Comments on Profile Post by akki

  1. doomeye1337
    when are dramas not stupid? ;p
    Jul 12, 2018
    Bad Storm likes this.
  2. Tramsloof
    The tension, the crying, all of that is a death of me.

    I don't know how women folk enjoy it. Heck, I have seen women laugh when the scene is real tense and the there's crying going on.

    That gives me cringe to this very day.
    Jul 12, 2018
    akki likes this.
  3. akki
    English/American dramas are not stupid often. Indian ones always have that element of money hungry back stabbing family, or family feuds where someone is trying to split the family for revenge or it’s got the old dreaded mother in law.
    Jul 12, 2018
    Tramsloof likes this.
  4. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    Are clichés universal? That sounds like dramas in our country.
    Jul 13, 2018
  5. Aquaa
    It indeed is stupid I got fed up of em..
    Jul 13, 2018