Discussion tell me your life story.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by efo, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. efo

    efo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2020
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    it's only fair that I tell mine first so here it is;

    my name is efnan, I'm from turkey and I was born in 05/01/2002 while there was a huge snow storm and that's why my name given at birth is 'kardelen' which means 'snowdrop' in english.

    when I was 7 months old my parents found out that I have a disability named SMA, ( you can find a lot of things about it pretty easily if you search for it on the internet. I won't go into details. ) which means that I would feel my whole body but I couldn't move. doctors even told them that I wouldn't live 2 years.

    my father once told me that when I was 5 years old my heart had stopped 4 times because I couldn't breathe. I'm sure that even the doctors who tried to revive me thought it was a miracle. aaaand other than that, I remember 2 incidents that I came back from death... so that means I died 6 times... I'M A ZOMBIE!!!

    so here I am, almost 20 years old, breathing with a machine and eating with a... some kind of pipe in my stomach, waiting for a cure that proven to be successful, living a boring but with full of hope everyday life without any complaints.

    sooo, now it's your turn to tell me your life story. it can be be very boring if you want or it can be a simple memory that effected your life.
    whatever you please.

    thank you. :blobangel:
  2. lazykitty_99

    lazykitty_99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2020
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  3. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Did you mean snowfall instead? It's early but I don't think you'll get much replies you wanted where people actually share their lives.
    Even if it's anonymous, most people here aren't happy and don't wanna share that. I tend to overshare and did it here a bunch of times, only afterwards I would feel it was TMI as no one else shared as much.

    It's an interesting case of nature vs nurture, comparing the two of us. I wasn't a healthy kid but it was nothing compared to your case, yet I was angry at my sickness and the world. Even now when I'm healthy and can have anything I want as long as I work for it, I'm not happy, yet you are the one hopeful and without complaints.
  4. kfahad

    kfahad 『The Lurker Beast』『Beast fallen』

    Dec 24, 2016
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  5. MinUp

    MinUp Maidenless, yet Homiefull

    Sep 19, 2020
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    My name's Jehu(someone from the bible), born in june 3 2003, I have 4 siblings and although not rich, we had enough money to be happy. My life is pretty good, never missed a meal, parents are good parents, siblings aren't pieces of shit, and is universally loved by all cats. I would say I'm pretty smart. I'm seriously unlucky in games(pretty lucky irl tho).

    Nothing really interesting happened to me until I was 8 where this huge ass tree just Randy Orton slammed our house and 5 others in the neighbourhood (no fatality). Lot's of things got destroyed so we had to live with a tight budget for a while.

    A few years later and my grandpa from my mother's side died which was depressing, and when we finally got there(they were pretty far away) my grandmother from my mother's side also died which broke my mom. It took a few months for her to recover.

    Another year passed and my brother got run over a car, which he luckily survived, but we were sucked dry money-wise cause the treatment was pretty expensive so we all had to work for a few months.

    Now that my country is in lockdown, I should also mention that my father got stuck on the other side of the country for a few months so that was pretty sad.

    Also I just wanted to say that I'm universally loved by cats. Even stray cats allow me to touch them. It's the only 'talent' I have that I'm aware of. I've once had a cat party when 6 stray cats followed me when I went out to buy a few things and they're now my pets. Well not really 'mine' but they come into my house a few times everyday and steal my unguarded food so technically they are my pets right?
  6. phreakinsane

    phreakinsane Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2019
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    I was born in Nebraska USA. Parents moved around a lot. My father was crazy and physically and emotionally abusive to all 10 of his kids, sexually abusive to my sisters.

    I realized things were wrong when I was 11, I challenged him to stop hurting my mom and sisters, we fought hard for four years, he tried killing me three times.

    I ended up in foster care, he ended up getting kicked out after our last altercation when he nearly broke my neck and I damaged his eye when I tried to gouge it out.

    We both ended up in the hospital. I ended up in foster care for about two years before I finished my time living with an uncle (from my mom's side) in southern California.
    They showed me what unconditional love was. Where my own birth mom lied to the cops about what was going on in order to protect herself, these two dealt with a crazy and damaged teen with more love than I'd ever known, they'd ended up taking me visiting two different countries, and spent time and money on me that I'd never have imagined I'd get since I was the 6th out of 10 in a poor family before.

    I met a girl and got married at 20. We had kids around the same time my new parents adopted a small child. They adopted another, we had another.

    As such, my oldest two children are very close in age to who i consider my youngest siblings.

    6 years ago the man I consider my father died of cancer. I've moved closer to my "mom" and two youngest siblings. I have two more kids, my third child, a boy, was named after him and even met him as a baby before he died. He never met my youngest, who I ended up naming after myself.

    I am living proof that you can grow up in hell and still be a loving and doting father. Much of it is because I was given examples of what I didn't want to become, as well as shown the path of love and devotion from two new parents that i wanted to be like.

    Life throws you lemons, we just gotta make lemonade.

    I wish you the best.
  7. Marvin

    Marvin The Man who realize love

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Hmm.... Is this the right forum to write your life story???
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  8. phreakinsane

    phreakinsane Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2019
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    Apparently so. You down?
    efo likes this.
  9. IrregularPerson

    IrregularPerson Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I’m myself not privy to sharing information about myself (well irl is an exception like when my mum went hysteric and made me feel bad about sharing things about my family or talking about negative emotions), but I did skim through the forum and aside from^ my own TMI (oops).
    What I mean to say that I was also born in 2002! It might not say a lot but just small common things, I feel like i should say something when I can-
    I wish you the best and hope you’re living you best life!
    And umm… my pfp. I really like Pokemon, I grew up watching it. As of recent the remakes are coming out in November which is a month where a lot of my favorite games come out. When I was little I had the mistake of thinking my birthday was in October, heh.
    phreakinsane and efo like this.
  10. MinUp

    MinUp Maidenless, yet Homiefull

    Sep 19, 2020
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    You love pokemon? Then did you know that vaporeon is the most-
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  11. efo

    efo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2020
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    it's okay. everyone is different. even I feel desperate sometimes, but then I remember that I am still alive and I should be grateful for that. don't worry, I'm sure that everything will get better for you,
    don't lose hope.:blobangel:

    thank you, you're absolutely right. as long as you remain hopeful everything is possible.:blobangel:

    why not? it's the general chat category. we can talk about anything we want.
    Jojo775 and phreakinsane like this.
  12. Marvin

    Marvin The Man who realize love

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Hmmm yeah this a "general chat" but.... Really life story? U ok bro? Must be mid crisis
  13. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    I am someone living a completely normal life in the US- that is my life story in one sentence :blobbunny:
    phonebinder, Vermouth and efo like this.
  14. Writer_Luna

    Writer_Luna Professional Liar

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Let's not take this a tad bit too serious? Hahaha
    That's 3 lissi
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  15. PoopyDoopy

    PoopyDoopy Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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  16. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    well shitdude.
    Ur also the example of why ppl shouldn’t be using their past to excuse shitty behavior
    Or “daddy issues” to cover for promiscuous or retarded behavior in relationships
    phreakinsane and efo like this.
  17. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    What a coincidence! I too was born on what my family describes as the coldest day of a particularly cold winter and that's why my name given at birth is ****** which... has nothing to do with the cold or winter.

    I was spoiled by my mother's love but fortunately didn't grow up spoilt. I have the sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the fact that my mother's love was tough and painful...

    A few years down the line, I was blessed with a baby sister. Eyewitness accounts say that the excited brother (yours truly) ran up to the new arrival and, peering closely at the bundle of innocence and joy, with shining eyes pronounced, "Ugly!", proceeding to ignore that little tagalong until she grew capable of wielding her teeth and nails adroitly.

    Thereafter, there would be times I would question my mother why the little twerp was brought into this world only to be told it's because I prayed fervently to god for a playmate... I still believe it has more to do with my father than me, tho.

    By now, you must have noticed I don't speak much of my father. Due to the nature of his job, he wasn't around much during my formative years, and even when he was there, his presence was always drowned out by our voices. Well, he is definitely a fond, if a bit gullible, parent.

    I'm a bit of a penny pincher which I would like to attribute to a period of financial insecurity brought about by my father's grand delusions and economic mismanagement growing up and nothing to do with any greed on my part.

    Let me conclude by saying I'm quite close to my maternal relatives and that, even now, my family is actively involved in keeping me from turning into a complete misanthrope and not living up to my given name.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
    efo, babybb, Lissi and 1 other person like this.
  18. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    No, it's not lol
    efo likes this.
  19. Vermouth

    Vermouth Older but none the wiser.

    May 23, 2020
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    I was born and raised in the US. I had a relatively happy childhood, and my greatest distress was perhaps my bowlcut ;-;

    I grew up with a sister, who is the world to me. Yes, we had our petty sibling fights as children, but as we grew older those fights phased out. For the longest time, I wondered if I could ever come to love someone as much as I would love my sister.

    My relationship with my parents started off rocky and was tenuous for the longest time. They are workaholics. During childhood, they said they were hard at work so that our family could have a better life. But I didn’t need money, I needed a parent who would be by my side and be there for me. It was perhaps only during college that we came to understand each other. I learned to open up and communicate better. Now, my relationship with them is one of the things I am most grateful for. Not everyone can come to say that they deeply love their parents the way I do.

    On the surface, my life is a relatively spoiled one. I am like those ojou-samas you read about. I learned how to be independent from a very early age due to my parents not being around. I essentially had a 6-figure allowance for the longest time, and I never had to work if I didn’t want to. I rarely cooked or did chores even through my mid-teens. I was sheltered and pure and still am to a large degree to this day. Unfortunately, I also have all the flaws that come along with it, though I am working on it.

    In my life, I intend to do what I love and work through all my internal flaws to become the best version of myself.
    efo and babybb like this.
  20. babybb

    babybb Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Hello! My real name is a secret, but I was born in the United States a few years before the year 2000. I’m the third child, with two older sisters and one younger sister. So… my father is the only man in a family of six. Lol.

    My parents don’t really have a happy marriage, so growing up, I relied a lot on my oldest sister to feel loved, but she hasn’t been in a good state of mind since, like, ever, so she wasn’t very good to child me. My second oldest sister wasn’t there much when I was growing up, so I couldn’t rely on her either, and of course my baby sister was even younger than child me. I’ve repaired my relationship with my second oldest sister, but still avoid being around my oldest sister. I guess there’s still some resentment. Of course, my baby sister just graduated high school, and we’re very close. :bloblove:

    My father was an alcoholic who managed to get his life together but never quite managed to love his family, and my mother was a young college graduate who probably rushed into a marriage too soon. They’re both still alive, I just don’t talk to them much. I don’t hate them by any means, they both had their own rough childhoods and did the best with the cards they were dealt with, I just feel sorry for them.

    Growing up, I was surrounded by what I’ve now come to terms with as grief— I wouldn’t call my childhood happy by any means. However, there’s always a flip side to everything, which means that although I took the brunt of my parents’ and older sisters’ lack of love, I was able to spare my baby sister some of my own love, so that she could have what I didn’t.

    ANYways, not-so-sob story aside, I managed to scrape through high school on the deans list and college with high honors, and am now pursuing a PhD in Marine Biology to become a professor and independent researcher. I’m doing well and am currently in a very healthy relationship with myself (lol). I have several fish and a few good friends. I like to cook, I have a minor in mathematics and art, and I laugh and smile on a regular basis (and mean it!)

    So, I’ll end this by saying one more thing: if you’re currently or have been in a situation similar to mine when I was growing up, with shitty parents and a shitty home life, just take my story as a promise that you’ll be okay. You’ll make it out of there and become your own person. I mean, look how I turned out. Don’t worry so much and focus on growing up.
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