Comments on Profile Post by Gandire Alea

  1. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    The brain has the ability to automatically fill in blanks of things you worked on due to knowing what it is supposed to say. Creating a bit of distance helps with finding them.
    Mar 19, 2019
    Ms Otter likes this.
  2. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    When I edit, I usually do one edit a day for three days.
    Mar 19, 2019
    Ms Otter likes this.
  3. Ms Otter
    Ms Otter

    Mar 19, 2019
  4. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    It's definitely better than editing only once in a quick scan and then thinking you're done. But over the next hour your mind keeps reading over the chapter telling you things you could have done better. It's torture. Commit to it fully or not at all is my advice.
    Mar 19, 2019
    Ms Otter likes this.
  5. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    Ideally, a week long cool off would be best, but that isn’t very realistic.
    Mar 19, 2019
    Ms Otter likes this.
  6. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    I've read that changing the font or reading it out loud help too. Personally, my ideal would be to get someone else to edit it.
    Mar 19, 2019
    Ms Otter likes this.
  7. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    Depending on the situation, I feel it’s wrong to flat out give it to someone strait away. There are some cases where you realize what you wrote doesn’t make sense anymore. that’s something that the actually translator needs to address
    Mar 19, 2019
    Silver Snake and Ms Otter like this.
  8. Silver Snake
    Silver Snake
    I agree, of course it depends on the severity of the required editing.
    Mar 19, 2019
    Ms Otter likes this.