Discussion My Theory Expands!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Evil_Ginger, Nov 3, 2018.

  1. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Like the Universe!

    For those of you who remember, I am bringing a thread that was rather nonsensical back to life.
    For those of you that don't, don't worry. Here! Suffer together! https://forum.novelupdates.com/posts/1080274/

    This was a theory I made when I was extremely tired and bored, but to summarize, I know that 'time flies when you are having fun,' but sometimes, when you are having fun, what felt like hours could have actually only been a half hour. Likewise, say you are bored. Normally, wouldn't you perceive it as a slow day? But sometimes, the time still seems to pass by quickly.

    Over all, as we get closer to the speed of light, our perception of time changes. Thus, my theory was that the speed of which we were moving through space was constantly shifting. It may be minuscule, however, I would believe little changes will have drastic effects on us who live on this planet.

    Recently, I have been attending a Planetology class. And instead of being convinced I was being moronic, I discovered something rather...important! It actually furthered my theory!

    The earth's orbit around the sun is not completely circular, correct? Thus, its distance from the sun is not static. And as it travels around the sun, it moves faster!

    Well, in reference to the distance from the sun. So that is why one season is rather short compared to the others. Most of the year, the earth is further from the sun rather than closer to it (in reference to the Astronomical Unit[AU] or the average distance the earth is from the sun.)

    So, isn't the movement of the earth speeding up? As it gets closer to the sun, the earth is moving faster, thus, we are moving faster.

    I know, I know. In the last thread, someone brought up the people in a car going 60 mph thing.

    But if the car were to get buffeted by wind, wouldn't we feel it?

    SO! In conclusion, I still believe that the gravity of the moon (and now the sun) will unconsciously affect our perception of time. There.
  2. CripplingDepression

    CripplingDepression 『Professional Loli Appraiser』

    Jun 24, 2018
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    me no understand what u sayin
  3. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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  4. k1nk4

    k1nk4 Sage Verdurous Sea Turtle

    Oct 20, 2015
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    *read the first few lines*
    *feels groggy*
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  5. AIm21

    AIm21 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2016
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    I think you need to go look up special relativity and time dilation before you sound more, I don't use this word lightly... Retarded.
  6. zog

    zog Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    does whether ur bored or having fun effect perception of time. and wether planets speed does. 2 diferent concepts. same effect. both plausible. pardon my horibad gramarz. ;P
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  7. Rahel911

    Rahel911 Active Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    are you implying that as the earth move on its orbit the earth well roll faster cuse of sun and moon gravity? if thats the case then the changes will be more obvious cuse the daily circle will change faster
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  8. Wannabe-shutin

    Wannabe-shutin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    I wouldn't think in such a complicated manner. Instead just look at it like this: if there isn't much to remember the memories appear to be shorter since the useless 'fillers' are just forgotten. Due to that one has the impression of a different timeflow in retrospect.
    There is a difference in actual, measurable time and perceived passage of time. The speed you perceive time at is highly dependant on the situation, when you think about it and some other factors.
    On the other hand the measured time doesn't change from your subjectiv view - going by the different orbital speed of the earth, everything in your vicinity is subject to the same change. Thus you wouldn't see a differnce, even if it was much greater than it actually is.
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  9. Liyus

    Liyus Laksha's Desu~ Cat

    Nov 10, 2015
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    i'm bored, 1 year are like 100....i have a long life to go something around 1000 years....
    boredom and lazyness is the key for immortality....
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  10. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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    :hmm: in what way? Please elaborate so I can know why I am being ridiculed.
    No, not the rotation of the planet, the revolution, or its orbit. A thrown ball does not need to spin in order to go faster, I think.
  11. Concernedcitizen

    Concernedcitizen Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2017
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    How did moon come in to picture with time perception? Its like a flat-earthers' discussing science.
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  12. MaliMi

    MaliMi The Cookie Guardian

    May 24, 2017
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    The first thought I had when reading that was what frame of reference are you using.... Yea, I probably should stop with learning the physics formalism for the day.

    On the other hand, I would really let this topic go. You go in two fields. First, is the special relativity and the second is human brain. The latter we still do not know much about. I personally will not start arguing with you with the little knowledge of special relativity I have. I mean let's just take the solar system. It already matter which frames of reference you are using.
    I guess you would pick one centre in the Earth's core and the other in the centre of the Sun. Then you would probably count the proper time the frame of reference linked with Earth had. After that though, you could also put Earth's own rotating speed in question. We as humans live on surface, so you would pick a point, make another frame of reference and count the proper time once again.

    ...please people, this just how I would roughly do it after having fried brain. Feel free to point out mistakes.

    Anyway, after doing all of that, it would all go to !@#? as we are lost with how our brain perceives time.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
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  13. Rahel911

    Rahel911 Active Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    well i thinck moon gravity on earth and earth gravity on moon and all other plants gravity on earth and earth on them is in stalemate(harmony) so if and thats a big IF ever the earth get closer to the moon or any other planet and divert from it orbit the would be big trouble it might cuse big tsunamies(if the earth goes any little bit closer from the moon gravity) or the sea waves will stop and the sea will stink(if the earth goes any little bit away from moon gravity)
  14. AIm21

    AIm21 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2016
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    You speak of the sun and moon changing our perception of time, but you don't speak of the fact why the solar system spinning around the milkyway in the galaxy even faster doesn't change our perception of time.

    So first off your entire theory about the solar revolution and lunar orbit of the earth effecting our perception of time is to say the least wrong to an almost flat earther degree.

    The reason why this is because you can't feel the movement of the earth through spacetime as it move around the sun because you are actually stationary due to the earth rotation and gravity holding you down and always pulling you toward its core while earth immense size compare to you make you feel like you aren't moving at all and seasons occur due to the angular tilt of the earth not because of its revolution around the sun, as summer occur when are at its farthest and winter occur when we are at its closest, so it doesn't matter if the season are shorter then others.

    No what effects your perception of time is how much information your brain can process in a given situation. When you have fun you experience time faster, it is usually due to your brain focusing on an activity and filtering out unneeded information around you to allow you to focus better, but when you are bored, time is perceived to move slower because your brain does not focus on anything in particular and so more information around you is taken in and so you are more aware of your immediate surrounding movement of time.

    So the speed at which you move does not effect your perception of time, but how much information you can process.

    If you move at the speed of light from the sun to the earth it would appear instantaneous to you, but in reality it would had taken 8 minutes for you to get from the sun to the earth. So what happens to those 8 minutes that you had travel from the sun to earth? You were unable to perceive them because your brain wasn't able to received and process any information due to light speed being the fastest speed that information can travel bar the possibility of tackyons being real.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
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  15. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Well, that may be, but I wouldn't call it harmony. The moon's rotation changed due to earth's gravity, after all.
    So then why does the opposite also happen? Why when I'm bored the time sometimes seems to still go by fast and when I am having fun time seems to not move as fast? I mentioned it earlier but you seem to have neglected my own experience on the matter.

    It all started on this observation of mine. I'm not saying we will actively notice the change of time, right? Plus, it would be an unconscious thing that people would only notice sometimes.

    Like when tons of customers seem to want the same item when it hadn't been bought for the past three days. Strange things like that.

    You can call it coincidence, but the very fact that even though we can't feel it, we are being acted upon by the moon and sun as well as the earth is also rather a farfetched thing to think about.

    But...I get the feeling you don't believe in Einstein's theory about the feeling of things slowing down as you become faster. Or am I also mistaken on that one?
  16. AIm21

    AIm21 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2016
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    I said usually, but if you are focus and deep in thought about your boredom time can move faster the same as you are having fun. As it isn't about how much fun you have, but how focus you are on something that your brain use more it's cognition on helping you solve its problem than perceiving your surrounding in detail. While at the same time you can have fun, but real time hasn't change much because you are taking in more infomation and processing it faster depending on the activity you are doing that require you to think less and process more information.

    It also probably wasn't a coincidence for a bunch a customer to want the same item, but just information you aren't aware of happen outside of your perception of the immediate world. But it has nothing to do with any celestial body in the heavens.

    No I believe Einstein, but it is only when your brain can consciously perceive your surround as you move close to the speed of light or else you think it is instantous.
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  17. Miserys_End

    Miserys_End 「Lv1 Pretend Person」I'm the preson i pretend to be

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think you need to add in a part about your perception of time gets shorter the older you get. At 40 I've had to drive a lot of places and many of them the same path between locations. I can say without a doubt that the drive between the city I live in and the I work feels a lot shorter then 20 years ago, even with all the added traffic. He'll even the 5h drive to the international airport feels shorter every time I'm force to pick up relatives.

    In short time feels shorter the older you get. While being bored or entertained likely plays a part as well, but driving the same paths for 20 years has given me a slightly different view.
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  18. fteg123

    fteg123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Well here's my take using concepts taught in class.

    Time: Made up by people. (Hour glass, water wheel clock, pendulum clock, atomic clocks)
    Time changes over the years (centuries). --> Stromatolites (recorded Earth time = very different from 24 hours)
    Moon is moving away from the Earth. In the past the moon was very very very big. Now, it is slightly far from the Earth and it is going to be even farther in the next billions of years.
    Differential forces, synchronous rotations and tides affects the Earth's rotation slowing it down, days = slower. Attraction and repulsion.
    https://ww2.kqed.org/quest/2011/12/02/luna-nova-moon-of-the-cretaceous-skies/ moon moving away
    https://www.timeanddate.com/time/earth-rotation.html slower time
    Kepler's Second Law: "Planets move faster in their orbits when they are closer to the sun"
    Galileo's goldfish theory: does not perceive it's surroundings.
    Special relativity = http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/SpecialRelativity.html - constant speed = speed of light (so anything below will follow the Newtonian standards/ anything above follow Einstein's relativity)
    Time dilation: proper time and observed time

    In humans, we have something called Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). ANS branches into parasympathetic division (PD) and sympathetic division (SD). Both work together to provide homeostasis balance.
    PD is referred to as "rest and digest" because it keeps the body energy low as possible. Blood pressure is regulated at low-normal levels, the pupils are constricted and lenses are accommodated for closer vision (to see closer image). The body is relaxed and conserves energy --> Slow reaction
    SD is referred to as "fight or flight" because it is seen when we are excited or in an emergency/threatening situation. Some signs of SD consists of rapidly pounding heart, deep breathing, dry mouth, cold-sweaty skin and dilated pupils (to see further image). The body is excited and mobilized during activity --> Fast reaction
    (The ANS is regulated by the hypothalamus.)

    Note: Here's some websites
    https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/46020/do-you-feel-gravity - gravity
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depersonalization_disorder - time
    https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/...1107/why-does-time-seem-pass-different-speeds - time, psych
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  19. Iscrej

    Iscrej Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Perception of time /= time
    Evil_Ginger likes this.
  20. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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    First of all, thanks for the discussion. You were a much better 'speaker' than the last thread. The retard thing was a little much, though.

    Anyways, I get what you mean with brain processing. :blobcheeky: I just like speculating things and drawing random conclusions. Hell, i need to go back and find my 'Life is Like a Donut' speech I made in high school. For the most part, I'm just bored and need to look active.:blobsweat_2:
    Much obliged. I will certainly read it...

    (Secretly :blobdizzy:)