Comments on Profile Post by Wujigege

  1. Westeller
    Overly simplified. If anything, we're really customers and products in constant interchange. At one moment being sold and the next "buying" something. By the same people, at pretty much the same time.

    Customers *are* products, and products *are* customers.
    Feb 20, 2018
  2. Westeller
    On a related note, the facebook scandal has been blown way out of proportion. Mainstream media narratives about Trump and the election now want to point fingers at social media platforms for the spread of "fake news" and "propaganda" when, if anything, the mainstream news outlets are moreso exactly those things, and actually *trusted* by too many americans - much more than random gossip on facebook, anyway.
    Feb 20, 2018
  3. Wujigege
    Social media are tools but let us be honest, in a situation were users are not paying at all easy using gmail, they are products. Yes google is hoping to convert them into customers, but majority will stay products because most people cannot afford to pay for the services.
    Feb 20, 2018
  4. Wujigege
    Actually, the problem was pointed out by Ari Melber, mainstream media company were the ones who trusted sources that they should not have trusted eg wikileaks.
    Feb 20, 2018
    Shem likes this.
  5. Wujigege
    Except for exceptions like right wing media companies like Fox news, I wont say CNN and the rest are trusted by the public. You have comedians getting more subscribers than journalists, most newspaper companies are going bankrupt and bought by unscrupulous men
    Feb 20, 2018
    Westeller and Shem like this.
  6. Wujigege
    People rather consume their news second hand from facebook and YouTube personality than from actual journalists.
    You have people like John Oliver reminding his viewers that he is not a journalist
    Feb 20, 2018
    Westeller and Shem like this.
  7. Westeller
    The problem is that John Oliver reminding his viewers that he is not a journalist makes him a *more* credible source of information.

    As you said yourself, many mainstream news sources like CNN aren't trustworthy - and yet *are* trusted by the public. CNN is one of the most viewed news channels in the U.S. - moreso than Fox News.
    Feb 20, 2018
  8. Westeller
    Being a journalist has at some point become almost synonymous with being an unreliable news source. It's at the point where you actually can often get better information from social media and fucking comedy shows than from the legitimate news outlets that should be providing it to us.
    Feb 20, 2018
  9. Westeller
    At least more people are aware that they should take things they hear on a comedy show with a large grain of salt, as opposed to the things they hear on the morning news.

    The people you think you can trust to be reliable are the ones you can't. At least John Oliver will tell you he isn't a source of reliable news, instead of pretending he is. CNN would never admit otherwise.
    Feb 20, 2018
  10. Wujigege
    Thanks to Trump, CNN is not considered trustworthy, it is all fake news
    Politicians: Senators and Intelligent officers have come out and said that because Trump is attacking the mainstream media and making the Russian investigation to be hoax, the special counsel is not being believed.
    Feb 20, 2018
  11. Wujigege
    My point about channels like CNN and John Oliver is that they are very popular, John Oliver more than CNN and CNN more than The New York Times
    John Oliver is a comedian, CNN mostly pundits
    and post reference actual journalists from New York Times but have more popularity.
    Feb 20, 2018
  12. Wujigege
    We usually dont consume news from actual journalists and that is the problem, with companies like Facebook and Huffington Post that refuse to pay journalists and just have free content from opinion pieces, it is quantity over quality to earn ad revenue. Since their services are free
    Feb 20, 2018
  13. Westeller
    CNN isn't a comedy show. It's a news outlet trusted by millions of americans to bring them accurate and reliable information. It's also not the only news outlet blatantly abusing that trust.

    Trump is attacking mainstream media and it's working. Yes. It's working because mainstream media is so depressingly bad that he doesn't even have to *try.*
    Feb 20, 2018
  14. Wujigege
    I have a pretty good example on how free is affecting journalism or rather lack of oversight and how anyone is allowed to call their website or company a news company
    I watched this on a YouTube channel called United Stand for Manchester United fans
    A British tabloid most likely The Sun had an article about a player in Italy
    Feb 20, 2018
    Westeller likes this.
  15. Wujigege
    An Italian Newspaper quoted/referenced The Sun's article
    and then a reputable British newspaper then quoted the Italians and the story become legitimate haha
    Feb 20, 2018
    Westeller likes this.
  16. Westeller
    All I'm seeing are articles on how irresponsible facebook is and how things need to change for out social media platforms. And maybe they do. The problem is that many of those articles are coming from news outlets that are ten times worse than any amount of propaganda on facebook.
    Feb 20, 2018
  17. Wujigege
    CNN mainly uses pundits, not actual journalists, you get shouting matches with guests, similar to shows like Good Morning America or Morning Joe even people like Rachel Maddow. I do not know much about CNN but I know a lot more about MSNBC
    At the end of the day, they all quote New York Times, but pundits are not journalists and earn 100 times what actual journalists make
    Feb 20, 2018
  18. Westeller
    .. and yeah, I've seen that happen, too. Fake news becoming legitimate because "legitimate" news outlets run with things they got from unreliable source, lmao.
    Feb 20, 2018
    Wujigege likes this.
  19. Wujigege
    I am not disagreeing with your view on the media outlets, I am not saying the blame is solely on facebook, I only referenced the video for the visitors are products statement
    What I am getting at, is that the hosts of supposed news shows on MSNBC and possibly CNN are not usually journalists
    They are just political commentators
    Feb 20, 2018
    Westeller likes this.
  20. Wujigege
    Basically, you have news celebrities considered as journalists which to me is the problem
    Feb 20, 2018
    Westeller likes this.