Comments on Profile Post by wraven881

  1. Shem
    Dec 14, 2017
  2. Skullie
    Do it for a friend~?
    Dec 14, 2017
  3. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    Hmmm....are you seriously asking?
    Dec 14, 2017
  4. wraven881
    Mmm.... still have around 6-7 unfinished research paper for 18 December.
    Dec 15, 2017
  5. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    Oh I remember those days motivation there was my final grade....or passing my class cuz it cost heaps to take in the first place...or I wanted to friggen graduate already so I could earn some real money. BUT....
    Dec 15, 2017
    wraven881 likes this.
  6. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    What inspired me the most was taming that shit and making it my b*tch. No assignment gets the better of you!
    Dec 15, 2017
    wraven881 likes this.
  7. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    You can make a bet with a classmate, or a few of them...
    Dec 15, 2017
    wraven881 likes this.
  8. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    I basically removed my unmotivation by artificial means...or anger..anger works wonders for shit you don't wanna do. :)
    Dec 15, 2017
    wraven881 likes this.
  9. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    What are the topics?
    Dec 15, 2017
  10. wraven881
    Inheritance/land dispute, human trafficking, audience reaction in concert performance, pedagogy (this one I'm still kind of vague on what topic I wanted to focus on), and I think something related to ecology but I'm not sure what to write too...
    Dec 15, 2017
  11. wraven881
    I think I'll use the concert one for two papers. It's kind of similar and the reference search wouldn't kill me too much
    Dec 15, 2017
    Boricua Lunar likes this.
  12. Boricua Lunar
    Boricua Lunar
    WOW they all are interesting topics! If you want to PM maybe I can help you narrow it down and get a plan going so you can get your assignments in on of cost even. :)
    Dec 15, 2017