LCD Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Zeph, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Status: Hungry for Growth』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Ayyy so Darkwing Dragon will die, eh? No other reason to introduce a system-breaking item like this.
  2. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    What item?
  3. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Status: Hungry for Growth』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Resurrection Crystal: Revive a fallen pet. Consumed upon use.
    Price: 200,000 gold

    There's also this for our bro Tang Yao...
    Arcane Gem (Socketable): Increases the damage of arcane magic by 30%.
    Price: 200,000 gold
    userunfriendly likes this.
  4. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Status: Hungry for Growth』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Bro Splendid, I'm glad the author finally remembered you! :facepalm:

    Weren't you supposed to be included in the alliance since you are chummy with Nie Yan back in the early days?
    littleshanks likes this.
  5. littleshanks

    littleshanks Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2016
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    Hey, there @SummerMascot. That's some fair criticism. On bullet point #2, though, can you point to instances where I've censored anything? To my knowledge, I've never purposefully censored or removed content. In fact, I always go out of my way to translate chapters that have actually been censored and removed from official publication in China for explicit content—more recent examples being chapter 571 and chapter 587. So, this accusation leaves me very confused.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
  6. SummerMascot

    SummerMascot Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Hi @littleshanks,
    When I mentioned "wuxiaworld's censorship", that includes all the missing "mushy", "flirting" and "romance" dialogue content.
    I've just spent 45 min combing through 50% of Chapter 2 and this is basically "goodwill" service. And since it's so time-consuming to proofread, I don't think I will be proof-reading another chapter that has "mushy", "flirting", "romance" or "s3x" content.
    Here's my findings from comparing the aggregated CN Raw Chapter text with wuxiaworld's translated version:

    1) 由于营养没跟上,聂言现在还有点显小,个子也才一米七的样子,他是高三之后,物质条件好了,才疯长到一米八的。现在的他模样还有点稚气,看起来确实像个初中生,他为此也有点气闷。
    Due to being a bit malnourished, Nie Yan’s present height was evidently a bit short—around 165 centimetres tall. When his living conditions had improved later on, his height soared up to 180 centimetres by the time he had reached his senior year of high school. His current appearance still seemed that of a juvenile, and he really did look like a middle schooler. This was the reason why he had always looked a little depressed.
    -> Difference in translation 一米七 vs 165 centimetres

    2) 好歹也是二十八岁的灵魂,居然被说成初中生,可是现在他就这张娃娃脸,也没办法。
    The most unfortunate thing for him, as a twenty-eight-year-old, was unexpectedly being told he looked like a middle school student. However, he really did look baby-faced at present, so there was nothing that could be done. “This is because my face looks naturally younger compared to others.”
    -> 好歹也是二十八岁的灵魂 should be translated as "Soul/consciousness of a 28 year old".

    3) “小就小呗,还不承认,你倒是猜猜我几岁。”谢瑶觉得聂言这个人蛮有趣的,她班里的那些男生,要么见了她就唯唯诺诺,不知道说什么,要么一个个流氓气十足,令人厌恶。聂言谈吐自然,举止有度,令人无法产生厌恶感。
    “If you’re young, you’re young. You still won’t admit it?” Xie Yao replied giggling. She came to feel this Nie Yan was a pretty amusing person. All the boys in her class were always either shy when they met her, never knowing what to say, or haughty delinquents that brought her disgust.
    -> same

    4) “我们打个赌怎么样?”
    The two talked for quite a while. Nie Yan appeared very comfortable when conversing with Xie Yao, occasionally teasing her with a few clever quips that made her laugh.

    -> Wuxiaworld translator "censored" the above flirting dialogue and subsumed the above content into 1 sentence

    5) 聂言看着谢瑶清澈的眼睛,那是他高三毕业,收到的第一份谢瑶的礼物。他和谢瑶同桌一年,一直以为两人之间不可能有什么交集,他们是两个不同世界的人,他一直默默地喜欢谢瑶,对谢瑶几乎是有求必应,但从未奢求谢瑶能够记住自己,没想到毕业了,竟意外地收到了谢瑶的那一份礼物,或许谢瑶的心里,也曾有他的影子。

    Nie Yan gazed at Xie Yao’s smiling expression that was simply beautiful. It reminded him of the time he had graduated high school. He and Xie Yao had been deskmates for a year, and he had always believed the two of them could never form any sort of connection. They were two people from completely different worlds. He continued to admire Xie Yao in secret, gifting Xie Yao whatever she asked for. However, he had never made a demand for Xie Yao to remember a lowly person such as himself. Never did he expect that after graduation he would unexpectedly receive a gift from her. Perhaps, he really had left an impression in Xie Yao’s heart.
    -> same

    6) What appeared in the gift was a photograph of Xie Yao as a twelve-year-old. At the time, she was still a chubby little fat girl. It was a picture that would only be shared with someone she considered herself to be close to.

    After graduation, Nie Yan remained incapable of forgetting Xie Yao and both of them continued to stay in touch.
    -> not found in original CN raw text.

    7) 重生一次的聂言,再也不愿意错过了。
    After being reborn, Nie Yan would never again allow himself to miss his opportunity.

    -> Above narration + flirting dialogue is completely "censored" from wuxiaworld's translation.

    9) Having once more encountered each other, Nie Yan’s state of mind fell into somewhat of a daze. In his past life, and in his current life, he and Xie Yao shared an unbreakable bond tied by fate.
    -> not found in original CN raw text.

    10) 她清澈的明眸偷偷打量着聂言的脸,聂言虽说不是特别帅,乍一看很普通,脸庞虽显稚气,却有一种说不出的沉稳,可能与性格有关。
    Her clear and limpid eyes stealthily glanced at Nie Yan’s face, sizing him up. Although Nie Yan wasn’t particularly handsome, even looking very ordinary at first, and despite looking very childish, he had a very indescribable calmness. Perhaps it has to do with his personality?
    “My name is Nie Yan (聂言). The Nie written with ‘pair’ (双) and ‘ear’ (耳), and the Yan written as ‘word’ (言) in ‘language’ (語言),” Nie Yan said while gazing at Xie Yao directly in the eyes.
    -> same

    11) 谢瑶俏脸一红,避开聂言的视线,他不会知道了我在偷看他吧,心如鹿撞。
    Xie Yao’s charming face became flustered as she tried to avoid Nie Yan’s gaze.
    -> same

    12) “I’m called Xie Yao…”
    -> not found in original CN raw text.

    13) Nie Yan shifted his gaze downwards, stopping at Xie Yao’s lips. They were a faint pink in colour—soft with a glossy allure. The previous Nie Yan in his senior year of high school would absolutely never dare to gaze at Xie Yao’s face in such a way. He had only dared to stealthily sneak glances at Xie Yao’s beautiful face from the corner of his eye.
    -> same

    14) “我看是忽悠人吧,你挺能忽悠的。”谢瑶平下心情,深以为然地道,“占卜师先生,你怎么不问问我的名字?”
    -> Above flirting dialogue is completely "censored" from wuxiaworld's translation.

    15) 哎呀,时间来不及了,不然我爸爸该担心了。记住,你的绷带到明天才能拆开,可不能提前解掉。”谢瑶不放心地叮嘱道,站了起来。
    “My father is still waiting for me, so I-I’ll be leaving first… I felt very happy chatting with you today. But remember, you can only remove your bandage by tomorrow! You definitely can’t remove it any earlier!” Xie Yao didn’t feel assured, so she repeatedly warned Nie Yan as she stood up.
    Nie Yan attempted to move his knee a bit, and noticed that he was able to do so without issue—the wound was only superficial.
    “I’m alright. I can already walk again, so you should go back now. Also, thank you for today,” Nie Yan replied. Despite wanting to talk with Xie Yao for a little while longer, he ended up walking back to the curb.
    They would be studying at the same high-class city school in the future, and he would have plenty of opportunities to get to know her then.
    -> Same except "They would be studying at the same high-class city school in the future" is not found in original CN raw text.

    16) 聂言确定,他已经在谢瑶的心里留下了一些印象,感情的事情,急不得,以后再慢慢培养吧。
    -> Above narration + flirting dialogue is completely "censored" from wuxiaworld's translation.

    17)“I’ll be leaving first then…”
    “Bye bye,” Nie Yan replied smiling, as he began strolling away.
    -> not found in original CN raw text.

    18) As he walked up to the pharmacy, he couldn’t help but feel a little sentimental in his heart. After briefly meeting one another, they parted once again.
    -> Same

    -> Above flirting dialogue is completely "censored" from wuxiaworld's translation.

    20) 看到聂言走远,谢瑶坐上悬浮车,启动了车子。
    Xie Yao sat in her hovercar and started it back up.
    -> 看到聂言走远 not translated
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
  7. littleshanks

    littleshanks Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2016
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    If you check the official raws on Qidian, it reads 165 centimeters.


    I'd argue that it's already been established in the chapter and previous one that he has the soul of the 28 year old, so there's no need to reiterate. You also have to note that the point is still conveyed. At worst, it's a liberal choice, but definitely not malicious or censorship.

    I don't know what you mean by same.

    Those lines you wrote don't exist in the version published on Qidian. Here is proof.

    The two talked for quite a while. Nie Yan appeared very comfortable when conversing with Xie Yao, occasionally teasing her with a few clever quips that made her laugh.

    I didn't make up that line or summarize anything. Mad Snail did.

    I don't know what you mean by same again, but the raws you posted are also different from the official version published on Qidian. Here is proof.


    These lines do in fact exist in the raws in the official version published on Qidian. Here is the proof.



    I don't know what the issue is here. It's a correct translation.

    These do not exist in the official version published on Qidian. I don't know how to screenshot something that doesn't exist to show as proof. But if you won't take my word for it, feel free to check yourself.

    These do exist in the raws on the official Qidian site. Here is proof.







    These lines do not exist in the raws on the official Qidian site. Since I can't screenshot something that doesn't exist, you'll have to confirm yourself.

    The line is found in the raws on the official Qidian site. Here is proof.

    This also doesn't exist in the raws on the official Qidian site. Again,I can't screenshot something that doesn't eixst, so you'll have to confirm it for yourself.

    These lines do exist in the raws on the official Qidian site. Here is proof.



    “I’ll be leaving first then…”

    “Bye bye,” Nie Yan replied smiling, as he began strolling away. As he walked up to the pharmacy, he couldn’t help but feel a little sentimental in his heart. After briefly meeting one another, they parted once again.

    Again, these lines do not exist in the raws on the official Qidian site. You'll have to confirm yourself.

    It's not that "看到聂言走远" isn't translated, the line simply doesn't exist in the raws on the official Qidian site. Here is proof. And even if it were there, there are stylistic choices where a translator may cut a similar line out if it adds nothing to the story or affects how the writing reads. Either way, such a change would be minimal.

    From what I've gathered, @SummerMascot, almost all the grievances you have with me come from the fact that I've been translating from the official source on Qidian, while you've been reading on a pirate aggregate (as you've admitted). At the time of the translation, I wasn't aware of these differences. I've only found out now since you've brought it up to my attention. So again, it wasn't purposeful censorship, and I doubt it would even count as censorship. Occasionally, an author will go back, spruce up a few things, remove or add content, etc.... I'd also like to note the first roughly 50 chapters were translated while I was still hosting my translations on my wordpress, not Wuxiaworld. I find it a bit disingenuous that my early translations are being targeted here. I started out translating as a way to give back to the community and also as a way to improve my Chinese (which was completely horrible at the time, to the extent where I could only answer my family with grunts). There are bound to be some errors here and there, and I guarantee you that even now my translations aren't absolutely perfect. There will be always be something to nitpick or things that could've been done better. But I pride myself in the quality of the work I put out. So, you can imagine how frustrating it would be when someone is going around throwing accusations at you about being a censorship nazi or lazy translator who can't be bothered to translate sex scenes because they're too cringy. This is something I actively avoid and go above and beyond not to do—something I've staked and built my reputation on.

    I can assure you that I've never once purposefully censored any of my chapters. The differences you've seen can mostly be chalked up to the difference in raw sources.

    On a side note, translations don't have to be literal. As you grow as a translator, you learn that the meaning that's conveyed is much more important. It's fine to be liberal, embellish, cut redundancy and rearrange as long as you stay true to the spirit of the story. As much as it is the author's work, it's just as much the translator's. A translation is transformative. What you're reading is the translator's writing. The writing will always be influenced by their word choice, prose, etc... How much the translator chooses to restrict their voice is up to their discretion.

    Here is an example of what i'm talking about. You can compare the two.
    Draft Version
    Final Version
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
    mm38910, J-Mitch, sgrey and 5 others like this.
  8. Solistia

    Solistia Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I'm just gonna say translation > transliteration. Translating is intended for an English speaking/reading audience, thus is makes more sense to translate it in a way that's easier to digest in English. If you want word for word chinglish, just MTL it yourself 8D
    Shield Loyalist likes this.
  9. ensj

    ensj 절세미남 샤방샤방

    Nov 12, 2015
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    Coming from a Korean translator, aggregated raws are almost always outdated & riddled with errors at some points.

    Like shanks mentioned, authors change their content from time to time. They try to occasionally change some plot points and whatnot to help advance the story without any open ended stuff. Korean authors do it, English authors do it, and I'm sure Chinese authors do it, too.

    Plus, most times aggregated raws are just a few people trying to improve their typing skills by typing everything in the book by hand, or people who just take screenshots of the chapters. They're usually riddled with mechanical errors and are horribly outdated.

    So I'm not too sure why you're pushing outdated stuff onto shanks' face and shouting "censorship" at him. From what I'm seeing you're just trying to pressure the poor dude into saying that your pirated content is better than whatever the official Qidian website has. Which... it really isn't.
    Westeller likes this.
  10. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Honestly, like my fellow translators have said, it's always better to go off the official raws. The author can and will exercise their prerogative to update their own work. It's disingenuous to point accusatory fingers at the translator based off of draft work and aggregated raws that are seriously often riddled with errors.

    From the examples you've pointed out, it looks like the author decided to go back and fill in some descriptive details about the characters. He also cut down dialogue that likely didn't seem important to him.

    I'm also not sure how #8 is flirting. Nie Yan mentions the desire to tease the girl, yes, but he does so by assuming the identity of a fortune teller. The girl is skeptical and the dialogue is a back-and-forth exposition, Sherlock-esque, of what he's gleaned about her.

    #14 as well. The girl is spunky and showing a little attitude, but she isn't really flirting. #16 is where she shows some interest, but she just asks if she'll see him again. I dunno, perhaps we have different definitions of flirting conversations. Flirting seems much more a two-sided thing, where coy remarks/innuendo/compliments/etc are exchanged. Here we have a disbelieving girl slowly won over by the fortune teller act, and then yelling at Nie Yan's back if she'll see him again.
    Westeller likes this.
  11. SummerMascot

    SummerMascot Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    • Thanks for the detailed clarification. The above censorship post by me has been amended to reflect that the censorship issue lies with Qidian and not Wuxiaworld.
    • I was under the false impression that wuxiaworld no longer depended on raw chapter text source from Qidian(not written by me):
    • My apologies for incorrectly putting the blame on you and wuxiaworld for the censorship when the fault actually lies with Qidian and their specially prepared highly censored raw chapters: Reference thread (not written by me) taken from
    • I do understand there is nothing a translator can do if the given raw chapter is already in an abridged, censored, [redacted] state.
    I totally agree with you that aggregated raws from KR and JP sources are riddled with errors and have multiple versions because
    • Some novels have LN and WN versions. (2 permutations)
    • Going one step further, if the website uses copy-protection (JP and KR Novel sites employ more copy-protection, then the raw is most likely in image format, rather than raw text version.
    • So what do we do with the raw? Do we OCR it or do we hand-type to restore it to text format? (2 permutations)
    • Then now we end up with at least 4 different permutations of raws before we even start proper translation: LN-OCR, LN-Hand-typed, WN-OCR, WN-Hand-typed. (cough
    • Hand-typed version will definitely have less information-loss than OCR version.
    But for the case of an average CN Novel website:
    • It's usually just running the usual mining script to strip away the HTML/CSS formatting and then reformat the text, sentences and paragraphs in a readable manner.
    • That's why aggregate and MTL sites are able to "reproduce" the "same" CN chapter within 5min of the Official-raw release.

    @ensj, @etvolare

    @etvolare, @ensj
    • Should translators stick to the "official raws", regardless of frequent "censorship changes" from publisher or CN-board-of-censors?
    • How much do we know about the inside-operation of CN Novel industry and the Great-Firewall-of-China? How do we even know when the publishers and CN-board-of-censors overwrite the rights of the original CN author from behind the scenes? What nasty fates awaits the CN authors who objected the censorship?
    • Now comes the big question, what happens if 3 months down the road, Qidian (or a new publisher) decides to "amend" the raw text again due to the following reasons?
      • To reduce the average chapter content in order to achieve the "new lower word count limit" which will help Qidian to lower website operating costs.
      • Change in CN censorship board requirements
    • If the above happens, wouldn't the current "official raw" become an "outdated draft" in 3 months down the road.
    • Should translator follow the new "official raw" and retranslate the chapters again?
    • If said translator doesn't do retranslation, new readers(able to read both CN and English) come along and find Qidian(or new publisher) version, then aggregate version and then compare with translator's version and finds that it's 3 different versions and posts a complaint? Wouldn't it be unfair to the translator? How should the translator handle such a situation to prevent "getting burned" by the ever-capricious-publisher and new-readers?
    @littleshanks, @ensj, @etvolare
    • First of all, how do we even know that it's the original author that went back and amend/shorten the previous chapters? You can't really say that CN Authors are afforded the same rights as those in the West.
    • How will the general public know if it's the publisher, studio and censorship-authorities that actually went ahead and amended author's chapters?
    • And let's look at the case of author of "Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World" aka Mad Snail aka 发飙的蜗牛 aka 发飚的蜗牛.
    • Comments on the author (not written by me):
    @littleshanks, @ensj, @etvolare
    After reading the comments about Mad Snail,
    • Qidian pays $ for authors meeting the min word limit on a per chapter basis, not sure whether Qidian pays $ for authors rewriting/"sprucing up" previously released chapters?
    • Do you really think he's an author that will be that "hardworking" and "motivated" to "voluntarily" spruce up his previous chapters of his previous novels while he's busy writing multiple novels under different pseudonyms?
    • flirt
      gerund or present participle: flirting
      1. behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
      "it amused him to flirt with her"
      synonyms: trifle with, toy with, tease, lead on, philander with, dally with, make romantic advances to, court, woo, vamp; More
    • The "pick-up lines" dialogue was basically MC trying to establish a long-lasting-positive-image within Xie Yao's mind and trying to get "Xie Yao's 12-year-old photo as a gift" using information from his previous lifetime.
    • So basically by removing the flirting dialogue, instead of a "witty and humorous MC with unexplained elements of mystery", you are left with the following "clumsy MC that gets hurt", "malnutritioned MC", "childish but calm" and "MC's name" which weakens the entire encounter.
    • I mean of course, the censorship-authorities might have found the "pick-up/flirting" lines and trying to get a "12 year old photo of a girl as a gift" to borderline on psychotic, deviant, stalker, s3x-predatory, ped0 practices. (You could predict how paranoid strict CN censorship-authorities can get?)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  12. littleshanks

    littleshanks Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2016
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    @SummerMascot First of all, I'm glad the misunderstanding is cleared up, and I accept your apology.

    One more thing to clear up, I'm not sure how you perceive Wuxiaworld, but most of the translators there have more-or-less full autonomy over their translation projects. Some use pirated sources. Others use official sources. It isn't Wuxiaworld that's relying on the official source; it's me, because I was under the impression that was the best way to go about it. I bought the chapter raws with my own money. I wasn't provided anything. I'm still going to go with the official raws on Qidian because that's what I've been working with until now, and it's difficult for me to tell what's been censored or removed, given how tedious it would be for me to hunt down older chapters on the various pirate aggregate sites (which I'm not familiar with.) That said, if I do find a chapter that's been completely removed from official publication, I'm going to hunt down the raws on a pirate site.

    Admittedly, I've seen your earlier forum posts before, but I never bothered responding because I had no idea what you were talking about and thought you were just some random hater, especially since you didn't provide any proof to back up your claims. What finally drove me to reach out to you was the review you recently posted on the NovelUpdates page for Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World, where you wrote:
    As you can imagine, I was pretty frustrated, given what I perceived as a lie had been perpetuated for about a good year. Not to mention that accusations like these can be especially damaging to translators. I now understand that your concerns and criticisms were valid, albeit targeted at the wrong person. But did it never occur to you that I was translating from a different source, that none of these instances of redacted content were malicious or intentional? I'd only like to ask that the next time something similar comes up, you clarify things with the translator first so that the blame doesn't fall on the wrong party.

    If you would like to have a further discussion with me, feel free to give me a ping on the Wuxiaworld Discord server.

    Edit: Furthermore, to go off the sources you've been linking, in particular the one on the Wuxiaworld forums. I have no idea what that person is talking about. To my knowledge, none of us have stood in solidarity with the SARFT or the Chinese government. We've never come together and decided that this is a thing. Let it also be noted that the person in the post refused to provide proof to back up his claims and and was highly combative in spite of Yn5an3 and other equally confused readers trying to resolve the situation. I would take anything that comes from the forums and reddit with a large dose of salt and not the absolute truth. While I'm well aware of Mad Snail's notoriety and previous conduct, it isn't evidence that he never went back to change things of his own volition. You also have to remember that Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World was written long before all the drama with Cult of the Sacred Runes and then more notably Tales of Demons and Gods.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    Westeller likes this.
  13. tsundere_taichou

    tsundere_taichou [Cute Demon Sect]

    Mar 17, 2016
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    This game would be so bullshit to play, imagine getting ambushed and losing a weeks worth of exp because a thief stealths in and cycles through his 6 sec stuns till you die
    canaria23 likes this.
  14. Snipetress

    Snipetress [Editor, Typesetter, and PR at House of Rain]

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Imagine making that profit irl tho...
  15. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    I don't think it's within our purview to start delving into who censored what, when, where, and how @SummerMascot. IMO, that's between author and site/SARFT/what have you. I personally work off of what I'm given from the publisher, which are the official raws.

    Authors are not paid for revisiting their work, but they must when they receive instructions to do so.

    I think your beef is with censorship, period. That's just a way of life with how things are done in China. It's very jarring to us in the west, but it is what it is. :\

    Re. flirting. I think we've got different definitions of how flirting is done in Chinese. (y)
  16. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Status: Hungry for Growth』

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Somehow after reading Korean stuff I feel like Nie Yan is so dumb as a thief player.

    Like he WILL be scouring maps so of course he should've expected that there will be plants, ore and other stuff that he'd encounter.
  17. wolfoo

    wolfoo Active Member

    Jul 21, 2018
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    Anyone know chapter when nie yan parents back and they want share of world bloc...?
  18. Cygsiulle

    Cygsiulle error 404: title not found

    Sep 7, 2016
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    at this point, i'm barely even bothering to read most of the chapters. see a fight coming up, 1 of 2 things happen: either he complains about how tough it'll be while completely kicking its ass, or he summons a paladin and tells them to run for their life and it dies quickly. heavily guarded chest? summon a paladin and... you guessed it, tell it to run for its life. if he starts going into how rare the odds are for something to happen, well, it'll happen. really just sorta skimming to see which copypasta formula they're goin with each chapter...

    i swear the only time this novel seems even slightly interesting lately is when the MC is nowhere to be found in the chapter.
  19. Shield Loyalist

    Shield Loyalist 『Instinctive』『Status: Hungry for Growth』

    Sep 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    “Nirvana Flame… Nie Yan… N-no, it’s impossible!”

    There goes his yet another short-lived low key school days. Now the whole school will know too that Xie Yao is Yao Yao.

    What makes me curious now is if the 'big sis' Painted Muslin would pass the leadership of Azure Windchime to Nie Yan...
  20. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:

    Chapter 666...:blobparty: