Comments on Profile Post by Auryjhine

  1. CDLevit
    Take your time! Don't rush things! Some things are better to be enjoyed slowly!
    Jan 31, 2017
  2. Auryjhine
    You are right but when I think to the many novels that are waiting to be read, I can't stop myself to read even faster.
    Feb 1, 2017
  3. Auryjhine
    Though my reading speed doesn't vary at all since I read most of the time with a TTS.
    Feb 1, 2017
  4. CDLevit
    I see. Well, In a way, I am like you. But, I know that I'll never be able to read all of them:(.
    Feb 1, 2017
  5. Auryjhine
    That's so sad but also good in a way. Because you still know that there is something new and doesn't get too bored
    Feb 1, 2017
  6. CDLevit
    True. There are also books that can be readen in real life, those who are finished... but, you'll have to spend some money to afford them. I'm not saying that we shoudn't support the writer, but.. that they can be expensive and so on.
    Feb 1, 2017
    Auryjhine likes this.
  7. CDLevit
    Ooh. New avatar. Why the new avatar?
    Feb 26, 2017
  8. Auryjhine
    I just liked this moment in Demi-chan, so I put it as my avatar. Without special reason
    Feb 26, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  9. Auryjhine
    I've just stard yesterday Release that Witch, do you know about it ?
    Feb 26, 2017
  10. CDLevit
    Yes, I've had read it. It's interesting. What are your thoughts on it?
    Feb 26, 2017
    Auryjhine likes this.
  11. Auryjhine
    The theme is original, especially as a French. The author doesn't limit himself to describing the events from the point of view of the main character but also that of muliples other people, but not too much. If I had to point a downside, it would have been the death of too many witches as if they did not count in the story and the lack, so far (chapter 103), of romance and harem (in my point of view).
    Feb 26, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  12. CDLevit
    Sorry, looks like I've missed this alert.

    Do you wish for a harem to happen?

    Have you tried to read The dark king?
    Feb 27, 2017
  13. Auryjhine
    Well, I don't like when a girl is rejected, so I am more inclined to Harem, yes.
    For the Dark King, I haven't read it yet. Is it a good novel? Is it with a Harem :) ?
    Feb 27, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  14. CDLevit
    :(... would you be in a harem? Feel free not to answer!

    I like the Dark King, even though it's a tragedy/drama. There are plenty of chapters, you can give it a try. Tell me what you think!
    Feb 27, 2017
  15. Auryjhine
    Reading novels is kind of a outlet to me, since I don't like tragedy/betrayal/drama, I don't want to find those in the ones I am reading for now at least. I'll keep it in mind though
    Mar 1, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  16. CDLevit
    Mar 1, 2017
  17. CDLevit
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
    Dec 25, 2017
  18. Auryjhine
    Thank you. I also wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best!!!
    Dec 27, 2017
    CDLevit likes this.
  19. CDLevit
    Thank you!
    Dec 27, 2017