to fighting intangible opponents like ghosts. Her knives were one, but that alone would hardly save her in a moment of desperation.

    For now, her plan was to bluff and hope that they'd see her as too dangerous of an opponent to challenge.

    Just then, however, a wispy cackle of laughter reverberated through the enormous hall.

    "Bwahahaha! Did you hear that?" A voice said.

    "Is that child really the new mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion?" Another voice chimed.

    "Look! Even her hands are trembling! How adorable!"

    Rose's outstretched arms drooped by a quarter of an inch. They had called her bluff almost instantaneously.

    Suddenly, a transparent gust of wind whooshed in front of the vampire's face. In Rose squinted carefully, she could barely make out the outline of a semi-invisible amorous figure. The air in front of her began to vibrate, as this nearly invisible spirit began to speak with a deep yet clear voice as sharp as the edge of the moon.

    "Child," it said. "Let me give you some advice."

    "Do not speak words that betray your heart. You will only suffer if you do."

    "Because even a minor spirit like me..."

    "...can tell you do not wish to fight."

    The ghost grinned, its eerie teeth stretching across the air like a cheshire cat.

    "I can smell the hesitation on your skin."

    + + +​

    Rose immediately kicked back from her resting place and did a backflip through the air.

    Anger glinted in her eyes.

    "I'm not afraid of you." She almost growled, bristling, as she landed several meters away.

    The spirit who had spoken almost looked a little wistful and sad before it responded.

    "You are quite an angry one, aren't you? A little tiger, perhaps? My last mistress was much more refined than this."

    Rose was silent as she prepared another set of mortal knives underneath the folds of her dress.

    The ghost laughed once again.

    "Yes, strike me down." It spoke. "Then what? Will you eliminate the next one of us that fills my place? And the next and the next? Until you run out of your little kitchen toys?"

    The voice suddenly became grim.

    "To what ends are you doing this?" The ghost challenged. "What do you achieve from this futility?"

    "What is your purpose?"

    + + +​

    "I won't lose." Rose said, her voice cold and determined. "I'll win and I'll survive to live another day."

    "Bah!!" The voice sounded genuinely annoyed now.

    "Why are youngsters like you so dense? Why does everything have to be so black and white?"

    "The world isn't about winning or losing, killing or dying, or being strong or weak."

    "Sometimes you can find an answer in the middle ground. The 'Border' of two extremes, so to speak. Like us, for example. We are neither alive nor dead, here on the Border of Life."

    "I don't trust anyone but myself." Rose narrowed her eyes in response as she scanned the library chamber around her.

    Already, she was making calculations of what she needed to kill and how she could make the most efficient escape from these haunted hollows.

    + + +​

    "Look kid, let me spell it out for you."

    "All of us here -- " The ghost gestured to the chamber full of spirits. "All of us are book spirits that once served the family of Remilia and Flandre Scarlet. We even appear in Stage 4 of EoSD with green damaku. The Scarlet vampires departed from this mansion long ago, but youkai like us will never forget our original calling."


    The ghost turned around to face the crowd of spirits.

    "We don't recognize you as the new mistress of this mansion."

    "We don't recognize you as the new mistress of this mansion."

    "We don't recognize you as the new mistress of this mansion."

    Multiple voices completed the sentence in unison.

    The deep-voiced apparition turned around to face Rose Coriette once more.

    "While you may be a vampire, to us, you are nothing more than a Fake (偽) hardly a fraction of the shadow of your ancestors."

    "Yeah! She's not even a tenth of the strength of Koakuma!"

    "Honestly she's more of a feral beast than a civilized vampire."

    "Eww, how savage and disgusting!"

    "However!" The voice of the strongest ghost overpowered the rest and sent the room into silence.

    + + +​

    "You girl. Let me offer you a wager."

    "Defeat me in a battle and I'll recognize you as successor to the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

    "Eh?! When we'd decide on that?"

    "Silence. This is my decision and mine alone."

    + + +​

    Rose Coriette narrowed her crimson eyes once more.

    "Many have made it their fatal error to underestimate me."

    "I think you still have many things to learn, little tiger."

    Rose crouched low with her center of gravity, and immediately leapt.

    This, she planned to finish with a single blow, even if she was coming from the low ground.

    But moments later, Rose found a veil of darkness cloud her vision as she passed out from a magical attack of brilliant golden light so swift that she failed to comprehend it in its entirety.

    + + +​

    By the time the little vampire woke up again, covered in bruises and scratches, it took her several minutes before it finally struck her that...

    She lost.

    However, surprisingly, Rose seemed to be mostly unharmed.

    Rose didn't understand.

    Why didn't she have any broken bones, massive gaping pools of blood, or missing limbs? Why wasn't she dead?

    Since she lost, by all rights, she should be hurting right now.

    What kind of idiot leaves their enemy in perfect condition to come back for revenge?

    Isn't it common sense to smash the eggs of a snake before it can grow up to become a python?

    Rose Coriette pushed herself up to her knees as she prepared to dust herself off. While doing this, she accidentally knocked over a book that had been placed right next to her.


    A book?!

    Rose wheeled around to clutch the front cover.

    "Introduction to the Cycle of Five Elements"

    She lifted the heavy ancient tome, but a small slip of paper slide out from the bindings.

    On it, a short note was written:

    "At the border of late night and early day."

    "A little awkward tiger stumbles and falls."

    "Recognition, she does not receive today."

    "But one day she will find her way."

    "For her, a victory in another sense;"

    "A lesson learned, and knowledge gained."

    "We concede 'defeat', in well-meaning jest."

    "A token Stone we give freely, as this is best."

    "Try again next time. Continue? Y/N?"
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    Quaesitor likes this.
  14. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,5
  15. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 5

    @yuzuki, you rolled a 1
  16. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Rose Coriette
    Character Level: Level 2 (Total EXP: 6)
    Location: Garden of the Sun
    Enemies Defeated: 1 enemy

    Chapter 4: Hanabi of Poisonous Flowers
    Listening Music: 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Classic PC-99

    Rose outstretched her hands towards the sky, up towards the brilliant moonlight.

    She laid on a bed of flowers, her newly obtained book half-open beside her.

    She sighed once as she examined her fingers.

    They were wrinkled and stained with ash, the product of digging through the remains of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for hours last night. Today, even though she had scrubbed as hard as she could in a nearby stream, the soot wouldn't come off so easily. The blackened charcoal had gotten into the creases of her palms and dyed her skin a gritty color.

    Rose turned her hand over and spread her fingers wide, as if to cover the entire night sky of stars.

    Her fingernails were black, painted over with soot and coal.

    It was an ugly color, Rose thought. Suitable for a youkai. Or a monster.

    Nothing at all like the colorful painted nails she used to have in her human youth.

    She closed her eyes briefly as she withdrew her hand to her chest.

    + + +​

    The scarlet-eyed maiden pulled herself up to her knees as she looked over the book that had been given to her as a gift.

    She had read it all.

    Almost greedily, she had devoured page after page all morning and night the day after she obtained it.

    Books were rare for a weak youkai like her. Lacking a home, and forever barred from entering the human village, it was rare to have something as valuable as a book to carry around.

    Books were precious, Rose thought.

    And she missed them dearly.

    + + +​

    "So what are Spirit Stones?" Rose wondered aloud.

    For ages, she had known that humans and monsters that she murdered produced this sparkling light.

    She had no idea until this point what they were used for, though.

    In the past, she thought they were well... wisps of a departing soul, perhaps?

    However, apparently, it wasn't necessary to kill a person in order to obtain a Spirit Stone. The ghost that she had confronted yesterday had made that clear.

    But that raised the question of what exactly were they?

    Rose wasn't quite sure if she understood.

    + + +​

    After spending many many hours reading outside in the Garden of Flowers, Rose got up to her feet and squatted up and down to get the blood moving in her legs again.

    She continued to stare at her charcoal-stained hands even while she did this.

    Rose wondered if her own soul -- her own Spirit Stone would be black -- just like her hands?

    Vampires don't need to feast very often. One victim per month is more than enough, and over one-hundred and thirty one years, that came out to at least 1572 victims that Rose had ruthlessly cut the throats of in her past, in cold blood.

    Rose tried to detect any sense of emotion inside of herself.

    Regret? Sadness? Guilt?


    No, no, none of that at all.

    Rose shook her head.

    She didn't feel anything at all.

    Even as she thought about the woodcutter she had murdered just days ago, Rose didn't feel anything.

    In fact, she couldn't remember any of their faces.

    Was that supposed to be wrong? Is she supposed to feel bad? Was she supposed to feel something?

    What was the Ghost trying to tell her back then?

    + + +​

    A rustle in the field of sunflowers behind her shook for the tiniest second.

    Without even thinking, Rose Coriette reflexively spun around and sent a pair of knives flying like a well-oiled death machine.

    The steel metal blades had already left her hands before Rose realized she had even thrown something in the first place.

    By then, it was already too late to take it back.

    A squawk and then silence cried out behind the bushes where the knives struck.

    The wind blew, and the corpse of a Nezu (Mouse) youkai crumpled and rolled forward on the ground.

    Instantly killed with a material blade severing the spine, blood pooling at its feet.

    It was entirely harmless.

    Nezu were the weakest type of youkai that scurried from field to field, constantly snacking on sunflower seeds.

    And now this one was dead.

    Rose Coriette tilted her head as she gazed upon the corpse of the youkai.

    Was she supposed to feel sad? She wondered.

    Because right now she didn't feel anything.

    Rose turned around and calmly walked away, befuddled.

    >> Level Up <<
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    Quaesitor likes this.
  17. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,6

    EDIT: wrong numbers again!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
    A5G_Reaper likes this.
  18. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 6

    @yuzuki, you rolled a 6
  19. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,5
  20. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 5

    @yuzuki, you rolled a 2
  21. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Tanetsu
    Character Level: Level 1 (Total Exp: 2)
    Location: Nameless Hill
    Enemies Defeated: 1

    Chapter 1: On a starry sky

    Outwards calm, and inwards boiling, I fly over the Nameless Hill. The fact that all the time I spent studying the stars, humans were being hunted, just like me and my parents back then. I will not stand for this. Below me, morning dew dampens the grasses and bushes that grow around the area, and a careful listener might even hear the rustling of movement from creatures recently awoken.

    I move closer to the ground, scanning the area for any sign of humans or Yokai, but don't manage to see any.

    With a frown, I start to continue towards the human village, as suddenly, a blade of wind flies at me from nearby bushes. I somehow manage to dodge the surprise attack, and spot a Kamaitachi, leaving the nearby bushes.

    I immediately react and create a few shooting stars at my position, then start weaving around the Kamaitachi in a roughly circular shape, dodging its attacks just as it keeps dodging my bullets and beams. It would seem like a standstill, but the longer the fight, the more shooting stars I create, and soon, the Kamaitachi slowly starts to get overwhelmed.

    Noticing that the tides of battle are turning against it, it tries to escape - but I anticipated that and manage to get a direct hit in, injuring the Yokai. From that point on, it is a slow but steady chase as I keep wearing it down until it succumbs to dozens of amassed injuries.

    One menace less for humans to worry about.
    yuzuki likes this.
  22. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    !roll 1,5
  23. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 5

    @Quaesitor, you rolled a 2
  24. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    The Abyss is calling you.
  25. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Rose Coriette
    Character Level: Level 2 (Total EXP: 7)
    Location: Road of Liminality
    Enemies Defeated: 2 enemies

    Interlude I: Youkai Festival
    Listening Music: Satella - Regeneration (Unitone - PATHFINDER)

    Cicadas are singing.

    Rose laughed with a radiant voice as clear as moonlight as she dashed between the stalls, weaving through the stacks of crates and festival treats that were on sale.

    An exasperated voice of a shopkeeper cried out from behind her, but Rose Coriette didn't care.

    Rose felt like she could run like the wind.

    She licked her lips as she wiped crumbs of candied chestnuts away from his face. She had snatched a fistful away from a youkai merchant just moments ago and had bolted away without the slightest amount of remorse. That particular shop was always overpriced to begin with in the first place.

    + + +​

    The Road of Liminality is a haunted street that leads to the Sanzu River, also known as the river of the dead. It is always packed with youkai, and it is like a marketplace or a perpetual festival for the dead. Stalls and shops line the streets, and mischievous troublemakers lurk the alleys. Humans rarely frequent this place, and only a youkai would know the pure joy that could come from a place that might otherwise be called a haven for misfits.

    Misfits. Freaks.

    Rose no longer flinched at those words.

    Humans might say such things with a hateful sneer in their voice, but what did humans know?

    Rose didn't care for humans to begin with.

    Those "Misfits" that humans looked down at possessed some of the warmest hearts that Rose knew.

    They were kind, generous, welcoming, and forgiving.

    Even if they had an eyeball half falling out or looked as gaunt as a rotting skeleton, they were very very sweet.

    Those "Misfits" were the closest to family that Rose Coriette ever had.

    So this young vampire loved them dearly, likewise.

    + + +​

    "Take this! Hiyaaaa!"

    A shrill voice cried out as a pair of undead nagi (Snake youkai) children shot out from underneath a barrel of fermenting sake.

    Rose spun away to the side to dodge the kamikaze net-like tangle of prepubescent serpents, but she was greeted instead with a tiny furball that torpedoed into her chest like a bowling ball.

    "Gotchu! Onee-chan is back!"

    Rose struggled to pry the little tanuki away from her arms, which was frankly as difficult as peeling a barnacle, as she chastised them.

    "Hey! Your Onee-san is grown up now! I'm not here to play!"

    "Hehe! But I caught you! You owe me one now!"

    A faint smile came to Rose's face, even if she was slightly too old for this now.

    "Wait a second! We deserve a prize too! This is thanks to our diversion working out perfectly!"

    "Hai, Hai~ I can tell you've all been working hard. Good for you! I'm sure Okaasan will be very proud."

    Rose turned her nose away in pretend haughtiness, but in reality her bosum was overflowing with positive feelings.

    The youkai children here were such a treasure.

    She wanted to protect them with all her strength. Youkai hunters and exorcists could all go die in hell, as far as Rose was concerned.

    This was one place that she'd refuse to allow them to touch with their dirty greedy fingers.

    + + +​

    "Ne, ne~ Onee-san, watch this!" The tanuki slipped out her Rose's arms as it floated up into the air, levitating.

    "I have a new skill! I betchu can't beat this one!" He taunted.

    Rose had a skeptical look on her eyebrows.

    "Yeah! Us too! We challenge you, Rosie! We'll show you how much we've grown in the years you've been gone!"

    The scarlet vampire skipped forward a few steps before she turned around to face them all.

    "Oh really? Should I be scared then?"

    "Very!" The tanuki nodded furiously.

    "Alright then~ I won't hold back then~ Give it your best shot~"

    Even though Rose said this, in reality her heart was already as soft as pudding.

    'Won't hold back'? That was a terrible lie.

    Rosie left a mental note not to spoil them too much in the future.

    She closed her eyes with a warm smile on her face.

    Home was a wonderful thing.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    Quaesitor likes this.
  26. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
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    !roll 1, 5, 2
  27. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
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    NUF Dice Roller

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    @yuzuki, you rolled: 2, 2
  28. Refan25

    Refan25 [The one on the back ground]

    Oct 29, 2018
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    Holy mackerel @yuzuki how much free time do you have?!:blobpopcorn_cool: Not that this lord can say anything.:sweating_profusely:
  29. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
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    My procrastination level is SSSS :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:
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