Comments on Profile Post by Boricua Lunar

  1. doomeye1337
    i hate morning birds <.<;;; they're so damn loud esp in the spring when it's mating season... All I want to do is sleep a bit more but these birds just wanna get laid T.T
    Dec 13, 2017
    Boricua Lunar likes this.
  2. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    You must live in a rural area. XD I used to take vacations from big city life to enjoy the birdies singing in the morning and afternoon...I guess you have to have a life missing them before you love them like I do. I even have wild bird m8s now. XD
    Dec 13, 2017
    doomeye1337 likes this.
  3. doomeye1337
    it's a suburban area, so yea semi rural. It's true about missing things to love them.... I mean part of why I hate heat and bright sunlight is because where I live, those two exist almost all year long.
    Dec 13, 2017
    Boricua Lunar likes this.
  4. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    OMG that happened to me too! I lived in paradise, then lost it, and regained it...and I tell ya, I may moan and bitch a about heat and such, but I ain't movin' out of paradise again! My birdie friends will miss me if I do. :)
    Dec 13, 2017
    doomeye1337 likes this.