Recommendations Looking for a different type isekai

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by 0000000, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. 0000000

    0000000 I B SMILING!

    Sep 24, 2016
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    After recalling Reincarnator's Green Zone Exodus, Gate of Revelation and maybe even Praise the Orc, I am looking for a novel about a world with the People of the Lands (NPCs) who knows there are immortal Players out there and sort of understand that their world is a little whacked. If possible, do include the Transmigrators (mostly NPCs who suddenly gain Player like abilities, may or may not include Immortality/ NPCs who might not gain any abilities but knowledge about how the world is changing thanks to the Players), Regressors (both NPCs and Players welcome) and people who from another universe landing into the game world and ended up requiring to deal with both the NPCs and Players, especially the immortal Players.

    For those who want to know my thinking process, it is below and a little messy. I got this idea while studying and not remembering my econs, things like Cultivation 40K and Star Ocean 3. I did not read finish 40K but judging from the title and the garbage open end, I think that
    Li Yao's old Earth is a higher dimension shit as usual
    and the shit is the same as SO3, the definition of higher realms and lower realms are there. Higher realms can project themselves into the lower realms and act god almighty while the lower realms are low rez for a good reason, like 3D looking at 2D ok while 2D can't understand jackshit about 3D, a plot point in GoR when
    the high level female player sarcastically state that no matter how godlike a Bug (the status that some NPCs get, allows the NPCs to possess limited Player abilities) gets, it can never be able to touch the Players in the Players' world.
    Which is why in SO3 there is a big whoop when
    MC and gang managed to appear in the 4th Dimension (fancy way of saying the higher dimension that created MC's dimension) and beat the shit out of the big bad.
    Then I recall reading PtO when the game world is actually
    the alternate world where the game system actually act as a medium for people on Earth to project themselves into the "game" world, FYI this is important cuz the Players becomes Hunters as monsters from the game pops up on Earth.
    The whole idea actually came up while reminising about Reincarnator's Exodus, where NPCs and Players and ultimately
    Bugs like Hansoo, which kinda reminded me about MC and fellow "NPC-turned-Bug"s in GoR

    So for those TLDR and still get to the bottom, wow. I just want something that has a POV of a NPC who knows that his world is nothing more than an MMORPG or about some dude who got isekaied into a game world and needs to deal with the NPCs and Players.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  2. asomeCokkies

    asomeCokkies [Eternal Quest for Epubs]

    Oct 21, 2015
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    You mean like Drakengard or was it Dragon's Dogma? I forget but I know if a say too much about reincarnation in relation to one(?) of those games it hit clear spoiler territory.
    0000000 likes this.
  3. 0000000

    0000000 I B SMILING!

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Well, they are games, unless someone is kind enough to make their storyline into a proper novel... thanks, I have forgotten some of these.
  4. asomeCokkies

    asomeCokkies [Eternal Quest for Epubs]

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Well, Drakengard has a novella

    Edit: Reference for example

    Edit2: This is might not be translated but.
    "...a novel "DRAGONS DOGMA -The Beginning" (ドラゴンズドグマ ザ ビギニング) was released. The front cover illustration was by 末弥 純 (see Wikipedia:Jun Suemi), and the novel itself by 水野 良 (see Wikipedia:Ryo Mizuno). The work was given as a limited run for early copies of the game, it can be read in electronic form at CAPCOM:Dragon's Dogma -The Beginning-(ドラゴンズドグマ -ザ・ビギニング-)"
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
    AMissingLinguist and 0000000 like this.
  5. PoopyDoopy

    PoopyDoopy Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Boku no pico.
    Nah, Mushoku Tensei may be a good read.
    AMissingLinguist and 0000000 like this.
  6. 0000000

    0000000 I B SMILING!

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Being there, now reading the redundancy chapters and not liking much about it.
    PoopyDoopy likes this.
  7. Robbini

    Robbini Logical? Illogical? Random? Or Just Unique?

    Oct 20, 2015
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    There're some 'visual novel dating game' types of novels where some people are told they're based on a game, but they don't really react much to it, other than gawk at the knowledge the one who had played the game has.

    Then there's a novel that just came out or soon will come out via english qidian, with MMORPG settings, where players are considered as a cosmic intriguing event and called foreigners. MC used to be a player but then he likely died or something and takes control of a nobody ingame and becomes an NPC and more or less idol of any players whatsoever, despite them being split upon several planets when starting and only people from one actually meeting him. But he knows a lot more about players, so he both maximises his gain of them and their gain by him using them etc. , but he also becomes a powerhouse in his own right. Basically, they know there's something special about the players, with them being immortal (resurrection) and very willing just to do about anything, as they quickly get stronger, but they don't consider the world special and the players never talk to them and tell them it's a game.

    There was one rrl novel with an mmorpg settings where it turns out their real world is a simulation by a higher civilization, and they amuse themselves watching earthlings both on earth and in the game they play, and there are 'batches' of players every so often introduced. MC finds out and tells his guild about it, but it's not widespread outside the guild unless it happens after I took a break from reading and missed the free chapters( free until the next novel is introduced and then it's put on amazon or ebook and then you can't read anymore free).

    Seoul Station's Necromancer had a bit of what you're after as well, but I can't recall the details too well and wxw temporarily removed the korean novels while negotiating with korean authors
    0000000 likes this.
  8. AkunDami

    AkunDami Neu membar

    Nov 13, 2017
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    Log Horizon, the natives/NPC knew the players immortal. Then there's one NPC gain player ability.
    0000000 likes this.
  9. 0000000

    0000000 I B SMILING!

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Yes, I am waiting for someone to actually talk about Log Horizon! Ok, as far as I can tell, the NPCs are weak af due to unfair leveling by Players and that only a handful NPCs can cause trouble to the Players. I don't want that, I want something along the line that maybe on par or NPCs are slightly stronger but not overwhelming like those in Reincarnator.

    If possible, do tell me the name of the QI novel and RRL novel. Many thanks.
  10. Walensium

    Walensium Active Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    The World Online - Fits the bill quite well but has a tendency to pile on large chunks of historical info which isn't necessary in most instances
    Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki - Check out the manga
    Age of Adepts - Adepts act similar to players while the different races of species in the different planes of will act like NPCs to some degree
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