My Biggest Mistake



Heaven Refining, Male
Blog Posts:
Several months ago, I introduced One Punch Man to a friend of mine. He liked it. So, I decided to introduce him more anime that I deemed good. I recommended him Gurren Lagann, he liked that too. I started to recommend him more to the point I was tired so I introduced him MAL(MyAnimeList) and ANN(Anime News Network) so that he could find whatever he wanted, he was very satisfied. Afterwards, we had a sem break. Once it's over, he had transformed into a complete weeaboo. It's all my fault, he had even bought a figurine. What have I done.

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    1. Theo Thanasia Jun 17, 2017
      what kind of demon are you?
    2. CloudySkySadMoon Jun 15, 2017
      Oh my god! You broke a person!!
    3. Pyoo Jun 15, 2017
      Fufufufu one of us! one of us!
      mrawesome69 likes this.
    4. Mr.Bush Jun 15, 2017
      You messed up bro big time ! Reminders me of what i did I introduced Anime to my cusions and now are full time otaku!! I too messed up
    5. mrawesome69 Jun 14, 2017
      Now you just need to get him on NUF
    6. Raizhee Jun 14, 2017
      You've done a great deed
      mrawesome69 likes this.