Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. muramirasol

    muramirasol Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    same :D
  2. Sulogna bardhan

    Sulogna bardhan Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2022
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    I think in 1 or 2 month she will publish the 2nd book also.
  3. DKSG

    DKSG New Member

    Apr 19, 2022
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    Hi I'm new here on the forum and it helped me a lot of how to navigate Ridi. I have caught up reading the novel there so Thank you! But I made an account here so that I could comment haha I was listening to music and I heard a song called Lovesick Fool by The Cab. It reminded me a lot of Riftan and what he might be going through during the time that Maxi left for the World Tower. If anyone is interested check it out

    Here is a link to the lyric video if anyone is interested.
  4. ChezcaAnne

    ChezcaAnne Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    speaking of it, I've been jamming to some songs and found some songs that really speaks what Riftan feels for Maxi like Grenade and Just the way you are by Bruno Mars
    Shendee90 and Ruth simp like this.
  5. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    147 is here! EDITED NOW

    Edited: l like Derrick now hehehehe. the more i reread it, the kinder he seems. but we will never know loll

    This chapter is in Maxi’s POV. Once Riftan heard about Sir Derrick, he immediately decided to meet him. When Riftan stopped in a colorful barrack, Maxi followed him.

    Maxi was perplexed cause no one from the Duke’s vassal was hostile to them. No one even prevented her from joining the meeting.

    Rather, Derrick acknowledged her and called her “my lady” — even saying “Long time no see.” Ofcourse Riftan is still sketchy about the guy so he ordered the knight to remember that Maxi is now called “Mrs. Calypse” hihi

    Then the meeting started. Riftan questioned the man why they are using a siege ladder and not a catapult. Derrick answered that they had received orders that the Midna must be reclaimed without any damage to the city —- meaning the wall of the city must not be broken so no catapult.

    So the couple including uslin was shocked. They concluded that the Midna’s walls were not damaged when the undead attacked. WHICH leads to a horrifying conclusion that the UNDEAD CAME FROM INSIDE THE CITY.

    Derrick explained that the lower class families in Midna resorted to burying the dead without proper burial thus the undead problem huhu

    Maxi explained that there might be a necromancer that’s controlling the undead. Edit: Riftan explained that they can retake the city by using the catapult and magic. They wont destroy the whole wall but through magic, they will create a hole and that’s where they’ll enter Midna (ciiw) proud that Riftan trusts Maxi and all the wizards bruhhhh!

    But then Riftan said that he will examine the internal schematic of the city, maybe they’ll find a way to get in without destroying the walls. (but nahhh, i really think they will break it.)

    Then they continued their planning. Then when everything’s done, a man talked to Maxi. He said that the ugly duke is in bad condition. He started talking about inheritance lol. Technically, Maxi is still a legal daughter and has chance to inherit the duchy. But Maxi cut off the man and told him that now is not the time to talk about inheritance.

    Riftan was ofcourse pissed hahha cause Maxi is for Anatol lol Maxi just smiled at him. Then Ruth called for Maxi’s help in healing the wounded, etc. —-FIN
    Edited: oh by the way, after riftan talked about the wall, he added that he will still examine the internal schematic of the city, maybe they’ll find a way to get in without destroying the walls. (but nahhh, i really think they will break it.)

    Oops, it’s not derrick who talked about the inheritance sorry.it’s just a random man. yeah seems like Derrick is kind.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2022
  6. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    Yeah it might seem sketchy, but at the same time duke does nothing when the land of these men is full of undead and other monsters. They may see Riftan as their saviour.
  7. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    I'm really glad about your summary. I didn't know who was saying what and who was talking to whom.
  8. ChezcaAnne

    ChezcaAnne Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    Does that mean if this war ends and if the duke's bad condition continues to grow worse, Maxi will inherit the duchy and become a duchess despite being the lady of Anatol?
  9. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    that’s what the man is saying… but i dont know if Maxi will accept that… maybe Rosetta’s next kid will? or Maxi’s future kid?

    Based on Maxi’s pov, she doesnt want the duchy lol. she just wanted to be with Riftan haha

    or if we are following some other dramatic manhwas hahahha , if this Derrick is kind and honorable and will be a hero in this war, maybe he will be given the duchy. i dont think any of the two daughters want the duchy haha
  10. ChezcaAnne

    ChezcaAnne Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    I still have this thought that Maxi has one of the biggest power in the whole UTO universe like she is a direct descendant of Roem meaning she could become the Empress of all kingdoms then there comes her being the daughter of the most powerful duke in whedon, the lady of Anatol or should I say a countess (Cause if this war ends, Riftan is the count of House of Calypse) and of course a brave and powerful hero wizard. Ya')) Maxi is the Queen :love:
  11. sarah0208

    sarah0208 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2022
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    absolutely! I am rooting for the official translation of "the familiar body odor " (cant recall the exact translation when referring to riftan's coat) to "masculine scent" coz i just cannot think of our hubby with unpleasant smell :ROFLMAO:
  12. MissuzCalypse

    MissuzCalypse Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    oh angel, i edited the post again. after rereading it, i had to add/tweak a few things.

    i hope they are referring to a musk scent hehe.
  13. kim rabbit

    kim rabbit Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    1. So, I used to watch the Bridgerton movie. When the story of the featherington family where their father died, left his wife and three daughters. But it turned out that they could not inherit his father's legacy, and it was explained that there was another heir, a man. oh yeah sorry, I haven't watched the 2nd session so maybe there is an incomplete description. Then because I was still confused about it, I did a search on the internet about how to inherit in noble families at that time. Yes and as a result, because women are considered second-class beings, women cannot inherit anything from their husbands or fathers.

    So I thought UTOT would use the same story. But I'm surprised that the author making maxi can also inherit her father's power. which means, it's really good! I'm very impressed with maxi's political intelligence. Maxi wants to use the discourse that she is after her father's seat in order to unite all the knights in the allied alliance and gain support for riftan. But she was also aware if there are rumors and misunderstandings from Rosetal's followers. Well, although I'm sure Rosetal is relieved that her father will die before her second child is born so that her son will not be raised by the Duke.

    2. In that case I think Sir Derick is an upright knight. He is given orders to save Midna and he is happy with Riftan's arrival even though Riftan is the Duke's enemy. He put more forward logic than the hostile grudge the duke carried. Obviously if he ignores the riftan, who else is expected to be able to save the residents of Midna. Then there must be something in midna for the undead to attack there.
  14. Ames2021

    Ames2021 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Maxi is definitely planning something with regard to the duke’s inheritance to gain power to the advantage of Riftan n Allied Forces but im not happy if she doesnt share the plan to Riftan n does things her own way. This coukd lead to another misunderstanding and our big hunky Riftan will be mad n sulky again.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2022
  15. kim rabbit

    kim rabbit Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    what i loved about today's chapter is that... soon we will see maxi's action again in war.

    It's something to be thrilled about but also to be proud of. Even the rumors that maxi returned as a wizard reached the ears of the duke's knights. Since a long time ago even the servants and all of the duke's subordinates were affected by the duke's provocation that maxi was weak and unworthy. But now loook and behold, even maxi is in the allied forces.

    go go girl (y)
  16. QJgunth

    QJgunth Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2022
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    Chapter 147

    I am so late for today's chapter because of work... sometimes it's really hard to be obsessed with this novel and have a life at the same time:notlikeblob::blobhug::blobjoy:

    Ok, so I think I got really lost in translation when this Sir Derek said "my Lady" I really think that what he actually said was "Lady Croyso/Miss Croyso" because right after Riftan "spoke in his sharp tone to Sir Derek" saying "Mrs. Calyps, I want you to pay attention to the name". "Then Sir Derek obediently admitted his mistake". I mean everyone including the RDK calls Maxi "my lady" ...Riftan won't have corrected the man if it was just that.

    Then the attitude of Sir Derek is really something huh.. really nice I should say even Riftan is suspicious. But in Maxi's mind, she thought maybe the knights must have been neutral because she might claim her dominion over the Duchy when the duke dies (the duke is sick...he is dying... I hope he dies hahaha). So sir Derek believes/perceives/assumes that Maxi might be the next ruler of the Duchy and maybe he wants to secure his position so he is being utterly nice to Maxi. He even discussed the inheritance with her, I feel that He is pushing Maxi to be the next ruler of Croyso. (Anyway sir Derek is correct Maxi has all the right to claim The duchy if the Duke dies (again I really hope he dies :blobsmirk:)

    *But originally Maxi only wants to stay in Anatol and be a wife to Riftan. :blobsmirk: She doesn't have any interest in the Duchy

    And then Maxi here is having some serious moments plotting in her mind some schemes "to pretend that she wants to inherit the duchy so she could "stop the treacherous act of cutting the supplies to the allied forces from Croyso" and perhaps control her father's knights until the war ends. Also she thought to herself if she committed such act then if her father finds out of course "her father will go insane with rage" "Just thinking about it makes her filled with sweet satisfaction" hahaha ok may I just say Maxi YOU GO GIRL!!!" :blob_pompom: But she's seriously conflicted with this idea because Riftan might not like it....

    (oh guess what Maxi you are right!) :blobxd:

    Riftan who may have the ability to read Maxi's mind kinda figured out that Maxi is planning something evil:blobowoevil_horns: said earnestly "I don't want you to get involved with the Duke" then Maxi replied "Don't worry, I won't do anything dangerous" but Riftan again sensing she will really do something dangerous ask Maxi at point-blank "What the hell are you going to do?" then Ruth save the day for Maxi..:blobuwu::blob_grin:

    Maxi and Riftan reading both minds is a level-up kind of relationship happy for them. :bloblove:

    Anyway, I hope they reclaim Midna quick and fast eager to see actions from the knights. :blobhero:
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2022
  17. Ames2021

    Ames2021 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    I had trouble understanding today”s chapter but your summary makes all sense, thank you so much :love:
    the english writer and QJgunth like this.
  18. LadyJellan

    LadyJellan Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2021
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    I suspect that Riftan might see his mother as one of the undead at Cryoso land.
  19. kim rabbit

    kim rabbit Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    But the body of Riftan's mother has been purified by the priest and legally buried. all because of riftan's stepfather idea. Even though Riftan's mother committed suicide, they managed to disguise her death as an accident so that Riftan's mother's body was purified by the priest.
  20. Sa12Ben18

    Sa12Ben18 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    You're right. Maxi was very surprised to be addressed like that. That's why I also assume that he said Lady Croyso.