The perils of insta-flu (a fever-led rant)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by honglath, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. honglath

    honglath I miss my PC

    Dec 16, 2015
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    The other day i saw on the news that a new, aggressive strain of the flu has spread across the lands. I pitied the fools who fell victim to it, fully confident in my own unshakeable health.
    Fast forward to last night and my nose is clogged and throat sore. After a long, sleepless night spent downing tea after tea, i managed to roll here and there for about 4 hours.
    So here i am, sleepless, restless, my head a boombox and light my sworn enemy.

    If there's a point to make, then it must be not to take a flu epidemic lightly. Do not underestimate the dangers of flu or you will die.

    PS: According to that particular news report, about a dozen or so people already died to "complications", about a hundred are in intensive care and while displaying symptoms of varying intensity, just short of 100k people are known to be infected.
  2. Reginald Twistleton

    Reginald Twistleton [Lord of Rhymes][Fresh King of NUF]

    Dec 11, 2015
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    Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump
    Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump
    Do ya know what I'm doing, doing the Humpty Hump
    Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
  3. Haigi

    Haigi Skimming Binge Reader

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Seems like it's happening all over the place. Half of my family members are down and I feel the burn in my throat just creeping in.

    Do take care everyone ^.^
    honglath likes this.
  4. UselessWastrel

    UselessWastrel Procrastinating Suicidal

    Dec 28, 2016
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    that's sick, yo.
  5. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Any convenient link for a quick summary?
  6. Ogami-kun

    Ogami-kun 『Blue Shadow ensnaring demons』『FA sect disciple』

    Oct 20, 2015
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  7. GuldTasken

    GuldTasken Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2016
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    The result of over medication by paranoid fools leading to stronger diseases *shrug* Also doesn't help that parents grow more and more protective, meaning their children does not really play in the grime or filth that can improve their immune system when young or allow them to weather through harmless diseases without aggressive medication to get it over with.

    Sure, it is not the only reason. But Humans are a species that can adapt, as evident from the difference in nose structure from us in the north(Nordic) and those in Africa. Our noses are narrow and small to not allow the chilly winds to assault our body while they need wide and narrow to properly inhale and the oxygen in the air. something like that in the Racial Evolution science.

    Point is, if a mere common cold is instantly forcing a child to be pumped with medication... The immune system in turn will not evolve. Instead it will place its resources on other parts of the body, leading to less developed immune system in the long run.

    If you can, weather through a sickness. If you can't... Then use medication. Can't, being a case where you are truly at risk of immobilization/dying. Not because " I need to work " .
  8. Raneday

    Raneday Not Rane

    Apr 24, 2016
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    I can say that you're sick, right :p

    and take care
    honglath likes this.
  9. honglath

    honglath I miss my PC

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Can no longer Hump Humpy, already fell off the wall.

    It's not too late to minimize the damage. Lots of Vitamin C, immunity strengthening meals, stay warm, avoid the cold, avoid taking too many showers or walking around with your hair/head wet and avoid porn for a while (it drains resources)...

    Speaking from experience, tru dat.

    No. And it's not because i suspect you're a tentacle monster looking to scoop out and slurp on my lungs with a tea spoon. Despite my lungs being quite delicious at the moment, i am a very private person and would like to maintain the illusion that i have control over that. But thank you for your care and desire to stay informed. :)

    I cannot disagree.

    You are correct, yet people will still prefer the quick fix over the slow, natural healing. Drugs are profitable for a reason.

    I am indeed sick, in more ways than one. I am also quite ill, in more ways than one. Nonetheless, thank you for your concern.

    With that being said, i mark the end of this impromptu AMA. I will now close my eyes and wait until i can tell which way's up and which way's down again.
  10. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    You're a private person so you don't want to give a link to whatever news report you saw about this flu epidemic or whatever? o_O

    I'm almost certain there was some kind of miscommunication here somewhere...
    honglath and Ai chan like this.
  11. akki

    akki [Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant]

    Jan 9, 2016
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    whereabouts is this flu epidemic taking place? I've heard nothing round my area. doesn't matter anyways~ I've had the flu jab \o/ lol
    honglath and Astaroth like this.
  12. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I do agree. Modern people think whenever you're sick, you instantly need medication. This leads to diseases becoming stronger without your body becoming stronger. So as disease become more aggressive and virulent, you're forced to keep taking stronger medications, thus making the disease stronger as the weak ones die and the immuned ones live. There's already a strain of swine flu that is immune to everything we have because China's farmers have been rearing their pigs in filthy conditions and make up for it by pumping the pigs with the strongest antibiotics in existence. It's only a matter of time before it jumps to humans.

    When you fall sick, that means there is something wrong with either you, your lifestyle or your environment. Find the cause, you find the cure. Of course it doesn't work in epidemics, but small stuff like flu or cough, you don't need medication. When I was a child I was always sick with flu and I always went to the clinic, getting stronger and stronger medications. When I grew up, I learned how to breathe the proper way through a... (wait for it)... chakra circulation book. Yes, there is a way to breathe properly, and it seems a lot of people has been breathing (and sneezing) the wrong way. We knew how to breathe and sneeze properly when we were babies, but as we grew up, we learned the wrong way of breathing and sneezing from our parents, the mass media and our surroundings.

    I have not been sick since I was 22, I am now 28, plus minus a few years. That one time I was hospitalized last year, that was not because I was sick. It was because I was hit by a car and I was pumped full of painkillers. And then I got a high fever because of infection of some sort after my condition stabilized. Of course, I understand that not all people can be as awesome as me. My point is, a lot of modern illnesses can be easily cured without taking powerful medication. You just need to breathe, exercise, get a proper night's sleep and keep a clean house. Ionizer helps somewhat, but I don't know how significant it is.

    To the OP, all the best in your recovery. Nothing you can do now but take the medications, but after you're cured, I suggest that you get some balanced diet, exercise and buy an ionizer lol

    And my last statement is, don't throw away your redundant organs just because you can. There is no useless organ in our body. Our vestigial organs are not useless, scientists just haven't found out why we still have them. This has nothing to do with the OP, however.

    Men's nipples - They're not useless. You can induce lactation in men.
    Armpit hair - Not entirely useless, but it's useless to me. I suggest everyone to throw it away. It's not sexy.
    Eyebrows - We may no longer use them to aid in hunting, but you'd sure as hell look freaky without eyebrows. Keep em.
    Appendix - Previously, scientists thought it's useless and suggest everyone to get rid of it so that there is no risk of appendicitis. Now they found out that it might actually be useful after all as it seems like good bacteria hangs out in that area and it repopulates your colon with good bacteria after it suffered a bad case of infection or diarrhea.
    Tonsils - It's part of the lymph systems which is vital to your immune system. Some doctors suggest that you should just remove them because it has a tendency to get inflamed and because it's a redundant. Yes, it's redundant, but it's not useless. It probably helped me a lot in fighting infections since I was a child. I've had it inflamed several times, but it returned to normal once I recovered. Just because scientists can't find a use for it, doesn't mean you should throw it away. If it's not broken, don't fix it.
    Sinus - It's not redundant and don't block it when you sneeze! Recent findings suggest that there's an antibody in your sinuses that help prevent infection. When you block your nose, all the viruses get into your sinus and not even your natural antibody can do anything about it. Cover your nose, but don't block it. Sneezing is your body's natural reaction, don't block it, don't prevent it, let it go.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    honglath and Astaroth like this.
  13. Yukkuri Oniisan

    Yukkuri Oniisan 『Procrastinator Archwizard Translator and Writer』

    Oct 24, 2015
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    As a (not so well paid) doctor, this latin proverb is the best advice I can give:
    Venienti Occurite Morbo:
    confront the disease at its onset; prevention is better than a cure.

    And so, here a bid tidbits of my thoughts.

    Truthfully our modern convenience is not really healthy for us if we don't utilize it wisely:
    1. You use personal cars to go anywhere and so exercise less... (walking even for thirty minutes a day in the park would suffice as minimal exercise and you can woo girls while you at it too......)
    2. Abundant of food, which consist mostly fat, sugar and salt which could lead to the unholy trinity of hypercholesteremia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Snack modestly......
    3. Being obese due to eating all day long and not exercising...... If you are someone who needs a large amount of energy in a day (manual laborer, warring soldier, professional athlete) you shouldn't eat much. For example: someone like me only needs about 1700-1800 calorie a day (I live in tropics, no need to worry about additional energy for body heat generation due to cold weather), since I don't move that much, I might need even lesser (but not below 1500 calorie, my BMR limit). Eating more will be just a useless endevour. On a brighter note, less food less dent on my wallet, yippee!

    While 1 out of 8 people in the world are suffering from hunger or undernutrition. Some people just like to eat that much. I recommend traditional Japan or Mediterannian diet of not much meat and more vegetables matter. And no, our ancestors are not solely eating meat, they consume grains, vegetables, fruits and beans too so that paleo carnivore diet hype is bullshit. Don't seek gratifications from food.

    Our body is in a constant war with foreign hostile microorganisms. Yet, unhealthy lifestyle led to decreasing immunity and this disturb the war progress. The enemy are getting smarter, so you need to be harder, better, faster, stronger *insert daft punk song here*.
    Be a patriot to your own body. Eat and exercise properly. Support your Immune System in the Great War!
    honglath and Ai chan like this.
  14. Deleted member 41274

    Deleted member 41274 Guest

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    Get better soon.
    As this is a rant, let's rant a little bit.
    I have not had the flues for ages! But recently I had an infection down there and had blood in my pee, it was so scary!
    Yeah, I have weak rant-ablities compared to you, anyways hopefully you can become healthy and happy soon again, such irony to become ill, when you think you are invincible right? I thought I was invincible, too until it hit me like a slaughtered pig, reference to @Zheya 's amazing metaphor in his thread.
    honglath likes this.
  15. Simon

    Simon [The Pure One's Chief Steward][Demon Beast]

    Oct 30, 2015
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    As my grandfather used to say 'you don't have time to be sick, just walk it off'.
    IRandomGuy and honglath like this.
  16. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    No offense but I feel a slight sexual undertone from those words or maybe I'm wrong.
    Edit: I know this sounds so wrong, but I can't clear my mind if I don't ask you. It's a psychological condition and must be satisfied.
  17. honglath

    honglath I miss my PC

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Hello there! Been a few days since last we spoke. I would like to clarify my wording back then. Though i did write "private" at the time, what i really meant was "paranoid". I apologize for the misunderstanding. Be well!

    It was a TV broadcast for my area and i doubt it's available online. Also, though i didn't realize it at the time, it may have been exaggerated for shock value. Here's a map instead:

    You guys are absolutely right. An otaku recluse and socially introvert lifestyle will eventually become the most dangerous one. Just like those MCs in apocalypse novels, we must strive to empower ourselves, lest we succumb to the least of our foes. (Too bad we're lazy as fuck.)

    Yes, life usually likes to kick you off your high ledge whenever you're not planted face first in the mud, struggling like the rest. It's really just the gentlest way to make you remember that no one is special, at least not long...

    That might work for the flu, but some things... cling to you 'till you fall into your grave.
    Ai chan likes this.
  18. Cohran

    Cohran [Androphobic] [Humble Baker™]

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Why the did I have to see this when I am sick in bed with the pooping flu?! Poo you thread starter!!!
    *Curls up in blankie and cries*
  19. IRandomGuy

    IRandomGuy ohhh, custom title...

    Oct 11, 2016
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    So, I'm not as knowledgeable as some in this thread, but why would you drink tea if you lack sleep? Most would have caffeine in it, and RN, what you need are water, vitamins, and sleep.
    Cohran likes this.
  20. prongsjiisan

    prongsjiisan Apostle of Violence

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Enough rest and sleep is the best medicine on flu.. and vitamin C