(Rant)Damn couples kissing in the hallway.



[dounut][Zodiac:Golden snake][PROcrastinator]
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As I was walking to class with my friends we saw a couple kissing near the theater’s back entrance.
I think it was boys guys kissing, but I couldn’t tell if one was a guy or girl. Damn it.​
One of my friends said, “we don’t need to see that!” As she walked alongside me. Which is tru I hate when couples kiss in the hallways of school. Like please do this somewhere else and not in school! I don’t want to see that.
So, the two boys were of the same height. It was still difficult to figure out if one was a guy or girl.
Mind you I only a glimps of this. My friends reached to their class, but I was still trying to figure out that person’s gender as I walked to my class. Eventually, I gave up on guessing the others gender, but know that I think about it. I think they were the theater kids. I never seen them preform in the play previews, but I think they were in the backstage/behind the scenes.

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    1. akki Dec 22, 2018
      Throw a stink bomb between them~

      I’m (80%) kidding~ lol

      I would just ignore it and walk past them. Unless they’re blocking my way. Then something has got to be said~
      Dountmindme likes this.
    2. AliceShiki Dec 20, 2018
      *pat pat pat* You don't need to see it, and they don't need to wait until they're alone to kiss~

      Just deal with it~
      AhoDesuGa and Dountmindme like this.