God hunter

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Arbalest, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. Arbalest

    Arbalest Arcane Knight Anti Mage Honeytrap Devourer

    Nov 22, 2015
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    From the creators of the king of the battlefields and dungeon Hunter why a lot of 1 star on votes?
    Is this novel already drop into Abby's lake?
    Or the translators are busy on RL? And they don't have spare time to translate this awesome novel.
    Or the problem is not enough donators to continue this novel if that's the case I can help donate I hope the others help too
    Waiting for miracle......
  2. Okuri Ookami

    Okuri Ookami 'Chi Chi Chi' calls the Sparrow

    Dec 16, 2015
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    This novel is decent but because of the off and on translation I have it at a semi-permanent hiatus on my reading list. The TL translates at their own pace to say the least. The TL actually translates pretty fast but its off and on and erratic. The last spike in uploads was nearly 20 chapters after a few month long vacation. I'll read this but right now I'm waiting for it to be consistent