Spoiler Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Romance progress?

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LegionUnderground, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. LegionUnderground

    LegionUnderground Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I saw the anime to Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei years ago and really love it. I always hoped for some harem-romance development including his "sister". Finally i even start reading the novel and got to the point when the family of them want the silblings to marry. I was so damm happy at that time, but soon after it all did go down. He still didn't saw his sister as love interest, and there was quite some sad stuff regarding another girl who was totally in love with him but he turnt her down. Some time has passt since i read the books, so i was wondering if someone could tell me the sittuation that the novel is in right now? Is there any development in the direction i hope for? Or is it getting sadder and sadder with time?

    Already thanks a lot in advance =D
  2. missbluesunglasses

    missbluesunglasses Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    By novel 32(?) <it’s the last novel in the series> Tatsuya has a fist fight with Masaki over whether he’s suited for Miyuki + could really make her happy. Tatsuya wins (ofc) and declares that he’s not handing Miyuki over to anyone.

    In the sequel series, Magian Company there have been some developments.
    • Firstly, it’s revealed Miyuki has stopped calling him online-sama and now calles him Tatsuya-sama.
    • Tatsuya is talking to Minoru and how they (w/ Minami) should get married and the response is that Tatsuya should get married first. Tatsuya responds by saying he and Miyuki will get married after she graduates from university.
    • Lina, Tatsuya, and Miyuki are returning from some event and he ushers the girls to bathe. Miyuki sees him after he changes and he goes to kiss her!!!! Miyuki is a little red (it’s mentioned there’s no awkwardness, she’s just shy) and Lina comments on this and is like “really? You’re still at this stage?” <lmao my girl wants them to speed up to next level pronto>
    • Since Tatsuya isn’t at the university 100% of time, Lina is protecting Miyuki now and everyone on campus ships it lmao. There’s minor instances of Tatsuya and Lina switching places to guard Miyuki and people getting used to them together all the time
    • Masaki has some weird moments too like he’s low key fixating on Miyuki in a creepy way and his homeboy calls him out on it. He sits next to Miyuki in class one day (because Tatsuya and Lina aren’t there) and he gazes at her which makes her uncomfortable. She tells this to Tatsuya later and he thinks to himself that he has to stop it Masaki from taking it too far. (He’s already like warned Masaki that if he doesn’t want another fistfight, to stay back.)
    • He indulges her for a mission and lets her skip class for two days (then sends her back lmao)
    • The last moment I remember is they are sleeping in bed together after a mission i think. He watches her rest and smiles <3 she wakes up after and makes him breakfast lol
  3. LegionUnderground

    LegionUnderground Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2017
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    @missbluesunglasses hey there, thanks so much for still responding to this old thread, i really appreciate it! I still wondered the same question since then and never continued reading it....

    But to be fair i doubt i will do now :x i just really hate to see unfulfilled love and crying girls... i am super happy, that Tatsuya and Miyuki really get together (super slow but thats fine)... but i really can't handle all the sad stuff with the other girls who loved Tatsuya... I still remember the chapter when Tatsuya rejected Mayumi and even if years passed since then, i still feel sooo bad about it whenever i remember it... and its not only her... so yeah, i'm just super bad with handling sad stuff as such :x
    I still hoped that it would end up with him accepting them somehow (i never was expecting any big romance, the author just isn't up for that i guess... just accepting them being in a relationship of sorts)... but i guess thats just an unfulfillable dream :x