Discussion Interesting Vocab

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Cosmic_, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. Cosmic_

    Cosmic_ [Novel Addict] [Lazy Writer] [Meh Editor]

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Any uncommon words, phrases, or concepts that you've come across as interesting.

    These are a few of mine:
    Swords to Ploughshares- a concept in which military weapons or technologies are converted for peaceful civilian applications. Also the weapon of the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: Providence

    Sword of Damocles- an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power

    Ataraxia- It signifies the state of robust tranquillity that derives from eschewing concerns about an afterlife, not fearing the gods (because they are distant and unconcerned with us), avoiding politics and vexatious people, surrounding oneself with trustworthy and affectionate friends, realizing that the physical things one needs to be happy are few and that pain seldom lasts long, and, most importantly, being an affectionate, virtuous person, worthy of trust

    Hiraeth- a longing for one's homeland, but it's not mere homesickness. It's an expression of the bond one feels with one's home country when one is away from it. Used for a home that you can never return to or never was.

    The Five Forms of Gluttony (Gula):
    Laute – eating too expensively
    Studiose – eating too daintily
    Nimis – eating too much
    Praepropere – eating too soon
    Ardenter – eating too eagerly