Qidian premium

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by ZXu2002, Feb 23, 2018.

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  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Patreon: Users can read chapters ahead if they pay money.
    Premium system: Users can read chapters ahead if they pay money.

    It is a reskinned patreon.
    Slayerwolfx2 and Westeller like this.
  2. Luneder

    Luneder Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    the problem I have with qidian and their premium system is it doesn't actually increase the pace of chapter release. There is little to no actual benefit to being premium other than seeing a few chapters ahead. Only plus side is they release a chapter almost every day on everything.

    If their system was actually rewarding the investment into these more popular series I wouldn't care too much about them having a premium system but right now it is just greed system that is more negative to the readers than positive.
    Slayerwolfx2 likes this.
  3. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Yeah, that is a good resume of it.

    But well, let's be honest, it is not like Patreon gives any real benefit to the reader either.

    In the end, they are a company and need to earn money somehow, and this is the option they found... Readers don't really get any benefit from it, but at least their release pace is pretty fast, so... It's not that bad I think?

    But yeah, it's mainly a system to give them money... Which makes sense, as they need to earn the money they spent in going international back.
  4. Luneder

    Luneder Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Just to correct you, the ones using patreon are fan translations hired by Qidian and have nothing to do with the premium stuff. Qidian is the actual publisher that the authors went through to put out the raw version. Qidian after seeing that there was an actual market for these novels started translating them as well as threatening existing translators who were putting out high quality translations of some of these novels so they could take them back and give their average or below average translation if they could not extort the existing translator to work for them.

    Rather than giving the readers a top quality service they are giving a low quality service while trying to make the readers pay for it with no real benefit to the readers by doing so. The premium side and the translator side they have completely separated so the profits generated by the premium more than likely does not go to the translators beyond their existing contract amount which I heard their contracts are pretty crappy.
    compass96 likes this.
  5. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    As far as I heard, they actually pay pretty well.

    And from what they said, it is likely that both authors and translators profit from the premium system.

    Patreon was used by Qidian translators too before the Premium system was implemented.
    And not only fantranslators use patreon, companies like WW also use it.
  6. Luneder

    Luneder Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    sorry it is still different. I watched most of the drama between WW and Qidian and many of the underhanded stuff Qidian was doing even read a copy of their contract which is illegal in most countries but China. Also translators under Qidian are not allowed even to discuss their contracts including pay. The contract that was leaked on this forum was done anonymously middle of last year and had a bunch of illegal clauses in it even ones that said if they decide the translator isn't making them enough money they can sue and for lost revenue.

    They have two types of translators, one is the original fan translator they managed to convince to work for them, they are probably paid better than regular translators because they have an established fan base. Then there is the dime a dozen translators that are not much better than machine translators that are only paid by qidian and not through patreon and are working through that shitty contract. About 90% of their translators are the second type which is why several novels that Qidian took from the original translator have had a sharp rating drop since.
    Slayerwolfx2 likes this.
  7. _Selutu_

    _Selutu_ 灭世魔尊

    Mar 5, 2016
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    It's not as simple as that. For Patreon, what you're doing is supporting the translators, who gives you access to a set amount of advance chapters for 1 month's time + w/e other perks that the translator might have (e.g. I offer access to commissioned artworks for my novel).

    Qidian Premium is paying for released chapters, and the number of chapters between a person paying and not paying increase over time.
    compass96 likes this.
  8. Uno

    Uno ฅ Holy Lurker ฅ

    Apr 2, 2017
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    I find it pretty hilarious as some of the premiums are translated poorly have many mistakes and don't give a damm on grammar, rather I think its a lil bit dumb to pay and get sh*t. If I were to pay, obviously I want whats worth my money.

    Seriously, premium per chapter cost an everage of 10 spirit stones (150 stones = 12 bucks in my country currency) to unlock. Mostly now the premium series are unlocked after some time but certain novel ain't unlocking at all after 50+ episodes/chapters and I'm thinking this is going to be applied to the others as well soon. My point is if you copy paste and print out the 15 chapters (150 stones) it'd be 2 pages tops. 12 bucks to read just a couple of pages of a book? Does that make sence? And you get a not so good translation work? I dunno bout others but me, what QI doing is eeevillll lol.

    They say its mostly done to benefit the authors, getting paid for their work, my question is aren't the stories originally published in Chinese? Are they not selling their work in China for the Chinese readers? Why threatens fan tranlations and such? Dang 'em greedy QI! Welp this part I'm just wondering, if the original work is not selling in Chinese version then it's my bad.

    Plus premiums ain't the least bit of a privilege but a rip off imo.
    compass96 and Slayerwolfx2 like this.
  9. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    AFAIK Qidian never confirmed rather the leaked contract was real or not. As far as we know, it could be completely fake.

    Especially because one of their employees already made a thread talking about their pay and why they were working with Qidian some months back. I remember RWX annoying the translator that made the thread too.
    Ah, the intent is different, that is for sure.

    The thing I was referring to, is looking purely on the perspective of the reader, they are the same, you pay for extra chapters.

    The increasing gap between free and premium doesn't matter much tbh, free readers will still have 1 chapter/day, paying readers will have more, but that's it... Doesn't change much in the end.

    You offer artworks, which is pretty neat, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of translators don't offer anything more than the extra chapters.
    Well, it makes sense for the author to earn from the translation of their work, doesn't it?
  10. Luneder

    Luneder Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Keep in mind Qidian has financial problems due to having a bad business model and they are also in a legal battle with another publisher which they are going to lose that could cost them hundreds of millions USD. Everything that we see happening is not for the benefit of the reader but to try an save their own skin from being cut off by the main company that owns them who doesn't have a favorable view of them due to previous problems they have had legally.
    Slayerwolfx2 likes this.
  11. Someguy666

    Someguy666 MILF Sect Leader

    Jan 13, 2017
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    Time to go MTL on aggreator sites.
  12. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    For me patreon and premium is two totally different functions.

    Patreon is a way to support the TL. You supposed to donate to patreon because you want to support them, say thanks for the hard work.

    I agree that it was destroyed with the bonus chapter insentive, but that not the original mean.

    Premium from the start are focusing on profit.

    My issue with QI premium model are:

    1. QI have a bad record on keeping their word. While they say part of the premium goes to TL or author, I doubt it. Maybe TL/author got a cut but I'm not sure how big. 0.5% is still a cut right?

    2. QI failed to listen for customer feedback. Several times complain was raised about the TL quality in review and got deleted (while no improvement made). I don't think charging premium for this kind of services is justified (although as far as I know the one in the premium model seems have a good TL quality)

    3. Several people already pointed that premium model choke the flow free novel and I predict it will get worse.

    4. I have no problem paying for my enjoyment, but QI haven't find the magic formula.

    In China, QI can predict how much should they charge because the demographic is simillar.

    On international level, the standard of income differ from one country to another. If they follow the Europe or US standard then it mean I won't be able to cover the cost. If they follow South East Asia level (removing Singapore and Brunei) then they will get "abused" by the Europe and US reader.

    5. QI didn't have the professionalism that make me trust them with my money. It like buying food in a stall that located in small, dirty, shady alley. It may taste good but if something happen, good luck on getting your money back.
    compass96 and Slayerwolfx2 like this.
  13. Jeebus

    Jeebus Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2017
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    Unless a translator is donating all their Patreon proceeds to charity, Patreon is as much about profit as QI's premium program. The question is, where is that profit going? With QI, you know part of your payment is going to the author, part to the translators, and part to the publisher. With Patreon, some translators don't properly license the novels they're translating, nor do they pay the author.

    1. QI may be a horrible company, but none of us know what the split is. If you have any proof of that, I'd love to see it. Otherwise, use facts, not feelings.

    2. I can see why they'd remove them since a person's opinion of QI doesn't have any direct connection to the review of the novel. If it's just a quick mention in a longer review, it's a mistake to remove it, but if the entire review is just ragging on QI, I'd remove it, too. That said, QI is a private company. It's free to do what it wishes with reviews, just as you're free to not use their site. If you don't feel QI's actions are justified, speak with your wallet. If enough people do that, then they'll either die or change.

    3. That's the point. No properly licensed novel can be free. If the translator is paying for rights, they need an income to pay for that.

    4. I agree. What do you think the proper formula would be, such that all interested parties are paid a reasonable amount?

    5. I also agree. I can't figure out how such a large company could be so tone-deaf. It's like they're reveling in being the bad guy.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  14. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I'm not denying this, but my point is patreon is all about support. You pay because you want to support the artist. The fact that the artist can give better output (quality and quantity) is an after effect. It the basic reason that separate patreon and premium.

    The only fact here is "TL/author will get a cut" is claimed by QI. No other fact support it, we can just trust QI word for that. Like I mention before, we know how much worth does QI word for me

    If it a personal attack to QI, I don't mind if they remove it. I'm talking about bad review about the novel also got removed. The purpose of review is to give information for further reader, as long as the review are not hoax it should stay there.

    So review like
    "This novel sucks"
    "The quality is the same like MTL"
    "There is a lot of inconsitency in the TL"
    Or even
    "This novel is copy pasted from WW"
    should stay, not removed.

    Agree, this is just prequel for point 4 and 5

    I also not sure for this. But QI have more than one year to find it. Right now it still on trial mode and they expand it little by little, but if by the time it go full scale and they still can't find it, I won't pay if it above my limit.

    Maybe they believe in anti mainstream approach. It work for Steve Jobs
  15. Luneder

    Luneder Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2017
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    The original creator of Qi actually got in trouble for accepting bribes and copyright infringement and was removed so in some ways some of the problems come from when they were first created.

    Last year they got in trouble due to breaking contract with another publisher that they allowed to use some of their novels in trade to use the other publishers novels on their site as well. Well the novels did way better on the other publishers site than Qidian's so in retaliation they took the novels back breaking contract resulting in a few hundred million USD worth lawsuit and forcing two giants that own both of them to have a face off.

    Qidian is facing either destruction or complete management reform as things stand. Qidian international is a last ditch effort to save themselves.
    Slayerwolfx2 likes this.
  16. Uno

    Uno ฅ Holy Lurker ฅ

    Apr 2, 2017
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    Yep they should, but on the contrary, their work is in Chinese once it's translated its a different story, pay some percentage of royalty (neway who knows if QI even pay the author coz now they are selling the translation work not the original Chinese version), it selling in tens of hundreds copies, so if authors are getting royalty it should be enough.

    What I'm getting at is, the work is ongoing and we dunno what is the outcome will be. The story might turn out to be dull later or perhaps an ubrupt/rushed ending, coz some long ones are proven to be so, eg MGA. Would you pay to read a winding repetitive same oo same oo plots? Or Coiling Dragon, rushed plots and a sudden ending?

    So why charge so darn high when the quantity of paying readers are potentially millions (in south east asia I'd say it's a bit much, not sure about other parts of the globe). I wouldn't mind really, if the certainty of a novel is guaranteed to be satisfying and good but it'd be totally a hair grabber if not coz so far non of the premiuns are a completed work. Welp in another way I could just wait till it's done, then again god knows when will it be.

    Neway thats a lil bit of my so call two cents of mind rant. I don't mean to offend neone, just feel QI should do a better job and be more transparent.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  17. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Ah, well, we don't know how the authors are being paid for the going international stuff, but I assume they get a share of Qidian's earnings...

    So, the premium system would support them I guess?

    I do agree that Qidian being more transparent would be nice though.
    Uno likes this.
  18. Autumn Crane

    Autumn Crane Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    The Strongest System has become Premium and when it did, i opened the like the first 15 chapters but then when i was running out of spiritstones i decided to just wait and let themselfs open up with time. its been like 2 weeks? chapter 407 was the last i unlocked and now its locked till chapter 434. so i can assume they wont ever become spirit stone free?:cry:
  19. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    unless a series become really unpopular then maybe~
    meh I wonder where see similar scheme~
    maybe on one of game I ever played
  20. Ryogawa

    Ryogawa Translator on Volarenovels and Liberspark

    Jul 11, 2016
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    I remember reading somewhere that they choose premium novels based on voting? So if a free-reading fan likes the novel and wants to keep the release rate high (if it already is), voting for the novel they like would go against their favor instead?
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