Comments on Profile Post by Nefasdetestasti

  1. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    I wonder if it's a that champ that was a canceled due to War Wick eating him and making a skin out of him.
    Feb 21, 2018
  2. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    In all seriousness though, if it's not a troll, then we have a new Hybrid Jungler Assasin to worry about. Invis, poke, dash, like WTF is Rito thinking? This better be a windup for April fool's or something...
    Feb 21, 2018
    Nefasdetestasti likes this.
  3. Nefasdetestasti
    Shit just got real.
    This new adc is going to dominate the bottom lane with her vayne-like abilities and her awesome but simple maneuver..
    Feb 21, 2018
  4. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    She can basically be played everywher...except maybe support...sigh...
    Feb 21, 2018
    Nefasdetestasti likes this.
  5. Nefasdetestasti
    Yep, if she got turned into a support... the other ADC would turn into the support instead xD
    Feb 21, 2018
  6. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    Well...I don't know the conditions to play a champ top Lane, but she can definitely jungle, mid, adc. Lots of poke, stupidly high gank potential, AD and attack speed scaling...
    Feb 21, 2018
  7. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    This isn't even Zoe lvl stupidity. At least Zoe was an origional character. Rai'Sa is a hybrid champion with a bit of almost every void creature champion.

    Plasma dmg from Velkoz, Invis and leaps from Khaz'icks, movement steroids from Rek'sai(Hell, even her name sounds like Rek'Sai's), Attack speed from Kog'Maw
    Feb 21, 2018
    Nefasdetestasti likes this.
  8. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    The only void creature they didn't take from is Cho'Gath, who is unlike all the other Void creatures and is a Tank. Be glad at least they didn't add Devour or his Knock up CC to her kit...(Who the hell came up with this champ?)
    Feb 21, 2018
    Nefasdetestasti likes this.
  9. Nefasdetestasti
    Probably some people who wants to watch the LoL burn.
    Feb 21, 2018
  10. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    It was probably Satan
    Feb 21, 2018
    Nefasdetestasti likes this.
  11. Nefasdetestasti
    Damn, even Satan invaded the riot team...
    Feb 21, 2018
  12. Twilight Fox
    Twilight Fox
    Teemo!!! It's all your fault!!! Apologize and Nerf the new champ before release!
    Feb 22, 2018
    Nefasdetestasti likes this.
  13. Nefasdetestasti
    Lol, shroom lord
    Feb 22, 2018