Comments on Profile Post by AnoeticDuckling

  1. Osamaru
    Oct 9, 2017
    leegood and AnoeticDuckling like this.
  2. AnoeticDuckling
    I mean my actual name. It means duck.
    Oct 9, 2017
    leegood and Osamaru like this.
  3. Osamaru
    ( ̄▽ ̄)☕ So you really are Ducky? *sips tea*
    Oct 9, 2017
    leegood likes this.
  4. AnoeticDuckling
    I am, I am. But like, of all the things, I was named duck. I ain't no ballerina, I'm not fixing anyone's heart through the power of dance!
    Oct 9, 2017
    leegood likes this.
  5. leegood
    *eyes start shining* you sure?~
    Well, I'll see you later~
    *goes off to bed but realizes I'm in bed, just typing on my device*
    Oct 9, 2017
  6. AnoeticDuckling
    was the refrence lost? Come on now! I couldn't have been the only one suckered into watching Princess Tutu and found it to be rather engaging and emotional.
    Oct 9, 2017