News Return of the Swallow 500 Chapterversary ART CONTEST!

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by etvolare, Jul 8, 2020.

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  1. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Fellow barbarians, we are closing in on the midway point of ROS! Let. us. celebrate with ROS’ first major event: art contest!

    There will be a scene and a character category in which people are free to draw any of their favorite scenes and characters. Perhaps it’s when Pang Xiao first stole over the roof to peek on Qin Yining, or when the trampress got what she deserved. Maybe you’re a fan of best dad Qin Huaiyuan, or you think there’s some redeeming factors in Qin Huining. Whatever it is, show off your talents to the world and make ROS come to life!

    Submissions are open here and prizes will be given for the first, second, and third places decided by moi and others, as well as a community fan favorite through voting. First place wins $100, second wins $75, third wins $50, and community vote wins $25.

    I’m really excited to see what everyone comes up with! Happy birthday ROS! <<novel link here.


    PS. Why am I calling 500 chapters the midway point? Because etvo wanted to make a play on $500 for 500, submissions opening from 7/7, voting on 8/8, and event ending on 9/9! XD
    Ruyi and Reak like this.
  2. juniorjawz

    juniorjawz Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Been so long since I've last heard of you etvo. How's life?
  3. Ruyi

    Ruyi translator at CG

    Jun 19, 2016
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    It's always fun when etvo hosts contests. The prizes are also super cool/cute too.

    EVERYONE JOIN IN! And read ROS if you want a capable schemer of an MC!
  4. etvolare

    etvolare Celestial Fluff

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Ahahaha thank you Ruyi!!! <3 <3 <3 Ruyi is looking for a new novel to translate, everyone. Hit her up with your ideas!

    Hey @juniorjawz, life is peachy! How are you doing? Apart from the general madness in the world, I've been a tad bit busy because SOTR finished in April (a 4.5 year endeavor, almost 7M characters, whew!) and I launched my new novel Necropolis Immortal as well! So a flurry of action, lots of events, and lots lots lots of work.

    I've also been flexing my muscles in some new areas for work, some already out like podcasts and informative articles, others having to do with publication projects and whatnot that I hope to be able to share with y'all soon!
    juniorjawz likes this.
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