Spoiler I’m a Villainess but the Capture Target is too Abnormal

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by elparis, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I was ready to ship MC with either Robert or Sensei given Prince and Eric didn't won me over. Not sure about the novel but the manga's pacing/writing won me over. I was initially annoyed we got the everybody loves MC route but then we get backstories later that explains it all and I fell in love with the series.
    Its a shame the love interest will go batshit yandere crazy. So, I guess with spoilers: going with Robert>Raid (the official wedding doc IS creepy BUT they're still engaged, so... I can push a HARD pass) >Melo.
    Eric and the chloroform still scares me. It doesn't help the manga hasn't explained WHY he became a sudden recluse since his mom seems to be a loving parent.
    Sensei... was surprising. I was ready to be a supporter when MC thought he was the only "normal" capture target but... the man is not right in the head but at the same time, hasn't gotten far in my creepy vocab so I could still push for it... to an extent.

    Edit: Aaaaaand seeing the novel cover, at this point, I'm convinced if she HAS to end up with someone, its gotta be Robert. The 3 other CTs in the novel cover are beyond hopeless. I certainly wouldn't have mind the small jealous Raid in the spoilers here but the reviews mentioned he ALSO wanted to lock her up after they get married? Wut? Go back! Or have his younger bro be MCs engagement partner, just someone close to normalcy... PLEASE! Eric & chloroform is still yikes! So, pass! Sensei and his delusions seem more... passing though (I'm sorry for being weird but no spoilers indicate he hasn't thought of something... disturbing or sexuallu with MC minus the age gap so I could still push... a HARD push.)
    Let MC marry someone normal for cripes sake! Or someone borderline close! I know they won't survive MCs overprotective servant simps but Mystia's happiness is above all
    Last edited: May 7, 2021
    Kirarapot, Peerly, KuranFan and 13 others like this.
  2. Nicolesmith

    Nicolesmith Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2020
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    In the novel, Eric liked to talk with the merchant uncles that would come to his house. They would always listen to his stories with interest. One day, he walked in on them talking bad about him, that his stories were boring and they only listened to make money. After hearing this, they saw him. They smiled and laughed trying to pass it off.
    He had a esteem break, not trusting people. He started to think of himself as dull and boring that no one would like. So, he locked himself in his room. He only left the day he met MC because he wanted to get out of the house and see the flowers.
    When he met her, she wasn't too enthusiastic and wasn't dismissive either. So, he heartily bonded with her.
    In the OG he gets a female tutor after being a recluse (instead of meeting the MC) and falls in love with her. He gives her a love letter and she acts nice, but talks behind his back and he overhears. This starts his hatred of woman/ becoming a playboy.
  3. lucalrrig

    lucalrrig Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Can I hear more about Robert please? Did he condemn her publicly and that's why he wanted to go abroad or did he confront her privately then the OGFL heard about it?
    Dobokan likes this.
  4. shewasdesperate

    shewasdesperate Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Actually, he always confronts Mystia privately which is nice of him lol

    The first instance of confrontation was when he saw Alice, the OGFL running out of the restroom after Mystia went in. Robert has always been curious of Mystia from the start hence, he's always observing her. He thinks that she is too nice despite coming from a powerful house. One time, Eric went to their classroom and talk to Mystia and Raid was there too, then Alice went over to the three of them as she thanked Eric about saving her on the entrance of ceremony since the OGFL and the two capture targets were together near Mystia, she was uncomfortable and Robert, who is watching her thought that Mystia was uncomfortable after Alice went to talk to them. Then one time, he saw Mystia entered the restroom and Alice running out with a flustered face and when he asked her what is wrong Alice answered, "I'm sorry I can't tell you." then rans away. Robert then starts to think that Mystia must have bullied Alice behind close doors and thinks that she is two faced. When he saw Mystia walking alone, that's when he called her out saying that Mystia is fooling people and a coward. Of course, Mystia did not understand him then Raid protected Mystia from Robert's harsh words.

    Robert was like, "This is none of your business!" and Raid answered him "You are talking about Mystia who is my Fiancee so this is my business" then Robert walks out lol.

    Then the misunderstanding cleared when Alice protected Mystia when she saw him confronting Mystia again. Alice is a commoner but no one knows at the school yet except few people of course. One morning, Mystia entered their classroom and noticed that her classmates are murmuring and there is an intense athmosphere. Everyone is looking at the blackboard that has written something like "Alice Hearts Pearl is a commoner" then a confrontation happened in the classroom and Alice was just shocked. When they asked for Mystia's opinion, Mystia answered that if she's Alice, she would do the same. She would hide the fact that she is a commoner as she's afraid to be bullied and be judged just because of her status. Which made everyone shut up. Mystia then went out of the classroom and of course, Robert who's watching everything thought that this is Mystia's plan and she is the one who reveal that Alice was a commoner. Robert followed Mystia and "confront" her again saying hurtful words when Alice who followed Mystia also heard it. She rushed in front of Mystia as if protecting her and shouted to Robert saying that it's all misunderstanding and Mystia has been saving her all this time. The reason why she did not tell Robert what happened in the restroom was because Mystia told her to forget everything what happened there. So Robert who learned the truth feel bad and ashamed. That's when he started his plan to drop out.
  5. Azure_1802

    Azure_1802 Procastination Expert

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Gosh, i don't know how i should feel about this novel/manga, i love it when it is from Mystia's perspective, but when it's like this, it's scary af (●´⌓`●)
    Thank you for the spoilers ♡♡
    Ashlesa, Rovvo and evanesco99211 like this.
  6. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Its a bit hard to consider Robert as the "too much/serious" chara as what his game persona is like when he seems to be a bit... narrow minded(? not sure what's the proper description for the guy)
    Still... so far, he IS the most... sane man that's within MCs age group and is single so off I go. Any idea why he was interested with MCs family on the doctor issue in manga chapter 1? Thanks in advance
  7. shewasdesperate

    shewasdesperate Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    I think Robert is an intense character. I am also having a hard time looking for a word that would describe him. He would go far as dropping out of school and abandoning his family knowing that he's the heir. Good thing that Mystia stopped him and literally destroyed his dropout papers lol

    Mystia actually saved Fina from burns when she entered the academy (Fina is the 2nd year student who became her friend and Eric is jealous of her since Mystia called her by her name) then Mystia also saved Robert when they went to hike and Robert had a sprain (because of Raid). Mystia saw him then applied first aid which actually confuses Robert since that time he still thinks that Mystia is two faced but she is helping him. Then they had a school activity where they went to orphanage and Robert was grouped with Mystia along with Alicez Raid and Helen (she was inlove with Raid). This happens after the misunderstanding has been resolved. When Robert and Mystia was watching the kids together, Robert asked her if she wants to be a doctor since she knows about medicine. Mystia answered him that she does not really want to be a doctor but want to have enough knowledge with medicine so in case someone needs it she would be able to help and she says something like "Isn't it painful when you want to help but you can't do something?" then Robert went silent. Robert actually wants to be a doctor but he cannot as he is the family heir.
  8. shewasdesperate

    shewasdesperate Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    So, I am kinda want to stop reading the novel of this story now.

    Eric has stopped calling Mystia "My Lady" now since he does not want to be her best any longer. He have a new goal now which is to kill Mystia. Because he thinks that he is the only one who can kill Mystia.

    Even if we are the best, if something like this happens again.

    What if Mystia flies away?

    More and more uncertainties emerged.

    I realized for the first time that what I thought was eternal and solid was fragile, fragile, uncertain, like a castle made of paper.

    So this time, I must find the absolute.

    At the same time, I knew immediately what it was.

    If it's the last time, I have to change.

    If it's your last, you can never change it. If you take a life, it ends there.

    You can become something unchanging.

    If I kill Mystia, I'm the only one who's ever killed Mystia.

    I'm the first. I'm the last. No matter what anyone does, that is the one thing that will never change.

    For all eternity, Mystia's absolute. It will never be overturned.

    You can't just get the best position, you can't just get happiness.

    I can be the only one. I'm the only one who killed her, and I'm the only one who killed her, Mystia.

    That's eternity. You can have eternity.


    I shouted loudly to Mystia.

    "Mystia!" I shouted at her, and her eyes, which had been fixed on the maid, met mine.

    "Mystia, you're alive. Thank God." I hugged her with all my strength, and felt Mystia's heartbeat echoing mine as if it were melting with my own. She's alive.

    Mystia is alive. She's still alive. She's not dead yet.

    I can still kill her.

    "Really ......, how reckless ......I'll get you a blanket. Thank goodness we have all that stuff in the carriage ......."

    It's not a bad idea to take the wounded Mystia with you on a trip somewhere.

    The plan failed, but I realized something important.

    I don't feel like a failure.

    With Mystia in my arms, I picked up a blanket from the messenger and draped it over her.

    I put it on Mystia.

    "Thank you so much for your help today, and for all the trouble and worry I caused you."

    "I'm glad I was here today, because I finally found the answer."


    Mystia questioned my words.

    I pull the blanket closer and pat her head, as if to tell her she doesn't need to know.

    I pat her head.

    "Don't worry, it's getting dark, let's go home. I'll go get the carriage."

    With that, I turned my back to Mystia.

    Mystia. That's the name I've always wanted to call you.

    Until then, I call you Master. I wanted to paint over the existence of the resident maidservant and erase it.

    But not anymore.

    When I think of it as different, the time when I used to call you master somehow feels very far away.

    It was vague and ambiguous.

    Maybe I've been dreaming this whole time.

    When I looked up at the sky, it was as red as Mystia's eyes.

    The sky, which had been as red as Mystia's eyes, was slowly eroding into black.

    It would soon be night.


    I don't dream anymore.

    Raid too, he no longer cares if Mystia is happy as long as she is by his side, he will do anything.

    He had noticed something unusual in the way the servants at Mystia's mansion had turned their eyes on her.

    It was the right thing to do. Mystia would surely die soon if she was left alone.

    Giving up her life so easily to a stranger.


    That's why I have to take perfect care of Mystia.

    She's always working for others.

    If someone asks for help, she responds.

    No matter how dangerous it is, she will protect them with her own body.

    That's why someone has to be in control of Mystia.

    Someone has to keep her away from anything dangerous, get rid of anything that could harm her.

    Someone has to keep track of everything Mystia does, control her.

    She must be kept in a safe place.

    If we don't, she'll die. She'll disappear.

    She's so easy to kill and so far away from us.

    All I wanted was to see her smile.

    I wanted her heart.

    I wanted to make Mystia happy.

    I wanted the two of us to walk together, side by side.

    I wanted her to smile.

    Just once. Just once, just once.

    I wanted to make Mystia smile.

    But this naive thought, this hesitation.

    I wanted to make her smile.

    I don't want to be the one to lose her forever.

    I don't need that. I don't need these thoughts.

    I'll throw it all away.

    I don't want your smile, or to walk alongside you, or anything else.

    I don't care if I lock you away and you cry and reject me forever.

    I don't care if you cry and reject me forever, as long as you stay alive beside me.

    I want nothing more.

    I have yet to reach another Robert's POV but as of now, I only trust him. Raid and Eric are no longer in my list. The teacher has never been in my list in the first place having a delusion of being in a relationship with a minor mind you, she was 10 and he was 18. He's a creep. I'm still thinking if I want to continue reading the novel with how things are going.
    mmem, vannaokuzo, Faelrix and 43 others like this.
  9. lucalrrig

    lucalrrig Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Entrapment and death, if one of the other characters turns to canabalism so she can stay with them forever then it'll be the ultimate trifecta of yandere. The characters took a lot darker turn then I expected. Maybe the servants were right in trying to keep her locked in the mansion, seems safer and the happiest option rn :sweating_profusely:
    mmem, Faelrix, layyu and 20 others like this.
  10. LunarCiel

    LunarCiel Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Instead of the ML target, I am more interested on the Mystia's servant POV side......
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  11. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Yikes. The uncle who cooks food or is a doctor? is SCARY. He plans to kill the MC’s parents and make it look like they died from illness. Also kill Raid while he is at it. Then kidnap and confine the MC. I think Melo interfered?

    Robert took a knife for Mystia and saved her. Thus Raids father dissolved the engagement between Raid and Mystia out of sympathy. He felt Robert felt deeply for her and it would be a shame to break off a sweet couple. Raid is all - if he dies she would be mine again. Raids dad shocked to his core from what he said is now more firm to break it off.
  12. Plaindot

    Plaindot Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    Seems like the webnovel is both dryer & wilder than the official release, I wonder (based on manga set up) if the author is intending to have all the yanderes slowly get softened one by one, but they seem to intend the readers to feel scared of the yandereness intensity too (they did allude the story/characters being a yandere genre.)

    Apparently there might be multiple endings too? If I didn't read it wrong (author was on a hiatus for a couple of months to prepare for that)
    kaedeyuuki, KuranFan, geckin and 4 others like this.
  13. thelilipop

    thelilipop Active Member

    Jun 3, 2021
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    If it's alright, may I know where I can read the full novel?
    twenyfour likes this.
  14. summy

    summy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    You can read from here but must to MTL (Machine Translation). You can do it on chrome just add google translate on your Chrome and you can find the translation link on the first page of this topic but they did just a few chapters.
  15. Dobokan

    Dobokan Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Oh my GOD!
    I came here for spoilers expecting the usual villainess that makes everyone love her story but I was wrong and the spoilers are scaring me.

    At this point for the moment I prefer Robert or Melo as they are way better than the other crazy yanderes.
    mmem, Lena36, d6y and 10 others like this.
  16. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    oh gosh, what the heck! this novel isn't fluffy but too extreme. I love yandere and all but to a moderate and this is too much especially when it reach the point of killing...and other thing ///:(
    eagerreadergirl and Yuukiyuki like this.
  17. Anmol

    Anmol Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2018
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    Thanks for the spoilers, I am finding the story interesting despite the extremeness. If anyone has any more spoilers, please share!
    eagerreadergirl and Dobokan like this.
  18. Veille

    Veille Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Damn this novel became dark.
    Thanks for the spoilers everyone~!
    eagerreadergirl likes this.
  19. Rokai

    Rokai Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    Yikes! The dude has gone bonkers!
  20. Skyyyyyy

    Skyyyyyy Member

    Sep 23, 2020
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