Novel The Last Emperor of Nature

Discussion in 'Community Fictions' started by UselessBrain, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Just a story that I will write to kill time(I will post the first chapter today, in a couple hours maybe)
    Don't expect something great, even my grammar isn't that good... Any opinions or reviews are accepted.
    EDIT: finally, the first chapter!

    During the invasion of a castle, a soldier could be seen running from the battle, as he already knew that the war was over…He ran to the point he couldn’t feel his legs anymore, until he found a strange barrier, with a door that was closing very quickly. The soldier didn’t think twice and moved past the barrier, and right after he reached the other side, the door behind him closed and he fainted.

    His family had already left him when he was 11, his friends probably all died in the war… unsatisfied with his life, he decided to be something greater than just a minion, he wanted to become someone that would make his enemies tremble with fear. But who could conquer the respect and fear of all and decide the destiny of all men and women in the world?There was just one answer for this question: An Emperor!

    Now, with an entire world in front of him waiting to be explored and great ambitions in mind, he would start his journey to create the greatest empire!

    (A little spoiler: he will become a special type of necromancer to do that, hehe)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
    Hunta and arrogantyoungmaster like this.
  2. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Warning: for the first chapter, I will try to explain the place he is and a few aspects of his personality, such as Focus and intelligence and I will try to show some of his skills and strengths too. Don't expect an awesome chapter with a bunch of new characters and a lot of action.
  3. Hunta

    Hunta shameless

    Aug 4, 2016
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    An emperor of nature and a necromancer? Will he bring dead plants back to life?

    Not sure how it will work but the power seems interesting to look forward to.
  4. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    hehe, it's not what you said, it's something unique(I think)
    Hunta likes this.
  5. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Chapter 1- The Beginning

    After reaching the Unknown Half, Leonard, who was already focused and intelligent had taken a day to make important decisions in his life and search around the place.

    He had discovered that in this place, 2km away there was a forest of unknown size.He could see a good amount of animals; However, almost all of these animals were in the first level of the Material Realm, and as he was in this same realm of strength, it would be hard to hunt them.

    After walking a bit more, he arrived at his destiny; A relatively isolated place, where laid a Sharp-Tailed Lion, who was there probably protecting its group’s territory.

    (Author’s Note: Some people might comment ‘’why did he choose a lion, even though they walk in groups? Well, the answer is simple: When the female lion is hunting, the male usually stays in the territory to protect it, so they were far from the male)

    From far, Leonard slithered through the bushes while he approached the lion with the sword in hand and prepared to do the fatal attack.He had learned some stealth techniques in the army, and that was the reason why he could sneak through the bushes without being seen by the Sharp-Tailed Lion.

    Shh! the sound of grass shaking could be heard as Leonard jumped and appeared in front of the lion, and made a horizontal attack aiming towards the lion’s right forearm.He knew he wouldn’t be able to cut the animal’s head at this distance, so he chose to weaken the lion’s speed and strength, making the fight easier.

    The lion quickly jumped backward, but it was too late; Leonard had already reached its forearm and cut through it.Without an arm, the lion was weakened by at least 30%, so this fight was practically won.

    However, the lion surprised Leonard by roaring loudly, in an obvious attempt to alert its companions.Leonard quickly got the lion’s intention and ran toward it, aiming the left side of the lion.But at the last moment, when the lion had already prepared to dodge to the right, Leonard stuck his foot to the ground and used all his strength to jump to the right, reaching the lion that was already moving and couldn’t stop; Leonard made a clear-cut towards the lion’s head and killed it.

    After the fight, Leonard didn’t hesitate and hid the lion’s corpse and right after doing that, started to run deeper into the forest, with the intention of fleeing from the incoming band of female Sharp-Tailed Lions.After running 50 meters, Leonard found a cave and without thinking twice he entered deep into it.

    This cave was strangely neat and even had some old wooden chairs and a table, as well as some torches that Leonard could see after setting up a fire pit in the cave. He even found a skeleton holding a strange book, and after reading its contents, he was surprised.

    [Supreme Necromancy Technique:Nature Summoning]:This technique allows one to break free from the limits of the mortal world and use the Natural Energy created by all life, the NATURE ENERGY to summon the dead, through a temporary or permanent link(depending on the level of understanding) of soul and body, resurrecting the being.

    What was all of this?Nature Summoning?Nature Energy?the more Leonard read, the more he was surprised with the explanations.

    NATURE ENERGY: Although the energy most beings use is the heavenly energy, this isn’t the strongest energy! The real energy that should be used is the Nature Energy, that any living being can produce and use as long as it has some conscience.This energy, besides being 170 times purer than heavenly energy, is many times stronger and has infinite uses!

    Nature Summoning Technique: Uses a certain amount of Nature Energy to create a link between the soul and body of the individual, making possible either a temporary or permanent resurrection, with the individual being a slave to the user of the technique.

    These explanations were simply not from this world!This was just too overpowered, and in the later levels, one could even permanently resurrect living beings!a new universe appeared before him in this moment.At this point, Leonard woke up from his state of deep surprise with the sound of footsteps, and these were the footsteps of a crowd of at least 300 people.After that, a feminine voice could be heard ‘’Let’s enter this cave to get a little bit of shelter and rest!’’

    After that, a young, blonde haired and blue eyed woman entered the cave, along with a group of about 312 people, all starving and weak.Immediately, they saw Leonard and the blonde woman talked to him.

    "Hi, my name is Alice, we are a wandering group of people from a destroyed village, who might you be?"She politely said.After all, they were invading "his " cave.

    "I am Leonard, I ended up here while running from a group of Sharp-Tailed Lions after killing their leader"He said.

    "What?Sharp-Tailed Lions?aren't they of the first level of the Material realm ?are you at that level?please help us!in this part of the forest there are no monsters we can handle, so we need someone to lead and protect us!"Alice hurriedly said.Normally, they wouldn't ask for a random stranger they just met for help, but their situation was so bad that they had no choice.

    "Hahahahah, just what I was looking for!Rest assured, you will not only survive, but you will make history!" Now, Leonard had people to lead , a good skill to learn and great ambitions!his adventure was about to begin !
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
    arrogantyoungmaster likes this.
  6. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Chapter two-

    Chapter 2-Hunting and Breakthrough

    One day after Leonard reunited with the crowd he came to know that they had searched the entire area, and there was some useful information:

    First of all, the part of the land that he was before he entered the forest was as big as 400 km of length and 370km of width, so there was a lot of space to build, so finding a good part of the area to settle a new village wouldn’t be a big problem.

    Second, after the forest, there were 3 big kingdoms, that ruled over 20 small kingdoms, and they were: the Kallamore kingdom, the Khalifa kingdom, and the Harpy kingdom.The latter was quite interesting, as it was composed mainly of harpies and bird-like creatures.

    Third, this forest had a lot of food, but to get sufficient food for 300 hundred people, they would have to walk as much as 20 km deep into the forest, and that was the area where the beasts of the 4th level of the Material realm were, and any beast of this level could easily massacre all of them by itself, including Leonard.

    Fourth, the group was divided like this:110 capable men, 140 women, 42 elders and 20 kids.

    With this information in mind, Leonard chose a peculiar place to settle down.It was a clearing almost in the center of the non-forestal area and it was located between the two biggest mountains of the area.After sending 30 capable men to gather wood and build the shacks, he gathered 15 men and went deep into the forest; Their goal was clear:hunting the weakest animals.This way, they would kill two birds with just one stone, getting meat and clothes, as they were all wearing old rags.

    Leonard used an old tactic he learned in the army and made spears made of wood, just to make sure everyone has a weapon.After searching the whole area, they found their target: a pack of wolves, composed of 4 females and 2 males, as well as 1 puppy, all of them(except the puppy)being of the first level of the Material Realm.They were fastly detected by the wolves and started their attack.Leonard and his group attacked first and outnumbered the wolves, but 6 wolves of the Material Realm were no joke.The wolves immediately scattered and hid in the bushes, obviously going for a stealth attack.

    Leonard didn’t hesitate and shouted ‘’all of you, make a circle, we need to make sure no one is caught unprepared!’’ The group formed a small circle, and all of them prepared for a sudden attack of the wolves.

    On the other side, the wolves weren’t as dumb as they should and attacked altogether.Aiming at Leonard they were clearly trying to break the formation by attacking the strongest.After seeing the wolves in action, Leonard couldn’t be more surprised ‘How could they have such intelligence?are all of the monsters in this area this smart?’ He knew that monsters could develop a conscience, but supposedly, that was just at the later levels; No monster of this level could be like this.

    Leonard immediately jumped backward and with a swing of his sword, tried to hit the head of the wolves, obviously trying to stop their attacks.The group didn’t sit and watch either, they immediately aimed their spears at the wolves and advanced fearlessly. The spears were successful in hitting their targets, but surprisingly, they weren’t able to penetrate the skin of the wolves; They just made some superficial wounds and nothing more.

    However, the wolves were able to make two wounds at the same time in Leonard, one of them in the left shoulder and the other in his right leg.Leonard saw that the situation was bad and immediately shouted ‘’all of you, gather in groups of two and each of you will go against one of the wolves, leaving three people, me included, to aim at one at a time;This way, we will be able to kill them one by one and have minimum losses!’’ The group went into action and after a few seconds, the formation was working. One expert of the first level of the Material Realm could easily fight two people, but killing them was another story.

    After 15 minutes of battle, the first wolf was down.And with 5 people, they went towards the next one and so on; The battle lasted for one hour and after that, every man was tired to death.There were no losses, but two men were heavily wounded and although they wouldn’t die, they would need some time to recover.In 2 hours, they started to return to the crowd, with tired yet happy faces; After all, this was their first successful hunt!All of this, of course, was thanks to Leonard and his strategy.As for the wolf puppy, it was taken by Leonard and he decided to use it to test the [Nature Summoning Technique].

    At the camp, the villagers had already made two temporary shacks, and they used them to shelter the wounded soldiers and their families; As for the rest of the crowd, they slept without even beds.Leonard, on the other side, kept meditating on the first part of the [Nature Summoning Technique].The first part consisted of transforming all of his energy into Nature Energy;So, for this, he used the method that the book described.He had to destroy all of his meridians and use the self-destruction’s energy to sweep away any vestiges of heavenly energy on his body, basically crippling himself.After doing that, he had to use his conscience to create a link with his soul, then his soul with the body and his body with nature.

    But there were two problems with this method: First of all he wasn’t able to focus his conscience and link it to his soul, because only the experts of the higher realms were known to be able to do that.The only method to do that in the lower realms was the one described in the book: to stay concentrated without even moving an eyebrow for at least 1 day and 12 hours and in this time, he would try to sense his soul and understanding.After comprehending his soul, he would use 12 hours to gather all his focus and imagine tiny waves of energy(made by his conscience)connecting to the soul; And this was just the first part of the method!The second problem he would have is to connect his body with nature because, in this period of time, nature was impregnated with heavenly energy, so he would have to somehow forcefully create nature energy himself and force a connection!

    With this in mind, he ate an entire wolf’s meat, drank all the water he could and sat cross-legged beside a near crystalline lake.The first part of the process went on smoothly and he even comprehended his soul some minutes faster; However, when he tried to condense his conscience into waves of energy, he felt like there was some type of energy blocking him from condensing.It was the heavenly law!to do this part of the process, he would need to break the heavenly law, and for that, he would have to find a flaw within it and that was easier said than done.

    After 30 hours, he reached enlightenment: The only flaw in heavenly energy was that it wasn’t an energy created naturally, but it was provided by a supreme expert!Actually, the heavenly energy was created by a supreme expert in some part of the universe, and by using it a link was created with this distant expert.He started to use his conscience to attack this blockade by attacking tiny points, and after 3 hours he created a tiny hole in it and started to send his conscience using this point.After connecting to the soul, the next step was connecting to the body and that step went smoothly; in 12 hours his body had a link to his soul.After that, came the worst part: to forcefully break heavenly law and create natural energy!At this time, there was a symbol floating above Leonard’s head, and it was the symbol of a tree, with its trunk, branches, and roots all well, but without its leaves.

    In 2 hours, there was no progress.But right at that moment, Leonard opened his eyes and shouted ‘’IF HUMANS ARE BOTHERING ME, I WILL KILL HUMANS, IF MONSTERS ARE AGAINST ME, I WILL MASSACRE ALL OF THEM, AND IF HEAVENLY LAW IS AGAINST ME, I WILL BREAK IT! GO FUCK YOURSELF, POWERFUL EXPERT!BREEEEAK!’’ Rumble, the earth trembled, and an angry shout could be heard in the sky as if someone was deeply angered. The tree above Leonard’s head created a tiny leaf, and it developed into the first leaf.Leonard had broken through!The energy around Leonard started to immediately disperse and transform into Nature Energy, he was transforming the space itself!

    This entire process lasted for 47 hours, almost 2 full days.Humans could stay at most 4 days without water, so he immediately jumped into the lake and drank all the water he could, even if it was polluted.During the transformation, his body had changed.His hair was now slightly green, and his eyes were almost entirely green too.His muscles were well defined and his skin had a jade-white tone; If Alice was here now, she would find it extremely difficult not to be enchanted by his charm.

    After returning to the camp and seeing the surprised expressions, he went toward Alice and said ‘’Hey, what’s up?’’

    When she turned around, she almost spat a mouthful of blood.It was like seeing the most beautiful person in the world.She immediately blushed and said ‘’W-what did you do to your appearance?how did you become so beautiful?And why can’t I see your cultivation?’’

    ‘’Well, I was just making some changes in my cultivation and I now use a new type of energy, and it ended up like this he said and quickly changed the topic ‘’let’s get to the point.After the process of getting stronger, I now can kill beasts of at least the third level of the Material realm, so our routine will change a little.I will be hunting level 2 beasts that walk in groups of at the maximum 3 individuals and we will hunt for 5 hours every day.after clearing a good area, we will use it to search for fruits and other types of food and resources.Now I need to go and test some things saying that, he went toward a secluded place, without even talking to Alice, as he had more things to do.

    Alice was stunned by all that but immediately returned to herself and executed the orders.

    After reaching a secluded point of the clearing, Leonard took the puppy and with a guilty look, he said ‘’I’m sorry my little friend, I will need to be a little cruel to you'' and killed the poor little wolf.He executed some hand symbols and placed his hand on the corpse.

    The little wolf’s corpse started to glow with a green light, and the soul of the poor puppy could be seen in the place where its heart was, connected to its head by chains made of Nature Energy, and a little green core formed in the head of the puppy, glowing like mad.The puppy’s eyes opened, and by a link with Leonard’s soul, it could communicate, not by speaking but by sending messages with power.It was all his now.Success!Now Leonard could test all of the other aspects.

    Leonard could order the puppy to do anything he wanted and the puppy died again, strangely without the core disappearing, after 4 hours.Of course, the time varied based on the power of the controlled being.Based on what Leonard learned in the technique’s book, he could store these beings in his soul’s world, that was created when he broke through and there, the beings were all alive all the time.He did that, and in a small world of 100 meters of diameter, the puppy appeared and regained life, without having to eat or sleep.

    On 2 hours, Leonard recovered his lost power and went toward the camp to command the villagers again.The villagers were distributed like this: the 30 capable men were still gathering wood, while the other 80 were used to search for resources around the area and find things such as vine trees and stones to make weapons and tools, medicinal herbs and so on.The women were in charge of producing the weapons and tools and searching for seeds of edible plants.Even elders and kids had their own tasks to do.

    In 3 short months, Leonard already had 2 leaves in his tree that was now located in his soul world and could kill beasts of the fifth level of the Material Realm but his cultivation came to a halt.The villagers all had basic shacks, tools, and weapons, as well as sufficient food for surviving; the 15 hunters were all already at the first level of the Material realm and were experienced in hunting in these woods.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
    arrogantyoungmaster likes this.
  7. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Chapter 3-I admit, this chapter is very bad, because it's my first time creating interactions between characters, so it might seem a bit forced.Please, patience
    The Magic Stones, Shocking Discovery.

    In the beautiful plains of the second half, at an isolated place, full of trees and rocks that seemed to be handmade by God, a youth, with black and green hair, beautiful physique and a pair of greenish brown eyes could be seen sitting cross-legged;A beautiful green light surrounded him and danced around, almost as if it had life, above his head a green symbol representing a tree with two leaves.Of course, this youth was Leonard, who was peacefully cultivating while trying to understand the mysteries of nature.

    By what he could understand, nature was unpredictable and beautiful, and he was almost touching upon a very particular threshold, but no matter what he did he couldn’t break through it.

    ‘’I have to get inspiration somehow...anyway, I will go to the village and see what’s going on'' having decided that, he went to the village.

    The village was becoming quite the beautiful landscape; Some shacks could be seen, along with the shining sun and a beautiful blue sky.People could be seen talking and laughing happily, without having to care much about food now that they had already planted their crops.It had to be said that the farms they planted were also something good to see.Leonard walked through the improvised farms and observed every activity of the villagers.Although most part of the time he was focused, cold and Intelligent, no heart was made of stone.He also liked to admire the beauty of the world.

    Right as Leonard was walking through a particular part of the farms, he saw Alice in a relatively isolated part, sitting cross-legged and with a pensive expression.As he didn’t have much to care about, Leonard decided to go and see how she was.

    ‘’Hey there, Alice, Sorry for interrupting, what are you so concerned about?’’ Said Leonard walking toward her with a smile on his face.

    ‘’Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just that I was meditating about some things that happened in my life…’’After saying that, her expression turned a little melancholic and a little tear could be seen in her eye; It seemed as if she had remembered something very sad.

    ‘’Sorry for asking, it seems this isn’t something to talk about right now'' Leonard was a little stunned with her reaction, as he had never talked like this to a woman before.Most of the time he spent in the army he was either training or fighting, and he didn’t have much time to talk to women and as he had almost no friends, he was terrible with interactions between people.

    ‘’No, you don’t have to apologize...I was thinking about my life and the ups and downs...As I was born in the time my village was still prospering and growing, being the daughter of the village chief, I had a lot of vintages.It could be said I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.This was until my village perished due to the attack of a barbarian tribe and as we didn’t have any money to give to the Kallamore empire anymore, we were expelled and became nomads.Even my father died in an attempt to save us from a certain beast in the forest...he was an expert at the ninth level of the Material Realm but he was dead in just 3 minutes; Although it gave us time to escape and hide, it was an enormous loss.’’When saying that, she had already started crying long ago.

    Despite having a calm expression, Leonard was nervous on the inside, without knowing what to do...he could tell his story to her, but he didn’t think it would help in any way.So he just made the most beautiful smile he could and said ‘’I have a sad story to tell too...But one thing I can say to you is: It doesn’t matter what happened in your life, if you still have a breath of life, use it to search for happiness!don’t bother much about the past, learn with it and persevere!’’After saying that he went toward her and hugged her.This was a wonderful feeling that neither one of them had ever felt before, and although it wasn’t anything great like a relationship being created and they wouldn’t fall in love because of this, it was a good start.

    After this happening, Leonard felt something was awakening in his soul, but he couldn’t guess what it was.’Nevermind, I will see what it is later.’He thought as he walked toward the village again, planning to manage some other business.But right as he reached the part of the village located close to the mountain, A middle-aged, burly man, with a gray beard and white hair, as well as black eyes went toward him in a hurried manner.This was the villager in charge of scouting the area near the mountain, as the mountain was extremely big, so big that its summit touched the clouds; His name was Ragnar and he was 56 years-old.

    ‘’Village chief, I found something very interesting!’’he said as he greeted Leonard respectfully.

    Leonard was intrigued by what could be so interesting as to make Ragnar so excited, so he immediately asked what was it.

    ‘’I was walking around this area, and some meters away I could see a blue, beautiful light emanating from a certain area of the mountain...After investigating a little bit, I discovered that it was actually a magical stone!’’Ragnar said with a happy expression.

    ‘’Magic stone?’’Leonard was surprised.Of course, he knew about magic stones; They were a special type of material that was neither a stone or a metal, and it had various uses, but the most famous one was that it actually had ‘’natural’’ runes implanted into it.Of course, they weren’t runes made of natural energy, being made of heavenly energy.Runes were things that were used to almost all things.

    In 15 minutes they were at the place where Ragnar found the stones, and Leonard could see the bluish-white stones that shined beautifully.He immediately had an idea and ordered Ragnar to keep all of the villagers away from this place; Only he was able to enter this area.

    Ragnar didn’t understand the reason for this, but he immediately obeyed and returned to his normal tasks.

    Deep into the forest, a group of 15 people could be seen entering a particular part of it that was flooded and full of different trees, and some insects and animals could be seen around the place.It was one of the most dangerous parts of the forest, the swamp.

    ‘’let’s walk slowly and without much noise.If we wake up any of the fifth level beasts here, we will certainly die.’’A thin and tall brown haired man said.He was the leader of the group and his name was Matthew.Of course, this was a pure truth; In the swamp, if one made a tiny mistake one could wake up even a beast in the first level of the Spiritual Realm.If it happened, there is no need to further explanations.

    The group went on silently and carefully; as their objective here was to search for the medicinal plant the scouts had found, they would complete the task and run away the fastest possible.

    ‘Right there!’ one of them whispered while pointing at a particular direction.In that direction, there was a particular flower that shined with a beautiful white light and gave an extremely good aroma; It was composed of 6 petals and each petal had a different color.This was the plant they were searching for: the Ten Thousand Colors Ajunis.Despite the peculiar name, this plant had extremely good medicinal effects, with each petal having a different property.

    ‘But look at that stone beside it, isn’t it a little odd?It has two holes and has a peculiar shape’ someone commented.

    ‘I couldn’t care less about it!let’s just get the plant and get the hell outta here!’ a burly man spoke.

    They walked slowly and when they were about to reach the plant, a sound was heard.

    BOOM! the stone exploded and revealed a strange animal that was hidden within it.It was a frog with two horns in its head that were 50cm long and it was black.Its eyes shined with a cold, yellow light that contrasted with its black color forming a strange, but terrifying appearance.

    At that moment, it was as if time stopped, and there were just the frog and the fifteen men in the place.Matthew had an extremely ugly face as he muttered the words ‘’D-Dark Horned Frog, SS-Second level of the Spiritual Realm’’Before he even finished saying that, the frog had already howled loudly, and just as it was about to crush them like tiny little ants, an even more terrifying voice could be heard.

    ‘’SHUT THE FUCK UP, FUCKING LITTLE FROG!’’The voice echoed like thunder in the ears of all present, and the fear they felt couldn’t be described in words.Two of them even pissed themselves.This voice was like a terrifying angered God of Death, and one thing was sure: if the owner of this voice wanted to annihilate all of them, it wouldn’t even need to move a single finger.

    Matthew was the first one to gather enough courage to move and grabbed the Ten Thousand Colors Ajunis, and right after that, he started to run for his life.The frog had already disappeared from sight mysteriously, and no sign of it could be seen.

    After 2 minutes of panicking, the entire group managed to regain their composure and started to run too.This scene would never be forgotten by any of them.

    When they managed to return to the village, they explained the entire situation to Alice, and after a few minutes pondering, an order was sent: No one was to enter the swamp ever again and they had to immediately plant the Ajunis.If there were existences as strong as this in the forest, they had to grow as much as they could to at least have a chance of surviving.

    After 2 months, an enormous ball of green light could be seen in a certain place on the mountain, with 100m of diameter.This ball was extremely imposing and it looked like a green, shining sun, ready to burn the entire world.However, when it exploded, it didn’t do any damage to the area; Instead, a beautiful show of green light could be seen, streaks of light were dancing in the sky as if they had lived and were presenting themselves to the entire world.A youth could be seen walking from the explosion, with a happy smile on his face.

    ‘’I’ve finally done it!Hahahahahahaha!’’ The youth laughed as if he had experienced the happiest moment ever.

    In another side of the second half, a middle aged man, with brown hair and sharp expression, dressed in royal clothes, was sitting on his throne, chatting happily with his concubine while caressing her buttocks.However, at this moment the door abruptly opened, and a little boy appeared.

    The boy immediately bowed and said ‘’My king, we have information of another village that is quite close to this kingdom, and we have detected some activity from the forest near it!It looks like they have found some type of treasure!’’he said with a respectful expression.

    The middle-aged king made a strange expression, but then he smirked and stroked his beard while saying: ‘’Interesting, interesting’’.
  8. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Chapter 4-

    Finally Using the Technique

    At the village, there was excitement, happiness, and hope.The reason for that was simple: Leonard had discovered an entirely new world of possibilities for the evolution of their lifestyles.He had discovered how to use natural runes; this might seem as something simple, but it was way more complicated than one might think.Using his knowledge, he could develop new spells, improvements, and the most interesting thing: He could transform heavenly energy into Natural Energy!by using a special type of rule, he learned that he was able to ''Filter'' the polluted heavenly energy from everything and transform the ambient around him.But he wouldn't aim for such small objectives as this; He planned to do something big, he planned to transform the energy of the entire empty plains of the second half into Natural Energy!But for that, he would need a lot of heavenly treasures, and as he didn't have any right now, he needed to search in the big kingdoms!

    As he was preparing some things to start his lonely journey, he sensed someone at his door.When he opened the door, he was surprised.It was a girl that seemed to have 20 some years, with blue hairs, white eyes, and a slender body.She was even more beautiful than Alice, and certainly, her beauty could cause the fall of a nation.

    ''H-Hi, I'm called Lara, and I... I wanted to travel with you... you know, I've never gone out of the village when it was still there, and I always wanted to travel abroad and explore the outside world...''She wasn't that timid, but some hesitation could be seen in the way she spoke.

    ''Of course, have you already prepared your baggage?''Leonard said with a smile on his face.

    ''Yes, it's all ready.''She answered

    ''Let's set off then.''

    After he said that, they started their journey.As there was no other way to reach the big kingdoms other than crossing the forest, they chose the fastest route possible; Going through this way they would spend, without counting any mishappening, 4 months at normal speed.But with Leonard's natural energy and knowledge of runes, they would speed up a little and would take at most 3 months.Leonard set off after leaving some instructions to the villagers regarding how to change their cultivation like he did.

    The scenery at the part of the forest they were was quite beautiful, yet terrifying, making a strange contrast.3 Hours later they were already at 1 km deep into the forest, so they decided to set up a camp and rest a little.

    ''Oh I just forgot, I've not taken a bed with me, I have to sleep with you now'' Lara said with a timid and red face.Her white-red face was so beautiful that Leonard almost fell for her charm, but he quickly regained his posture.

    ''Of course, I will make some adaptations in it and you can sleep with me.It's just that most of the time at night I don't sleep, I usually cultivate and meditate in the mysteries of the world.''Leonard said with a strange expression while he made some arrangements in the bed he had brought.

    ''Ok, but why do you put so much stress on yourself? I've always watched you cultivating, and you cultivate almost 20 hours per day, stopping just to drink water and eat.Don't you have something to help you relax?you are a human, after all.'' As Lara said that, a curious expression appeared on her face.

    ''Well, now that you mentioned it, I don't work much on my emotional part...I always think either about cultivating or about managing the village.''Leonard said.After all, he was a soldier created in a strict army with a hectic routine of training.

    ''Anyways, let's sleep now, I'm already tired of walking'' Lara said as she went to the bed made of special vines.

    After this dialogue, Leonard was quite intrigued.He never thought of developing his emotional and human part, as he had a great ambition and almost no time to think about that.However, thinking this way, what made people want to cultivate?was it eternal life?power?selfishness? If you think about it, all of these things are superficial; The real reason why people cultivate and get stronger is emotions!Even the beasts had their own emotions, their own form of feeling.Maybe cultivating wasn't just about getting stronger, beating enemies and defeating arrogant young masters, there was definitely reasons behind it.And all of them were about emotions!Be it anger, Sorrow, Happiness, desire to protect the loved ones, even instincts, all of them cultivated because of emotions!While he had this ''insight'', he felt like something inside him was awakening, trying to show itself.

    HMMMMM his heart shined green, and he could see clearly his heart beating in his chest, and all of his veins with blood on them.his entire body shone green and the symbol of a tree appeared in his head.Strangely, there were 5 new leaves in it!and all of them looked more vigorous and brilliant than the first ones.

    In his soul world, a tiny lake was born and the diameter of the world increased to 1 km.The lake had crystalline water and inside it, there was a tiny green ball with the size of a ping-pong ball and it was rotating continuously. His hair was almost entirely green and his eyes were entirely green.

    Leonard felt a wave of power entering his body, ready to be used and he could feel nature energy being produced at extremely fast rates.

    Now Leonard felt that it was finally time to use his necromancy!He didn't use it before because if even a wolf puppy of the first level of the Material Realm could be maintained for just 4 hours, it wouldn't be of much use for him for the time being.However, this situation changed when he broke through and now he could finally put the technique to use; He just had to find a suitable body to use.

    Lara woke up after sensing a great power around her and found an entirely new Leonard.His expression gave a feeling of confidence, his face was even more beautiful than before, and he had a strange aura that gave the sensation of tranquility and protection.

    ''What just happened?''She asked, puzzled.

    ''I broke through, not just in power but in mind state too.Thank you for helping me, now I'm much better.''Leonard said with a heroic face.

    Lara didn't know how to react and just decided to leave it be.''You're welcome, I think'' She said.

    At morning they set off again toward the forest, but this time around the traveling wasn't as peaceful as the previous day.From far away, they could sense at least 2 beasts spotting them, and both of them were something the previous Leonard couldn't handle.One was at the eighth level of the Material Realm, and the other at the first level of the Spiritual Realm.As the realms were divided into eight levels each until the Soul Realm, and each realm had an enormous difference in strength, Lara was terrified.She didn't know they were being spotted, but Leonard told her after they reached a certain point.

    ''W-Wouldn't it be better to try another route? this one seems too dangerous for me'' Said Laura with a scared expression.After all, there were two strong beasts with their eyes on the two of them and they were on themselves in this forest, so no help could be expected.

    ''Relax, stay behind me and watch the show'' Leonard whispered as he ran toward the direction of the beasts.

    The beasts were immediately startled, how could a human dare to invade their territory like this, what was on his mind?the two started to run toward him as well; One was a big ape with four arms and three legs, the Seven-Membered killer ape.The other was a tiger with a pair of horns, a pair of wings and it had spikes on its back; It was the Winged Forest Tiger.

    The beasts sent a punch and a claw attack respectively, one aiming for the right side and one for the left.Leonard immediately gathered a lot of energy in his left hand and pointed it to the sky.the little ball of natural energy grew bigger and chains could be seen coming out of it.The attacks of the beasts were blocked by chains and the chains started to attack the two of them.

    The fight was hard for both sides, the chains attacked like smart snakes aiming for the weak spots of the beasts, the tiger sent spike attacks from the air and the ape punched like a professional boxer.After 2 hours of fighting, both sides were exhausted and just as the beasts were about to back off, Leonard gathered all the energy he could and sent 20 chains toward the beasts; As the beasts were extremely tired, they didn't have the time to dodge.They were caught by the chains, and in a terrifying manner, the chains pulled them to the green ball of energy.

    After they entered the ball, their enormous bodies of 3 and 4 meters were sucked into Leonard's soul realm, and after that, he fainted.

    Leonard woke up with Lara cleaning his dirty face with a bucket of cold water, and he didn't think twice as he accessed his soul realm.He could see the two beasts sleeping there, and they were in a state of metamorphosis.Their energy was transforming into natural energy too.

    Two days later, the beasts were already ready to be used; Leonard and Lara were at one of the most dangerous parts of the forest, so Leonard tried to test out his beasts.He summoned the Seven Membered Ape and sent it deeper into the forest to hunt.5 hours later, it brought the corpse of a beast on the third level of the Spiritual Realm.He was extremely happy because of this and cooked the beast, as he couldn't use it because its soul had already dissipated.
  9. UselessBrain

    UselessBrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Chapter 5-

    Chapter 5- The Dragon

    1 Month later, two youths could be seen walking in the deep green of a deadly forest.One of them was a male and had a green hair with a visible tone of black in it, green eyes and a sculptural body.The other one, the girl, was as beautiful as the autumn flowers, she had blue hairs that went down to her shoulders, white eyes and a body that seemed to be handmade by God himself.Of course, they were Leonard and Laura.

    In the time they were in the forest, they got closer and closer, and even though they had already created another bed, they still slept together at night and always chatted happily.

    BOOM! the Winged Tiger used its spike attack, and killed yet another beast at the First level Spiritual Realm.Even though the distance between the two realms were as big as the difference between heaven and earth, Natural Energy, was just the meaning of the expression ‘’OP’’. It had already killed 5 of these and the number was increasing each day.Every time the beasts fought, Leonard immediately collected the souls and use the [Nature Summoning Technique] in them.He already had 12 beasts, the ones the ape killed included.

    The Ape had killed 4 beasts at the 3rd layer Spiritual Realm, and two at the 2nd.However, one thing Leonard saw was that each time he absorbed a soul, the time he used to transform it into a ‘’Natural Soul’’ was longer.The first 4 new beast took 12 days altogether, and the last 6 took even longer, 19 days.After Leonard absorbed the 13th soul, he felt something blocking him from absorbing more.It looks like everything had its limits indeed.

    Some tests later, Leonard discovered that he could use at most 8 beasts at once, with a time limit of 3 hours.This was already pretty good, considering the strongest beast he had found was at the 8th layer Spiritual Realm.When he found that beast, he used all the energy he could to flee, and almost died.He wasn’t invincible.

    Things went smoothly, but right as they thought everything to be alright, and were chatting happily, something terrifying appeared before them.It was a cave in the middle of the forest, and it had two entrances.The terrifying fact was that there was a strong aura being emitted by it.This wasn’t any aura; It was the aura of a overlord! It was as if the bearer of this aura could crush the world with a stomp of his/hers/its foot.However, Leonard felt as if this aura was calling him somehow, summoning him to a meeting.

    Leonard didn’t think twice and entered one of the entrances, and found himself surprised, because after walking in the dark for almost 3 hours and a half, he and Lara started to fall without stopping for even a second inside something that looked like a Toboggan.

    When they reached the bottom, they saw a pink room, strangely without any furniture; It was completely empty.

    RUMBLE! An enormous blue light illuminated the entire place, and they could see its form.It looked like a stomach!!But a stomach of this size?Just what being could have something like this?certainly not any random monster or expert.

    The blue light formed the shape of a head, and a dragon head at that!!This Dragon seemed old and fragile, and as it opened its mouth, an ancient, aged voice sounded.

    ‘’It seems a human finally answered my summoning.Oh, what an interesting thing, one of you is the last Nature Energy user, and the other is the last Space Energy expert! Wait, what is this on his face, boy?’’After the dragon said that, a white symbol appeared in Leonard’s forehead.

    ‘’AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!Just what the hell is making me feel so much PAINNN!!’’Leonard shouted and wailed like mad.The symbol was pure white in color and had the shape of a flower with five beautiful petals.

    ‘’Interesting, you’re from that damn old man’s family!He was one of the two experts in the entire universe that could pose a threat to me!Oh baby a triple!!Boy, you have future.’’ The dragon head laughed like a madman, and as it said these words, Boundless energy filled the place, and the scenery changed to a big, beautiful landscape, where the sunlight bathed a beautiful lake full of strange fishes and the Heavenly Beasts jumped happily in the green fields.If someone was to think of a perfect, Utopian scenery this would be the first thing one would imagine.

    ROOOOOARRRR!! Up in the skies, An enormous shadow could be seen.