Comments on Profile Post by Land of The Fallen

  1. BB_Tensei
    Often times in our nightmares, large muscular males represent the fear of homosexuals. You must have been reading a lot of BL and Yaoi again, leading your subconscious to represent the activity as licking the homosexuals, the licking representing your disgust with your attention to details in the fics.
    Dec 20, 2017
    Land of The Fallen likes this.
  2. Land of The Fallen
    Land of The Fallen
    I am enlightened!
    Dec 20, 2017
  3. Raizendeville
    Hmmm.. Nightmares are often not your fear not your disgust. But sometimes your subconscious desire. Denial is a common trait to humans, we might say we hate to do something but in fact we're indifferent to it. And once you done it, you actually found that you are not necessarily disgusted to it.
    Dec 20, 2017
  4. Land of The Fallen
    Land of The Fallen
    ... ;-;
    21 dares... Nuff said...
    Dec 20, 2017
  5. Raizendeville
    Ahem! *coughs..
    Your inviting me?
    Dec 20, 2017