Comments on Profile Post by Cien

  1. Daruda
    What? Are we seeing the same thing? It has a solid plot.
    Dec 25, 2016
  2. Cien
    I mean it isn't going anywhere, just his daily life.. no goal at the end or anything
    Dec 25, 2016
  3. Daruda
    I wonder what did you expect...
    It's not like any of us has any precise aim in life.
    But you can say, he wants to become a champion and get a warm family, he expresses that a lot.
    So there is an aim and a lot of subtle aims here and there...
    Like...He didn't have to go to school, but he did enroll.
    So he needs human contact and he knows it, however he isn't able to do it.
    Dec 25, 2016
  4. Cien
    What do you mean by what am i expecting? Did I say it was bad to have no MAIN plot? Kinda delusional if you read my initial post, im actually praising it. If you re-read. I said MAIN plot. You seriously need to read carefully
    Dec 25, 2016
  5. Daruda
    I think you imagine a plot as: MC goes to get the magical object or battles the demon lord...
    Something like that.

    The plot may even be something normal and realistic.
    There are a lot of books about normal lives,'s not like they don't have a plot.

    I was so surprised that you said that it had no plot in the first topic.
    Dec 25, 2016
  6. Cien
    I think my reply for the second one clarified my point. I view as a MAIN PLOT, Notice the MAIN in main plot, is there is a major end goal for the MC.

    ie. Getting the guy/girl, becoming the pirate king, etc. YOU GET IT YET?

    MAIN PLOT goes from the start of the story TO the very END and is usually resolved by the time the story ends.
    Dec 25, 2016
  7. Cien
    Here is a quote from wiki, about sub plots.

    "In fiction, a subplot is a secondary strand of the plot that is a supporting side story for any story or the main plot."

    What you are calling plot, is basically just a subplot.
    Dec 25, 2016
  8. Daruda
    What you see as a subplot is the main plot.
    A story can't have a subplot, but not a main one.
    A subplot is dependent to the main plot...

    So...getting better in life isn't a lifelong objective? Uh?!
    You saw too many pseudo-shounen.
    Dec 25, 2016
  9. Cien
    getting better in life? How exactly is he getting better? It is just more of his introspection about his own life and people around him. There is hardly any improvement at all. the story isn't even about improving himself. Its just his daily life and im fine with it, even praised it.

    Seriously READ and UNDERSTAND my first reply, since you like to do mental gymnastics with plot, main plot and subplot.
    Dec 26, 2016
  10. Daruda
    What? You really didn't pay attention, he really got better, you can notice it just by seeing his room, it's fuller now, actually there is a metaphor about his inner self reflecting his room, we discussed it on reddit and 4ch, anyway... I honestly don't like you, rude and arrogant, so here you go in the ignore list. Good bye.
    Dec 26, 2016
  11. Cien
    LOL, who is the one getting personal first? I honestly think you are either pretending to be an idiot or is just an idiot.

    All your "What do you expect?" &"I think you.." aren't rude?
    You think I said no plot when i said no MAIN plot then go around juggling definition of plot when I CLARIFIED myself on my first reply.

    Don't really care if you don't like me, the feeling is mutual
    Dec 26, 2016