Recommendations Looking for ship-focused novels

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by Hacalyhd, Mar 30, 2020.


Do you want more stories focused around sailing in the sea and/or the sky ?

  1. Both

  2. Sea only (Flying ships are not my cup of tea)

  3. Airships (Look at those water-bound peasants down there)

  4. I'm not a fan of ships (but somehow clicked on this thread anyway)

  5. I just want to know the poll results (and SOMEBODY would not allow me to do so without voting)

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Hacalyhd

    Hacalyhd Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Reading List:
    After reading Seaborn on RRL, I started craving for novels that have their actions focused around ships again.

    Whether a "normal" sailing boat or a flying ship with pirates, etc. any recommendations are welcome.

    Only limitations are:
    - No Yaoi/Yuri protagonist.
    - No spaceships
    - Preferable fantasy, not mecha
    - No stories that are dropped / on hiatus (spare me the disappointment please)
    - Fantasy, Isekai, VR, etc. are all fine.

    Thank you for your recommendations in advance.