Zone Q11
Oct 22, 2015
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May 27, 2000 (Age: 23)
The Netherlands
[Former Observer] [Leader Lv.6]

Zone Q11

『The Gas Mask』『Monochrome Plebeian』, Male, 23, from The Netherlands

Damn... Demon Prince Chapter 257 is so sad for Sarkegaar. May 10, 2024 at 10:08 PM

    1. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      I'm officially bored. Apparently the progress is most effective when it is night, so even if I'm very active at noon, not much will happen.
      1. Ruyue likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Nahrenne
        If your post was about the dev stuff, that is.
        Dec 3, 2018
      4. Ruyue
        Level: 3 (Bored~ish)
        Exp till next level: 9999999991 xp
        Dec 3, 2018
      5. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Yeap. It was about dev stuff. Sorry, but it took so long.
        Dec 3, 2018
    2. SpearOfLies
      1. Zone Q11 likes this.
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Um... Thanks? For what though?
        Dec 3, 2018
      3. SpearOfLies
        I just feel like I want to do it.
        Dec 3, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        I see. *pats Sol back*
        Dec 3, 2018
    3. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Out of all phobias possible... I think I may have onmatophobia. ...well, only to the level of disgust though, so I guess it isn't a phobia?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. XenoRaku
        Dec 3, 2018
        Ruyue and Archaic pickle like this.
      3. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Not onomatophobia, but onmatophobia.
        It's also known as ommetaphobia.
        Dec 3, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        ...oh. Not onmatophobia, but ommatophobia.
        Dec 3, 2018
        GonZ555 likes this.
    4. GonZ555
      *jumps on zone-chii's bed*
      1. Zone Q11 likes this.
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Um... I might need to buy a second bed for Meatbun...
        Hey Meatbun, do you know from whom I can buy a bed?
        Dec 2, 2018
      3. GonZ555
        *jumps around again*
        Dec 2, 2018
    5. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Makoto... Which one? DR1, DRRB, Moon-led Journey, or Ordinary Citizen?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        "Mikoto" and "Makoto"... They are too similar...
        --still, I have three Makotos... How troublesome (to remember).
        Dec 2, 2018
      3. XenoRaku
        what about the makoto in school days
        Dec 3, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Itou Makoto... Humu. The problem is that I have never played nor watched School Days, but thank you for adding another Makoto!
        Dec 3, 2018
    6. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      I am sad. Apparently there actually WAS a Danganronpa Mafia Game at MU one year and one month ago. It even had the DRRB crew... ToT
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Danganronpa Re:Birth. Started as a joke, became a real thing, got a fan-made alternate timeline which could be found in Youtube.
        Nov 26, 2018
        Cascadian Rex likes this.
      3. Blitz
        They might host another one. Who knowns
        Nov 26, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        I TRULY doubt it. The game has 55+ different accounts made especially for that game. Thingyman (GM, Host and Admin) said he had spent 10+ hours for the characters alone. And as the game ended because a pair of cheaters... I doubt that he'll have the trust and motivation to host another one.
        Nov 26, 2018
    7. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      I finished watching Groundhog Day. IT WAS FANTASTIC!!
      1. Ruyue likes this.
    8. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Y'know... It's kinda sad nobody commented on my DRRB-Voices comments.
      1. strayCat0, Blitz and Bad Storm like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Despair was nice, but felt somewhat bland in the end. Future was tomfoolery where literally everyone kills anyone and themselves. (It went from 0 to 100 in the first episode.) Hope was one episode. Good ending.

        Nov 20, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        In DRV3 there was an Ultimate Detective. Guess what? The Ultimate Supreme Leader (AKA the Ultimate Liar) did a better job at lying, investigating and caring about the other innocents than the Detective! (Pretty much Lawful Evil.)
        Nov 20, 2018
      5. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        The motives...! They were lacking!
        The ways to kill...! They were (mostly) weird and not 100% foolproof!
        People dying for the wrong reasons all over and over, and in the end they just literally wasted what could have been an epic story! Instead they gave actual meta reasoning and "you are fake" stuff. It's so stressing!
        Nov 20, 2018
    9. Archaic pickle
      Archaic pickle
      That's a good amount of nuffies... What's it for?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Archaic pickle
        Archaic pickle
        Didn't go to the bank... Sorry saw the alert
        Nov 16, 2018
      3. Archaic pickle
        Archaic pickle
        Mind if I refund it, so you can hold it again in the future?
        Nov 16, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Nah. It's fine. You earned second place, so you earned those nuffies.
        Nov 16, 2018
    10. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Final thoughts about DRRB-Voices Ch1 CT1: It was good! From start to end, most things made sense, and the voice acting was amazing!
      1. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        There were naturally some things here and there, such as... well, just read Nexils' reaction on Grant Williams' comment. Aside from that, and the fact that it was a tad bit weird how the killer had been able to pull off masking their pain while injured, everything was great!
        Nov 15, 2018
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        {I could have sworn we had something else to say...}
        Oh. Right. The Next Killer needs to kill the Medium. That's for sure. It may take a lot out of her, but that power "should be" the most dangerous one. --that said though, I am HYPED to see the fanarts of the possession!
        Nov 15, 2018
    11. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Thought about DRRB-Voices Ch1 CT1 P2 at 21m23s - 21m27s: It's official. The pessimist is my favorite character out of the fifteen of them.
      1. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Because the others so far are: a pervert, the protagonist, the annoying one, the hotblooded muscle, the ...dunno (DJ), the dead optimist (damn, I would have probably liked her too...), the serious detective, the ...more dunno (Shrine Maiden), the ventriloquist, the brat, the odd speaking one (poet), the common common person who does uncommon work, and the supporter.
        Nov 15, 2018
    12. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Thought about DRRB-Voices Ch1 CT1 P1 at 25m49s - 26m17s: I wonder if there will ever be a DR fanfic with two people who does this...
      1. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        I mean, it's basically a ToS, Mafia, or Werewolf with a Kaito-Kokichi scenario at D1, with one being the killer/jester and the other being somebody like Ryoma/Kokichi who would sacrifice him- or herself for the other(s).
        Nov 15, 2018
    13. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Zone's First Prediction in EVER! I will get reported~ Well then. Let us see what will fall upon me! ANTICLIMACY, OR A CORRECT PREDICTION!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        -> The first time... was when we stopped talking to each other. At least, I remember it that way, but I can't find any evidence.
        -> Reported for inappropriate behavior. Against Tycheri. fend off a gremlin, you simply need to give it what it wants: Show the worst possible side that you can ever give.
        Nov 12, 2018
      3. Nahrenne
        *has no recollection of injecting you before*
        Nov 12, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Nn... Then all is well.
        Nov 12, 2018
    14. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      ...hey, it seems like I missed it out, but where did @Kurono go?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Blitz
        He's on break apparently
        Nov 12, 2018
      3. Blitz
        His words
        Nov 12, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        I see... May he have a nice break.
        Nov 12, 2018
    15. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      Hm... Who's adept at preservation of organic matter and time travel? I kinda need to do something and I'll hire that person if I must.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Realistically speaking, it wouldn't be possible because the organs wouldn't match the "donor", because A) they come from different species and B) they have different sets of DNA, meaning that they all have their own antibodies that will harm each other.
        Nov 13, 2018
      3. Asakura Ouryuu
        Asakura Ouryuu
        *Head pop up from a dimensional portal* Or, we can create an artificial body, like homunculus... I was referring to this kind of body when I say "Does those organ have a container? preferably a body..."

        But I can't make one... unless you want a living one (with a "soul"), but its not suitable for container...
        Nov 13, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Homunculus? Hm... Well, I suppose it could be called that. I don't want for the vessel to have a soul though. After all, I only want a puppet, not a child.
        Nov 13, 2018
    16. Ruyue
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Fossil
        Fossil NUF Private Academy skeleton has so many powers that it's practically unkillable. As is the rest of the student body there. The only thing we really fear is the water from the fountain at this point.
        Nov 12, 2018
        Zone Q11 likes this.
      3. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        ...? What's with it?
        Nov 12, 2018
      4. Fossil
        ...Would you care for a cup?
        Nov 12, 2018
    17. Blitz
      After some haggling with a pickled its done
      1. Zone Q11 likes this.
      2. Blitz
    18. Nahrenne
      Is an eye-patch classed as a mask?
      1. GonZ555 likes this.
      2. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Nope. Still, I want to keep this avatar for a while.
        Nov 9, 2018
      3. Nahrenne
        Nov 10, 2018
        Zone Q11 likes this.
    19. Bad Storm
      Bad Storm
      As per a 21 dare task, I'm giving you @rilakkuma's Incus bone. Have a nice day

      1. Zone Q11, rilakkuma and Blitz like this.
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      3. GonZ555
        Soon you'll make yourself a new franken*cough* person with all that organ..
        Nov 9, 2018
        Zone Q11 likes this.
      4. Blitz
        Now to get the left ear if he wins the Russian roulette game
        Nov 9, 2018
        Zone Q11 likes this.
      5. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Skeleton first. Then zombie. Then ghoul.
        Nov 9, 2018
    20. Zone Q11
      Zone Q11
      The awed odd old man says: "Aw!!"
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lhie
        Ahh. Tongue twister~
        Nov 7, 2018
      3. GonZ555
        I don't see the connection for the "old"
        Nov 7, 2018
      4. Zone Q11
        Zone Q11
        Try asking about ten people to read a paragraph including the word "awed", record that line, then ask some random stranger to listen to all ten lines, and ask the stranger to tell you what they hear.
        Nov 7, 2018
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  • About

    May 27, 2000 (Age: 23)
    The Netherlands
    [Former Observer] [Leader Lv.6]
    『Chaos Obsever』『King of Clubs』『Ruler of Madness and Mayhem』『Artificial Mimic Slime』

    --- --- ---
    --- --- ---

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    --- --- ---
    --- --- ---
    Ruyue's Arrow
    GinDole's Puzzlepiece
    LiLi041's Soul
    Hasty Girl's Corpse
    ikhors' Kidney, gutted by Arbelbyss
    GonZ555 himself

    #Backup Adventurer (10 DEC 2016)
    #Backup Dungeons (7 JAN 2017)
    Thank you, Iamnotarobot!

    Name: Zone
    Skill tree: Physical Defensive
    Level:2 (5/10)
    Job: Chef
    Job Level: 0 (1/10)
    HP: 20
    Mana: 110
    Atk: 6 (+2)
    Def: 12
    Agi: 3
    Mag: 2
    Wis: 6

    Guard Punch (-2): Deals 2 less physical damage, but you will get 4 extra Def for that attack and it lasts until the end of next turn, 20 mana cost.
    Cook: The Player can use cooking recipes and when the Player eats that food, it will have double the effect.

    Equip: Training Club (+2 Atk, 10% Smash Damage)
    Quick belt (2): Empty
    Beginner's Bag (10): 1 Cooked Rat Meat (Reduces Hunger. Heals 3 HP).

    Cooked Rat Meat (10/10) --- Heals 3 HP instead of 2 HP.
    Name: Zone Q11
    Job: Blacksmith
    Skill Tree: Offensive Magical
    Level: 9 (2/10)
    Rank: 1
    [Base stats] + [Stat points] + [Equipments]
    HP: 75/75
    MP: 75/75

    [Bow and Arrow]
    ATK: 2 + (-8) = (-6) => 0
    DEF: 3 + 3 = 6/6
    AGI: 7 + 21 = 28
    INT: 7 + 20 + 18 = 45
    WIS: 7 + 26 = 33

    ATK: 2 + (-8) = (-6) => 0
    DEF: 3 + 3 = 6/6
    AGI: 7 + 6 = 13
    INT: 7 + 20 + 29 = 56
    WIS: 7 + 28 = 35

    Attack Element: None.
    Elemental Weakness: None.
    Elemental Resistance: None.

    - Fireball (Level 3)
    Spell That Deals 130% INT as Fire Damage [7 MP]
    - Firestorm (Level 3)
    Spell that deals 80% INT as Fire Damage to all enemies. [12 MP]
    - Zap (Level 3)
    Spell that deals 140% INT as Thunder Damage and reduces the target's AGI/WIS by -3. Lasts 3 turns (stacks). [12 MP]
    - Consume the Mind (Level 3)
    Spell that hits 3 targets chosen randomly between enemies. Cannot Miss. Deals 100% INT as Darkness Damage. Ignores DEF. Affected by Lightning Rod. [15 MP]
    - Constricting Vines (Level 4)
    Spell that reduces all stats (except HP/MP) of the target by -6. During each turn also deals 30% INT to it as Non-Elemental Damage. Lasts 5 turns. (doesn't stack). [24 MP]

    Inventory: (1/10)
    - T6 Apprentice's Staff (+11 INT, +11 WIS)

    Main Hand
    : T7 Lizard Bow (+4 WIS, +9 AGI)
    Off Hand: T7 Boar Arrows (+5 WIS, +6 AGI)
    Head: T0 Wise T6 Rat Hood (+8 WIS)
    Body: T5 Ratbird Plate (+3 DEF, +4 AGI)
    Hands: T0 Fast T6 Apprentice's Gloves (+1 AGI, +7 INT)
    Feet: T2 Smart T7 Apprentice's Boots (+11 INT, +8 WIS, -8 ATK)
    Set Bonus: +1 AGI, +1 WIS