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Blog Posts:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Hazel Sykes, Bad Storm and Emmyy like this.


    1. Issthlover Nov 10, 2018
      This poem plus walking through a forest one..... They always hit me hard, esp when I feel down

      And it's funny how things work out sometimes.
      By birth I am a Maharashtrian Hindu, with parents who had an intercaste marriage. So that's being brought up on Believing in thousands of gods by my grandparents. . Then finding Buddhism through my mother who says there is no God, only karma. Then being sent to convent school where each morning u r told that there is only one god and Jesus is his son. While living in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood, listening to namaz every morning.

      And here I am.
      Believing in having control over fate.
      And actions and connections across lifetimes.

      It's funny how things work out sometimes
      Bad Storm and XiaoYun like this.
    2. yun yun yun Oct 19, 2018
      Found it!
      Invictus By William Ernest Henley...

      Encountered it in one of my English class...
      I love the poem tho...

      Love it cause it's true... Sometimes, you can't blame everything on fate...
      It's better to hear that it's from your hard work or your incompetence rather than say it's heaven's will...

      *sighs even more deeply*

      Reading CN could really change a person's views...
      Reincarntion? Rebirth? Karma?
      Mind blown!

      Different religions = different beliefs...
      And it's scary sometimes cause it's also possible... Reading from that Point of view, it really broadens horizons...
      Issthlover likes this.
    3. yun yun yun Oct 19, 2018
      Aree~ Are~ Are—
      Poem seems familiar...


      Encountered it somewhere...

      *strokes chin*
      Forgot where...
    4. Issthlover Oct 19, 2018
      I'll try my best to put this in words
      Let's stast with this
      "It seriously was a momentary urge at the time to connect with this person" ...
      That feeling.
      I'm very familiar with that feeling
      One urge to do something at sometime for an inexplicable reason results in something so marvelous that u can't just sit an wonder, what the hell happened? How did things come to be?

      But rather then fate, I believe that there is a diffrent explanation for this.
      Again I'll try my best to explain this.
      People in the end.... Down to there very basics are just atoms and energy.
      We are just a blob of energy just like that table in your house or that food I consume. The only thing that differs is that we have the capacity to think and feel.
      Buy that doesn't change the fact that we are just energy. And every energy has a frequency.

      Now the second part
      I believe in rebirth, and thereby karma.
      I believe that things no matter how random they may appear, have reason behind them.
      I may not know the reason.
      But there are thousands things culminating to lead to a particular situation.
      Cause and effect.
      It's a rule that governs the world just like gravity, u may not see it but it is around you. Always.
      And along the same lines, as all we are energy going from one body to the next.
      I do believe that some people are connected by this energy. As friends, as lovers, as family.
      Some people are just connected, across continents and lifetimes. Coz we just vibrate in the same frequency.
      Hence some people are bound to meet each other, some people are just attracted to each other for no explicable reason.
      It goes beyond love or logic.
      Some people are just connected by karma.
      I know this is heavy and boring and long.
      Buy this is how I truly feel
      XiaoYun and Emmyy like this.
    5. Emmyy Oct 17, 2018
      @Issthlover Fate is one of my favorite ideas to ponder..I feel fate is somewhat predestined.The gods use it to mess w/ mere mortals such as us.lolol I recently met someone on a whim who greatly changed my way of thinking..If I hadnt chosen a certain path (we are of completely different worlds) we never would have met. It seriously was a momentary urge at the time to connect with this person. So I am conflicted on whether or not we are 'captains of our own soul'..What we do with opportunities presented to us is mostly up to us its true..

      But havent you ever had the feeling fate pulls our strings sometimes? A strange encounter? An odd occurrence?:) If I went left instead of right? Haha
      Issthlover likes this.
    6. Issthlover Oct 17, 2018
      I believe that fate is like getting a particular hand while playing cards. The hand u get may be better or worse then the rest of the players. That's fate.
      Buy what u do with that hand, how u play with it, that's all up to you.
      So even if u can't control the hand, u have the choice to make it an epic game
      What do u think?
      Emmyy likes this.
    7. Emmyy Oct 16, 2018
      Do you think thats true ?
      Issthlover likes this.