Recommendations Your Favorite Untranslated BLs

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by Ruirui.q, Jul 24, 2021.

  1. Ruirui.q

    Ruirui.q Member

    Mar 23, 2021
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    For sure (*≧▽≦).

  2. ShadowAscetic

    ShadowAscetic Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2021
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    These are some title I've read this year,

    《全星際都是我爸爸粉》 (All Stars are My Dad Fans)
    《猛虎禁止垂涎》(The Tiger is Forbidden to Drool)
    《做渣男真好,就是死得早[星際]》(It's Good to be a Scumbag, Just Die Early [Interstellar])
    《人魚崽崽飼養APP》 (Mermaid Cub Raising APP)
    《养的纸片人是帝国太子》 (The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire)

    《和影帝協議結婚之後》 (After Marriage Agreement with the Movie King)
    《孿生兄弟互換人生[娛樂圈]》 (Twin Brothers Exchanging Life [Entertainment]) *ABO
    《全娛樂圈都求我閉嘴》 (The Whole Entertainment Circle Begs Me to Shut Up)
    《炮灰受準備離婚了》 (Cannon Fodder Prepared for Divorce)

    《朕不行,朕不可》 (I can't, I can't)
    《暴君洗白计划[穿书]》 (Tyrant Whitewashing Project [Transmigration])
    《我在暴君身边搞基建[系统]》 (I Work on Infrastructure by the Side of the Tyrant [System])
    《我成了皇帝的彩虹屁精[穿书]》(I became the emperor’s rainbow fart [Transmigration])
    《朕今天也在等男主篡位[穿书]》 (I'm also waiting for the protagonist to usurp the throne today [Transmigration])
    《王爷,你家仙草又溜了[穿书]》 (Lord, your fairy grass has slipped again [Transmigration])
    tabushechka likes this.
  3. Twilight 40

    Twilight 40 Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2022
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    Do you know any other showbiz novel(bl) untranslated and also any ancient china novels(bl & bg)
  4. Tsubaki -

    Tsubaki - Unknown Member

    Aug 20, 2018
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    I'm a big history fan, so anything that's on this list!
    I like reading up on historical pairings and their time period.
  5. Melange

    Melange Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2020
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    I have a bunch on my list

    The ones I'm partial to comedy so these are some of my favorites, some of them might already be on NU already:

    41. 我是个正经总裁 (I Am a Virtuous President) by 漫无踪影. Modern showbiz.

    54. 我老婆是个Beta (My Wife is a Beta) by 鱼幺. Interstellar ABO.

    57. 陈伤 (Past Trauma) by 回南雀. Modern ABO mpreg. NOT COMEDY VERY ANGST but it hurt me so good :sweating_profusely:

    62. 穿成丑男后他被暴君缠上了 (Entangled by a Tyrant After Transmigrating Into an Ugly Man) by 且拂. Ancient imperial transmigration.

    65. 和邪神结婚后 (Once Married to the Evil God) by 浮白曲. Multiverse multiple transmigration rebirth.

    87. 向导是不是重生的 (Is This Guide Reborn or Not?) by 不间不界. Interstellar rebirth transmigration sentinel x guide.

    98. 辣鸡总裁还我清白! / 霍总让我还他名声 (Garbage President, Give Me Back My Innocence! / Mr. Huo Asked Me to Return Him His Honor) by 三千大梦叙平生.

    133. 邪门的爱情出现了 (Twisted Love Emerged) by 丧心病狂的瓜皮. Modern business ABO mpreg. ALSO NOT COMEDY but the smut :blobnosebleed:

    169. 炮灰男配只爱钱不谈感情 (This Cannon Fodder Only Loves Money, Not Feelings) by 西柚粥. Modern entertainment transmigration mpreg.

    177. 穿成极品的丈夫后[穿书] (Transmigrated Into the Highest Quality Husband) by 奉孝男神. Ancient transmigration xianxia mpreg.

    209. 你是不是在套路我[星际] (Are You Tricking Me?) by 浪里淘浪.

    213. 万人迷向导的烦恼 (Troubles of the Dreamboat Guide) by 项绿瓜. Interstellar comedy sentinel guide.

    215. 重生1/2废柴 (Reborn as Half a Loser) by 绝世猫痞. Interstellar multiple transmigration rebirth mpreg. AND SEQUEL 216. 全职医生[未来] (Full Time Doctor) by 绝世猫痞. Interstellar transmigration sentinel guide mpreg.

    224. 一觉醒来我被人鱼养了 (Awakened to Be Kept by a Mermaid) by 意绵绵.

    230. 宝贝你什么时候发芽 (Darling, When Will You Bud?) by 晏不识. Ancient transmigration mpreg.

    235. 无法标记 (Unmarkable) by 祎庭沫瞳. Modern transmigration entertainment ABO.

    236. 被主角的白月光演了 (Got Played by the Protagonist’s White Moonlight) by 花青鸾. Modern transmigration comedy.

    244. 深渊巨龙苏醒以后 (When the Abyss Dragon Awoke) by 桑沃. Modern xianxia.

    262. 替身拒绝转正 (The Substitute Refused to Upgrade) by 项绿瓜. Modern business comedy.

    265. 我,会算命,不好惹 [穿书] (I, Who Can Foretell the Future, Am Not to Be Trifled With) by 醉又何妨. Ancient xianxia transmigration.

    268. 魅魔只想干饭 (Succubus Only Wants to Eat) by PDG. Modern fantasy transmigration.

    279. 老婆是顶级Alpha,我该怎么办 (What Should I Do if My Wife’s a Top Alpha?) by 海藻大王. Interstellar ABO rebirth.

    308. 拆二代他不干了 (After Becoming Rich, He Decided to Quit) by 清瓦. Modern entertainment.

    310. 饱和浓度 (Saturation Point) by 芥菜糊糊. Modern comedy.

    351. 我只喜欢你的抱抱 (I Only Want Your Hugs) by 赤霞君. Interstellar ABO entertainment mpreg.

    353. 落魄户和他的富豪 (Poor Guy and His Rich Man) by 张大吉.

    356. 水豚先生 (Mr. Capybara) by Capybara. Modern ABO mpreg. Plot? :hmm: Smut? :blobokhand:

    371. O被错认成A闹上热搜后爆红了 (Omega Was Mistaken for an Alpha and Went Viral After a Trending Search) by 两个西瓜. Modern entertainment ABO.

    377. 强A突发性犬化综合征 (Sudden Acute Canine Syndrome) by 宣梨. Modern transmigration ABO comedy.

    389. 备胎他人设崩了 (Spare Tire Was Broken by Someone Else) by 猫八先生. Quick transmigration.

    428. 金丝雀和他家养总裁 (The Canary and His Home Grown President) by 祝辞酒. Modern business comedy.

    436. 穿成反派的我靠沙雕苟活 (After Becoming a Villain, I Did Dumb Shit to Survive) by 马户子君.

    456. 沙雕男友是外星alpha (Stupid Boyfriend Is an Alpha Alien) by 漫无踪影. Modern interstellar ABO.

    464. 小猫咪开机甲爆红了 (Kitty Drove a Mecha and Became a Hit) by 糖莓.

    465. 这该死的求生欲[穿书] (This Damned Thirst for Survival) by 望三山. Modern xianxia horror.

    495. 小狐狸宠爱守则 (Rules for Pampering the Little Fox) by 未未不知眠. Modern xianxia schooldays comedy. SUCH BABIES AHH baby MC and ML are so cute :aww::aww::aww:

    517. 论渣男改造的一千种姿势 (Thousand Ways to Reform Scumbags) by 碉堡堡. Quick transmigration, multiple couples.

    524. 小肥啾宠爱手册 (Chubby Chick Raising Guide) by 未未不知眠. Modern xianxia schooldays.

    527. 大将军绑定了妖妃系统后 (Fierce General Bound by the Demon Concubine System) by 朴左右. Ancient imperial transmigration.

    541. 灵异爽文中的工具人觉醒了 (Supernatural Novel’s Supporting Character Awakened) by 兔月关. Modern xianxia entertainment multiple rebirth.

    546. 妖尊追着我开屏 (Demon Is Rushing to Display His Feathers to Me) by 非非非非. Ancient xianxia transmigration.

    550. 幼崽期的邪恶魔王抢我小饼干 (The Baby Demon Lord Stole My Biscuit) by 卷卷猫. Western fantasy.

    563. 穿成猫后我喂养了小皇子 (After Becoming a Cat, I Fed the Young Prince) by 弦三千. Ancient xianxia multiple transmigration rebirth.

    567. 穿成炮灰男配他亲爹 (Transmigrated Into the Cannon Fodder’s Father) by 岩城太瘦生. Modern transmigration comedy mpreg.

    569. 天雷能有什么坏心思呢 (What Naughty Thoughts Could the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Possibly Have?) by 春风遥. Ancient cultivation.

    600. 炮灰替身不想转正 (The Cannon Fodder Substitute Surprisingly Doesn’t Want to Become the Real Deal) by 桃子清. Modern transmigration comedy.

    611. 重生成仙尊的掌中啾 (Reborn Into the Honorable One’s Birb) by 一丛音. Ancient cultivation rebirth comedy.

    614. 上头 (First Time) by Seven柳. Modern schooldays.

    622. 江医生他怀了死对头的崽 (Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Rival’s Child) by 葫芦酱. Modern mpreg.

    639. 和影帝上恋综后炮灰爆红了 (After Falling in Love With the Film Emperor, the Cannon Fodder Became a Hit) by 王子鏖. Modern entertainment transmigration.

    650. 魔王摘下了他的小犄角 (The Demon Removed His Little Horns) by 羽萌. Western fantasy comedy.

    653. 傻了吧,爷会飞! (Idiot! I, Your Father, Can Fly!) by 打僵尸. Modern xianxia comedy.

    659. 叶秘书又说我坏话 (Secretary Ye Is Speaking Ill of Me Again). Modern business.

    689. 源血 (Blood of the Origin) by 楚寒衣青. Modern vampire comedy.

    715. 咸鱼真少爷上交系统后 (Once the Salted Fish Sold Out the System) by 临钥. Modern multiple transmigration rebirth comedy.

    740. 为了养老婆我成了开国皇帝[星际] (To Support My Wife, I Became the Founding Emperor [Interstellar]) by 七流. Interstellar transmigration mpreg.

    745. 寝室文学 (Dormitory Literature) by 二团书生. Modern school days comedy.

    785. 魔王今天抱到勇者大腿了吗 (Did the Demon Lord Hold the Hero’s Thigh Today?) by 西门蘑菇. Western fantasy transmigration comedy.

    802. 穿成阴鸷反派的联姻对象 (Transmigrated Into the Evil Villain’s Spouse) by 马户子君. Modern transmigration comedy.

    804. 龙傲天穿错书了 (Heaven’s Beloved Found the Wrong Book) by 头埋雪里. Multiple transmigration rebirth comedy.

    817. 魔尊被假哭包攻了 (Demon Lord Was Topped by the Fake Crybaby) by 冷山月. Ancient cultivation transmigration.

    828. 刻板印象 (Stereotypes) by 长不出青苔 . Modern ABO.

    863. 虫王的择夫标准 (Zerg King’s Mate Selection Standard) by 鬼半京. Interstellar transmigration.

    864. 万事如意 (I Wish You the Best) by 五军. Modern business. What's this? A realistic romance novel where true love doesn't solve everything? Outrageous. :blobconfused:

    876. 和总裁Alpha离婚后我实现了财务自由 (I Achieved Financial Freedom After Divorcing the Alpha Boss) by 白鹿. Modern ABO.

    893. 反派修为尽失后 (After the Villain Lost His Cultivation) by 一丛音. Ancient cultivation.
    tabushechka and IntrovertedElf like this.
  6. IntrovertedElf

    IntrovertedElf Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    I dont know about the rest but 244 is already being translated here in NU

  7. IceLight303

    IceLight303 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Thanks for the recommendations.
  8. snooppyed

    snooppyed Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2020
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    any recommendations for QT?