Discussion When your top 3 RRL novels are lined up in a row

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Fallion, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. hanglekuk

    hanglekuk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2016
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    OK fair enuff. And deciding that the current prose is waste of time after reading it for some chapters and wasting a lot more time than quick search (what is this novel about). It's like "I don't have enough money to buy expensive stuff, so I keep on buying crap, it breaks and I'm buying new fresh crap". Life can become different if you decide to find some time for research :)
    It is good to slow down on occasions. Good luck with your tags.
  2. Fallion

    Fallion [Indolence Personified]

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I agree with many of your points, which is why I use both sites. Each of them provides something different. I used to binge all the time, but after more than 2 years of saving chapters and binge reading them, it is rather nice to follow some novels as the chapters come out. It provides a different experience and it's nice when you have to take the train each day and you have a novel you can just read one or two chapters of. I have a hard time stopping once I've begun reading, so seeing that there is no next chapter is often the best wakeup call.

    Thanks for the reccomendation btw :D