Spoiler My Husband Will Regret This

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. Wr3n

    Wr3n Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    But how are you supposed to have a story without ~conflict~? /jk
  2. obelian underworld

    obelian underworld Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    But at least the conflict should make sense. The fl behavior doesn't make sense for a duke's daughter. From what I can see all the noble's are supposed to be arrogant and hold themselves high, she doesn't have that and it's truly odd. She shouldn't be showing her love in her husband (which she did , he was just too caught up with his insecurities to notice) by calling him darling and that disgraceful behavior of running to him and hanging on in the earlier chapters. She is said to be well educated but she is very naive , only having love on the brain and nothing else. It is a good thing she didn't marry the prince. I can already see the concubines walking all over her and her children suffering.
    eagerreadergirl and Angela3107 like this.
  3. Wr3n

    Wr3n Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    I think you're kind of stereotyping nobles here... There are lots of Noble girls in novels that don't do well in harem settings and have the downfall of their relationship with their husband's be bc they're too meek and/or love-minded.

    Also it's BECAUSE she's a noble and he hates nobles that she probably tried to humble herself like "hey I'm Not Like Those Other Arrogant Nobles That Will Only Step On You, see, i love you!" except he took it the wrong way because these two are a trashfire together.
  4. sort0fshort

    sort0fshort Active Member

    Oct 31, 2021
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    I have read a lot of knovels too, and what I got from reading this typical ancient Europe setting is that the noble ladies that have authority and wield that authority have a power backing them up, either a father influential enough in the noble society, or wealth or just the support from their husband. You can't expect her to have authority when she doesn't have those, do you expect the servant to just follow her just because she's a noble? Even royalties got abused by their servants because their father neglects them.

    The servant are not being nice to her because of nothing, at the time she has an old engagement with a prince, so the servant are being nice to her because they expect her to become someone of power later on. She was raised to be trophy wife of a prince hence explain the nice dresses and the education she got. And if she use her status as a Noble to punish the servant but what will happen after that, will they just take it , fro a powerless noble, and just move forward and respect her? No, they will make her situation worse, since they know that the ml does not care and if he does for appearance sake he rarely comes home and they Al believe he hates her, and power of authority for a noble lady came from either wealth, backing from their family and support from their husband. If your a noble without those your in a worse situation than a commoner
  5. NekosNeko

    NekosNeko Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    you’re forgetting something important here. This is a patriarchal society. Women, even rich aristocrat women, were groomed to satisfy men, their brothers, fathers, husbands, society. This is evident from how Chloe remembers her mother’s words "it’s a woman’s fault if the husband doesn’t love her". And EVERYONE in the kingdom knows that chloe’s family has lost power and it’s just a name now as they have no power. Now imagine marrying (being sold) into a household and your husband neglects and talks in such a rude manner to you infront of all the servants. What are the servants gonna think? "Even the house master doesn’t care about her, even if we mistreat her the house master won’t care". We have seen this same shit happen many times. Even concubines of a king go through severe maltreatment if the king doesn’t show favour to them so Chloe, the daughter of a ruined family will also feel that she doesn’t have any right. And even if this is not true Chloe believes this because surprise! her husband neglects her because of his own inferiority complex. Her husband and his aide Daniel both believe that all nobles are same and hate commoners, hate their ways and hate their money. Even when Chloe just said he doesn’t need to pay off her dumb brother’s debts the ml thinks "she doesn’t want her family to use commoner/dirty money". Like HOW? How did he get that conclusion?? Chloe has tried to speak to her husband many times only to be ignored rudely and forgotten each time. His wife collapsed and she takes a heavy medicine bag with her everywhere she goes and she seems natural at taking it. What does he do? He shows 3 minutes of concern and then poof it’s gone from his mind. Like she said she’s told him she’s sick several times and yet he still neglects her. And yeah she said she’s alright but patients lie to their loved ones all the times so as not to be a burden or worry them. And in this case Chloe is saying she’s alright because she doesn’t want to be a burden on him. Chloe is the one trying to communicate while Eric is busy drowning in his inferiority complex & his machines.

    even if she is a duke’s daughter she was sold by her own family. How is she supposed to be confident in her family name when her own family did that. Also like someone else pointed out not all nobles behave the same way. Calling each other with terms of endearments might be normal in their society. Otherwise do you really think ml will tolerate her calling him darling? Ofcourse she should be showing love to her husband. She has been in unrequited love for 5 years (had a crush on him when they were in the academy) and after years of being ignored I don’t blame the fl for being a little desperate for running after him. Even queens have run after kings if they don’t show them favour. In a patriarchal society like this a woman’s power comes from her husband, her brother, her father, her male relatives. A queen is chosen to be queen in a political marriage because the king deems her male relatives can be useful to him. And Chloe has no power male backing from her family. That’s why she’s timid around her own house. Because she feels the ml hates her so even he knows she’s being mistreated he won’t care.
    Bastian, sovokop, maenochka and 8 others like this.
  6. lidae

    lidae Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2021
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    Spoilers please :blobsad:
  7. tabularasa7

    tabularasa7 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    I read this story a bit and I hate both of the leads equally:
    Apparently, way back when during his days in University he fell in love with the FL at first sight but he felt inferior and didn't feel like he could approach her. Then he had is welcoming speech or whatever, and during it, somehow across the crowd, he managed to hear her comment about him being a commoner. This stung him right in his inferiority complex. So, instead of being a reasonable person and talking to her about it at any point in time, he arranges to marry her because he wants her but he also can't stand her because he thinks she's been looking down on him all this time. And he's been using that as an excuse to treat her badly for the 5(?) years they've been married. He finds out before she finally leaves that she is actually sick, but at this point she refuses to tell him her heart is failing. He does some investigation after he leaves and finds out from her doctor (so much for confidentiality) that she was dying and he freaks and tries to find her. I think at one point he gets hit by a car and his prosthetic leg is damage but he refuses to fix it until he finds her and then when he does he immediately runs to her, and it breaks and stabs him in the leg? And when he finds out her heart is failing, he makes plans to make her an artificial heart.

    Meanwhile, during the entire story, while the FL does serve the ML the divorce papers pretty early on, she never actually tells him WHY or how he's made her feel. They just spend a ton of time going back and forth with her going, "I want a divorce." and him going "No." before she finally just walks away. She never tells him until she's almost at death's door in some beach somewhere that she actually had feelings for him since she first saw him and that she always admired him for getting so far in life in spite of the barriers in his way. She doesn't tell him any of this until like 60 chapters in, and meanwhile we're subjected to a bunch of nonsense about one of the princes trying to force a divorce so that the ML could marry his younger sister, and the princess snottily prancing in front of the FL before the FL runs away to some small beach bed and breakfast to waste the last of her life away.

    A lot of this is just really contrived, tbh. Even when they finally start trying, it's still just a slog of misunderstandings. I stopped reading like halfway through so I don't know how it ends.
  8. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Do you have any spoilers about the prince who was planning on using his sister to let her marry the ML once he divorces? What happened to him? And also, the ex-fiancé of the MC does he have feelings for MC? or are they just friends with each other? Since all they had before their engagement got cancelled was done purely out of political intentions.
  9. tabularasa7

    tabularasa7 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Um, the Prince who wanted to marry the ML to his sister wanted to use the ML's inventions and the money they'll get for something. I don't remember what, but I think that's where most of their money has been going? But that, and the fact the princess liked the ML, is why he wanted to marry them.

    The Prince the FL was engaged to does have feelings for the FL, I think. But she didn't reciprocate.
  10. obelian underworld

    obelian underworld Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    An artificial heart? This is so stupid, one could say they are immature but even children expressthemselves. If only they did not do the love at first sight foolishness , we could actually see some development
  11. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    I hope someone spoil us on their character development (at the end ) , this is sooo much angst , I can’t handle the stuffering omg…. I need fluff:notlikeblob:
    Can u spoil how the first kiss happen?
    I mean I cannot imagine it with the cold ML
    Does he tripped and end up kissing FL or something?:hmm:it’s really unimaginable :blobpopcorn_two:
    manvugu and ChanvreVert like this.
  12. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    I also want to ask if the FL already found out about the ML's "secret"? What was her reaction? Did she feel indifferent or did she see him in a new light or smthn because of it?
  13. tabularasa7

    tabularasa7 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    I think she did... It's been few months since I've read it, but I think that was when they had their heart to heart, but the details are a little fuzzy so I can't be sure.
  14. hoangmai331

    hoangmai331 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Both ml and fl suck, =) if fl confessed her feeling over the guy who help her family and being her crush, things would be different. Ml is also suck, if you love her, just tell her. No need to yell at her and unhappy for how people treated u, u re rich man!!!! No matter who u re, as long as u re rich, u re upper those nobles.
    Anyhow fl not died??? Spoiler more plsss
    svtspeach, Raein and Bonzai like this.
  15. lembayung

    lembayung Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Isn't that always the case for these FL, I could name a few others, Navier from Remarried Empress and Ophelia from Never Saved You. Sometimes I wonder would it cost their life to actually speak what's on their mind? it's one thing if they don't bothered by it, but they clearly hurting. Is it pride or what? Maybe speak up won't change anything, since their husband had a hole in their brains, but bottle things up won't do you any good. I know it's the author fault not them, but it's frustrating somehow.
    Bonzai likes this.
  16. llaladeriver

    llaladeriver Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2021
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    I wanted to give this novel a shot but instantly backed out. After reading the spoilers I could imagine how much migraine I'd get if I continued reading the story. prolly bcs I'm a type of person who will communicate and I really can't deal with this misunderstanding trope. so yea, take it or leave it. Rather than rant and cuss while reading, better just not read it at all anyways thank u for all the spoilers
  17. tabularasa7

    tabularasa7 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    If I remember right, the ML also makes a dumb bet to someone else about their relationship and she finds out relatively quickly which sours any attempts she makes to reconcile early on...
  18. Aksakov229

    Aksakov229 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2016
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    More spoiler please :blob_plusone::blob_plusone::blob_plusone:
    Bonzai likes this.
  19. november27

    november27 Happy, free, confuse and lonely in the best way

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Anyone who read “love doesn’t matters”
    It’s another angst and frustrating story like this
    Aqua_the_idiot likes this.
  20. tabularasa7

    tabularasa7 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    I've read parts of it... never read much past what is already out there so I can't say for sure but I think I find My Husband Will Regret This a little more frustrating because at least in "Love Doesn't Matter" the FL doesn't really have feelings for the ML at the beginning and just wants to be rid of the contract.
    november27 likes this.