Discussion Weirdest education policy that happen in your country?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Adislt2, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. MasterCuddler

    MasterCuddler Handsome Chicken

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I think that taking your time before you drop the work on them is good, most likely that’s what the author intended as well. Just take it as a guide for now and see what you need to improve before they are given the work and then do it. Unless the school wants the work done in a certain amount of time. And don’t worry about grammar, I’m not even doing it properly or more like no one cares about it as long as it understandable
  2. Finalbeta

    Finalbeta Science Nerd

    May 30, 2018
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    It's probably the wrong school format that we have around here
  3. Asha7

    Asha7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    Long post, be warned.

    In the country I live, we have 3 different schools. In 4th grade the teacher looks your marks and decides in which school you could go.

    Which makes no sense and really people where wrongly put in the wrong schools and think in a worse case that may be their path of live.
    But thank good we kind of have a leveling system (my word invention).
    The 3 school types after marks:
    1. Gymnasium (till grade 13 when I visited school and now till grade 12 (or changed back)). Only here you will get a certificate to go to a university. We call the certificate "Hochschulzugangszeugniss, allgemeine Hochschulreife or Abitur".

    2. Realschule till grade 10. After finishing that you could advance to get an Abitur if you go to a 3 year specialised Gymnasium (Berufsgymnasium), which have a main course in Biotech, Tech, languages, Ecconomy even Agrar Biology or nutritional science. The Abitur here is the same like at a normal Gynasium.

    Or you could decide to a 2 years "Berufsschule", which is for people who do an apprenticeship and where you could have a "Fachabitur" which is simliar but less than an Abitur. With that you can go to a "Fachhochschule" which are also kind of universities where you can get a Bsc. or Msc. but they are lesser than a Bsc. or Msc. which you get at a government university (it will show later in you pay check). Fachhochschule are more practical than theoretical (research).

    3. Hauptschule till grade 9. After that you can go to a one year "Werkrealschule" to have a certificate there to enter a Berufsgymnasium.

    (4. Sonderschule which I left out, because it is for people with special needs and very low performance at school.)

    As you see, if you work hard, every way brings you to Rome.

    From my experience: I came to Germany with 6 and was put in Kindergarten vastly and after a few months and after my big mouth I found myself in grade 1 with language problems. I had a private teacher who taught me German and helped me with my homework. But still I was put in the Hauptschule.
    Which was a horror for my high expecting typical Asian parents.

    So I leveled up. I want to Realschule at grade 7 and after finishing Realschule I want to a Berufsgymnasium and then to a government university.
    I think I experienced all 3 school types. By the way leveling down is still possible. At the Realschule you could still go to a Hauptschule if your marks are not good or repeat a year. Same for people at the Gymnasium either repeat a year or go to a Realschule (and repeat there a year or go there to the same class).

    My brother would have also put wrongly in school without my parents interventions.
    He had a linguistic problem with ""f" and "v" and was a bit ADHC (not sure) but he was really normal if I look back, maybe racism played a big role. The Kindergarten teacher told my parents he should go to a school for childrens with special needs, my dad told them they should put him in a normal school and that would look out for him. After that in grade 4 my brother want straight for Gymnasium and now he study mechanical engineering.

    As you see, there is no logic in the system but thank god now parents have a bigger say in deciding where their childrens could go.
    Pyoo likes this.
  4. ishira

    ishira Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    From what i've seen, i think Indonesia has some weirdest education policy around:
    1. Zone system school. Quite different from OP, but from what i've experienced, you are required to have higher National Exam score compared to the rest if you want to apply to a school outside your region. IIRC (at that time), the minimal requirement score is 2.5 out of 4, but if you came from outside the region, you'll need 3 out of 4. Weird, but i think it's required to control students so they can apply for schools inside their region.
    2. National Exam and School Exam. Some people already mentioned it, but this is one of the most stupid policy that the gov ever created. Imagine that you need to face 2 type of graduation exams, School Exam is used to determine if you are qualified to graduate, and National Exam is used to determine your score that will be used to apply for your next school. Imagine you in Junior High have high score of School Exam, but you did very bad at National Exam, you can graduate, but you'll have limited choices of high school because they use National Exam as standard.
    3. Never-ending curriculum changes. Well, I know Indonesia still doesn't have fixed standard on curriculum, but when it keep changing every time new minister appointed, it just wreck the students head. And i tell you, my generation is one of guinea-pigs generation. I tasted the changes every time i hit 3rd year both in Junior and High School.

    I believe there are some weird policies that i've experienced but already forgotten.
    TheLastAeon likes this.
  5. lnv

    lnv ✪ Well-Known Hypocrite

    Jan 24, 2017
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    The US has similar policies and to be honest I don't think they are weird at all.

    In US, most of local school funding comes from property tax. If you are paying taxes to your school and they don't accept your child, obviously that will piss people off. This is why schools have zones that make it easier for people who live in the school's zone to get into said school. The other issue is that you don't want long commute times for children either, so it makes sense to give preference to those who live locally.

    Again, it isn't that weird at all. Every school has a difficulty level, and schools with lower difficulty will have easier exams, while schools with higher difficulty will have harder exams.

    As for national testing, it is meant to get a grasp of how you stand on a national level. Your next school can't tell how good of a student you are vs another student from another school. How do you expect them to know if someone ranked 500 in 1 school is better or worse than someone ranked 100 in a worse school? Some of our top universities have a loophole where they accept the top students of any school to allow for "wider reach" and people use that loophole to on purpose go to low end schools, get top grades to get into a top university (they make up for the level of education with private tutoring)

    If anything, where I live has it weirder where to get to college/university. To graduate, you need to pass your final exams in a class, but also pass the regional exams. Then you have to get a good grade on the SAT to get into a good college/university.

    So that is 3 exams!

    This is the same everywhere. When someone new comes to power, they have to show that they are doing something. So they make changes to make it seem like they are doing something.
    Pyoo likes this.
  6. jennawolney

    jennawolney New Member

    Jun 5, 2019
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    I'll have to go with school uniform. Here's the thing: in my school, nothing has ever been done to prevent bullying, none of the bullies have EVER been suspended but as soon as a girl dares to show her bra strap or a knee - instantly suspended. No one is punished for physical violence or abuse but as soon as you show signs of the slightest violation of a dress code, you are suspended. This is very cruel and illogical.
  7. Tsukkin

    Tsukkin [is currently lurking]

    Jul 9, 2017
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    About this zoning system, you know what my sisters did? They literally have to change the household register so that they can change their address closer to the best school in town, and my parents have to complete this complicated procedure a year before their graduation. Honestly it's such a hassle and not really fair bcs not all school in my town have the same education standard/facilities
  8. Pyoo

    Pyoo ☀ Summer Melody ☀

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Can you expand on this?
    Its kinda cool that they can level up and level down. It makes sense too. Because "labelling" a child in their early years make no sense - children change so fast. So a system thats able to "rectify" their wrong judgements is always nice