LCD My MCV and Doomsday

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Renzy, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Renzy

    Renzy 『⚓』『JackOfAllTrades』『7years』

    Dec 16, 2016
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    I dont know if the space inside of his MCV is still the same as of the appearance of it. Its not yet been specified
  2. sealteam14

    sealteam14 Your friendly HI3 SEA monkey farmer

    Nov 10, 2016
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    You know, MCV in Red Alert and CnC 4 are completely different in both function and appearances.
    Here is comparison:
    - Red Alert( RA) MCV only function as Structure building unit, while CnC4 are aslo capable of healing allies withing deployed Radius, and constructing additional unit/vehicles/aircraft depend on it field drop( offesne/defense/support).
    - RA MCV only able to access Top Secret Protocol and unable to call down special unit out, while CnC4 MCV can call those Tier 3 unit( they're massive in size and consider WMD class that capable of sweepin' entire city flat to the ground with just 3-4 of them deploy altogether), and aslo include Ability Research( upgrade unit(s) directly with Mobile Lab intergrated inside MCV). Those ability able to keep the unit more powerful and last longer under enemies intense firepower.
    - RA MCV push all unit construction to sub-structure so if they're destroyed, they still can pump unit out, or even create a whole new MCV to replace the lost one, while CnC4, if MCV are busted, unless you own an Engineer to repair the wrecked ones, you have to wait until cooldown finish to call a new MCV( yes, again with Orbital Drop). And since CnC4 MCV aslo count as a combat unit, they aslo able to atk enemies and can take one heck of a beating before busted up( but mostly they pumped out unit and use those unit as meatshield before that happen, and in case of Tier 3 unit, it's rather a blastdoor than a meatshield).
    That the different. Still, even if you count unit that are non-MCV, RA units( Tier 1 transport and Tier 2 above) and CnC4 ones( any Vehicles and Aircraft at Tier 1 and above) can crush flat any zombies and mutation possible. MCV is already overkill.
    Still, i'll check this novel out, since it poke my CnC blood...

    And sorry 4 the wall of text....
    Arbalest likes this.
  3. Drake98

    Drake98 Concerned Fan

    Jan 23, 2016
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    hadn't it been specified that the chair turned into a sofa?
  4. Sircus

    Sircus [Well-Known God]

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Im currently at latest raw 421. Will not spoil it for you others who cant read ahead. It´s a decent story but make no mistake this is a story about a man and his car. Tons of pretty females but MC will prioritize the car in this story so your hopes for harem/relationships are not high.

    My biggest grip with this story is that electricity/water/communication will fall on the same day ish the virus strikes. The goverment has 0 interest in restoring it by sending a couple of helicopters to the needed locations. If it was plotrelated then I could accept it but here it feels more like the writers ignorance/bitchslap to the gov.

    Expect more then the usual plotholes is all I can say.
  5. UnknownSaint171

    UnknownSaint171 To Something Sounds Cooler

    Mar 15, 2016
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    This is pretty good so far but the writing is a bit mediocre. I hope he builds his own army and has good character development. If not then this story might fail. I'm 24 chapters in, I hope for more
  6. Arbalest

    Arbalest Arcane Knight Anti Mage Honeytrap Devourer

    Nov 22, 2015
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    +1 to this awesome bang-bus!
  7. subi54

    subi54 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    What about the sister? Tell us about her.
  8. Xane

    Xane Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Translation pace is way too slow for such short chapters with nothing happening.
    gary0044187 likes this.
  9. Sircus

    Sircus [Well-Known God]

    Mar 24, 2016
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    What do you wish to know?
  10. subi54

    subi54 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I wish to know every drop of knowledge out there but for now tell us the role his sister will play in the novel. ^^
  11. Sircus

    Sircus [Well-Known God]

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Well, she is the ultimate sidekick with lightning ability that stuns all the enemies for the MC to then run them over with the car.
  12. subi54

    subi54 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Cool. Thanks.
  13. Arbalest

    Arbalest Arcane Knight Anti Mage Honeytrap Devourer

    Nov 22, 2015
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    I'm sick & tired of reading those shits apocalypse types novel with an mc as a sperm brainless maniac.
    And I saw some disgusting garbage yaoi apocalypse genre still going on fuck that trash rotten tomatoes! And many more but im too lazy to mention those garbage.

    I'm looking for something new to read but I still like apocalypse type of novel setting like God's and Devil's World w/o the nationalism bullshit stuffs like that, i almost give up browsing until I found this golden apple.

    Seriously this novel is really good for apocalypse type genre,and this is the one that I'm looking for!
    So now I'm on @450 chapter raw latest. (Binge reading for 1 week)

    The story is slow but steady a dude that has a star specialization ability mechanical modification, mc here is not OP and does not have a Super plot armor on his/her body, his kinda reliant on his MCV for sake of survival he's weak calm and collective (as always it will change later on) ruthlesse on those trash scumbags back stabbing bastards and the most important of all is he's not a stupid horny dog brainless bastard and still have some decent self control ETC.

    At first im reading this like meh it's kinda interesting bangbus so let's read some more so that i can see what happened to that modified bus later on, (I'm hoping that his MCV will turn into something like those of MCV on RA3 series please copy the Japan MCV version because that design is badass)
    And this dude @sealteam14 speak about the command and conquer red alert thing and that reminds me about those awesome vehicles design on RA3 series so I decided to also read the raws cuz the release rate of this novel is kinda slow I'm not complaining about it but I can't help it to read some more and I am not a spoiler so I will keep my mouth shut about what's happening on the latest chapters. :D

    Sorry for the long wall text I just appreciate this novel so much and I hoping this novel will not turned shit later on.
  14. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    c1: Why didn't he just rent the bus for a day using a fake address and a burner phone and then just not bother to return it? He'd only lose whatever money he was required to put down in advance and the cops would be unlikely to find him before the end of the world so long as he was moderately careful. Contacting the rental place a few times to inform them that he'd be extending the contract would also help delay things.

    c3: How did the driver get home?

    c5: It would have been nice if he actually had to do the refit himself. It would open up a lot of other possibilities, and change certain dynamics of the story.

    C6: Even if he didn't know the exact time of the breakout, he should still have headed over to the girl's place. He could have just parked around the corner, or at the nearest business' parking lot if he was worried about being chased off as a suspicious person or whatever.

    c14: gas seems like a pretty significant weakness. I wonder if a later upgrade will use solar or something?

    So, does it run on oil or gas? Or does the translator just not understand that they're different?

    C16: You know, the problem with it being a virus, and one that mutates fairly rapidly at that, is that people would keep getting sick, similar to the flu. Anyone who survived it once might not survive it the next time. I wonder if the author thought this through.

    C17: Why did he charge instead of driving in reverse? Once he got up a bit of speed, he could likely have turned the car around and driven in reverse some more while the boar got turned around. With that distance he could turn the car around again and start charging away. It'd be a bit hard on the vehicle, but not nearly as hard as charging into a rampaging monster. Not to mention the whiplash and other problems that come from such a high-speed collision.

    C18: That's not a very good weapon. Anything that takes so long to fire isn't really useful in an emergency. Its better than nothing mind you, but that's it.

    C20: I'd go with the absorption beam. The food and fuel storage, and the weapons system upgrade would all be nice, but the absorption beam would help him the most in both the short and long term if we disregard plot armor.

    C21: weren't they're a couple of semi's parked at the restaurant? Assuming that he could empty one out, that'd be much better than a van. I'm not sure he could do it without the forklift upgrade though.

    I'd have taken a bath before sitting on the sofa after butchering something that large...

    C24: So, can this tube also hack gas stations to convince them that he's paid for this gas? And pry open gas covers and unscrew gas caps to get gas out of cars?

    C26: How did he manage to turn around with any sort of speed while hauling that van?

    C31: How is rice not a dry food?

    C32: I assume that the only reason they didn't take hostages was that it wouldn't have been possible for the MC to deal with it with his limited bag of low precision tricks.

    C33: The author seems to have a hard time remembering whether the bikers are on bikes or not, and imagining how a fight between a minibus and a biker gang would play out inside a small town.

    C35:"Are you drunk? Nobody would dare doing such thing except if they were tired of life..." Is this guy an idiot? If people have decided to rebel then their lives already forfeit. Killing as many bikers as possible to reduce their numbers is the only sensible thing to do in that situation. To actually expect them to have not killed any bikers makes me question if he has anything going on between his ears.

    C38: You know, if he wanted to use the air gun to kill Yu, he had a perfect opportunity. He just had to charge the gun while he was refueling and then shoot Yu when he showed up. Its unlikely that the guy would even know he was being shot at until he was already dead. Of course, that would have been a lot more anti-climatic than the author was going for.

    C39: Why did he need to charge him to do that? Why not simply sit there and wait for the truck? That way, after firing, he could accelerate backwards quite safely and avoid the truck if it was still moving forward.

    Also, how did he not crash into the truck? He was charging it right? Did he slam on the brakes? If so, how did he not activate the airbags again?

    C39: I was wondering if humans would have monster cores. Now I'm wondering if stronger humans will.

    That aside, I would have stored the energy. There's no reason he couldn't use it to boost defense later, and if he managed to get enough for an upgrade, that would definitely help him more than a small defense boost. Just imagine how quickly and easily he could repair/upgrade his vehicle with that material absorption beam. The total benefit would be far higher, and the risk of pursuing it relatively small.

    C43: People keep talking about eating the veggies, but no one seems to be planting them. Such shortsightedness should kill them even more surely than the zombies and mutants.

    Those women really need to grow spines. He was just stealing all the supplies they and their families were going to need to survive and they weren't saying anything. Honestly, without his van, and with their superior numbers, it wouldn't be difficult for them to jump him, especially while he's got his hands full with said supplies.

    C44: Why did he take all the supplies for himself? He didn't need them at all, and he'll have a much easier time getting new supplies than they will.

    C52: Why did she leave any supplies in her room if her base was elsewhere? Also, why did she leave any zombies alive there if she thought her brother might show up?

    C53: Why lie about the meat? This is his sister's group that he'll most likely be joining (if you ignore the fact that the author almost certainly won't allow that). There's no point in lying.

    C54: Yep, all these problems are 100% because he lied about the meat. If he'd just told them, everyone would be celebrating him as a hero. Of course, with their surprisingly deeply ingrained class-ism, its hard to say how long that good will would last. I have to say, I don't think much of his sister if this is the kind of system she chose to set up. Though, to be fair, she doesn't know that it can help normal people evolve too.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
    gary0044187 and Sircus like this.
  15. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I can understand why the biolab is his next purchase, but I still think the absorption beam is more useful if he's not planning to stick around. And judging by how little he trusts the people there, I find it difficult to believe that he intends to stick around.

    I wonder if he'll get that second nucleus from a mutant beast, or from one of his sister's subordinates when they do something stupid.
    gary0044187 likes this.
  16. Sircus

    Sircus [Well-Known God]

    Mar 24, 2016
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    You made a lot interesting and relevant points in your post. I also agree with all of them, story is full of plotholes like that.
  17. Arbalest

    Arbalest Arcane Knight Anti Mage Honeytrap Devourer

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Sup mate ahem MC wants to be a low profile character so most of his actions are kinda secretive and he's got a trust issues problem,but if it was me on the apocalypse days then I will do the same things.

    Uhmm Those fodders don't have a spare nucleus so his 2nd nuclei he will get that through killing a mutant beast.

    I don't like to spoil you but that absorption beam is not that effective without the space storage 10x10 combo you can't loot a lot of things like oil rice beast meat etc. at first I too complain about it while reading but I can't do anything about it cuz that is his decision so I continue to read it. Because of the lack of release rate of chapters I decided to read the raws. and I kinda understood that engine/tank storage upgrade choice is also a good and reasonable set up for his worn-out bangbus, His mcv is like a hungry hippo always need a lot of materials and nucleus if you want to get another ability upgrade on that mcv but all that hardships it's kinda worth it.

    Yeah there's a lot of potholes but I choose to ignore those small things cuz it's not worth my time to think about it. For me what important is all about his action pack adventure on that MCV. Cuz I wanna see his soon to be RA3 mcv model. :D
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
    potatofriez likes this.
  18. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Honestly, it feels like he's going out of his way to alienate all of her followers. If he just told them the bus was bulletproof and capable of running over a hundred zombies at once without difficulty, then they wouldn't care that he was coming along. They might want to steal his vehicle, but he could also mention that both the door and the ignition used biometric scanners to check his identity and whether or not he was alive. A simple demonstration would prove this.
    If he's trying to be low profile, then he's an idiot. Its utterly impossible for him to be low profile when he's the leader's long lost brother, especially when he's doing so many things to buck the established order, based solely on that connection while not bringing anything to the table himself.

    I meant get it from her followers by killing them. They should provide at least as much energy as the speedster from the last town.

    I stopped reading as soon as you mentioned spoilers.
    gary0044187 likes this.
  19. Arbalest

    Arbalest Arcane Knight Anti Mage Honeytrap Devourer

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Yeah I kinda knew what you meant the bangbus capabilities yes if he told them about it the treatment of those fodders will change but the problem is mc don't trust them his sister's teammates there's always a lot of case on Doomsday when you have a strong fighting capabilities you will bound to do a lot of stupid things and he's afraid on those ability users to kill him first when he's out of the bus and talking to them stuff like that.for his amazing mini-bus then stole it away, look he's a normal survivor on the apocalypse w/o fighting capabilities so he always find ways and reasons to stay on his mcv for his safety measures., and he'll boss them around to collect some material he needed to upgrade his bus later on he's low on nucleus so he chose to upgrade what he needed the most to his journey the gasoline tank space / engine strengthening first cuz he doesn't want to go into dangerous urban areas and want to avoid a lot of problems ( to many zombies / survivors ) just to find gasoline and refuel,on his mind he need to get on his sister place before anything else,

    And about killing those ability users to supplement his mini-bus for energy purposed yes thats is one of many ways to collect energy and mc will do that method a lot to those who aim for his life but there is also a little problem on that method he needed to kill the enemy abilities users body intact to absorb the whole energy if he use his air cannot or grenade for killing his mini-bus will only absorb half or maybe a little energy stored on the corps body the best way to kill them w/o wasting the corps energy is to use guns and aim for a head shot, and he'll solved this energy problems when he finished building his bio lab along the way.

    There's Too many things to mention but anymore of this will be a kill joy so I'll keep my mouth shut.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
  20. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    That's nice and all, but what's the combat application? If there's not one, then I don't see how he has a right to eat mutant meat either, much less look down on those who can't.