RIP Roadhog~

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by Exland, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Cupcake Ninja

    Cupcake Ninja [Kind Sage][Lord Benevolence][ The Great Paragon]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    The fact that only truly skilled players can use him effectively just shows how DEFECTIVE he is as a character. The goal is to bring out the potential in a character even if they aren't the strongest or fastest. Playing smart should be all you need. Know what's not cool? Putting forth a OP character that REQUIRES AN EQAUALLY OP PLAYER to be used well. That's ridiculous. When a character needs you to have a certain skill set to be even decent when playing him/her, that's when i draw a line. Because expecting that of people is a bit much in my opinion.

    Now dont get me wrong though. Genji is cool as fuck when you know how to play him. But the thing is...ALL THESE FUKKEN NOOBS ARE FUCKING UP OUR GAME, BRO! I MAIN MERCY MOST DAYS, THE FUCK, YOU THINK I WANNA BE HEALING THAT FUCKER ALL DAY JUST CUZ SOME ARROGANT SHIT WANTS TO LOOK COOL?!! Screw that!

    Its fine if you're a bad player thats using a character who aint hard to play as, but its another thing if you're a bad player who is using a character meant for skilled individuals and you pull the entire team down with you. Cuz the first is bad but at least he won't be apocalpyptically so with an easy to use character...the second is screaming "i want to crippple your team's chance of winning just for the shits and giggles. teehee~"

    Fukken hate shitty Genji mains. If you can't play him good, and you aint gon stop fucking around with him, i hope your beloved character gets axed and sent to Purgatory!

    The only time Genji is nice to see when he's on the other team. And not yours. but when it happens to you, you won't be happy he can be played at all
  2. Corvo269

    Corvo269 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2016
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    Damn that salt. But yeah, I pretty much pick genji when the enemy team doesn't have winston and our dps happened to be half decent. There's a small checklist to follow.
    First, actually play like a ninja and falnk around the frontlines.
    Mercy, Hanzo, Widow, Ana and fuck bastion are your first priority.
    No one's gonna heal you so memorize those health pack locations. And lastly, when using your ult. Dash into the sky, activate it, your dash will reset cause of that and then fuck up their shit.
    Unlike soldier, orisa and mc cree. Genji is not a hero for the front lines. He has to be used like an assassin class not warrior
    Cupcake Ninja likes this.
  3. Cupcake Ninja

    Cupcake Ninja [Kind Sage][Lord Benevolence][ The Great Paragon]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    i'm saving this.
  4. Khatulistiwa

    Khatulistiwa An Egg Eternal

    Aug 12, 2016
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    My condolences, whoever that is
  5. Eruxol

    Eruxol Du-sollst――Dies irae

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As a tracer main, i'm happy because i can kill more roadhog.