Spoiler Pursuit of the LCD!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lazriser, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Please report this thread so it can be transferred to LCD - Pursuit of the Truth, because I couldn't find it or was too lazy to search through all the tabs to locate it.

    Now, going on the latest chapter in the web novel, Chapter 405, I made a minor speculation that Su Ming might be either a blood-related son or adopted son to Di Tian! Progenitor Huo is the brother of Di Tian, and Di Tian sealing his brother's soul in Su Ming, due to internal strife in the family. Su Ming as we know, has another identity other Immortals know and fear, Destiny! Su Ming, being of the surviving sibling of the two, when they were raised by Di Tian, and probably the sons of sister of Progenitor Huo, who was captured and probably raped by the group, someone, or even by Di Tian himself! This would make Progenitor Huo his uncle, and the sister whose whereabouts vague, his blood-mother.

    What do you think?
  2. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Damn! I'm back, and no one bothered to report this into the proper forum section!? Hmm, or maybe there isn't a LCD for Pursuit of the Truth?