A possible summary ?



Test, Male
Blog Posts:
John, a recently graduated college student manages to find a job at his dream workplace.
After working for a month, when he is ready to get his paycheck, he stumbles upon a lady. As a gentleman, he should tackle a women heart gently, but reality is not to John suggestion. Why, because he need to tackle the women the hard way so he can save the lady from a fast approaching car.

But he got hit in the process.

To make matter worse, he saw his life flashing before his eyes. A not so good luck on his part.
Although the regret of having to forgo his historical first paycheck and a possible first girlfriend, will he also have a chance at reincarnation like all those Japanese stereotypical summoned hero?
Something to do at spare time. Unleashing ideas and training to be a better writer? Anyway, opinion to fleshed/edit this summary of mine better?

Eat_Angst likes this.


    1. Midnight Rain Sep 27, 2017
      I think you need to make it a bit longer and make it more interesting.. it was too mainstream i guess?
      Eat_Angst and Anown like this.