Spoiler Marry! My Black Horse

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by kieshi, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. kieshi

    kieshi Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    Any spoilers for this story?? Want to know if it's worth reading or not
    ( ¤̴̶̷̤́ ‧̫̮ ¤̴̶̷̤̀ )
  2. HeXie

    HeXie Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Also waiting for it...only three chapter in after all.
  3. MiyaMira

    MiyaMira Jobseeking Sloth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Certified Imouto

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Pretty good so far I read through MTL (still at chapter 20 tho). It's a bit like First Marriage Then Love in style of writing, but less dramatic. I don't like ML's mother though, since she's the standard rich haughty madam type. But hey at least Fei Jun wasn't biased and know to think right and wrong when MC have problems with his mom. MC is pretty realistic too, and although she's a bit childish sometimes she's pretty amiable. ML is sometimes a mystery to me, actually. I really want to know how did he fell in love with MC since so far I read, I think that from the moment he declared to marry her he was already in love with her. His vinegar tank is very big.
  4. MiyaMira

    MiyaMira Jobseeking Sloth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Certified Imouto

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Finished reading this novel. There's not much drama, but conflict is there.
    • ML had a gf who was a news anchor. She wants to be an artist and he didn't want her. They argued and he left. Ex-gf regrets it and wants him back. Truth is ML never even loved her, just admire her personality. Then ex-gf revealed to be a rich and powerful man's illegitimate daughter. After an accident where a chandelier fell off and she saved ML, her father tried subtly to let ML marry his daughter in exchange for help with ML's company.
    • Mom-in-law is the typical snobbish rich madam. She didn't like MC nor tried to know her. Tried to verbally force MC to divorce with ML for the greater good of her son's success in his company, though honestly ML didn't need it. Got reprimanded by her son because her actions are excessive when she doesn't even know what he really need. Truth is she was actually jealous of MC cuz she felt she never got the love they were having, but she doesn't realize that her husband (ML's dad) actually loves her but she's too self-absorbed with herself to realize that.
    • A chief manager of some company who have cooperation with MC's company is in love with MC. He'd been searching for her for 2 years but when he found her MC was already married for 3 months. Still didn't give up and tried to court her twice, sent her hydrangeas for 6 months, but got rejected and beaten by her with surprise attack. In the end married MC's new friend who is his childhood friend.
    • ML actually already liked MC since she was 19, but kept it hidden cuz he thinks she's still too young and underage. Reason he got a gf in between was just because he met her (the one where she met him after she confessed to her crush) and hearing her talks about her crush made him think it's time to find a gf.
    • Her friend who got pregnant at the beginning got into a misunderstanding with her bf and got into an accident, then miscarriage. She was cold to her bf for a while because she lost their child but eventually was moved by his sincerity and they got married.
    • MC had a bit of problem with her body that made it difficult for her to bear children. They had to do some certain way in order to help her conceive. Later MC got pregnant, her older sister was also pregnant at that time. MC became more foodie and eat too much until ML had to control her diet. They have a baby girl named Fei Zinuo. She looks a lot like ML, obedient, and smart, but a foodie like her mom, so ML always has to control both of their diet.
    • There's extra story about ML and MC's daughter and a boy she knew since kindergarten. The boy was the typical jerk and growing up he'd became much more of a jerk to the daughter. They had fight when it was near college entrance exam and she vowed to cut relations with him. After a year they saw each other again but the daughter ignored him (you have to sympathize her, they'd been frenemies since forever, his lackeys also kinda her friend, but when the boy ignores her the lackeys also distanced themselves from so she didn't have any friends anymore), making him irritated. Then another boy comes along and the daughter although first wants to ignore him, decided to be friends because she needs friends. The boy fights with the other boy until he was hospitalized, kidnapped her (kinda) and kissed her dizzy so she'd accept him to be her bf. Truth was that year when they were in high school the reason he was cold to her was because he was starting to have feelings for her and even start to have illusions about her so he was scared of himself doing anything to her. She didn't accept him right away (atta girl! :blobhighfive:) and let him chase her for two years because of him being such a jerk to her. When they were 22 and already dating he kinda forced her to have sex with him cuz he doesn't want to lose her (what logic are you having boy... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:). The next day he confessed to his dad who was a military chief, got several harsh whipping as per usual when he rebelled, then went to MC's house to apologize and take responsibility. ML was unhappy and very angry at his daughter about it, but MC coaxed him to let them date after she was bribed with food from the boy's mom. ML said they can only marry at 25, but in the end they married as soon as she graduated uni.
    Overall, pretty good novel to me. The drama is a bit cliche, but you'd appreciate it after reading so many dog-blood family drama in the usual CN novels. The characters aren't flat, as the author did make an effort to show the complexity of each characters. One thing I didn't like was the fact that ML sometimes never really spoke any words of clarifications or explanations when sometimes MC really need it, so problems arised because ML keeps a lot of things to himself. I also didn't like how double-standard ML is. You can read MC's diary without permission and asks her about her relationship with other males, but she can't even get a clear answer about what happened with you so-called ex-gf? Come on~~~ :blobunamused::blobunamused::blobunamused: Well, the snusnu moments was really hot tho sometimes, so it worth the read I guess :blobwink::blobwink::blobwink:
    Hae_UNa, Lariterus, vsukio and 4 others like this.
  5. neri21

    neri21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2016
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    love this novel actually. ML is crazy jealous of wifey. hates her going out with other guys, although they were clients. one time, he took his wife to meet a client, who turned out to have idol looks. so, the wife stared at the guy all night, fascinated with his face. ML was going insane and keeps giving his wife dagger looks. she asks him if he was single and ML pinches her leg. she smiles at him and ML pinches her waist. he forbids her to go out wearing mini-skirts and low necklines and even puts her on a strict curfew. he is actually a very conventional boring guy whose entire world revolves around his work and family. he forgets birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's days but his wife puts up with it because he's very devoted and works hard for his family.

    if he had married the news anchor they would have been deeply unhappy because the anchor woman was expecting a lollipops and roses romance and the guy is not like that at all. he's not romantic, rarely shows his feelings and spends more time at work than with his family.
    but the MC gets him. just waits for him with dinner when he gets home late.

    this is actually a marriage between opposites but they make it work because they trust and care for each other deeply. The one time ML really gets emotional was when MC proposes they should separate while she was in the airport waiting to board a plane. he rushes to the airport and argues the case about their staying together. MC is ordinary and not talented but she is exactly what he needs because she doesn't crowd him. she lets him be successful while she does her own thing.

    I thought the novel was going to be boring at first when I read it but it went beyond my expectations actually. there is no perfection in a marriage. sometimes the romance is lacking but it's the reality of married life you know. there is a lovely exchange between them that really sums up the novel's theme: in the end, when a child grows up and leaves the nest to live his own life, the parents are left behind as in the beginning of their married life. if all they had as a couple was enmity and hate, how are they going to survive the rest of their lives together? in the case of this couple, ML is just glad to have his wife all to himself again. and MC has just to put up with his jealousy. and the weird 8:45 curfew!
  6. Dioning

    Dioning Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2017
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    @MiyaMira How about when there was a rumour about the exgirlfriend having miscarriage ? Is that true ?
  7. MiyaMira

    MiyaMira Jobseeking Sloth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Certified Imouto

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Nope. ML never had slept with his ex. ML's interaction with his ex before they broke up was the standard respectable bf/gf.
    Hae_UNa likes this.