


Chronically stressed
Blog Posts:
When everyone is yelling it's cause no one is listening.

Then, when everyone is always yelling everyone will soon go deaf.

So in the end no one would be able to listen even if they wanted to.


    1. One Perfect Veteran Jan 29, 2022
      mmmm, made me laugh...
      *goes away before retribution comes*
      Shizukani likes this.
    2. Reaper.ChaosKamifumetsu Jan 24, 2022
    3. Shizukani Jan 23, 2022
      Oh yeah~ thanks for pointing that out @Cutter Masterson *cough cough* can't believe I missed that. :blob_coughblood:
    4. Cutter Masterson Jan 23, 2022
      Thought provoking. A vicious cycle with no victor. I sometimes have to remind myself to just listen. I have a tendency to seek a solution when given a problem. When in reality many down trodden just want someone to listen to them about their concerns. Most times that’s all they want. It’s hard not to be defensive and try to be open, but like I always say. The difficult path while trying is usually the best path. Check yourself and move in a positive manner. At least that’s what I try to live by

      PS. “So in the end no one would be able to listen even of they wanted to.” I think you meant. “So in the end no one would be able to listen even IF they wanted to.” Just thought I mention it
    5. UnGrave Jan 23, 2022
      When it seems like everyone is yelling It's probably just a instigators driving the conflict, so I'd recommend secretly knocking them out and dumping them in a back ally somewhere so everyone can get on with things.
    6. Shizukani Jan 23, 2022
      Mhm exactly~
      One Perfect Veteran likes this.
    7. Agentt Jan 23, 2022
      People will just yell louder then, and the cycle shall continue till we evolve to sirens