Comments on Profile Post by Yukkuri Oniisan

  1. asriu
    don't even bother it~
    I give up about fans term on business model long before I touch web novel~
    Mar 22, 2017
  2. Yukkuri Oniisan
    Yukkuri Oniisan
    What annoy me is that some reader confused a fantranslator with amateur translator.
    The first done their chapters depending on their whim/availability, mostly out of the feeling of wanting to share or community work or personal sense of obligation.
    The second done their chapters based on the expectation of monetary reward or unofficial chapter contract. It's not like every novel translator is of this second kind.
    Mar 22, 2017
    CDLevit and asriu like this.
  3. Yukkuri Oniisan
    Yukkuri Oniisan
    As an old generation, I kinda have a mixed feeling in this....... Or perhaps this was just my personal bias......
    Mar 22, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  4. asriu
    ai generation read after ww introduced donation system most will think it's normal to gain money for translation and still call it fans translation~
    I don't even want to bother fanstranlator term with them~
    Mar 22, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  5. CDLevit
    CDLevit general, you are right.
    Mar 22, 2017