TNWG: The Dethrone Of Satan Compilation

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by FlowingSong, Nov 10, 2015.


Eto! Attention! Please vote if you are on Team FS or Team Satan!

  1. Team FlowingSong

    7 vote(s)
  2. Team Satan

    5 vote(s)
  3. Others

    1 vote(s)
  4. Neutral

    4 vote(s)
  5. Lurker

    7 vote(s)
  6. Astolfo

    1 vote(s)
  1. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    !Now Open For Comments!
    First, I dunno if the Title is actually grammatically correct, I feel like it isn't but I don't know (does it matter? we're not gonna publish this are we?)

    Btw this whole thing was orchestrated by:
    @Zone Q11

    Second, TNWG stands for "The Novel Writing Game"

    Third, @Tony-sama I don't know if I should put this here or at the Game Thread or at the Original Composition Thread since technically this isn't a game thread but a compilation of the game events so yea, please decide and move it to where it should be. Thanks!

    Fourth, I did this because OfSoManyReasonsIfYouReadTheActualThreadYouWouldn'tUnderstandASingleThing ButIt'sStillAmusingHowEveryoneReactsToEveryEventEvenThoughTheEventsAreRandom.

    Fifth, I suggest if you want to laugh your arse off head over to the original game thread:

    Sixth, hands down to all contributors thus far:

    @Zone Q11
    @Lachiel - FlowingSong's
    @FlowingSong - The Pink haired, Blue-eyes heroine is also the PINK AVATARLESS RANGER
    @Das - *FS glares at Das*
    @Animester - *FS waves at her coffee-mate and TH comrade coffee master Animester!*
    @Holy Dragon Emperor

    Please inform me if a contributor isn't on the list! Thanks ;)

    Seventh, because some people said that six is a bad number so seven is the compilation

    Please note: I didn't really take out some of the random bits that were kind of like fillers for the story example:

    All filler quotes shall therefor be quoted. You may skip them as they don't seem to be relevant storywise but serves for commentary and entertainment purposes XD

    The Introduction
    The Earth [#666] has been invaded by @Satan, years after his tyranny, a small group of rebels has finally formed an official resistance. A heroine [ @FlowingSong], a magician [ @Lachiel], a [Noise] user [ @Zone Q11] and a slime [ @brianf] has previously opened the gate to @Satan 's hell by sacrificing 5 slimes and a certain noise. {Iya~ it really happened (I almost died back there...)! ...on another thread...}

    @JJ, the third follower of Satan since the inception of the great novelupdates, refrained to join the war.
    "They all have avatars, it has nothing to do with me." he shrugged

    But then they forgot about Catacus who was sitting there then he though [Mmmm...... how should i help these fools maybe i should just scream at them for not inviting me assholes] he curse at them for forgetting him.

    While @JJ is shrugging and @Catacus was just sitting there, we'll explain what the certain noise is.

    The one holding the title of 「Noise」 was said to be one of the strongest of this world. After @Satan 's invasion, the weak people and the like stopped tried to stay home as much as possible. Doing everything digitally was now the only way to go. However, everything digital had to be hidden and could only be used when hidden away from public view due to the @Satan 's order. The order was that whoever had an electronic device much be checked if they had an avatar or not. @JJ believed that people with avatars were all scrubs. However, this wasn't always true...the heroine, @FlowingSong , had a rubber ducky and was badass as heck.

    [The War for the Supreme Overlord Rubber Ducky]

    Due to the rubber ducky's quack sound, it allured various people, avatar and avatarless alike, to steal it for their own. Everyone became disunited in dethroning Satan, and became united to steal this one rubber ducky who quacks like mad when squeezed.

    @Lachiel sitting there looking at the open portal the hell.. just waiting for @FlowingSong to come out.. so he can close the portal and go to sleep..

    But within these chaos @AkeShiro watch it all silently and then said "You people should just disperse none of you new comers can steal that Noise what it needs is true teamwork and none of you have it!" @Catacus who was sitting there then lazily said "Should we go for it @AkeShiro?" @AkeShiro though deeply then said "Lets go for it!"

    [End of Introduction]

    [ Lachiel Arc ]

    Lachiel, drained of his sanity points, unintentionally joined the side of @Satan for a moment before regaining his sanity.

    @Lachiel decided to then stay on @Satan side after seeing the truth of the world with his own eyes

    "I... they deceived me! they said that I won't get trophy points if I follow satan!" Lachiel madly stated.

    Grabbing the overly powerful heavenly divine ancient artifact of powerfulness, the rubber ducky, @Lachiel rage boiled over as he went to destroy those who

    Who told him and there names were @JJ ,@Tony ,@Zone Q11,@Mousa4 and @Shio

    Due to an accident ever since @Satan Day, @Lachiel 's sex had forever changed...
    Who knew what it was? The only person who knew was "God" because even @Lachiel didn't know itself.
    Had it also become part of the slime army?

    This begs another question, is Lachiel even human at this point? :p

    Narrator: 「Oi oi, this is getting more out of hand!」
    Us: 「Let's ignore him...」

    By this point it was clearly safe to safe Lachiel abandoned his/her humanity

    Indeed, @Lachiel , whether it was a human or not (as the person itself was still undecided even though it had clearly abandoned it's humanity), could still be considered the heroine(?) of the story!

    @Lachiel getting sick being called a female closes the portal to hell with everyone in it coming out the winner.

    Just before the gate closes and seals everyone inside, the slimes stuff themselves into the gate! While they managed to keep it open, the gate keeps trying to close itself, causing the slimes to squeal in pain "squish~~ squish~ Squeee!!! Squish!"

    Hearing the Squeal of the slimes in pain, Lachiel throws a hurricane strength wind at the slimes blowing them back into hell causing the portal the snap close instantly.
    Lachiel proceeds to hop into a bath with a rubber ducky in his mansion.

    ~Change to rubber duck's POV~
    "Hehehe! He'll never realise that I am, in fact, a yellow slime!" the duck thought to itself as it floated in the bath.

    The rubb-yellow slime poured out his slime juice little by little to the water on Lachiel's bath. He waited for the opportune for Lachiel to lower his guard and absorb him.

    Slightly feeling someone around him, but feeling no threat to his life he kept bathing and playing with the yellow s̶l̶i̶m̶e̶ Ducky

    Lachiel was being complacent so slime took an perfect oppurtunity to absorb him..(absorbing sound)

    @Lachiel finally notices the slime trying to absorb him, so he kills with with ice magic making his warm bath cold and getting angry.
    "FROM NOW ON ALL SLIMES SHALL BE KILLED ON SIGHT THIS I SWEAR!"... then grumble under his breathe "Fuckers ruined my relaxing bath.."

    "A slime!!!! By the orders of the great Lachiel Sama, you are to be exterminated!" an avatarless person said.

    ~Bath water's perspective~
    "Hehehe, I too am a slime!" It thought as it too began to absorb @Lachiel. And slowly, as @Lachiel returned to the bath, he became a slime too!

    Slime finally noticed that Lachiel who have been absorbed was a doppleganger....

    "No wonder I didn't get any posting powers from Lachiel! It's just a body double!" the remnants of the yellow slime thought. Not every part of his body got frozen from Lachiel's Ice magic.

    It's useless to resist! All your maids are slimes as well!

    Lachiel, with his everlasting power, decided to freeze every water, slime included, draining his sanity points to its lowest point! Only @brianf and @Slime survived from the aftermath of such grand magic. Due to lack of water, everyone was killed except for the animals that doesn't need water.

    "Hohoho! Because we slimes are 0% water, freezing has no effect on us!" the commander of the slime army proclaimed!

    Luckily for the heroes that journeyed to hell to vanquish @Satan, freezing does not affect other planes and dimensions.

    @Lachiel is still surviving due to the fact that he can create water with magic... Still waiting for @FlowingSong to come out of hell, so he can keep her alive.

    Deciding that the world needs water again, calls up a thunderstorm to rain for a week straight. While forgetting to tone down the wind magic.. causing hurricane force winds to blow across the world.
    FS Note: @Lachiel Lachi I had to move this up a bit since they started the [FS vs Saten Arc] when you posted. For consistency I moved your post to [Lachiel's arc]

    lachiel then remembered that it's useless even if he brings back the water because he has already killed off all living things on the planet. humans are mostly made up of water afterall

    Even the new ocean was formed by Lachiel,not a single living thing was seen..He fell on bottom of despair..
    FS Note: @Animester Coffee-mate I also moved your post so there won't be inconsistencies and unrelated storylines in [FS vs Saten Arc]. I hope you don't mind.

    [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][ End Of Lachiel Arc ][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]

    [ FS vs Saten Part I Arc ]

    ~Back in hell~
    "The battle rages on!" announcer-slime exclaims. "It's been a close fight, but who know what will happen."

    the human forces were being completely played with having no chance to survive as satan laughed and ate the souls of those who died first

    "Yummy" satan said while making a motion circle on his belly. "Now, let them fight again and whoever wins, they'll go into my belly"

    However, @Satan had not succeeded in crushing the heroes and is currently suffering from illusion magic cast by @FlowingSong!

    Nope, he's in an illusion! In fact, the heroes are currently having a picnic on top of Satan's belly.

    Meanwhile in hell, FS is battling @Satan and used Song of Rubber Ducky! Causing All of saten's followers to have illusions of Rubber Ducky! Saten dodges so FS calls @brianf, "SLIME-KUN! WHERE IS PINK SLIME? OVER"

    @Lachiel FS also calls Lachi via Divine Sense: Lachiel! Where is Rubber Ducky? Is it this rubber ducky? *holds out rubber ducky*

    "I've already sent it!" brianf shouts. "It's in your pocket! It's in your pocket"

    Pink slime: "Squish squish squeee!!~~"

    *Looks at pink slime* *Squeeling internally: HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU, I'm going to name you PINKU!!!* Pinku help us kill @Satan! *throws Pinku Saten to suffocate him!

    Lachiel to FS: Yea thats the rubber ducky... and you can bring back the pinku slime... I guess we have room somewhere in the mansion.

    @Satan persists on not being taken down by our heroine, @FlowingSong. He hurls Hell Flames at her while she's on divine sense with @Lachiel. FS asks @Lachiel: How do I use Rubber ducky then? And can we keep Pinku forever? Will Pinku breed baby Pinkus?" while dodging hurled Hell Flames!

    Rubber ducky goes into the bathtub and makes it scenic.. nothing powerful about it.. And yes we can keep pinku forever.. and pinku could breed.... *decides to send a holy sword to @FlowingSong

    @FlowingSong accepts sword from @Lachiel! FlowingSong's Attack increases by ten-fold but suddenly she feels Pinku is staring at Rubber Ducky Alas! Pinku is in fact @brianf aka Slime-kun and he wants that rubber ducky!

    [FS vs Satan Part I Arc End]

    [FS vs Astolfo]

    "Rubber... ducky... No, I must control myself! I must! My body, heart and soul will only belong to Astolfo, and Astolfo alone!" Pinku cried out, and shot out what seemed to be a ball of pink water into the sky. And at that moment, the reddened sky split apart, and a ray of pink light shone upon the desolated lands of Hell. Within the light, a young man, with pink hair, and a delicate body, descended onto this lowly realm. "Oooh, my goddess Astolfo! Bestow mercy to these poor lambs!"

    "ASTOLFO-sama?" FlowingSong recognized Astolfo-sama's presence, but, in this univerese, is he a friend or a foe? A pro-satan or pro-FlowingSong, A cookie or a brocolli? And what has happened to @brianf ? could it be that he is in fact Slime version of Astolfo? While pondering all these our heroine FS, then noticed her reliable Coffee-mate! @Animester!

    "Apparently, Pinku is also a worshipper of Astolfo."

    "Das right!" Pinku excitedly shouts.

    FS Note: @brianf please know I moved this up because I think it fits this place better than it's previous place in the original thread. And IMO I think you wanted it here too, right?

    After a having his consciousness taken over by who knows what, brianf looked his new appearance.
    "What the hell have I become" brianf aka pinku aka slime-kun shouted in horror.

    "Screw this, I'm out!" brianf cried out as he separated pinku consciousness from his own.

    "Sh*t" FS couldn't help but curse. @brianf regained consciousness and pursues FS for Rubber Ducky! Meanwhile @Satan Is recuperating while everyone else is busy looking for the all powerful Rubber Ducky!

    "Give me that f#cking ducky" cried brianf as he chased after @FlowingSong.

    @FlowingSong could only scream in horror as a 10-story tall slime chased after her.

    @Lachiel to @brianf aka slime-kun: "Stay the hell away from her you f#cking slime!" as he launch's his magic to freeze the molecules in the slime.Then talks in a loud voice from the sky
    "@FlowingSong don't worry, I've saved you from the giant slime.."

    "I'm immune to changes in temperature! I can't be frozen!" shouts brianf aka slime-kun as he continues to chase down @FlowingSong.

    Fine.. If Freezing you won't work.. Lachiel starts cause the space inside the giant slime to collapse causing a implosion causing the slime to disappear.

    Noticing her saviour's appearance FlowingSong greeted, @Lachiel Lachi you came!! But because of @brianf aka Slime-kun's unrelenting chase our heroine finally remembers she has powers! And therefor proceeds to sing

    Hoping it might bring @brianf to his senses!

    However, the slime did not disappear! Rather, he suddenly appeared in the hands of Astolfo, who had just been watching from the sidelines. "Whoever... dares to... harm my beloved cute follower... shall die!" With a wave of his hand, a giant hippogriff was summoned, and it proceeded to chew on @Lachiel 's head!

    @Lachiel nods that @brianf has been calmed down and the giant slime has been dealt with, gives @FlowingSong a warp talism to warp back to @Lachiel 's mansion after her mission is complete to stay and relax in..

    FS receives talisman from @Lachiel however he is suddenly attacked from behind! "NOOOOOO" FlowingSong cries out! Suddenly releasing all her powers on the spot and throwing Astolfo dozens of meters away! "You dare!" FS glares at Astolfo! It is now the start of a new battle between our heroine FS and Astolfo!

    Thanks for saving me @FlowingSong I'm going to head home and rest up... you can come back anytime with that talisman well just in case have another 2 *hands two more over*. Come back safe and sound! *proceeds to talisman out to rest in the mansion* *proceeds to cast a barrier before resting*

    @brianf, having been reduced to a palm-sized slime, desperately struggles free from Astolfo's grasp.

    "Come back, @Lachiel , you plebeian!" Astolfo pulled out her La Black Luna, and blew into it. However, she was too late, @Lachiel had already disappeared, though, @FlowingSong had already crumbled into dust due to the explosive outburst of sound

    As @FlowingSong has completely ignored @Satan, @Satan dejectedly returns to his mini-boss lair.

    "What an anti-climatic end!" cries out announcer slime. At the same time, the slimes previously cheering for [team Satan] start jeering and switch over to [team Astolfo].

    @Lachiel's is crafty however and predicted this to happen! His barrier actually prevailed over Astolfo's Black Luna. And what seemed to be FlowingSong disintegrating was actually just an after image of our heroine created with her ability to produce illusions! She appears behind Astolfo who has let his guard down strikes a point on the back of his head to make him faint. "I respect the time I have spent with you Astolfo. Therefor I will not kill you and thus throw you to another dimension. I hope to never meet you again!" she then throws the unconscious Astolfo to another dimension.

    However, @FlowingSong had forgotten one thing, Astolfo's hippogriff was still in its summoned state! The hippogriff slammed into @FlowingSong, retrieved Astolfo, and flew off. Astolfo, who had managed to regain a bit of his consciousness, glared at @FlowingSong. "I... will be back."

    "Foolishness Astolfo. Folishness. Upon your return nothing will await you but death!" But deep inside FS is torn. She was actually trying to save Astolfo but nevermind. Astolfo might realize it someday. FS then notices a squirming slime. "So is it you this time?" She asked the slime.

    [End Of FS vs Astolfo Arc]

    [Pinku, Holy Dragon Emperor and his Dragon Armada Arc]

    The palm-sized slime jiggled a bit as brianf's consciousness escaped the tiny slime, returning to the slime-dimension.

    "squee~ squeee!!~" the tiny slime weakly cried. It no longer knew who or what it was, except for the fact that it was a slime. As it laid its eyes upon @FlowingSong, it jumped onto her purple hair (?) and sat itself upon her head.

    FlowingSong was startled, seeing the same slime that tried to kill her acting this cute made her feel a bit of unease. "Is this some sort of trap?" The heroine's mind has already been twisted by the betrayal of Pinku and she cannot find it in her heart to trust another slime. "Such a thing to happen again, I don't think I can trust any slime again..."

    "squeeee~~" cries the tiny slime, as if it realised it had hurt @FlowingSong.

    FlowingSong was in disarray. "URGH, To be or not to be? To trust or not to trust?"

    {In a corner in hell, a young man wearing an expressionless mask appear. "Whahahahaha... Fear me, for I'm the Emperor of Holy Dragon!" Then he start to summon an army of armored holy dragon, fully equipped humanoid dragon and the lord of Light Holy Dragon along with the king of Dark Holy Dragon.

    FlowingSong Stumbles upon the Dragon Armada while she is trying to find @Satan's whereabouts. She watches from the distance to survey the Dragon Armada.

    Flowing Song finds Dragon Armada watching movie "How to train a dragon"....

    Shocked! Our heroine FS is shocked to see her favourite movie being played in hell and she stealthily joined in the Dragon Armada. She brought pop corns and offered some to the dragons beside her.

    FS didn't notice that a scout from the Holy Dragon army are watching her.

    Yes. And they saw her entering infiltrating their ranks to watch her favourite movie!

    The dragon beside her take her offer and offered some dragon's spesial fruit juice and dragon's wine to her.

    Everyone is enjoying the show with constant "OOOHHH" and "AAHHH" expressions when Hiccup and Toothless do their aerial stunts. FS was so happy by the end of the movie that she suddenly went and tried to tame the General of the army, @Holy Dragon Emperor himself.

    Too bad, the General of the army cannot be tamed. He can only be contracted by Bond-of-Equal!

    Frustrated! Our Heroine FlowingSong was frustrated because @Holy Dragon Emperor doesn't like fish! How to tame a dragon who does not like fish?? But then she heard a certain someone's voice tell her that "He can only be contracted by Bond-of-Equal!" Our heroine was excited! She starts talking to @Holy Dragon Emperor if he would like to form a bond-of-equal with her and purge satan!

    So FS started to win favour just like when linley formed bonds of equal with bebe....

    Our FS has been waiting for 5 minutes to get consent from @Holy Dragon Emperor. She is hopeful that he will let her be his equal and do aerial stunts with her like in Hiccups' CHEAT SHEET!

    Too bad FS didn't know that @Satan was his acquaintance.

    LS didnt understand why Holy dragon which was supposed to be "holy" was acquaintance with Satan...

    FS was fooled because of the "HOLY" in @Holy Dragon Emperor's name. And because she has yet to find out the truth she stupidly still tries to be friend @Holy Dragon Emperor!!

    Just then, the ground beneath the dragon armada began to rumble. The earth beneath their feet split open as slimes, numbering over a billion, poured forth.

    "It's raining slimes!" cried the dragons as they stood watching the slime fountain.

    WAAAAAAAA!! Pinku who has always been silent, on top of FS's head suddenly started bouncing up and down! as if controlling the slimes that were assaulting the Dragon Armada! "Pinku what are you doing?!" cried the frantic FS. How could she make a bond of equals with the @Holy Dragon Emperor if Pinku is attacking them!

    FlowingSong was indeed furious at Pinku for trying to kill the Dragon Armada, thinking once again she has been betrayed by a slime! However Pinku rubbed itself on FS like some dog asking for praise when it does a trick! FS thought it's weird that a purple slime which has betrayed her to act this way so she decided to throw Pinku away but Pinku came rushing back then suddenly *CHOMP* PINKU formed a mouth like opening and chomped down on FlowingSong's head*! Blood spilled from the wound and disintegrated into Pinku! In a but a moment, on top of Pinku's head formed an ancient looking Magic Seal and an identical seal also formed on FlowingSong's head*! @brianf from where he was recognized what was happening and under his breath he asked, "So you have chosen her? You can only form a bond-of-equals once, are you sure about this?" Pinku nodded and altogether the Bond-of-Equals ritual was finished!

    [Pinku] Character Background
    Just who is Pinku?
    During the battle between FlowingSong and Satan, Pinku was first gifted to FlowingSong by the commander of the Slime Legion (brianf a.k.a Slime-Kun). During the great battle, Pinku was somehow taken over by a follower of Astolfo. However, as the slime-consciousness rejected the idea of being slave to a false-god, the consciousness of Slime-Kun rejected and gained control over Pinku's mind.

    Unfortunately though, Slime-Kun noticed the rubber duck that was in the grasps of FlowingSong. Slime-Kun, having turned out to be a die-hard fan of rubber ducks, went on a rubber duck-induced rampage in an attempt to steal the rubber duck from FlowingSong. Luckily for FlowingSong, Lachiel managed to blow up the enraged Slime-Kun, leaving behind a tiny palm-sized slime which lacked an ego (sense of self).

    For the tiny slime, the first person it laid eyes on was FlowingSong — maybe it was love, maybe it saw her as as mother, who knows — and the tiny slime grew attached to FlowingSong, jumping on to her head. This was the beginning of Pinku's journey as an independent slime, free from the influence of the slime hive-mind, the slime consciousness known as Slime-Kun.

    During it's journey atop FlowingSong's head, they encountered the leader of the Dragon Armada and, somehow, began to watch a movie with them. However, Pinku did not know what a movie was and ignored it. What Pinku could not ignore, however, was the growing sense of discomfort it felt. It was bloodlust, bloodlust harboured by the leader of the Dragon Armada — or his evil alter-ego to be precise. In order to protect FlowingSong, Pinku harnessed it's hidden powers to raise an army of (pink) slimes, from beneath the earth, which decimated the Dragon Armada.

    FlowingSong, without having realised Pinku's intentions, threw Pinku to the ground in a fit of anger. However, Pinku would not relent; in a desperate attempt to maintain it's bond with FlowingSong — which also caused Pinku's ego to rapidly developed into that of an adolescent slime — Pinku leaped onto FlowingSong's head and bit down. The blood of FlowingSong mixed with the Pink slime's fluid and a magic formation was formed; this was the formation for a bond-of-equals ritual. Having determined itself to continue on it's journey with Flowing, Pinku wanted to seal it's fate with hers — even if the cost was to be excommunicated from the slime plane. Slime-Kun, acknowledging Pinku's resolve to become truly independent* from the Slime Army, reluctantly agreed.

    Thus began the journey of Pinku the slime.

    *Prior to having developed it's ego (sense of self), Pinku was not truly separate from the Slime Army, despite having become free from the hive-mind consciousness of the Slime Legion's commander)

    From his throne in the slime plane, brianf sighed.

    "May your travels be safe, Pinku." brianf telepathically conveyed to Pinku before the Bond-of-Equals ritual concluded. "Hence forth, you shall no longer be welcomed into the slime plane. However, I leave to you the army of pink slimes you have called forth. May they protect you in your journey, and may you be of use to @FlowingSong."

    Finally realizing what has happened FlowingSong was moved to tears! The fact that a bond-of-equals has been initiated by Pinku meant that no matter what happened it has always put forth FlowingSong's safety! FlowingSong Being a Hidden Sovereign Paragon who's prowess have been sealed by the Overgods because she loled at them so hard she of course knew as much! With this FlowingSong hugged Pinku and cried into Pinku while constantly murmuring "Thank you my Pinku. We were wrong to not have seen your love and affection."
    "can i ask now then, is pinku a girlime or a boylime?"
    Pinku was confused as to what a girlime or a boylime was so it formed a confused hurl above it's head. Seeing her beloved Pinku confused, FlowingSong took the initiative to check down there (even though slimes are as a matter of fact transparent so you can see what's below and above) but she saw nothing so she just asked Pinku directly,
    "Eto Pinku'er who do you like more @Lachiel or Me?"
    The answer was obviously FlowingSong because she has always been the one thing Pinku has always treasured but FS has yet to realize that she was loved to this extent and therefor asked in a round-about-way if it liked a male or a female. Anyway the result was that PInku was male...

    As Pinku was man-handled by @FlowingSong, he could do nothing but be flipped around. However, having been acknowledged by FlowingSong, Pinku telepathically conveyed his happiness to FlowingSong, now that they were bonded by the Bond-of-Equals ritual.

    In response who FlowingSong's question, Pinku could not reply. Pinku had not yet grasped the intricacies, and was unable to speak nor understand what FlowingSong was saying. However, Pinku thought that she was voicing her affection towards him and squealed.


    Pinku and Flowing were absolutely happy with their own misunderstanding of the situation and they didn't notice that the general of the Dragon Armada @Holy Dragon Emperor himself has climbed up the newly formed abyss and has since been glaring at the two of them. He wanted to say something but FS and Pinku were too busy with their world that they forgot that there is in fact a war right there and then but with @Holy Dragon Emperor's army having been wiped out he couldn't do anything though his pride as a noble beast wouldn't let go and thus he waited for them to finish their weird drama. After it played out he laughed and declared,
    " AHAHAHAHA! YOUR ASSAULT IS FUTILE AGAINST ME! HOWEVER I SHALL BE MERCIFUL TOWARDS THE TWO OF YOU AND LEAVE YOU TWO BE! I SH-" suddenly he was bombarded with a full WATERBLAST to the face courtesy of Pinku himself! Pinku was enjoying being hugged by FlowingSong and he didn't want their time together to be interrupted so he glared at @Holy Dragon Emperor as though telling him "READ THE MOOD MF DRAGON. OR I WILL BLAST YOU AWAY OUT OF HELL!"

    [End of Pinku, Holy Dragon Emperor and his Dragon Armada Arc]

    [The Hand, The Fake, The RD Statue, The Ripper and The Assassin]
    ~~~~~[the lion, the witch and the wardrobe] jkjkjkjkjk~~~

    As everyone tries to bring @Catacus to their side, the earth begins to shake once again, 'causing everyone to stop what they are doing. While the mere-shaking of the earth would not shock the ridiculously overpowered characters of this epic, what does make them stop is the fact that a rift in space-time is forming, one that envelops the entire sky above them.

    "squeee~~" cries (our new hero) Pinku.

    As everyone is exclaiming their own shock, a hand reaches down through the skies.

    let's try to end our overpowered-ness hahaaha

    FlowingSong, @Catacus and Pinku were travelling in search for Saten when they saw a hand that ripped a rift in space-time. But what was more shocking was that the hand suddenly started BREAK DANCING and there was a weird sound from nowhere accompanying the break dancing! our heroine being "FLOWINGSONG" is of course inclined to sounds! The next thing she knew she was dancing to the beat! Even more amazing is that @Catacus actually knows how to break dance as well! Finally both @Catacus and the hand seemed to have found mutual respect for each other's skills and the hand pointed east. What was in the east? Our heroes decide to go to the east!

    FlowingSong took Catacus with her since Catacus was still deciding whether he wanted to go with her or with Saten. She gave @Catacus a flashlight since there's always light shortage over at Satan's dark side. The electric company has been billing him but has yet to receive full payment and they are afraid to openly offend @Satan so they just make it so that the lights in Satan's Dark Side are either flickering or are off every T-TH-S.

    as our brave heroes head east they soon realize that they are all extremely directionally challenged and spent the next year walking in circles in the general area

    Then they found a guy with white hair wearing black overalls? and a rifle? with a wolf or dog? and FlowingSong dragged him along knowing full well that this guy might be a follower of saten! She was not afraid as they have Pinku with them! FlowingSong used illusions and threats on @Das to make him be their navigator. under the influence of FS's illusions and the constant threat of being fed to PINKU it was hard for @Das to lie and so they have reached a certain valley in the east where a rubber duck statue is at the center of a city.

    "Welcome to Soap Land (Not "that" kind of Soap Land you pervert)" It was writen on the gate of the city.

    As the trio entered the city, admiring the victorian style (soap) architecture, they stumbled upon an angry crowd of people who were surrounding the gallows beside the duck statue. Unsure of what was happening, they joined the crowd.

    "— and for the crime witchcraft, @Lachiel the merchant is to be hung!" shouted the executioner, as he seemed to have reached the end of his speech.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Das, an entity with very little known truly known about him, except he is the master of sub space and the worlds greatest assassin. decides to guide LS and co for now just for the amusement of their laughably feeble threats, and utterly miniscule temptations, knowing he could kill them at anytime.

    and so a few weeks later they stumble upon lachiel's execution and~

    "However ... However, I hold in my hand a writ pardoning Lachial the merchant," announces the executioner removing his hood as he releases Lachial to reveal @sal880612m. Having performed this deed he vanishes in a puff of smoke.

    The city mayor then comes in a convoy of armored knights and re-arresting lachiel stating"that pardon is a fake"

    *Poof* @sal880612m reappears behind the mayor and in a single smooth motion slits his throat. Looking out across the crowd he asks, "Anyone else think the pardon is fake?"

    With one swift swing of his hand, the mighty hand in the sky crushed Sal, and dragged his corpse back into the sky-rift. Sal was never seen again. And a new mayor, with the exact same appearance was placed where the old mayor once stood.

    As the crowd was suddenly silenced, with Sal vanishing into thin air, the real executioner returned to the stage. The angry crowds began to pelt @Lachiel with stone.

    Days before the trio arrived, Lachiel had been found guilty of attempting to regain his powers by kidnapping small children from the city.

    "WAATTTTTTTTTT?!" the merchant the mob was surrounding indeed looked like @Lachiel! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Breaking through the crowd and the knights at lightning speed FS grabbed the @Lachiel and gave off a frightening amount of killing intent!
    "THOSE WHO DARE SHALL DIE BY OUR HANDS!" Immediately she started slaugtering her way out of the crowd and her team followed!

    Fortunately she didn't make it in time and sal's corpse went into the rift to never be seen again

    All of a sudden everything took a turn for the worst! Our FlowingSong couldn't help but grieve at the loss of @Lachiel that not even his body could be found! out of FS's soul came a mourning and miserable howl: *PHOENIX CRY* was activated. Everyone who wasn't at deity level cultivation was decimated merely by pressure! While deity level experts, save for @Das was flown a hundred kilometers back! @Das was able to stand his ground against Phoenix Cry! FlowingSong was still afterall a sovereign of darkness! she was so devastated she lost herself in her rage her slime Pinku turned into a weird aScythe. Pinku being a slime is afterall of waterlike properties and thus could change into whatever form he wanted. Because FlowingSong went into rage mode, Pinku was also affected and thus also entered rage mode. They became the Death Ripper! However right infront of her @Lachiel that she thought died was thrown at her again!

    Luckily, the rift was so large that it enveloped the whole planet, so the reunion of the two was completely uninterrupted, and no one noticed anything regarding a large sky-rift.

    After making sure that @Lachiel was safe inside Pinku, FlowingSong confronted @Das

    "what exactly are you planning?" She glared at him showing off her rage induced killing intent. "You took us here on purpose? are you buying time for your overlord?"

    Meanwhile Das being surprised by the explosive rage just stands there laughing at all the innocent people FS just killed. He just went with the flow like usual

    However, Pinku having been infused with @FlowingSong's rage was still shaking uncontrollably. Thankfully, as he was still significantly weaker, he was unable to escape FlowingSong's grasps. However, he was still powerful enough to slap @Das, causing Das to be thrown to the outskirts of the city.

    FlowingSong hearing @Das laughing couldn't help but glare more intently. She had a feeling that @Das himself planned all of this to see what FlowingSong is capable of. He sacrificed a whole city and made @Lachiel's clone some sort of convict to be executed infront of her!

    Meanwhile inside the dark rift inside the earth. An undead wearing an Officer coat is looking above the rift that have been opened
    "So, looks like the surface world is having fun... maybe... I should join them..."
    Behind him a hundred of thousands undead started climbing the rift, into the surface world.

    Just then, a countless number of undead creatures (which were the size of rats) rained down from the rift.

    Whilst ignoring the zombies, @FlowingSong infused @Lachiel with enough energy to return him to a state in which he could properly move. However, she was for some reason unable to return him to the level of the real Lachiel

    *Poof* *Poof* *Poof* Various fleshy bits from the remains of @FlowingSong's multitude of victims begin to vanish.

    Feeling like his little bit of fun had been exposed, Das just laughs harder saying "fun wasn't it, I know you enjoyed yourself there"

    It was at this time that she noticed that the @Das she was glaring at was merely an afterimage — he real Das had been flung to the edge of the city — and was also hearing the tiny voice of @Das, shouting, from miles away.

    All of a sudden, the thousands of rat sized undeads began to assimilate with the vanishing corpses, forming grotesque humanoid monsters, half of which began to chase @Das' wolf, and the other half surrounded the gallows

    "So it has come the ultimate undead, fufufu... with this amount of sacrified soul no wonder they have come" It was said by the @LivingCorpse inside the rift in his Office

    Both @Das and FlowingSong are both killers who have had their bloodlust unhinged and both started a clash! @Das ran at highspeed dagger in hand not bothering to conceal himself like the assassin that he is and went for FlowingSong while FlowingSong and Pinku once again turned into Ripper mode and clashed against @Das! Both were unrelenting in their physical assaults!

    They cannot be bothered by the undead down there all they cared about was each killing each other! On the other hand @Catacus is furociously defending himself against the undeads! he was slashing them down with no reserves! Aiming for their heads OHKOing them!

    hah... Das sighing to himself as he goes into subspace with his wolf to read his pile of novels that have piled up way to high while saying "I'll be back in a bit, safe some of those zombies for me to kill alright"

    @Das suddenly bid farewell to flowingsong taking his wolf with him! FlowingSong did a final DEATH SLASH at the retreating @Das but it was already too late as he had disappeared already...

    she dropped the Pinku-Scythe which reverted back into slime form.

    FS: i want more awesome fight scenes though ...

    @brianf We have totally different ideas again haha. I want the fake Lachiel to do something, and you want to fight everyone hahaha

    "I thought you were one of the good guys?!" cries Pinku inwardly.

    FS: *bloodlust* seething through FlowingSong. Her bloodlust has furthermore been excited because of her unfinished battle with @Das! @Das trully is crafty, his parting gift being a true inconvenience to everyone thus his purpose for delaying TEAM FS has been achieved! Pinku then swallowed FlowingSong! His loyalty is truly formidable! Inside Pinku FS is incapable of battling and thus is reduced to a cultivating state! Her bloodlust slowly dissipated and Pinku let her out. Pinku was exhausted however. He used one too many abilities that his body isn't truly capable of keeping up with however for FS sake he did. So for now Pinku is at hibernation!

    The Undeads which have been ignored till now has rampaging throughout the city. Meanwhile @Catacus keep furiously killing the undead. He has reached his 100th kill already

    At this moment, a glowing light was emitted from beneath @Catacus' skin, causing it to crack.
    The blinding light which was emitted caused everyone, the fake @Lachiel included, to cover their eyes. Only @FlowingSong who was inside of Pinku could witness the scene that came next.
    Pinku's slime fluids can block 60% of all deity level light magic.

    Behind @Catacus, the gates of heaven opened up and wings of angels grew from his back.

    "WWHHAATT @Catacus turned into an angel cat?" FlowingSong who was dissipating her bloodlust witnessed an incredible scene!

    In the end @Catacus with his new found power and one hit kill style managed to supress the undead, while FS inside the pinku.
    His killcount reached 666 undead, 2 innocent bystander, and 1 alien.
    The battle last for 666 seconds

    However not all of them could comprehend and come to terms with everything and @Lachiel's look alike suddenly wanted to commit suicide to escape from this hell. BUT HE IS ALREADY IN HELL!

    Right after FlowingSong was released from Pinku she noticed @Lachiel trying to kill himself for good so she used "break through the atmosphere" to get to where he was at the fastest and calmed him down.

    Having obliterated the undead horde by @Catacus, @FlowingSong was finally given the opportunity to speak with the fake @Lachiel to find out what had happened. Pinku also returned to FlowingSong's head, having expended his powers.

    "You're Lachiel, are you not?" FlowingSong asked, as she picked up the disheveled young man. "Do you recognize me?"

    However, Lachiel did not seem to recognize her.

    She felt bitter at her Lachiel not recognizing her. So she [hugged him?] and patted his back "It's okay Lachi. I'm here. You're a weak version of our @Lachiel so we will protect you. It's okay. Calm down"

    @FlowingSong did what she could to calm the fake @Lachiel down

    While he seemed to struggle at first, the power she held as a Sovereign Paragon (?) somehow managed to calm him down. In his dazed state, the fake Lachiel fell asleep (feinted) in FlowingSong's embrace — in addition to her powers, as a young adolescent boy, being embraced by a woman seemed to have had an effect.

    FlowingSong then had a conversation with the true @Lachiel via divine sense:
    @Lachiel : FlowingSong? Are you alright? I felt your aura all of a sudden .. did something happen-
    @Lachiel : Uh ... Hello? FS? Are you still there?
    FS: LACHIII there are two Lachi!!! b-but which one is the real Lachi?
    @Lachiel : I'm pretty sure I'm the real one ... You can sense my Divine Sense you know ...
    ' You can be so dense sometimes ... ' Lachiel thought.
    FS: O-Oh of course! etooo ... then what do I do with this Lachi? he is soo cute and all alone ... can we keep him? (does anyone recognize this line? xD)
    @Lachiel : Do you want to keep everything you find? *face palms*
    FS : But But Lachi! I don't want to leave Lachi! Fine. Let's wait first till he wakes up. Interro-

    FlowingSong's conversation with the true Lachiel via Divine Sense was suddenly, cut-off and the Rubber Ducky Statue, which has been hit so many times by the impacts and some loose attacks from FlowingSong and @Das' previous battle and therefor was barely holding on has now given in! It was decimated to pieces! Apparently the Rubber Ducky Statue was some sort of Telecommunication line that connects hell to the other planes! Without it one has to physically go to hell via Chaotic space! IN SHORT EVERYONE IN HELL IS NOW TRAP FOREVER UNLESS A SOVEREIGN WILL BE KIND ENOUGH TO TAKE THEM THROUGH THE CHAOTIC SPACE AND INTO ANOTHER PLANE!

    No more outside help from Lachiel or anyone for both FlowingSong and Saten! This was pretty bad on FlowingSong's side since she heavily depends on Lachiel's guidance. Now even Pinku can't get help from @brianf aka Slime-kun if ever .... However this also spells: less chances of random enemies appearing out of nowhere and FlowingSong can now continue her hunt for Saten!

    As the rubber duck statue crumbled, @FlowingSong once again noticed the presence of @Lachiel, but it was much weaker than what she had just felt through her Divine Sense. She looked towards the source of the presence and realised that it was coming from the room she had left the fake Lachiel.

    Despite it being much weaker, it seemed to be the exact same as the real one. The aura(?) must have been hidden by the aura of the real Lachiel when the statue was still intact.

    "Isn't he a fake?" FlowingSong thought. "Why does he give off the same aura as the real Lachiel?! "

    However, the thought was quickly pushed aside as she realised that he must have just started to wake up. She rushed back to the room where she had left him

    When she entered the room, FlowingSong noticed the fake Lachiel beginning regain consciousness. Under his head was Pinku who was happily serving as a pillow — Pinku was able to provide him energy to hasten his recovery,

    Opening his eyes, Lachiel was faced the ceiling.

    "What was that dream, jeez." he said as he grabbed his throbbing head and sat up.

    As he turned his head, he realised he was in a room he had never seen before.

    "Oh! You're awake!" said a beautiful voice that seemed to belong to a woman.

    Pinku began to tremble, sending bits of slime everywhere.

    Due to her level of power, @FlowingSong was unaffected by whatever was scaring Pinku. However, thanks to the Bond-of-Equals, she knew that something was bothering Pinku.

    The young @Lachiel, having been splattered with slime, turned around to see the jiggling pink creature behind him.

    "Aaahhhhh!" he screamed as he rolled off the bed. "What the hell is that?!"

    Right after Fake @Lachiel regained his consciousness he lost it again!! He was whacked in the head by the owner of that beautiful voice!
    'We can't afford to offend the real @Lachiel anymore than we already have. So just sleep for now Chiel'er'
    "Pinku help mommy okay? we need to put this guy inside a slime body and make him sleep for now otherwise @Lachiel will be sad with us!"

    [End of The Hand, The Fake, The RD Statue, The Ripper and The Assassin]


    As everything happened, somewhere in the multiverse there stood the True @Catacus God he thought deeply on how his clone had turn into a Cat-Angel for unknown reasons he could also feel the loneliness of his clone........ he then said "Maybe it's time for me to visit my clone and see what's troubling him and that planet, i might even have a good time....." as the True @Catacus God prepared to go he suddenly laugh when he saw @FlowingSong near his clone and pink slime too he then thought ["This is gonna be Fun!"]

    FlowingSong who was busy rummaging a fridge felt the descent of @Catacus to hell from the Chaotic Space. It didn't take that long for him to arrive right beside them! @Catacus merged with his clone and greeted FlowingSong and Pinku.

    "Ms FlowingSong."
    FlowingSong immediately offered a cookie to @Catacus. "MmmMpphmhphhphj pphnmhpphmhg?" FlowingSong was a glutton afterall. the moment they found food inside the deserted house she stuffed her mouth! She was speaking with her mouth bulging from the amount of food!

    As @FlowingSong gave the cookie to @Catacus he simply smiled and then said "Thank you Ms @FlowingSong... now let's continue with our conversation, what was it that your were saying?" being a polite gentlemen he thought ["how thoughtful of her to give me a cookie maybe i should bake her a cake and maybe desserts as well"]

    Looking at the cookie, Pinky started jumping. [​IMG]

    "squeeee!!! squee~~!" he cried.

    Telepathically, the first words uttered by Pinku to @FlowingSong was, "Cookieee~~".

    As @Catacus was about to eat the cookie, look at pinku he then smiled again and throw the the cookie to pinku, who was very happy about it @Catacus laught at the sight of pinku bouncing around.

    Happily gobbling up the cookie, Pinku crawls back and forth as he digests the cookie now floating in the centre of his body.

    Meanwhile, at the center of hell, deep underground in the Hell's most dangerous dungeon's core/master room, @Satan was enjoying some cookies and cakes with his friend, Holy Dragon Emperor (the dungeon master) that had the appearance of a young human, then HDE said "Satan, I know its late but my clone has died" ["thats way I told you to let me take control from the beginning!"] replied his dark alt ego. But then, one soldier enter, "milord, Lily-sama come to see you", "tell her to enter" HDE replied to the soldier. "Onii-san!" said the the loli (HDE's little sister), that was very cute and look just like human, that just entered, she then say "I want to go outside and go adventuring!", "fine! and why don't you go to this place" replied HDE to his little sister while pointing at a location on the map so that his little sister can go to the location of FS and co. "This gonna be fun" Satan said as HDE's little sister left, "["isn't it?"]" replied HDE and his dark alt ego (clone) at the same time.

    Watching all this @Catacus was amuse @Holy Dragon Emperor sister was going here this made him smile even more he thought ["Well this is a surprise, i wonder what this little dragon can do sorry @FlowingSong i can't help you with this one because i just want to observe, this looks interesting"]

    FlowingSong was so surprised of the development of the two beings that rarely interacted with each other and she couldn't help but stare at the two of them while still putting food into her mouth.

    It has also been decided that the fake @Lachiel would just be a burden if he ever wakes up and because the true @Lachiel might come to hell anytime so it's better to have the fake sleep for now and not incur the wrath of the true @Lachiel. So in short the fake @Lachiel is currently a carried surplus being carried by one of Pinku's slime servants inside itself.

    Anyway @Catacus had a talk with FS about something his divine clone who, was keeping @Holy Dragon Emperor company, told him.

    Apparently a surprise will be awaiting them.

    FlowingSong smiled after hearing the news. Pinku reacted to FlowingSong's feelings by trembling in what seemed to be excitement. FS's Sovereign powers which have been sealed have been unsealed during her rage fit but her bloodlust has also been unhinged! It's been millenias since our FS has last killed someone who offended her and the thought of @Das skills at battle makes her blood boil all the more!

    And then she hears from @Catacus that someone has come to 'play' with her. How exciting!!

    "I thank you @Catacus-dono for informing us about such great news! We shall play with that scheming dragon's sister to our heart's content!"

    "Squeee!!!" Pinku has yet to forget what @Holy Dragon Emperor wanted to do to his beloved FS! He shall never forget that malice he exuded towards FS! He shall not be forgiven!

    "Hmmm I wonder if it will be as easy as you make it seem Ms. FlowingSong..." @Catacus was concerned about @FlowingSong's state of mind but he also wanted to see what would come out of her lust for battle.

    FlowingSong merely smiled at @Catacus. "I trust that @Catacus-dono can protect himself and our @Lachiel..." In reality, the only concern FlowingSong had was @Lachiel getting injured. She did not know what to do with him but he was still @Lachiel and thus she cared for him deeply.

    "You need not worry. I doubt the one coming here would dare attack me knowing that I am an acquaintance of @Holy Dragon Emperor" @Catacus assured her. "And even if they did, we will not go down so easily." He gave her a smug smile and she remembered that this cat with human ears was actually the one who helped them kill ALL the undead.

    "Thank You." FS replied with true gratefulness.

    "No need for thanks Ms. FlowingSong though I hope you will be careful while giving us a show we will not regret watching." @Catacus was also a fan of great battles while being a cat of great legends as well. Therefor he acknowledges this young sovereign's batlle prowess and future prospects.

    Night finally ended and soon a new day has begun with the fake @Lachiel asleep and more or less safe inside Pinku's servant they travelled through the route @Catacus told them their surprise guest would be transversing.

    As they advanced on in the night, Das suddenly appeared. Without being noticed by the pair, he taps on FS right shoulder and moved to her left side. As FS looks to her right, Das steals all of her cookies, sweets and other snacks. He says "Itadakimasu" as he disappears as quickly as he appeared

    "MF @Das!!!!" FS slices the air with her hands covered in black essence. She didn't notice MF @Das' approach and now she has lost her food! Not to mention the effin perpetrator is an assassin who disappears just as he appears! A calamity for FS who is a glutton! "I swear on my life I will kill you someday!"



    @Catacus and Pinku were laughing together.

    "eeh?" FS was in disarray and her heart was broken because her beloved cookies were taken and she hasn't even eaten them yet but her beloved comrades are laughing? at her? she wanted to cry some more when Pinku explained.

    "Squee squeee squee"

    "What? ahahahaha is that so Pinku? Did you and @Catacus planned this then? How though?"

    "Pinku said that he has been probing @Das' whereabouts and though your Pinku isn't that powerful yet he is still quite clever and is skilled in the art of poison." @Catacus explained "Pinku does not think @Das is willing to kill you Ms. FlowingSong as that assassin seems to find you a match for him in battle but Pinku can't ... uh ... 'forgive' him just yet and expected an attack from @Das."

    "etoo... then what would you guys have done if @Das didn't take the cookies and instead battled with me?" FS understands that it's lonely at the top. @Das wouldn't kill her just yet because people who have reached the pinnacle like them are very rare.

    "He would have taken the cookie!" declared @Catacus boldly. "Ms. FlowingSong offers everyone a cookie whenever you have one be they friend or foe. It is a weird trait of yours ..."

    Even the true @Lachiel has been worried about FS weird habit of giving food to people.

    and suddenly FS realized that somehow the cat and the slime seem to understand and know more about each other and even about her more than she knows her own slime and herself. But I guess I should be thankful I'm not the enemy of these two .. poor @Das he must be in a lot of pain right now ...'

    "then let's wait for-" *boink* FS was suddenly hit by food! Fs looked down and saw a half eaten cookie!

    In another dimension where @Das is, He is currently in le comfort room due to diarrhea and is watching FS and Co.

    "I will get you back someday Pinku! aargghhhh!"

    Pinku actually sent a note (which was with one of the cookies) to @Das threatening him that the poison is merely a 'gift with love' from Pinku. And that if @Das tries to kill FS Pinku will send all slimes he has in his arsenal and will even ask for help from the @brianf aka slime-kun aka Heavenly Emperor of the Slime to make @Das life the 'best inconvenient life' ever!

    After a day's travel, @FlowingSong, her comrades, and @Das who was captured in another slime, came upon something they had not expected. As far as the eye could see, the world, as if it had been erased from existence, was gone. Right in the middle of their journey, they had reached the end. Beyond the horizon was only blackness, an infinite amount of nothing.

    There was no doubt that their destination was beyond the void in front of them — or at least, it used to be.

    Even for a Sovereign Paragon, this level of destruction was impossible. While she could flatten a planet, obliterate it even, annihilating it's existence and all of space itself was something @FlowingSong could not do. It is natural that when something is removed, something else will come and take it's place. However, there would be nothing that would fill the void ahead of them.

    "Looks like we might be meeting our surprise guest very soon" said @FlowingSong, with sweat dripping down her forehead. "It might... no. It will be a tough fight."

    Too bad for them, the surprise they are waiting will never come, because just like what HDE and @Satan predicted. HDE's little sister, Lily, already joining them without anyone noticing. Afterall, the Lily and real HDE are the strongest being in Hell (after Satan) and both of them are able to transform into anything. Without anyone noticing, Lily already transformed herself into the shadow of @Catacus. What actualy destroyed the road of @FlowingSong and co was the mock battle between HDE'clone and his dark alt ego (clone).

    FlowingSong, frustrated, sat down on the ground.

    "what do you wish to do now Ms.FlowingSong?" @Catacus asked.

    "Actually, it seems like we've found someone more interesting than the guest that your clone said would meet up with us."

    "excuse me?"

    "your guest won't be coming it seems. that or ..." FlowingSong had a vague smiling expression but didn't continue. Her vast knowledge when it comes to battles is telling her that this battle has just begun taking a beautiful shape. "@Satan should be at the North or South or West since my divine sense can't cover all of hell but I've scanned the east side already. He isn't here."

    "then why come here still? you already knew that there was no one here?"

    "I wanted to see the void that my divine sense couldn't sense apparently it is just that. A void formed from the battle of two great figures!!" She exclaimed excitedly.
    @Catacus looked at FlowingSong and he knew then this girl infront of him isn't as shallow as she seems.

    Our group heads south!

    Through there journey @Catacus was truly having fun though he himself is a True Overgod of DERP this was just a clone of himself not even wielding 20% of his True power but was still enough to fight HDE on a stalemate having sense Lily the little dragon she thought she could hide from me, i immediately inform pinku he jiggled and bounce around for bit he then thought of plan.

    All of a sudden, @FlowingSong heard a boom and a was greeted by an unusual sight. "A squirrel riding a mecha?" she asked. All of a sudden, Pinku jumped of @FlowingSong's head a ran over to the mecha. The squirrel departed from the mecha, stored it back in interdimensional space, and greet Pinku cheerfully with a "Squeak!"

    While the squirrel and Pinku were talking, a truck burst out of the vast folds of the multiverse. The driver hopped out, looked at everyone, and said, "Yep, you're all where your supposed to be." Then the truck rode off into the sunset to kill people who needed to be reincarnated.

    [End Of TBN]

    Still in edit:
    [Underworld vs Hell]

    While our heroine playing with some unknown dog...

    "Underworld Army Central Command, Month X Day XX Year 666"

    "Alright gentlemen... this story is progressing nowhere...It is time for us to act" Field Marshall LC.
    "But, dude... we know @Satan is too OP for us..." anon zombie officer.
    "I know that... and stop calling your superior dude, dude..." LC
    "Then what are we going to do sir?" Random skeleton.
    "We will fight the @Satan while this story Heroine find some way to kill him... have you sent the map to our Heroine?" LC
    "Yeah... I already sent it using F*dEx..." anon zombie officer
    "Alright then... we march to eat...ehem... war! Death or glory...!" LC
    "We already dead though..." anon zombie officer

    And then a war between The Underworld and Hell have started... without our Heroine knowing...
    Since it's hard to describe a war... here some picture instead...


    [Catacus Background]
    In a underground basement there laid a treasure but the treasure was not anything valuable nor was it powerful, it just sat there waiting for its new master to approach it....

    Said treasure was then discovered by a cat with human ears.

    Written on it was a quot ["The true treasure lies within. It is the underlying theme of the songs we sing, the shows we watch and the books we read. It is woven into the Psalms of the Bible, the ballads of the Beatles and practically every Bollywood film ever made. What is that treasure? Love. Love is the nature of the Divine."]

    What was that treasure you may ask? It was the world's greatest treasure... a chest full of pink slimes!

    Then there was another quote ["There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless."] the first Treasure was a slime the second was a book...

    @Satan arrived towards the scene where the treasure is while he was escaping with whatever life he had left after fighting with FlowingSong. @Satan found the @Catacus and offered him anything if he would help @Satan.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
    Das, LivingCorpse, Catacus and 4 others like this.
  2. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Reading List:
    Eighth, below are some posts I found which were for intentional/unintentional reasons not brought up by the succeeding posts/this also contains inconsistencies that were not included as concepts by succeding posts(please check the respective link to for the qoutes in the original thread):

    [As usual, those who does not know the noise, shouldn't posses it.]
    Btw, that certain noise was not something, but someone.
    {It was me-nya!}
    Sadly, he didn't die there...

    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan
    FS Note: It's inconsistent with the following posts. The the noise comes from the Supreme Overlord Rubber Ducky and your posts seems to have been ignored unintentionally?

    When suddenly a slime pop out of his popcorn and was about to eat his face!
    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan
    FS Note: This post has been ignored. I'm sorry.
    And if his face did get eaten your JJ will be fed to the hell hounds. Trust me. I'll be the one doing the feeding and cutting ;)

    The war for dethroning satan is over (?). Meanwhile, the war of the thing who quacks is still at large.
    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan
    FS Note: I was so tempted to put this back since it's true that the war for the Supreme Overlord Rubber Ducky has yet to end but the dethroning of satan is not yet over because FS is still inside Hell and she has no plans of giving up her goal! I don't blame you guys though I was asleep while you guys were doing the prior story telling.

    (Lewd Absorbing Sound)
    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan

    (lewd sounds in the bathtub)
    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan
    FS NOTE: *face palms*

    As @Catacus was being left out and even @Holy Dragon Emperor left him as well he decided to just confront @FlowingSong @Catacus then said "FS i think.... well this is just me but will you ever defeat @Satan or are you just gonna mess around with slime's all day, i was watching you know, all this shit going down the abyss, but if your goings somewhere nice.....can i come?
    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan
    FS Note: I'm sorry!!! Of course I will but everyone so random! i can't get to killing if some new enemy appears like all the time I'm trying to freaking find saten ...

    Black fog poured out of the cracks in the cobblestone square enveloping the new mayor. No matter how the man tried to run he couldn't escape the dark cloud and suffocated inside it. When it cleared the mayor's face was frozen in a horrified expression and his eye sockets held nothing.
    Novel Writing Game: The Dethrone of Satan
    FS Note: etooo... where do I put this? it doesn't look like it conflicts but yea .. i don't know where to put it ...

    Lastly, I did this at my own discretion, I don't know how anyone wanted this to look but anyway NO ONE was doing it. A certain someone informed us he will but he's also too busy with RL stuff (he has a life so I'm not blaming him :) ) and some contributors wanted to play the game but they can't because the story is too messy and plots are flying everywhere in short we have to have a compiled list of events. If anything and I mean anything at all goes against someone or is offending please tell me so we can discuss and see if it should be removed or edited or changed.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
    Zone Q11 and AkeShiro like this.
  3. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    AkeShiro likes this.
  4. aridharma

    aridharma Hikikomori NEET

    Oct 22, 2015
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    i get dizzy when i quick scroll this page :confused:
  5. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    I'm sorry please let me edit a bit more! I'm putting spoiler tags so it won't be so long and you won't get dizzy!
  6. Animester

    Animester Silent whisper

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I am listening to three vocaloids song...
    Zone Q11, AkeShiro and FlowingSong like this.
  7. aridharma

    aridharma Hikikomori NEET

    Oct 22, 2015
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    i just get dizzy because different font size and color.
    try cut it at other software(notepat or it will be easier to edit there, then paste it back.
  8. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    etooo can you try reading again?
    KYAA what songs ne?
  9. Animester

    Animester Silent whisper

    Oct 31, 2015
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    u have posted above in FS vs Astolfo arc...spoilers
  10. Animester

    Animester Silent whisper

    Oct 31, 2015
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    if u wanna listen ,,u can play hastune miku project diva.for fun..its a rhythm game...or watch on youtube..
  11. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    did you find something wrong coffee-mate? something inconvenient? Like is it not understandable?
  12. canaria23

    canaria23 『  』

    Oct 21, 2015
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    I will read it all later hahaha
  13. LivingCorpse

    LivingCorpse Half-dead Neighborhood's Undead

    Nov 6, 2015
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    Suggestion : can you make a poll to see how many people are on @Satan side or on FS side in this thread?
    Zone Q11 and canaria23 like this.
  14. canaria23

    canaria23 『  』

    Oct 21, 2015
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    you forgot the Lurker side
    Zone Q11 likes this.
  15. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    ok wait XD
    Zone Q11 likes this.
  16. LivingCorpse

    LivingCorpse Half-dead Neighborhood's Undead

    Nov 6, 2015
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    Yeah that too...
  17. Asakura Ouryuu

    Asakura Ouryuu 【Eternal Lurker】【Lily's】【Shady Merchant】

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Just put :
    HDE (main me) and my Dark alt ego => @Satan side
    Asakura and Narrator-san => neutral side
    Lily => well, you can include her in any side you want
  18. FlowingSong

    FlowingSong Otome Isekai Reader and Trash ML Hater

    Oct 22, 2015
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    There can only be one you XD so only one vote for your profile @Holy Dragon Emperor unless someone makes new profs for you xD

    AA no wait i can! there! added them!
  19. Asakura Ouryuu

    Asakura Ouryuu 【Eternal Lurker】【Lily's】【Shady Merchant】

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Then, I will take neutral side. I will fooling around for the lolz, kill those that I want and can kill but didn't offend the one that I can't.
    FlowingSong likes this.
  20. aridharma

    aridharma Hikikomori NEET

    Oct 22, 2015
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    done...what a chaotic story.... ill re-read it tomorrow. [ Lachiel Arc ] there double 'Lachiel, drained of his sanity points, unintentionally joined the side of @Satan for a moment before regaining his sanity.'
    Zone Q11 and FlowingSong like this.