Comments on Profile Post by Tsuru55

  1. Miserys_End
    May 6, 2019
  2. Tsuru55
    Did you read Until Death? before rework ? I only read it after he reworked everything. Now i am kinda curious about how it was before rework.
    May 6, 2019
  3. Miserys_End
    I read the original, but not the rewrite. Im waiting till its finished before bing reading it in one go. Andur has a tendency to start with longer chapters and then as a story nears its end, the releases tend to be smaller and further between.
    May 6, 2019
  4. Tsuru55
    I will ask you then what is the different between before and after.
    May 6, 2019
  5. Miserys_End
    May 6, 2019
  6. Tsuru55
    Thx. Checked the part with FL confronting MC about the snowmen. There are near no difference.
    Damn now i teared up (i cried when i read and re-read it later).
    May 7, 2019