

Silver Snake

Magician of NUF|Show-off|Awkward|Genius
Blog Posts:
It can mean many things, depending on the person, on what they want, on how they lived.

To me, happiness is pride. In the simplest terms it is being able to do something I could not before, increasing my skill or scope. Some people find happiness from people. And it's not that I can't understand it. But I would feel far too useless - no, that's not the word. Aimless? Meandering? I wouldn't feel right, looking for happiness in other people. I can say that much at least.

I know some people are weak and cowardly, that they need to rely on other people. But I was born different. I was born strong and kind. I could not break.

When people are lonely they are sad. Some people need people more than other people. And I can understand and appreciate most all people.

I know I would be happier in this life if I were more selfish. I could take so much. But that would not be kind. As someone who is strong, it is my responsibility to give to those who are weak. Because I can take it.

When asked why I don't try and get a girlfriend, I would answer back, "There is man far better than I for her." There is a man who would need and appreciate her far more than I.

That's not to say I never feel lonely. But I think I feel it far less than most, that it bothers me far less than most. I could ask to become weaker and in my next life. But I still love this life. I still find happiness, it would just be in a different form. My happiness is still as real as any other.

Tilgarial likes this.


    1. Tilgarial Oct 3, 2019
      I did not mean in a better or worse sense.
      But any form of strength, any advantage you have, that means by its very nature that in that aspect, you are above others.
      That simply is.
      That simply is no matzer if we are talking mental strength, physical strength or any other.
      I dont see anything ugly with this fact, but i guess 'ugly truths' is a thing.

      But yeah, i was just stating facts. Because i was expecting a lengthy discussion, and any lengthy discussion should start at the very base of things.
      Sorry if you don't agree with that

      Anyways, if you really feel like I'm just shitting all over your picture, then there is no need to continue this; this is my Last post on the topic.
      Maybe a bit childish, but who cares
    2. Silver Snake Oct 3, 2019
      @Tilgarial And why are you talking about strength and weakness in such a literal sense? Did you not understand I wasn't talking about it in a better or worse sense but in the sense that they were different? Why do you have to make things so ugly? It's like I'm trying to paint a picture and you pull down your pants and shit all over it.

      And there is no heart or genuineness to your words. You're just stating facts. It's so boring.

      And I don't think you grasped what I meant by "fair" either.

      Honestly, I think you're stupid. Not because you didn't understand what I said, but you assumed you did; talking as if you did, even though you didn't. You take everything to the most literal sense. Yeah, thoughts exist, but what's your point? You talk so much but say absolutely nothing. It's fucking hilarious.
    3. Tilgarial Oct 3, 2019
      *nods* i have contemplated on differing paths more than once.
      Its an interesting topic, indeed.

      Maybe if two people lived perfectly equal lives - which in practicality is utterly impossible, but do humor me on the thought, please - they would end up being just as equal. But... i dont think so. Even if all events in two lives somehow perfectly coincide, i believe two enirely different people will result from that.
      Equality, as a concept, is false. Nothing is equal. Even with all our technology, we cannot craft equal machines. One may weigh slightly more than another, one will break before the other. And if absolute equality isnt even possible in something designed for equality... what then does it mean for a human? Something that thrives - and always has - on individuality?
      You may claim to be stronger than others, in certain aspects. But somewhere, somehow, they will be superior to you. Maybe in the reaction in a certain type of situation, maybe in something entirely else.
      Not even to mention that every strength can be a weakness.


      ...where did i aim to go with this again?
      I dont remember...

      But to finish the two things i started:

      Paths... are divergent. In places you wouldnt expect. The smallest of changes can bring about the greatest of differences. And often case, thoughts are a dominant influence. In anything and everything. Thoughts are what makes you go further, spurn you into action. But they are also what make you blush; what make you falter.

      And this is also what makes equality impossible.
      Equality would be only achieved in a state of nothingness; as only here all are the same... thoughtless.

      ...i feel like that was more me rambling than an actual answer, i do appologize. Its kinda late?
      @Silver Snake
    4. Silver Snake Oct 3, 2019
      @Tilgarial I like the idea of different paths. I was actually just thinking about them.

      We have different paths but they lead to the same place? No, that wasn't quite right. We have the same and different path? That didn't sound right either. I couldn't figure it out; anything intelligent about paths. The paths diverged. No, they were never near each other in the first place. The paths were different. People are different. For a long time I didn't want to believe that. I wanted to believe everyone was born equal, the same. I thought that would be fair. I was no better than anyone else, or worse. But the world isn't fair. The young are always obsessed with fairness; they have nothing at the start, so they want everyone else to have nothing as well. I wanted it be fair, I wanted to be fair.

      But a fair world is a boring world. I thought I could pretend to be something I wasn't. I thought I could find peace. But everything about it felt wrong. This was not who I was. This is not where I belong. I wish to love all people, but in the end, I just don't care. Not about them at least. Only the few, and not the many.

      In trying to be what I was not, I was only fooling myself. But if I can't be kind, if I can't be fair, then I would rather not do anything at all. I would rather die.
    5. Tilgarial Oct 2, 2019
      ....on some points, i feel like I'm diametrically opposite. Like the entire concept would be absoultely in reverse to my own concept.
      But somehow, the conclusions are smiliar.

      That just shows how different paths dont have to have different goals~
      Silver Snake likes this.
    6. Ahodesuga Oct 2, 2019
      "But I was born different. I was born strong and kind. I could not break."

      You lucked out on that, i sometimes joke with my mother that she birthed a glass vase. :blobjoy: