

divorcee and veteran nuffer, Female
Blog Posts:
Not in order of the title, also I'll be mentioning weight related issues!
Hi guys, been a while since my last update~ so first things first, what weird things are happening? So normally when i post Instagram stories i don't scroll all the way down to see everyone who saw the story HOWEVER recently i started doing that and then i found out that there are about 6 really fucking weird accounts who watch my stories every time i post, and 3 of them are definitely related because their names are really similar, idk when this started idk who the fuck are they but it's just really weird. If it's ppl i don't know but like, their accounts look like actual normal accounts idc, but they are just really fake and weird accounts. I'll just block them i guess.

About my health: I'm fucked up. AGAIN. AAAAAAAAAAA TAKE ME OUT MY MISERY ALREADY BRO, what am I sick with? I shall not tell but it's just a really annoying disease that it's triggered by stress D'': it's the third time this month that i get it. Literally
i get well for like 2 days and boom, it's back. Like wtf fr? It's one of the reasons why i decided to have a Twitter/Instagram/notifications off weekend last week. And incredibly i think it helped a bit to lower my stress levels, which have been pretty decent this week.

More on my health, it's time to talk about my weight. I've maintained the weight i lost unfortunately, and I'm sorry but i have not taken good care of my meals, i eat only three times a day and in four days of the week one of these meals is fast food. Namely a McDonald's big Mac. HOWEVER, I've talked to a guy i know that is knowledgeable about weight gain, gym, etc and he'll make a meal plan for me, so that i gain 5kg of "clean" weight, like not greasy and fastfood but healthy food. I will be eating 6 times a day. Like damn, idk if i can do it actually but I'll try.

Everyone already knows everything about my love life so no need to air that out again.

And lastly about work: I've been way more relaxed, I've decided to put myself first and i don't worry so much about it anymore. I don't have late nights anxiety attacks or at least I've learned to read the signs of an incoming one and think "yeah.. about time i go to sleep". At work, unless I get a really annoying client, i don't get stressed anymore. I've even learned how to stay calm and not shake when dealing with those clients that rush you up in a rude way, I'm a new woman. That doesn't mean I'm not stressed at all, just that compared to June/July it's waaaaaaaay better.

So yeah, thanks for reading my diary guys! See you in 2 months or my next mental breakdown

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